36 research outputs found

    Self-perception of inattentive children in the school environment

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    This study is part of a larger study on identification of inattentive children and their behaviors in the school environment, its object having been to identify inattentive children and verify how they perceive themselves in their school environment, relating this aspect to lack of attention. Data were collected in a government school of fundamental teaching and the sample consisted of 127 school children of the first grade. This data collecting was done by means of individual interviews with the subjects and with their teachers. The data analysis defined two distinct groups, one in which the problems of attention were identified and the other, in which this did not happen. The presence of a greater number of self-oriented negative attitudes was observed within the group of children with attention problems, which, on its turn, probably collaborates to the difficulties found in their formal schooling. The identification of this condition broadens the possibilities of intervention capable of minimizing the problems faced daily in the classroom.Este estudo é parte de um estudo maior sobre crianças desatentas e seus comportamentos no ambiente escolar, cujo objetivo foi identificar crianças desatentas e verificar como se percebem no ambiente escolar. Os dados foram coletados em entrevistas individuais com os 127 sujeitos participantes e suas professoras. A análise dos dados definiu dois grupos distintos, um em que os problemas de atenção foram identificados e outro em que isto não ocorreu. Observou-se a presença de maior número de atitudes negativas em relação a si no grupo de crianças com problemas de atenção, o que, provavelmente, colabora para as dificuldades encontradas na escolaridade formal; a identificação dessa condição amplia as possibilidades de intervenções que auxiliem no dia-a-dia da sala de aula.314

    [sonar System- Digital Sounds Of Instruments For Behavior Hearing Tests With Infants].

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    The use of musical instruments, in the clinical practice, for the behavioral assessment of hearing has a limited possibility to control loudness, and does not restrict the test situation to a determined frequency. A new method of testing infants is through the Sonar System. This program can be used for the behavioral hearing assessment of infants, with the possibility of choosing the frequency range and loudness in which the test will be carried out. The Sonar System is different from other behavioral assessment methods once it offers instruments with standardized sounds and is limited to certain frequency ranges; all controlled by the examiner. With this method, one can offer more precise assessments and researches with better methodological control, once the presented sound will not suffer interferences of the examiner. To use the Sonar System--digital band--to follow up the development of hearing in infants, born at term, from one to six months of age. An average of 30 infants was monthly evaluated. For the assessment the following recordings of instruments were presented: clapper, ganzá, coco and drum. These recordings were respectively set at the frequencies of 3000, 1500, 700 and 500 Hz. All infants went through evoked otoacoustic emissions screening. Statistical analysis revealed significant responses in all of the tested frequencies. Results indicated statistically significant differences in all of the tested frequencies for the second trimester, but not for the first one. The use of the Sonar System (digital band) is recommended for the behavioral hearing assessment of this age group. Since this is a new technique to assess behavioral hearing, the use of the Sonar System should be expanded to other populations and in other social contexts in order to allow and facilitate the assessment, diagnosis and intervention of infants and small children.1857-6

    Angular Analysis Of Corpus Callosum In 18 Patients With Frontonasal Dysplasia.

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    Considering the rarity of the frontonasal dysplasia (FD) and the few reports about it in a large casuistry using magnetic resonance image (MRI), we describe the results of the angular analysis of the corpus callosum of 18 individuals with FD (7 male, 11 female), using an easily-reproductive method. Group I had 12 individuals with isolated form and Group II had 6 individuals with FD syndromic with unknown etiology. The results are presented in set. Comparing with the control group, patients with FD presented alpha angle increase and beta and gamma angles reduction (p<0.05). Alpha and gamma angles express the relationship between the anterior portion of corpus callosum and the floor of 4th ventricle. Considering the embryonary development, these findings would occur secondarily to failure during the development of nasal capsula. Thus, angular anomaly in corpus callosum would be a usual finding, and not fortuitous in patients with FD.62195-

    Análise angular do corpo caloso em 18 pacientes com displasia frontonasal

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    Considering the rarity of the frontonasal dysplasia (FD) and the few reports about it in a large casuistry using magnetic resonance image (MRI), we describe the results of the angular analysis of the corpus callosum of 18 individuals with FD (7 male, 11 female), using an easily-reproductive method. Group I had 12 individuals with isolated form and Group II had 6 individuals with FD syndromic with unknown etiology. The results are presented in set. Comparing with the control group, patients with FD presented alpha angle increase and beta and gamma angles reduction (p<0.05). Alpha and gamma angles express the relationship between the anterior portion of corpus callosum and the floor of 4th ventricle. Considering the embryonary development, these findings would occur secondarily to failure during the development of nasal capsula. Thus, angular anomaly in corpus callosum would be a usual finding, and not fortuitous in patients with FD.Considerando a raridade da displasia frontonasal (DF) e os poucos estudos sobre esta condição clínica usando ressonância magnética (RM), descrevemos os resultados da análise angular do corpo caloso em 18 indivíduos com DF (7 homens, 11 mulheres), usando um método de fácil reprodução. O Grupo I foi formado por 12 indivíduos com DF isolada e o Grupo II, por 6 portadores de DF sindrômica de etiologia desconhecida. Não houve diferença entre os grupos, e os dados são apresentados em conjunto. Comparando com o grupo controle, houve aumento significativo do ângulo alfa e redução dos ângulos beta e gama (p<0,05) Os ângulos alfa e gama expressam a relação entre a porção anterior do corpo caloso e do piso do 4º ventrículo. Esses achados radiológicos poderiam ocorrer secundariamente à falência do desenvolvimento da cápsula nasal. Assim, as anomalias angulares no corpo caloso poderiam ser um achado usual, e não fortuito, na DF.19519

    Neurologic semiology in a sample of hearing impaired children

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    A random sample of 42 sensorioneural hearing impaired children (severe and bilateral) was studied, from special classes in Campinas, with chronological ages varying between 4 and 7 years old. The children of this sample were compared with two control groups of 42 children of the same chronological age, from regular classes of private and public schools. All of them were submitted to the traditional neurological examination. Hearing impaired children showed differences as to head circumference and muscle tonus. In the other examined items we found motor hyperactivity, cerebellar and ocular syndromes although there were no significant differences between the groups.Foi constituída uma amostra aleatória de 42 crianças deficientes auditivas neuros-sensoriaís congênitas, profundas e bilaterais, com idade cronológica variando entre 4 e 7 anos, que frequentavam classes de habilitação da cidade de Campinas. As crianças propostas foram comparadas com dois grupos controles de 42 crianças, da mesma faixa etária, de classe comum. Todas foram submetidas ao exame neurológico tradicional. Verificou-se que os aspectos que demonstraram diferenças foram o perímetro craniano e o tono muscular. Nos demais itens avaliados, mostrou-se hiperatividade motora, síndrome cerebelar e síndrome ocular, porém não houve diferença significativa entre os dois grupos.34134

    Evaluation of the static equilibrium in a sample of hearing impaired children

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    A random sample was organized with 42 children with congenital sensorineural auditory deficit (severe and bilateral) from special education schools in Campinas. Chronological ages ranged from 4 to 7 years of age. This sample was compared with two control groups of 42 children of the same chronological age but attending normal classes. All were submitted to 9 tests of the set of static equilibrium of the Evolutive Neurologic Examination. It was observed that in the position of equilibrium with opened eyes (test 8) there were no differences between the groups. In the Romberg position, the hearing impaired children of 4, 5 and 6 years of age showed a significant decrease in the ability to do the test (test 9); those of 7 years of age had equal ability whether of the control or the deficient groups. Hearing impaired children were less able to do other static equilibrium tests (heel-toe or one foot or tip-toe standing tests, with opened or closed eyes: tests 10, 12, 16, 20, 24, 25 and 26). The use of detailed neurological semiology allowed us to support the alteration of the static equilibrium in this group of hearing impaired children.Foi constituída amostra aleatória de 42 crianças deficientes auditivas neurossen-soriais congênitas, profundas e bilaterais, com idade cronológica variando entre 4 e 7 anos, que frequentavam classes de habilitação da cidade de Campinas. As crianças propostas foram comparadas) às de dois grupos controles de 42 crianças, da mesma faixa etária, que apresentavam bom rendimento escolar em classe comum. Todas foram submetidas a 9 provas do setor de equilíbrio estático do Exame Neurológico Evolutivo. Verificou-se que, na posição de equilíbrio com olhos abertos, não houve diferença entre os grupos. Na posição de Romberg, foi significativamente menor o número de deficientes auditivos que a realizaram aos 4, 5 e 6 anos; aos 7 anos foi executada por igual número de controles e deficientes auditivos. As demais provas foram realizadas por número significativamente menor de deficientes auditivos nas seguintes posturas: artelho-calcâneo com olhos abertos ou fechados (provas 24 e 25), permanecer num pé só (provas 12 e 16) ou nas pontas dos pés (provas 10 e 16). O uso de semiologia neurológica detalhada permitiu documentar as alterações do equilíbrio estático nesse grupo de crianças deficientes auditivas.34635

    [a Method To Evaluate Visual Ability In Infants].

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    The purpose of this study is to introduce a method to evaluate visual functions in infants in the first three months of life. An adaptation of the Guide for the Assessment of Visual Ability in Infants (Gagliardo, 1997) was used. The instrument was a ring with string. It was implemented a pilot study with 33 infants, selected according to the following criteria: neonates well enough to go home within two days of birth; 1 to 3 months of chronological age; monthly evaluation with no absence; subjects living in Campinas/SP metropolitan area. In the first month we observed: visual fixation (93,9%); eye contact (90,9%); horizontal tracking (72,7%); inspects surroundings (97,0%). In the third month, we observed: inspects own hands (42,4%) and increased movements of arms (36,4%). This method allowed the evaluation of visual functions in infants, according to the chronological age. Alterations in this function will facilitate immediate referral to medical services for diagnoses.62300-

    Observation of language, visual and hearing function development in infants

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate language, visual and hearing function development among infants in a day-care center based on educators' assessments. METHODS: One hundred and fifteen infants who attended a day-care center at one university of the São Paulo State, Brazil, were assessed during the period between 1998 and 2001. The Protocol for Observation of Language, Visual and Hearing Function Development, containing a total of 39 standardized tests, was utilized to assess infants from three to twelve months old. The protocol was applied by trained educators, members of the day-care center staff. Statistical analysis was carried out using Chi-square test or Fischer's exact test at p <0.05. RESULTS: Infants showed different language development patterns as for polysyllabic babbling and production of first words. For visual function, infants showed a different pattern of imitation and initiation in gesture games and following commands with gestures. CONCLUSIONS: The day-care center setting is probably promoting a distinct pattern of language, visual and hearing function development. Prevention in day-care centers should aim at integrating education and health to achieve the common purpose of child welfare.OBJETIVO: Investigar o desenvolvimento da linguagem e das funções auditiva e visual em lactentes de creche, a partir da avaliação realizada por educadores. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 115 lactentes, nos anos de 1998 a 2001, usuários de uma creche da área da saúde de uma universidade do Estado de São Paulo. Foi utilizado o Protocolo da Observação do Desenvolvimento de Linguagem e das Funções Auditiva e Visual, com 39 provas no total, para a avaliação dos lactentes de 3 até 12 meses de idade. A aplicação desse Protocolo foi feita pelas educadoras da creche, devidamente treinadas. Utilizou-se o teste de Qui-quadrado ou Exato de Fisher. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5%. RESULTADOS: Os lactentes apresentaram um padrão diferente no desenvolvimento da linguagem quanto ao início do balbucio e das primeiras palavras, bem como na função visual, quanto à imitação e uso de jogos gestuais e de seguir ordem com uso de gestos. CONCLUSÕES: O ambiente creche propicia condições para um outro padrão de desenvolvimento de linguagem e das funções auditiva e visual. Ações de prevenção na creche devem integrar as áreas de saúde e educação num objetivo comum.10611

    Observação do desenvolvimento de linguagem e funções auditiva e visual em lactentes

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate language, visual and hearing function development among infants in a day-care center based on educators' assessments. METHODS: One hundred and fifteen infants who attended a day-care center at one university of the São Paulo State, Brazil, were assessed during the period between 1998 and 2001. The "Protocol for Observation of Language, Visual and Hearing Function Development," containing a total of 39 standardized tests, was utilized to assess infants from three to twelve months old. The protocol was applied by trained educators, members of the day-care center staff. Statistical analysis was carried out using Chi-square test or Fischer's exact test at pOBJETIVO: Investigar o desenvolvimento da linguagem e das funções auditiva e visual em lactentes de creche, a partir da avaliação realizada por educadores. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 115 lactentes, nos anos de 1998 a 2001, usuários de uma creche da área da saúde de uma universidade do Estado de São Paulo. Foi utilizado o "Protocolo da Observação do Desenvolvimento de Linguagem e das Funções Auditiva e Visual", com 39 provas no total, para a avaliação dos lactentes de 3 até 12 meses de idade. A aplicação desse Protocolo foi feita pelas educadoras da creche, devidamente treinadas. Utilizou-se o teste de Qui-quadrado ou Exato de Fisher. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5%. RESULTADOS: Os lactentes apresentaram um padrão diferente no desenvolvimento da linguagem quanto ao início do balbucio e das primeiras palavras, bem como na função visual, quanto à imitação e uso de jogos gestuais e de seguir ordem com uso de gestos. CONCLUSÕES: O ambiente creche propicia condições para um outro padrão de desenvolvimento de linguagem e das funções auditiva e visual. Ações de prevenção na creche devem integrar as áreas de saúde e educação num objetivo comum

    Neurodevelopment of full-term small-for-gestacional age infants in the second month of life

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    The objective of the present study was to assess and to compare the neurodevelopment of full-term adequate (AGA) or small-for-gestational age (SGA) infants in the second month of life. Sixty-seven infants were evaluated: 43 AGA and 24 SGA, making use of the Bayley Scales of Infant Development. The SGA group Index Score (IS) was significantly lower in Mental and Motor Scales. Considering the body proportionality (Asymmetric, Symmetric-SGA and Control group) there was difference in Motor Scale (p=0.003) with lower scores in the Symmetric-SGA group. Comparing to the Control group IS percentiles, in Mental Scale there was difference between Asymmetric X Symmetric-SGA; in Motor Scale, there was difference between the Asymmetric X Control (p=0.039) and Symmetric-SGA X Control (p=0.007) groups; there was no difference between Asymmetric and Symmetric-SGA although both exhibited lower scores than the Control group.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar e comparar o neurodesenvolvimento de lactentes nascidos a termo, com peso adequado (AIG) ou pequeno para a idade gestacional (PIG), no 2º mês de vida. Avaliaram-se 67 lactentes: 43 AIG e 24 PIG, utilizando as Bayley Scales of Infant Development. O Index Score (IS) nas Escalas Mental e Motora foi significativamente menor no grupo PIG. Considerando a proporcionalidade corporal (Grupos Controle, Assimétrico e PIG-Simétrico), houve diferença significativa na Escala Motora (p=0,003), com menores pontuações no grupo PIG-Simétrico. Comparados aos percentis de IS do grupo Controle, na Escala Mental, houve diferença entre os grupos Assimétrico X PIG-Simétrico; na Escala Motora, houve diferença entre os grupos Assimétrico X Controle (p=0,039) e PIG-Simétrico X Controle (p=0,0007); não houve diferença entre os grupos Assimétrico e PIG-Simétrico, ambos apresentando menores pontuações que o grupo Controle.758