921 research outputs found

    Structure of catalase determined by MicroED.

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    MicroED is a recently developed method that uses electron diffraction for structure determination from very small three-dimensional crystals of biological material. Previously we used a series of still diffraction patterns to determine the structure of lysozyme at 2.9 Å resolution with MicroED (Shi et al., 2013). Here we present the structure of bovine liver catalase determined from a single crystal at 3.2 Å resolution by MicroED. The data were collected by continuous rotation of the sample under constant exposure and were processed and refined using standard programs for X-ray crystallography. The ability of MicroED to determine the structure of bovine liver catalase, a protein that has long resisted atomic analysis by traditional electron crystallography, demonstrates the potential of this method for structure determination

    Modeling truncated pixel values of faint reflections in MicroED images.

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    The weak pixel counts surrounding the Bragg spots in a diffraction image are important for establishing a model of the background underneath the peak and estimating the reliability of the integrated intensities. Under certain circumstances, particularly with equipment not optimized for low-intensity measurements, these pixel values may be corrupted by corrections applied to the raw image. This can lead to truncation of low pixel counts, resulting in anomalies in the integrated Bragg intensities, such as systematically higher signal-to-noise ratios. A correction for this effect can be approximated by a three-parameter lognormal distribution fitted to the weakly positive-valued pixels at similar scattering angles. The procedure is validated by the improved refinement of an atomic model against structure factor amplitudes derived from corrected micro-electron diffraction (MicroED) images

    Comparing ROC Curves Derived From Regression Models

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    In constructing predictive models, investigators frequently assess the incremental value of a predictive marker by comparing the ROC curve generated from the predictive model including the new marker with the ROC curve from the model excluding the new marker. Many commentators have noticed empirically that a test of the two ROC areas often produces a non-significant result when a corresponding Wald test from the underlying regression model is significant. A recent article showed using simulations that the widely-used ROC area test [1] produces exceptionally conservative test size and extremely low power [2]. In this article we show why the ROC area test is invalid in this context. We demonstrate how a valid test of the ROC areas can be constructed that has comparable statistical properties to the Wald test. We conclude that using the Wald test to assess the incremental contribution of a marker remains the best strategy. We also examine the use of derived markers from non-nested models and the use of validation samples. We show that comparing ROC areas is invalid in these contexts as well

    MicroED data collection and processing.

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    MicroED, a method at the intersection of X-ray crystallography and electron cryo-microscopy, has rapidly progressed by exploiting advances in both fields and has already been successfully employed to determine the atomic structures of several proteins from sub-micron-sized, three-dimensional crystals. A major limiting factor in X-ray crystallography is the requirement for large and well ordered crystals. By permitting electron diffraction patterns to be collected from much smaller crystals, or even single well ordered domains of large crystals composed of several small mosaic blocks, MicroED has the potential to overcome the limiting size requirement and enable structural studies on difficult-to-crystallize samples. This communication details the steps for sample preparation, data collection and reduction necessary to obtain refined, high-resolution, three-dimensional models by MicroED, and presents some of its unique challenges

    Inferential Methods to Assess the Difference in the Area Under the Curve From Nested Binary Regression Models

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    The area under the curve (AUC) is the most common statistical approach to evaluate the discriminatory power of a set of factors in a binary regression model. A nested model framework is used to ascertain whether the AUC increases when new factors enter the model. Two statistical tests are proposed for the difference in the AUC parameters from these nested models. The asymptotic null distributions for the two test statistics are derived from the scenarios: (A) the difference in the AUC parameters is zero and the new factors are not associated with the binary outcome, (B) the difference in the AUC parameters is less than a strictly positive value. A confidence interval for the difference in AUC parameters is developed. Simulations are generated to determine the finite sample operating characteristics of the tests and a pancreatic cancer data example is used to illustrate this approach