9 research outputs found

    Investigation of Archiving Techniques for Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimizers

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    Abstract: The optimization of multi-objective problems from the Pareto dominance viewpoint can lead to huge sets of incomparable solutions. Many heuristic techniques proposed to these problems have to deal with approximation sets that can be limited or not. Usually, a new solution generated by a heuristic is compared with other archived non-dominated solutions generated previously. Many techniques deal with limited size archives, since comparisons within unlimited archives may require significant computational effort. To maintain limited archives, solutions need to be discarded. Several techniques were proposed to deal with the problem of deciding which solutions remain in the archive and which are discarded. Previous investigations showed that those techniques might not prevent deterioration of the archives. In this study, we propose to store discarded solutions in a secondary archive and, periodically, recycle them, bringing them back to the optimization process. Three recycling techniques were investigated for three known methods. The datasets for the experiments consisted of 91 instances of discrete and continuous problems with 2, 3 and 4 objectives. The results showed that the recycling method can benefit the tested optimizers on many problem classes

    Prize Collecting Traveling Salesman Problem with Ridesharing

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    The Prize Collecting Traveling Salesman Problem with Ridesharing is a model that joins elements from the Prize Collecting Traveling Salesman and the collaborative transport. The salesman is the driver of a capacitated vehicle and uses a ridesharing system to minimize travel costs. There are a penalty and a bonus associated with each vertex of a graph, G, that represents the problem. There is also a cost associated with each edge of G. The salesman must choose a subset of vertices to be visited so that the total bonus collection is at least a given a parameter. The length of the tour plus the sum of penalties of all vertices not visited is as small as possible. There is a set of persons demanding rides. The ride request consists of a pickup and a drop off location, a maximum travel duration, and the maximum amount the person agrees to pay. The driver shares the cost associated with each arc in the tour with the passengers in the vehicle. Constraints from ride requests, as well as the capacity of the car, must be satisfied. We present a mathematical formulation for the problem investigated in this study and solve it in an optimization tool. We also present three heuristics that hybridize exact and heuristic methods. These algorithms use a decomposition strategy that other enriched vehicle routing problems can utilize

    Problema de Roteamento de Veículo Suficientemente Próximo Assimétrico: Formulação e Heurística / Close-Enough Vehicle Routing Problem Asymmetric: Formulation and Heuristics

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    Este trabalho propõe a versão assimétrica do Problema de Roteamento de Veículo Suficientemente Próximo, utilizado para planejamento de rotas de reconhecimento aéreo. O problema foi formulado com um modelo de programação cônica de segunda ordem e para solucioná-lo foram aplicadas técnicas de otimização heurística baseadas em uma propriedade geométrica. Também são descritos os resultados de experimentos computacionais extensivos de 240 instâncias adaptadas da literatura com até 20 pontos de observação. Destas, é possível encontrar resultados ótimos para 101 instâncias e os primeiros limites superiores para outras. Além disso, elaborou-se uma heurística baseada em clusterização, que utiliza propriedades geométricas em conjunto com o VNS. Os testes mostraram que o método proposto produz soluções de alta qualidade

    Problema de passeio rentável com passageiros e restrições de tempo e custo/ Profitable Tour Problem with Passengers and Time and Cost Restrictions

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     Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar um novo problema no contexto do transporte colaborativo denominado Problema do Passeio Lucrativo com Passageiros e Restrições de Tempo e Custo. O problema consiste em determinar a melhor rota de um courier que precisa realizar serviços em diversos locais. O courier realiza seu percurso em um veículo. Para reduzir custos, o courier pode levar passageiros que compartilham com ele os custos de viagem.  Um modelo matemático é proposto o qual é implementado em um solver e aplicado a instâncias do problema. São apresentados algoritmos heurísticos segundo as meta-heurísticas Variable Neighborhood Search e Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure. São relatados resultados de um experimento computacional com 36 instâncias com até 150 vértices

    Traveling Salesman Problem with Optional Bonus Collection, Pickup Time and Passengers

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    This study introduces a variant of the Traveling Salesman Problem, named Traveling Salesman Problem with Optional Bonus Collection, Pickup Time and Passengers (PCVP-BoTc). It is a variant that incorporates elements of the Prize Collecting Traveling Salesman Problem and Ridesharing into the PCV. The objective is to optimize the revenue of the driver, which selectively defines which delivery or collection tasks to perform along the route. The economic effect of the collection is modeled by a bonus. The model can be applied to the solution of hybrid routing systems with route tasks and solidary transport. The driver, while performing the selected tasks, can give rides to persons who share route costs with him. Passengers are protected by restrictions concerning the maximum value they agree to pay for a ride and maximum travel duration. The activity of collecting the bonus in each locality demands a specific amount of time, affects the route duration, and is interconnected with the embarkment of passengers. Two mathematical formulations are presented for the problem and validated by a computational experiment using a solver. We propose four heuristic algorithms; three of them are hybrid metaheuristics. We tested the mathematical formulation implementations for 24 instances and the heuristic algorithms for 48

    Uma análise sobre o problema do caixeiro viajante alugador com passageiros e seus subproblemas / An analysis of the traveling car renter with passengers and its subproblems

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     Neste artigo apresentamos uma análise sobre o Problema do Caixeiro Viajante Alugador com Passageiros (CaRSP) e seus subproblemas. O CaRSP é uma variante do clássico Problema do Caixeiro Viajante (PCV) que leva em consideração duas tendências atuais no sistema de transportes: o aluguel e o compartilhamento de veículos. A variante do PCV que trabalha com aluguel de veículos se chama Problema do Caixeiro Alugador (CaRS). Este trabalho apresenta uma correção de um modelo matemático já relatado na literatura para o CaRS. Também é proposta uma versão do PCV que trabalha apenas com o compartilhamento de veículos chamada de Problema do Caixeiro Viajante com Passageiros (PCV-P). Estas variantes tem o potencial de aumentar a taxa de ocupação dos automóveis em estradas ou cidades e minimizar custos a partir da divisão de despesas. Além disso, também podem reduzir a quantidade de veículos transitando e, consequentemente, os impactos ambientais causados pela poluição, os engarrafamentos e áreas ocupadas por carros estacionados. O trabalho apresenta a descrição, o estado da arte e a formulação matemática de três problemas: CaRS, PCV-P e CaRSP. Cada problema envolve decisões no que se refere à sequência de cidades visitadas, à ordem de veículos utilizados e/ou ao esquema de embarque de passageiros ao longo do percurso. Estes modelos são implementados em um solver e submetidos para solucionar um grupo de 30 instâncias. Os resultados obtidos são analisados e conclusões são tecidas à cerca do desempenho de cada modelo.     

    A Multi-objective Version of the Lin-Kernighan Heuristic for the Traveling Salesman Problem

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    The Lin and Kernighan’s algorithm for the single objective Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is one of the most efficient heuristics for the symmetric case. Although many algorithms for the TSP were extended to the multi-objective version of the problem (MTSP), the Lin and Kernighan’s algorithm was still not fully explored. Works that applied the Lin and Kernighan’s algorithm for the MTSP were driven to weighted sum versions of the problem. We investigate the LK from a Pareto dominance perspective. The multi-objective LK was implemented within two local search schemes and applied to 2 to 4-objective instances. The results  showed that the proposed algorithmic variants obtained better results than a state-of-the-art algorithm