43 research outputs found

    Methodological aspect of the use of humor in the classroom. Using anecdotes in teaching German grammar

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    Undeniable pedagogical value finds itself in humor. Including humor in the pedagogical arsenal of tools, methods and techniques, can be a significant reserve to increase the efficiency of training and personal development. A number of modern researchers (Sh. A. Amonashvili, K. Maurice, L. F. Spirin , V. Prokopenko , M. I. Stankin) note of the teacher's personality character traits, together with empathy - the ability to empathize, kindness to others, necessary emotional character traits - the presence of optimism and sense of humor. Main reasons preventing the use of humor in the classroom are emphasized: fear of violation of discipline, desire of not being ridiculous, negative attitude to the class, the personal qualities of the teacher (low sociability, inflexible thinking). However, in pedagogical process nowadays there are no science-based researches on the problem of methodological and psycho-pedagogical potential of humor. The purpose of this article is to consider humorс as a pedagogical tool, highlight the function of humor in teaching activity, analyze methodological techniques based on humor such as allusion, irony, pun, grotesque, paradox, psevdokontrast and also to consider table use of humor in teaching activities involving the implementation of humor in the foreign language lessonsНесомненную педагогическую ценность обнаруживает в себе юмор. Включение в педагогический арсенал средств, методов и приемов, основанных на знании методического потенциала юмора, может стать существенным резервом повышения эффективности процесса обучения, воспитания и развития личности. Ряд современных исследователей (Ш. А. Амонашвили, К. Морис, Л. Ф. Спирин, В. И. Прокопенко, М. И. Станкин) отмечают среди характерологических особенностей личности учителя, наряду с эмпатией – способностью сопереживать, доброжелательностью к другим, необходимыми эмоциональными особенностями характера, - наличие оптимизма и чувства юмора. Среди основных причин, препятствующих употреблению юмора на уроке, выделяют: страх нарушения дисциплины, боязнь показаться смешным, негативное отношение к классу, личные качества педагога (низкая коммуникабельность, негибкость мышления). Однако в педагогике до настоящего времени нет целостных научно обоснованных исследований по проблеме методического и психолого-педагогического потенциала юмора. Цель данной статьи рассмотреть юмор как педагогическое средство, выделить функции юмора в педагогической деятельности, проанализировать такие методические приемы, основанные на юморе как: намек, ирония, каламбур, гротеск, парадокс, псевдоконтраст, а также рассмотреть таблицу применения юмора в педагогической деятельности, предполагающей реализацию юмора на занятиях по иностранному язык

    Surface texturing of steel by femtosecond laser and accompanying structure/ phase transformations

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    Topography, structure, and phase composition of surface layers of AISI 321 stainless steel textured by 1030-nm 320-fs-laser pulses were studied by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis. Variation in single-pulse fluence and the number of pulses was found to change the laser-produced surface texture from onedimensional quasi-periodic nanograting to microrelief of various roughnes

    Роль информированного согласия в принятии решения об участии в исследовании: данные многоцентрового исследования в России «Лицом к лицу»

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    Introduction. Currently, clinical trials (CT) remain the only technology, which provides proof of efficacy and safety of new drugs and their subsequent release to the market. Medical researcher and informed consent (IC) are the main (and often the only) source of information for the patient about the upcoming clinical trials, and thus have a direct impact on the perception of clinical trials, and on the patient’s decision about participation. However, the degree of influence of these factors on the clinical trials participants still remains unclear.Materials and methods. A multicenter cross-sectional study was conducted in different cities of the Russian Federation. Patients who had previous experience in CTs (or were enrolled in a CT at the time of this study) were asked to complete a questionnaire.Results. To assess the impact of researcher, all respondents were divided into 2 groups: patients that acquainted with IC in collaboration with the researcher, and the other group, which reviewed IC form independently. We evaluated the importance of the factors influencing the decision-making process on participation in clinical trials. According to our data, the most important factors were professional monitoring services (3,72 ± 1,00), regular condition monitoring (3,66 ± 0,98), and better medical care (3,62 ± 1,00). These factors were evaluated at significantly lower score by group of patients that acquainted with IC together with the researcher (3,55 ±0,94, vs 4,01 ± 0,90, p = 0,002; 3,52 ± 1,01 vs 3,87 ± 0,90, p = 0,040; 3,49 ± 0,94, vs 3,83 ± 1,06, p = 0,020 respectively). In assessing the factors that had negative impact on the interest in participating in a clinical trial, the most significant were risk of side effects (3,01 ± 1,27), study of new medication (2,68 ± 1,21), and the risk of getting into the placebo group (2,64 ± 1,34) (so-called “objective” risk factors). At the same time, risk of side effects and risk of getting into the placebo group were also assessed at significantly lower score by group of patients that acquainted with IC together with the researcher (2,87 ± 1,28, vs 3,33 ± 1,17, p = 0,024; 2,51 ±1,25, vs 3,03 ± 1,34, p = 0,022 respectively). Furthermore, it was found that in the case of the researcher’s assistance acquaintance time with IC reduced threefold. We also evaluated the effect of the complexity of IC text on the decision-making process on participation in clinical trials. The group of respondents, who rated the IC as easy, appeared to be more interested in the final results of the study.Conclusion. Thus, when assessing the impact of the researcher on the review process of informed consent with the decision to participate in clinical trials, we found that in the case of assistance of the researcher, the acquaintance time with IC is reduced three times. In addition, this group of patients during the conversation with the researcher shows better and more clear understanding of the nature and general methodology of clinical trials, resulting in an adequate assessment “objective” risk factors for participation in clinical trials. Thus, this group of patients is more informed, compared with an “independent” group. According to the study “Face to Face”, we can recommend mandatory participation of a researcher during review process of the IC.Введение. В настоящее время клинические исследования (КИ) остаются единственной технологией, обеспечивающей доказательство эффективности и безопасности новых лекарственных средств и последующего их выхода на рынок. Врач-исследователь и информированное согласие (ИС) являются основными (и часто единственными) источниками информации для пациента о предстоящем КИ и тем самым непосредственно влияют на восприятие КИ и на решение пациента об участии. Однако до сих пор остается неясной степень влияния данных факторов на участников КИ.Материал и методы. В исследовании приняли участие девять центров, расположенных в разных городах Российской Федерации. Основным методом исследования являлось анкетирование пациентов. В рамках исследования пациенту, имеющему опыт участия в КИ и удовлетворяющему критериям отбора, однократно было предложено самостоятельно заполнить вопросник.Результаты. Для оценки влияния врача-исследователя все респонденты были поделены на две группы: пациенты, знакомившиеся с ИС совместно с врачом и самостоятельно. Самыми важными факторами, влияющими на принятие решения об участии в КИ, оказались: наблюдение профессиональными специалистами (3,72 ± 1,00), регулярное наблюдение за состоянием (3,66 ± 0,98) и более качественная медицинская помощь (3,62 ± 1,00). Данные факторы были оценены на достоверно более низкий балл группой пациентов, знакомившихся совместно с врачом (3,55 ± 0,94, vs 4,01 ± 0,90, p = 0,002; 3,52 ± 1,01, vs 3,87 ± 0,90, p = 0,040; 3,49 ± 0,94, vs 3,83 ± 1,06, p = 0,020 соответственно). При оценке факторов, отрицательно повлиявших на интерес к участию в клиническом исследовании, наиболее значимыми оказались: риск побочных явлений (3,01 ± 1,27), использование нового препарата (2,68 ± 1,21), а также риск попадания в группу плацебо (2,64 ± 1,34) (так называемые объективные факторы риска). При этом факторы – риск побочных явлений и риск попадания в группу плацебо – также были оценены на достоверно более низкий балл группой пациентов, знакомившихся с ИС совместно с врачом (2,87 ± 1,28, vs 3,33 ± 1,17, p = 0,024; 2,51 ± 1,25, vs 3,03 ± 1,34, p = 0,022 соответственно). Кроме того, установлено, что в случае помощи исследователя время ознакомления с ИС сокращается в три раза. Также отмечено влияние сложности текста ИС на принятие решения об участии в КИ. Группа респондентов, оценивших ИС как легкое, оказались более заинтересованы в конечных результатах исследования. Выводы. При оценке влияния исследователя на процесс ознакомления с информированным согласием принятия решения об участии в КИ установлено, что в случае помощи исследователя время ознакомления с информированным согласием сокращается в три раза. Кроме того, данная группа пациентов в ходе беседы с исследователем начинает ясно представлять суть и общую методологию клинических исследований, что выражается в адекватной оценке объективных факторов риска участия в клинических исследованиях. Таким образом, данная группа пациентов более информирована по сравнению с группой «самостоятельных» участников. По результатам исследования «Лицом к лицу» при проведении клинических исследований в дальнейшем рекомендуется обязательное участие врача при ознакомлении потенциальных участников с ИС


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    Aim. To assess the choice of initial pharmacotherapy of uncomplicated mild to moderate arterial hypertension (HT) in Moscow primary care as well as to clear up the influence of regulatory measures on this choice.Material and methods. Results of two similar surveys conducted in 2011-2012 (452 respondents) and 2013-2014 (273 respondents) were compared to estimate preferences of Moscow primary care physicians regarding initial antihypertensive agents for therapy of uncomplicated mild to moderate HT taking into consideration an influence of regulatory requirement to prescribe medicinal products by international nonproprietary name (INN) since July 2012. All participants were proposed to write down their preferred antihypertensive agents for initial mono- or combined therapy of mild to moderate HT with moderate cardiovascular risk and absence of compelling indications.Results. Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) remained the leading class of antihypertensive agents, though their popularity slightly but significantly declined from 44.4% in 2011-12 to 37.2% in 2013-14 (р&lt;0.05). Angiotensin receptor blockers partially displaced the leaders and increased their popularity from 11.3% in 2011-12 to 18.0% in 2013-14 (р&lt;0.01). ACEI/diuretic combination remained on the 3rd position (16.4% and 15.3% respectively). Beta-blockers and diuretics as monotherapy shared 4th and 5th places in this rating. Calcium channel blockers popularity among Moscow prescribers remained unchanged and poor – 2.1%. The most popular medicine by trade name was Noliprel, perindopril/indapamide fixed combination, – 14.0% and 13.7% of respondents in 2011-12 and 2013-14, respectively. The share of medicine products recommended by INN went up from 11.9% to 22.8% among top-10 popular medications (р&lt;0.01).Conclusion. Blockers of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system remain the leading drugs for the initial treatment of uncomplicated mild to moderate HT without compelling indications among Moscow primary care physicians. Regulatory requirement to prescribe medicinal products by INN was associated with significant increase in the share of drugs recommended by INN, though this effect was less than expected one.</p

    Choice of dual antiplatelet therapy in patients with acute coronary syndrome after percutaneous coronary intervention

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    The article presents modern approaches to choosing a P2Y12 inhibitor as part of combined antithrombotic therapy in patients with acute coronary syndrome, depending on the indications for interventional treatment and the presence of comorbidities such as atrial fibrillation and diabetes

    Drugs in general medical practice: practical advice for a starting practitioner

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    The article is intended for starting primary care practitioners and senior students of medical schools. The authors provide the main principles of choosing and prescribing drugs in general medical practice on the ground of personal medical and teaching experience, and modern domestic and foreign literature. Practical advice is provided with up-to-date references to available electronic resources containing important background information on the key issues of modern pharmacotherapy. Reading the presented material will help to avoid making some typical mistakes and enhance the professional competence of a practitioner who starts working in the primary health care


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    The article is devoted to the study and analysis of the pharmacotherapeutic competence of the graduates of the medical university on the threshold of the independent medical activity in the primary link of public health. 169 students of the 6th year of the Medical Department of Yevdokimov MGMSU responded in writing to 8 tasks which proposed to name the optimal medicinal products (MP) in a number of standard situations of outpatient practice. The mean median of the selection evaluation was 11 points out of 16 impliable meanings. Each respondent indicated his average academic performance and assessed his/her own confidence in reasonable command of pharmacotherapy – the mean median for these indicators was 3 out of 5 and 6 out of 10 points, respectively. All 3 studied parameters showed a very weak positive relationship between themselves in ρ range from 0.19 to 0.24 for p &lt;0.05. In the separate analysis of these indicators in the subgroups of students with high and average academic performance, no relationship between performance, assessment of drug choice and self-assessment of pharmacotherapeutic competence has been identified. The average assessment of the choice of drugs between these subgroups did not differ either. The data given indicate that the best average academic performance does not guarantee higher competence of respondents in the choice of medicines. The authors recommend purposeful pharmacotherapeutic preparation of students on the graduate course, taking into account the specificity of the forthcoming medical activity


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    The paper focuses on the justification for preferential administration of antihypertensive combination therapy. Pharmacotherapeutic features of starting the treatment with a combination of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) and calcium antagonists (AC) are reviewed. The authors also present the latest evidence on the ACEI/AC combination effects on such vascular parameters as microcirculation and endothelial dysfunction