20 research outputs found

    Oral Administration of N-acetylcysteine Improves Biochemical Parameters in Diabetic Rats

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    To evaluate the effect of N-acetylcysteine (NAC), a potent ROS scavenger and thiol group supplier, on normoglycemic and diabetic rats, the animals received 50 or 200 mg/kg NAC by gavage daily for 45 days. The results showed a lack of uniformity in acetylcholinesterase activity among the four cerebral structures. While neither dose of NAC produced significant hypoglycemic activity, 50 mg/kg NAC partially reverted the weight loss of diabetics and was effective in restoring aminolevulinate dehydratase activity and non-protein thiol content in liver, and in diminishing serum protein carbonylation. The dose of 200 mg/kg NAC presented some negative effects per se in both the antioxidant and cholinergic systems. In conclusion, 50 mg/kg NAC produced an improvement in some parameters suggesting NAC as a possible drug in antioxidant therapies against diabetic state. However, future studies are necessary to investigate the better dose of this compound to counteract its undesirable effects

    Effect of uncaria tomentosa extract on purinergic enzyme activities in lymphocytes of rats submitted to experimental adjuvant arthritis model

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    Background: Considering that adjuvant arthritis is an experimental model of arthritis widely used for preclinical testing of numerous anti-arthritic agents, which were taken by a large number of patients worldwide, it is of great interest to investigate the therapeutic action of compounds with anti-inflammatory properties, such as Uncaria tomentosa extract. Moreover, there are no studies demonstrating the effect of U. tomentosa on the metabolism of adenine nucleotides published so far. Thus, the purpose of the present study is to investigate the effects of U. tomentosa extract on E-NTPDase and E-ADA activities in lymphocytes of Complete Freund’s Adjuvant (CFA) arthritis induced rats. Methods: To evaluate the effect of U. tomentosa extract on the activity of E-NTPDase and ADA in lymphocytes, the rats were submitted to an experimental adjuvant arthritis model. Peripheral lymphocytes were isolated and E-NTPDase and E-ADA activities were determined. Data were analyzed by a one- or two-way ANOVA. Post hoc analyses were carried out by the Student-Newman-Keuls (SNK) Multiple Comparison Test. Results: E-NTPDase activity was increased in arthritic untreated. Arthritic rats which received U. tomentosa extract, presented similar results to the control group. However, results obtained for adenosine hydrolysis by E-ADA were not altered in arthritic rats. U. tomentosa extract did not alter E-NTPDase and E-ADA activity in healthy animals. Conclusions: The present investigation supports the hypothesis that the increased E-NTPDase activity verified in arthritic rats might be an attempt to maintain basal levels of ATP and ADP in the extracellular medium, since the arthritis induction causes tissue damage and, consequently, large amounts of ATP are released into this milieu. Also, it highlights the possibility to use U. tomentosa extract as an adjuvant to treat arthritis

    Effect of uncaria tomentosa extract on purinergic enzyme activities in lymphocytes of rats submitted to experimental adjuvant arthritis model

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    Background: Considering that adjuvant arthritis is an experimental model of arthritis widely used for preclinical testing of numerous anti-arthritic agents, which were taken by a large number of patients worldwide, it is of great interest to investigate the therapeutic action of compounds with anti-inflammatory properties, such as Uncaria tomentosa extract. Moreover, there are no studies demonstrating the effect of U. tomentosa on the metabolism of adenine nucleotides published so far. Thus, the purpose of the present study is to investigate the effects of U. tomentosa extract on E-NTPDase and E-ADA activities in lymphocytes of Complete Freund’s Adjuvant (CFA) arthritis induced rats. Methods: To evaluate the effect of U. tomentosa extract on the activity of E-NTPDase and ADA in lymphocytes, the rats were submitted to an experimental adjuvant arthritis model. Peripheral lymphocytes were isolated and E-NTPDase and E-ADA activities were determined. Data were analyzed by a one- or two-way ANOVA. Post hoc analyses were carried out by the Student-Newman-Keuls (SNK) Multiple Comparison Test. Results: E-NTPDase activity was increased in arthritic untreated. Arthritic rats which received U. tomentosa extract, presented similar results to the control group. However, results obtained for adenosine hydrolysis by E-ADA were not altered in arthritic rats. U. tomentosa extract did not alter E-NTPDase and E-ADA activity in healthy animals. Conclusions: The present investigation supports the hypothesis that the increased E-NTPDase activity verified in arthritic rats might be an attempt to maintain basal levels of ATP and ADP in the extracellular medium, since the arthritis induction causes tissue damage and, consequently, large amounts of ATP are released into this milieu. Also, it highlights the possibility to use U. tomentosa extract as an adjuvant to treat arthritis

    Avaliação de respostas bioquímicas, comportamentais, hematológicas e de bioacumulação em ratos expostos ao cádmio e tratados com N-acetilcisteína

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    A poluição ambiental por metais pesados tem aumentado muito devido às ações antropogênicas tais como as atividades industriais e o uso de fertilizantes fosfatados na agricultura. Entre os metais tóxicos encontrados no meio ambiente, o cádmio (Cd) é um dos que apresenta maior interesse clínico, uma vez que as intoxicações por esse metal são de difícil tratamento. O Cd pode afetar vários órgãos como o fígado, rins, pulmões, ovários, ossos, testículos e cérebro. A toxicologia do Cd é extremamente complexa e tem sido amplamente estudada, mas ainda não está completamente esclarecida. Sendo assim, o objetivo da presente tese foi investigar os efeitos da intoxicação por Cd sobre parâmetros comportamentais e memória, bioquímicos, hematológicos e a bioacumulação desse metal em diferentes tipos celulares de ratos expostos ao cloreto de Cd (CdCl2) ou ao Cd proveniente de batatas contaminadas, e ainda utilizar o antioxidante N-acetilcisteína (NAC) no tratamento deste tipo de intoxicação buscandose avaliar o seu possível efeito protetor. Para tal, foram realizados dois experimentos: a) ratos machos Wistar adultos foram expostos oralmente a 2 mg/kg de Cd e/ou 150 mg/kg de NAC, um dia sim e outro não, durante um período experimental de 30 dias; b) ratos machos Wistar recém desmamados ingeriram, durante 5 meses, dieta a base de bolo contendo 1, 5 ou 25 mg/kg de CdCl2 ou Cd presente em tubérculos de batatas crescidas na presença de 10 μM de CdCl2. A partir desses experimentos pode-se concluir que: a) A intoxicação por CdCl2 causa aumento na concentração de Cd nas estruturas cerebrais (cerebelo, estriado, hipotálamo, hipocampo e córtex cerebral), nos níveis de peroxidação lipídica e na atividade da enzima AChE nas diferentes estruturas cerebrais estudadas ocasionando prejuízos à memória dos ratos. Além disso, a NAC é capaz de diminuir os níveis de peroxidação lipídica e subsequentemente restaurar a atividade da AChE modulando assim, a neurotransmissão colinérgica e melhorando os processos cognitivos. Sendo assim, sugere-se que a NAC possa ser um fármaco promissor em terapias alternativas contra a neurotoxicidade induzida pelo Cd; b) A exposição ao CdCl2 promove um aumento na concentração de Cd no plasma, baço e timo, causa danos hematológicos, não altera a atividade da enzima NTPDase em linfócitos, diminui a atividade da AChE em linfócitos e sangue total bem como da BChE em soro de ratos. Além disso, a NAC foi eficaz em diminuir os efeitos danosos do Cd provavelmente por diminuir os níveis de Cd nos órgãos linfóides, reverter ou amenizar os danos hematológicos e relacionados aos leucócitos mesmo sem alterar a atividade das enzimas colinesterases; c) O CdCl2 aumenta a hidrólise de nucleotídeos de adenina em sinaptossomas de córtex cerebral e diminui em plaquetas de ratos. Provavelmente, o aumento na atividade das enzimas NTPDase e 5’-nucleotidase no SNC causado pelo Cd seja uma resposta compensatória do organismo uma vez que a rápida hidrólise de ATP e ADP favorece a produção de adenosina, uma molécula neuroprotetora. Por outro lado, em plaquetas o Cd causou uma diminuição na atividade da NTPDase e, não alterou a atividade da 5’-nucleotidase sugerindo que a possível elevação no nível de ATP e ADP conduza a um estado hipercoagulável nos ratos intoxicados por esse metal. Além disso, a NAC restaura a atividade dessas enzimas no SNC, mas não apresenta interferência sobre elas em plaquetas; d) A dieta prolongada com CdCl2 ou com Cd proveniente de batatas contaminadas ocasiona aumento no comportamento de ansiedade e prejuízo à memória de ratos o que provavelmente, seja resultado de uma concentração aumentada de Cd e de uma atividade aumentada da AChE e diminuída da Na+,K+-ATPase em diferentes estruturas cerebrais devido a esse metal. Em linhas gerais, os resultados obtidos na presente tese demonstram que apesar de todos os mecanismos propostos pelos quais o Cd poderia afetar o comportamento continuarem a gerar controvérsia, é evidente que a exposição ao CdCl2 tanto a curto quanto a longo prazo, bem como ao Cd proveniente de batatas contaminadas interfere nas funções cerebrais aumentando a concentração de Cd, diminuindo ou aumentando a atividade da AChE, aumentando a lipoperoxidação bem como diminuindo a atividade da Na+,K+-ATPase em diferentes estruturas cerebrais, consequentemente sendo prejudicial ao comportamento animal, como memória e ansiedade. O Cd afeta sistematicamente o organismo dos animais estando presente tanto no plasma, quanto nos órgãos linfóides e no encéfalo alterando, assim, a atividade das enzimas NTPDase, 5’-nucleotidase, AChE e BChE de diferentes tipos celulares. Além disso, a NAC é capaz de reverter ou amenizar vários efeitos danosos causados pelo Cd sugerindo que este fármaco possa ser considerado após estudos adicionais um importante aliado em terapias contra a intoxicação por esse metal.The environmental pollution by heavy metals has increased greatly due to anthropogenic activities such as industrial activities and the use of phosphate fertilizers in agriculture. Among the toxic metals found in the environment, cadmium (Cd) is a metal that presents the greatest clinical interest, since poisoning by this metal is difficult to treat. Cd may affect various organs such as liver, kidneys, lungs, ovaries, bones, testes and brain. The toxicology of Cd is extremely complex and has been widely studied, but it is not yet fully elucidated. Therefore, the objective of this thesis was to investigate the effects of Cd intoxication on memory as well as behavioral, biochemical, hematological and bioaccumulation parameters of this metal in different cell types of rats exposed to Cd chloride (CdCl2) or Cd from contaminated potatoes. Also, we investigated the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine (NAC) in the treatment of this type of poisoning seeking to evaluate its possible protective effect. Two experiments were performed: i) adult male Wistar rats were exposed orally to 2 mg/kg Cd and/or 150 mg/kg NAC, every other day for 30 days; ii) weaned male Wistar rats fed for 5 months, cake-based diet containing 1, 5 or 25 mg/kg CdCl2 or Cd present in tubers of potatoes grown in the presence of 10 μM of CdCl2. From these experiments we conclude: Firstly, CdCl2 intoxication caused an increase in the Cd concentration in brain structures (cerebellum, striatum, hypothalamus, hippocampus and cerebral cortex), in the levels of lipid peroxidation, and in the AChE activity of different brain structures studied causing damage to memory of rats. NAC was able to reduce the levels of lipid peroxidation and subsequently restore the AChE activity, modulating thereby the cholinergic transmission and improving the cognitive processes. Thus, NAC may be a promising drug for alternative therapies against neurotoxicity induced by Cd. Secondly, the exposure to CdCl2 increased the Cd concentration in plasma, spleen and thymus, caused damages in the hematological parameters, did not alter the NTPDase activity in lymphocytes as well as decreased the AChE activity in lymphocytes and whole blood and the BChE activity in serum of rats. NAC was effective in reducing the harmful effects of Cd probably by decreasing the levels of Cd in the lymphoid organs, reversing or minimizing the hematological damage and related to leukocytes even without changing the activity of cholinesterases. Thirdly, CdCl2 increases the hydrolysis of adenine nucleotides in synaptosomes of cerebral cortex and decreases in platelets of rats. The increase in the NTPDase and 5'-nucleotidase activities in CNS caused by Cd could be a compensatory response of the organism since the rapid hydrolysis of ATP and ADP favors the production of adenosine, a neuroprotective molecule. On the other hand, Cd decreased the NTPDase activity and did not alter 5'-nucleotidase activity in platelets suggesting that the possible increase in the ATP and ADP levels could lead to a hypercoagulable state in rats intoxicated with this metal. NAC restores the activity of these enzymes in the CNS, but had no interference in platelets. Finally, the prolonged diet with CdCl2 or Cd from contaminated potatoes resulted in an increased anxiety-like behavior and damaged memory of rats which was likely to be a result of the increased concentration of Cd, the increased AChE activity and decreased Na+,K+-ATPase activity in the different brain structures studied. In general, the results obtained in this thesis show that despite all the proposed mechanisms by which Cd could affect the behavior still generate controversy, it is clear that the exposure to CdCl2 at both short and long terms as well as to Cd from contaminated potatoes interferes the brain function by increasing Cd concentration, decreasing or increasing the AChE activity, increasing lipid peroxidation and decreasing Na+,K+-ATPase activity in several brain structures, thus being detrimental to the animal behavior influencing memory and anxiety. Cd affected systematically the animal body since it is present in plasma, lymphoid organs and brain, changing the activity of the enzymes NTPDase, 5'-nucleotidase, AChE and BChE of different cell types. In addition, NAC was able to reverse or ameliorate several deleterious effects caused by Cd suggesting that this drug may be, after additional studies, considered an important factor in therapies against intoxication by this metal

    Avaliação de respostas bioquímicas, comportamentais, hematológicas e de bioacumulação em ratos expostos ao cádmio e tratados com N-acetilcisteína

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    A poluição ambiental por metais pesados tem aumentado muito devido às ações antropogênicas tais como as atividades industriais e o uso de fertilizantes fosfatados na agricultura. Entre os metais tóxicos encontrados no meio ambiente, o cádmio (Cd) é um dos que apresenta maior interesse clínico, uma vez que as intoxicações por esse metal são de difícil tratamento. O Cd pode afetar vários órgãos como o fígado, rins, pulmões, ovários, ossos, testículos e cérebro. A toxicologia do Cd é extremamente complexa e tem sido amplamente estudada, mas ainda não está completamente esclarecida. Sendo assim, o objetivo da presente tese foi investigar os efeitos da intoxicação por Cd sobre parâmetros comportamentais e memória, bioquímicos, hematológicos e a bioacumulação desse metal em diferentes tipos celulares de ratos expostos ao cloreto de Cd (CdCl2) ou ao Cd proveniente de batatas contaminadas, e ainda utilizar o antioxidante N-acetilcisteína (NAC) no tratamento deste tipo de intoxicação buscandose avaliar o seu possível efeito protetor. Para tal, foram realizados dois experimentos: a) ratos machos Wistar adultos foram expostos oralmente a 2 mg/kg de Cd e/ou 150 mg/kg de NAC, um dia sim e outro não, durante um período experimental de 30 dias; b) ratos machos Wistar recém desmamados ingeriram, durante 5 meses, dieta a base de bolo contendo 1, 5 ou 25 mg/kg de CdCl2 ou Cd presente em tubérculos de batatas crescidas na presença de 10 μM de CdCl2. A partir desses experimentos pode-se concluir que: a) A intoxicação por CdCl2 causa aumento na concentração de Cd nas estruturas cerebrais (cerebelo, estriado, hipotálamo, hipocampo e córtex cerebral), nos níveis de peroxidação lipídica e na atividade da enzima AChE nas diferentes estruturas cerebrais estudadas ocasionando prejuízos à memória dos ratos. Além disso, a NAC é capaz de diminuir os níveis de peroxidação lipídica e subsequentemente restaurar a atividade da AChE modulando assim, a neurotransmissão colinérgica e melhorando os processos cognitivos. Sendo assim, sugere-se que a NAC possa ser um fármaco promissor em terapias alternativas contra a neurotoxicidade induzida pelo Cd; b) A exposição ao CdCl2 promove um aumento na concentração de Cd no plasma, baço e timo, causa danos hematológicos, não altera a atividade da enzima NTPDase em linfócitos, diminui a atividade da AChE em linfócitos e sangue total bem como da BChE em soro de ratos. Além disso, a NAC foi eficaz em diminuir os efeitos danosos do Cd provavelmente por diminuir os níveis de Cd nos órgãos linfóides, reverter ou amenizar os danos hematológicos e relacionados aos leucócitos mesmo sem alterar a atividade das enzimas colinesterases; c) O CdCl2 aumenta a hidrólise de nucleotídeos de adenina em sinaptossomas de córtex cerebral e diminui em plaquetas de ratos. Provavelmente, o aumento na atividade das enzimas NTPDase e 5’-nucleotidase no SNC causado pelo Cd seja uma resposta compensatória do organismo uma vez que a rápida hidrólise de ATP e ADP favorece a produção de adenosina, uma molécula neuroprotetora. Por outro lado, em plaquetas o Cd causou uma diminuição na atividade da NTPDase e, não alterou a atividade da 5’-nucleotidase sugerindo que a possível elevação no nível de ATP e ADP conduza a um estado hipercoagulável nos ratos intoxicados por esse metal. Além disso, a NAC restaura a atividade dessas enzimas no SNC, mas não apresenta interferência sobre elas em plaquetas; d) A dieta prolongada com CdCl2 ou com Cd proveniente de batatas contaminadas ocasiona aumento no comportamento de ansiedade e prejuízo à memória de ratos o que provavelmente, seja resultado de uma concentração aumentada de Cd e de uma atividade aumentada da AChE e diminuída da Na+,K+-ATPase em diferentes estruturas cerebrais devido a esse metal. Em linhas gerais, os resultados obtidos na presente tese demonstram que apesar de todos os mecanismos propostos pelos quais o Cd poderia afetar o comportamento continuarem a gerar controvérsia, é evidente que a exposição ao CdCl2 tanto a curto quanto a longo prazo, bem como ao Cd proveniente de batatas contaminadas interfere nas funções cerebrais aumentando a concentração de Cd, diminuindo ou aumentando a atividade da AChE, aumentando a lipoperoxidação bem como diminuindo a atividade da Na+,K+-ATPase em diferentes estruturas cerebrais, consequentemente sendo prejudicial ao comportamento animal, como memória e ansiedade. O Cd afeta sistematicamente o organismo dos animais estando presente tanto no plasma, quanto nos órgãos linfóides e no encéfalo alterando, assim, a atividade das enzimas NTPDase, 5’-nucleotidase, AChE e BChE de diferentes tipos celulares. Além disso, a NAC é capaz de reverter ou amenizar vários efeitos danosos causados pelo Cd sugerindo que este fármaco possa ser considerado após estudos adicionais um importante aliado em terapias contra a intoxicação por esse metal.The environmental pollution by heavy metals has increased greatly due to anthropogenic activities such as industrial activities and the use of phosphate fertilizers in agriculture. Among the toxic metals found in the environment, cadmium (Cd) is a metal that presents the greatest clinical interest, since poisoning by this metal is difficult to treat. Cd may affect various organs such as liver, kidneys, lungs, ovaries, bones, testes and brain. The toxicology of Cd is extremely complex and has been widely studied, but it is not yet fully elucidated. Therefore, the objective of this thesis was to investigate the effects of Cd intoxication on memory as well as behavioral, biochemical, hematological and bioaccumulation parameters of this metal in different cell types of rats exposed to Cd chloride (CdCl2) or Cd from contaminated potatoes. Also, we investigated the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine (NAC) in the treatment of this type of poisoning seeking to evaluate its possible protective effect. Two experiments were performed: i) adult male Wistar rats were exposed orally to 2 mg/kg Cd and/or 150 mg/kg NAC, every other day for 30 days; ii) weaned male Wistar rats fed for 5 months, cake-based diet containing 1, 5 or 25 mg/kg CdCl2 or Cd present in tubers of potatoes grown in the presence of 10 μM of CdCl2. From these experiments we conclude: Firstly, CdCl2 intoxication caused an increase in the Cd concentration in brain structures (cerebellum, striatum, hypothalamus, hippocampus and cerebral cortex), in the levels of lipid peroxidation, and in the AChE activity of different brain structures studied causing damage to memory of rats. NAC was able to reduce the levels of lipid peroxidation and subsequently restore the AChE activity, modulating thereby the cholinergic transmission and improving the cognitive processes. Thus, NAC may be a promising drug for alternative therapies against neurotoxicity induced by Cd. Secondly, the exposure to CdCl2 increased the Cd concentration in plasma, spleen and thymus, caused damages in the hematological parameters, did not alter the NTPDase activity in lymphocytes as well as decreased the AChE activity in lymphocytes and whole blood and the BChE activity in serum of rats. NAC was effective in reducing the harmful effects of Cd probably by decreasing the levels of Cd in the lymphoid organs, reversing or minimizing the hematological damage and related to leukocytes even without changing the activity of cholinesterases. Thirdly, CdCl2 increases the hydrolysis of adenine nucleotides in synaptosomes of cerebral cortex and decreases in platelets of rats. The increase in the NTPDase and 5'-nucleotidase activities in CNS caused by Cd could be a compensatory response of the organism since the rapid hydrolysis of ATP and ADP favors the production of adenosine, a neuroprotective molecule. On the other hand, Cd decreased the NTPDase activity and did not alter 5'-nucleotidase activity in platelets suggesting that the possible increase in the ATP and ADP levels could lead to a hypercoagulable state in rats intoxicated with this metal. NAC restores the activity of these enzymes in the CNS, but had no interference in platelets. Finally, the prolonged diet with CdCl2 or Cd from contaminated potatoes resulted in an increased anxiety-like behavior and damaged memory of rats which was likely to be a result of the increased concentration of Cd, the increased AChE activity and decreased Na+,K+-ATPase activity in the different brain structures studied. In general, the results obtained in this thesis show that despite all the proposed mechanisms by which Cd could affect the behavior still generate controversy, it is clear that the exposure to CdCl2 at both short and long terms as well as to Cd from contaminated potatoes interferes the brain function by increasing Cd concentration, decreasing or increasing the AChE activity, increasing lipid peroxidation and decreasing Na+,K+-ATPase activity in several brain structures, thus being detrimental to the animal behavior influencing memory and anxiety. Cd affected systematically the animal body since it is present in plasma, lymphoid organs and brain, changing the activity of the enzymes NTPDase, 5'-nucleotidase, AChE and BChE of different cell types. In addition, NAC was able to reverse or ameliorate several deleterious effects caused by Cd suggesting that this drug may be, after additional studies, considered an important factor in therapies against intoxication by this metal

    Níveis de oxigênio dissolvido e amônia na água afetam o conteúdo iônico do plasma e da bile vesicular em jundiá

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    Submitted by Thainã Moraes ([email protected]) on 2012-06-19T23:01:58Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissolved oxygen and ammonia levels in water that affect plasma ionic content and gallbladder bile in silver catfish.pdf: 59697 bytes, checksum: 77fd2961e2950b7a65cc0cdaacddc8f3 (MD5)Approved for entry into archive by Bruna Vieira([email protected]) on 2012-06-20T02:32:05Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissolved oxygen and ammonia levels in water that affect plasma ionic content and gallbladder bile in silver catfish.pdf: 59697 bytes, checksum: 77fd2961e2950b7a65cc0cdaacddc8f3 (MD5)Made available in DSpace on 2012-06-20T02:32:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissolved oxygen and ammonia levels in water that affect plasma ionic content and gallbladder bile in silver catfish.pdf: 59697 bytes, checksum: 77fd2961e2950b7a65cc0cdaacddc8f3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009Ionic contents (Na+,K+and Cl-) of plasma and gallbladder bile (GB) of juveniles silver catfish, Rhamdia quelen (156.1±0.2g, 28.2±0.3cm), were determined in three different times(0,6 and 24h)after exposureto: a)control orhigh dissolved oxygen (DO =6.5mg L-1)+ low NH3(0.03mg L-1); b)low DO (3.5mg L -1)+ low NH3; c) high DO + high NH3(0.1mgL-1); and d) low DO + high NH3. High waterborne NH3 or low DO levels increased plasma and GB ion levels. These parameters might have followed different mechanisms to affect osmoregulation since a synergic effect of these variables was detected.O conteúdo iônico (Na+, K+ e Cl-) do plasma e da bile vesicular (BV) de juvenis de jundiá, Rhamdia quelen (156,1±0,2g, 28,2±0,3cm), foi determinado em três diferentes tempos (0, 6 e 24h) após exposição a: a) controle ou alto oxigênio dissolvido (OD = 6,5mg L-1) + baixa NH3 (0,03mg L-1); b) baixo OD (3,5mg L-1) + baixa NH3; c) alto OD + alta NH3 (0,1mg L-1); e baixo OD + alta NH3 . Alta concentração de amônia ou baixo oxigênio dissolvido na água aumentaram os níveis iônicos no plasma e na BV. Aparentemente, os efeitos osmorregulatórios desses parâmetros podem estar relacionados a mecanismos distintos, pois foi detectado efeito sinérgico sobre essa alteração osmorregulatória