13 research outputs found

    New method of upper eyelid contour measurement: interocular asymmetries in the normal population and after involucional ptosis surgery

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    Objetivos: a) descrever um novo método de medida do contorno palpebral superior, b) medir o grau de assimetria interocular do contorno em sujeitos normais, c) quantificar a assimetria interocular do contorno após cirurgia de ptose com conjuntivo-müllerectomia (CMM) e avanço aponeurótico via anterior (VANT), realizadas por dois cirurgiões. Casuística e Métodos: a) dois observadores independentes usaram o programa NIH Image J, com plugin Bézier para extrair o contorno palpebral de fotografias de 29 olhos de sujeitos normais. A concordância entre as duas extrações foi aferida pelo coeficiente percentual de superposição (CPS) de duas linhas, bem como pelo gráfico de Bland-Altman para as diferenças entre a localização do ponto mais alto dos contornos (pico) e pelo coeficiente de correlação Lin, que mensura o quanto as medidas se aproximam da linha de igualdade; b) foi medido o contorno palpebral direito e esquerdo de uma amostra de 75 pessoas normais, com idades variando entre 19 e 73 anos, com média = 44,6 ± 15,7 DP. A amostra foi analisada como um todo e também quando dividida em dois grupos: Grupo 1 (G1) (n=39, idade média =30,2 anos ± 4,5 DP) e Grupo 2 (G2) (n=38, idade média =58,6 anos ± 8,2 DP). O grau de concordância do contorno palpebral direito e esquerdo foi estimado pela mensuração do CPS para toda a extensão da pálpebra, bem como para as porções medial e lateral em relação ao centro da pupila. A assimetria da posição do pico dos contornos também foi quantificada; c) foram analisadas as fotos de 38 pacientes consecutivos portadores de ptose involucional operados bilateralmente por dois cirurgiões distintos (C1, n=20 e C2, n=18) com CMM e VANT (o mesmo número de pacientes em cada técnica). Resultados: a) As curvas de Bézier foram ajustadas a todos os contornos palpebrais com alta reprodutibilidade, o CPS médio = 96,1% ± 1.7 DP. As diferenças entre a posição do pico do contorno foram de +0.5 e -0.5, em torno da média = 0. O coeficiente de Lin foi igual a 0.96; b) os contornos palpebrais foram ajustados por funções parabólicas com coeficiente de determinação médio de 0,99. A assimetria média dos CPS foi de 5.5% sem diferenças significativas entre os segmentos lateral e medial e entre G1 e G2. O valor médio da localização dos picos foi de -0.48 mm (lateral ao centro pupilar) ± 0,06 EP. A média da assimetria desse parâmetro foi de 0,43 mm ± 0,04 EP; c) a assimetria média dos contornos após a CMM foi de 5.3% para C1 e 5.9% para C2. Esse grau de assimetria não foi diferente do observado no grupo controle. Após a correção VANT, esses valores foram, respectivamente, 10.4% e 10.8%, significativamente maiores do que os observados na população normal. Conclusões: As curvas de Bézier possibilitam a extração do contorno palpebral superior com excelente reprodutibilidade. Na pessoas normais, todos os contornos são bem ajustados por curvas parabólicas com picos situados discretamente lateral ao centro pupilar. O contorno é melhor simetrizado com a CMM do que com a VANT.Purposes: a) to describe a new test of upper eyelid contour measurement, b) to quantify the asymmetry of the interocular of lid contour in normal subjects, c) to measure the interocular contour asymmetry after ptosis surgery with conjunctivaMüllerectomy (CMM) and aponeurotic surgery anterior approach (AAS). Casuistic and Methods: a) two independent observers used the NHIJ image software with a Bézier plugin to extract the lid contour of 29 photos of normal eyes. The agreement of the two lid contours was measured with the coefficient percentage overlapping of superimposing two lines (PCLS) as well by computing the differences of the contour peak location with the Bland and Altman plot and Lin correlation coefficient; b) The right and left lid contours of a sample of normal subjects (n = 75) with ages ranging from 19 and 73 years was measured. The sample was analyzed as a whole and also divided into two age groups G1 (n=39, mean age = 30.2 ± 4,5 SD) and G2 (mean age = 58.6 years ± 8,2 SD). The degree of agreement of the two contours was estimated by the CLS for the whole extension of the lid and for the medial and portions relative to the pupil center. The contour peak asymmetry was also quantified; c) the photos of 28 patients with involutional ptosis who underwent bilateral surgery by 2 different surgeons (C1, n=20 and C2, n=18) with CMM and AAS (equal number of patients with each technique). Results: a) The Bézier curves were adjusted with high concordance between observers for all lid contours. The mean CLS was 96.1% ± 1.7 SD. The peak contour differences (+0.5 to -0.5 mm) were equally distributed around the mean value = 0. The mean Lin coefficient of concordance was 0.96; b) all lid contours were adjusted to parabolic functions with a mean coefficient of determination = 0.99. The mean asymmetry of the contours estimated by the CLS was 5.5%. The mean value of the peak location was - 0.48 mm ± 0,06 SE (lateral to the pupil center) without significant differences between the medial and lateral portions of the lids and between G1 and G2. The mean asymmetry of this parameter was de 0,43 mm ± 0,04 EP; c) The mean contour asymmetry following CMM was 5.3% for C1 and 5.9% for C2, these values were not different from the observed in the control group. After ptosis correction with AAS these values were respectively 10.4% and 10.8% significantly greater than observed in the normal population. Conclusions: The Bézier curves allow the extraction of the upper lid contours with excellent concordance between observers. In the normal population all contours are well adjusted with parabolic function with the peak contour localized slightly lateral to the pupil center. CMM allow a better symmetry of lid contour than AAS

    Nodulo-ulcerative squamous cell carcinoma of the conjunctiva mimicking necrotizing sclerokeratitis in a young patient

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    Purpose: A delay in diagnosing and treating ocular surface squamous neoplasia (OSSN) with an atypical manifestation can lead to a progression to more advanced stages, resulting in a decrease in cure rates and treatment effectiveness. Observations: This case report describes a 21-year-old white male who presented to our Cornea Division with peripheral nasal corneal and scleral thinning with prolapse of uveal tissue in the right eye for over four months and who had received a sclerocorneal patch graft. The patient underwent systemic immunosuppressive therapy for presumed Mooren's ulcer after laboratory evaluation eliminated a collagen vascular disorder. Approximately three months after the procedure the patient returned with an inferior and superior sclerocorneal perforation. Six months after the first visit to our department, he returned to our ophthalmological emergency department with self-evisceration of the intraocular contents. He underwent an emergency evisceration procedure, and histopathological analysis of the intraocular contents revealed a poorly differentiated nodulo-ulcerative squamous cell carcinoma of the conjunctiva with intraocular invasion. A tomographic evaluation suggested orbital invasion. Subsequently, he underwent exenteration. Conclusions and Importance: OSSN should be considered in the differential diagnosis of corneal or scleral thinning, perforation, and inflammation of an unknown cause even in young patients, especially after systemic disorders have been excluded

    Corneal Perforation associated with “Silent Brain Syndrome”

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    ABSTRACT This case report describes the clinical characteristics and ophthalmic management of a patient who developed corneal perforation due to severe enophthalmos consistent with “silent brain syndrome.” A 27-year-old man with a history of congenital hydrocephalus and ventriculoperitoneal shunt was referred with complaints of “sinking of the eyeballs” and progressively decreasing vision in the left eye. Examination revealed severe bilateral enophthalmos in addition to superonasal corneal perforation with iris prolapse in the left eye. The patient underwent therapeutic keratoplasty the next day. Orbital reconstruction with costochondral graft and shunt revision of the intracranial hypotension were performed the next month to prevent further progression.</div