34 research outputs found

    Perinatal lethal skeletal dysplasia: a case report

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    The word dysplasia originates from ancient Greek words dys (anomalous) and plasia (formation). Skeltal dysplasia (SD) is a heterogeneous group of congenital anomalies characterized by abnormalities in the development of the bone and cartilage tissue. This results in mark disproportion of the long bones, the spine and fetal head relation to the trunk. Perinatal lethal skeletal dysplasia leads to still birth or early neonatal death due to pulmonary hypoplasia. 30 yrs old G3P3L2 at 32 weeks presented with leaking per vaginum. Her serial scan was done as she had previous stillborn male child with short limbs. Her antenatal scan revealed short limbs from 24 weeks. From18 weeks to 24 weeks she did not underwent any sonography. She went into spontaneous labor and delivered still born male baby with clinical and radiological features suggestive of skeletal dysplasia. Skeletal dysplasia can be diagnosed on antenatal 2 D ultrasound from 14 - 16 weeks onwards. Prenatal genetic testing should be done to diagnose the genetic anomaly and patient should be referred to higher institute for this test. Even if genetic test not done even then termination of pregnancy should be considered based on ultrasound diagnosis especially with family history because of poor fetal prognosis and long term morbidity if survived

    Tubo-ovarain abscess in patient with ovarian endometriosis

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    Tubo-ovarian abscess (TOA) is a sequela of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) found in 15-34% of patients, is comprised of an infectious, inflammatory complex encompassing the fallopian tube and ovary. We are presenting a case of TOA with endometriosis in a patient who underwent total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. Histopathological findings were compatible with endometriosis with xanthogranulomatous salpingitis and oophoritis. In our patient there was no history of any chronic infection, gynecological procedures or intra uterine device and single partner. The purpose of this case is to make aware of this condition and requirement of further studies to investigate the risk of TOA in patients with endometriosis to find out the exact cause to prevent unnecessary surgery at later stage

    Pseudo-Meigs syndrome: a rare presentation of pedunculated fibroid

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    Serosal fibroid of uterus are usually asymptomatic but rarely; it may present with atypical symptoms to simulate malignancy and needs extensive evaluation. Authors are reporting a case of 26 years old P1L1 female with history of asymptomatic multiple intramural fibroids since 6 years came with complained of progressively increasing abdominal distension and mild pain abdomen from 2-3 months. On evaluation, she had ascites, pleural effusion and raised Ca-125. MR imaging of pelvis revealed moderate ascites and pedunculated serosal fibroid in addition to intramural fibroids with normal bilateral ovaries. She was evaluated to rule out uterine sarcoma and tuberculosis but diagnosis of them could not be established. Finally, conclusion of Pseudo-Meigs syndrome was made. Myomectomy of single pedunculated fibroid relieved her symptoms. Though, subserosal fibroids are benign in pathology, timely surgery is must to avoid morbidity and mortality owing to massive ascites and pleural effusion

    Maternal complications in twin pregnancy; recent trends: a study at a tertiary care referral institute in Northern India

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    Background: This study aims to determine the maternal complications in twin pregnancy in North Indian population at tertiary institute.Methods: This was a retrospective cohort review of multiple pregnancies after 20 weeks gestation at a tertiary teaching hospital (2011-2015). Maternal data was collected from the labor room delivery data entry register and patient’s admission file. Patients with diabetes mellitus and chronic hypertension were excluded from the study.Results: Out of 19539 births during this period, 432 were twin pregnancies with an incidence of 22/1000 birth. Most of them were 282 (65.4%) were referred patients. Eighty seven percent patients were in the age group of 21-30 years and primigravida contributed to 45.7% of total patients. Maternal complications noticed were as preterm deliveries in 304 (70%), anaemia in 259(60%) patients, preterm rupture of membranes in 120 (39.4%) patients, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy in 122(28.3%) patients, cholestasis of pregnancy in 24(5.5%) of patients, hypothyroidism in 22(5.1%) of patients, antepartum hemorrhage (APH) in 20(4.6%) and gestational diabetes mallitus (GDM) in 08(1.8%) of patients. Among postpartum complications, atonic postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) was observed in 44 (10.2%) and maternal mortality happened in 02(0.46%) cases.Conclusions: This study reveals higher percentage of, preterm labor, anaemia, and gestational hypertension than other studies. More number of intensive care unit should be established in high prevalence areas to prevent perinatal mortality due to prematurity. Treatment of anaemia requires more aggressive approach by considering intravenous iron whenever compliance is in doubt. Frequent antenatal care is required for early diagnosis of these complications to prevent maternal and fetal morbidity

    Clinical and ultrasonological features of adenomyosis and its histopathological correlation

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    Background: Adenomyosis is a common gynaecological condition that affects the menstruating women. Uterine enlargement, dysmenorrhoea and HMB are regarded as the cardinal clinical symptoms of adenomyosis. Classically it was thought, compared with ultrasonography, when adenomyosis is suspected, MRI enables more accurate diagnosis of the disease.Methods: 78 subjects were enrolled after an informed consent that had complaints of HMB, Dysparenuia, dysmenorrhea, and chronic pelvic pain. Detailed history of the enrolled subjects was taken, followed by a clinical examination. These patients were then subjected to TVS where myometrial echo texture, presence of myometrial cysts, blurring of endomyometrial junction was noted. After hysterectomy, histopathological diagnosis was obtained.Results: 78 subjects enrolled in the study. The mean age was 44.2 years. 43.5% had parity of 4 or more. HMB was present in 97.8% and dysmenorrhea in 93.48 % of HPE positive patient. Transvaginal sonography had a sensitivity of 89.13%, specificity of 90.62%, positive likelihood ratio of 9.51, negative likelihood ratio of 0.12, positive predictive value of 93.18%, negative predictive value of 85.29% and a diagnostic accuracy of 89.74%.Conclusions: Thus adenomyosis has a prevalence of 30.23%. HMB with dysmenorrhoea and chronic pelvic pain helps in diagnosis. TVS is both sensitive and specific in diagnosing adenomyosis without need for additional diagnostic tool. Endomyometrial junction blurring is the sensitive and specific criteria on TVS

    Role of serum interleukin-6 in deciding therapy for multidrug resistant oral lichen planus

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    Background: Oral lichen planus (OLP) is a T cell mediated immune response. T cells locally present in the involved tissues release cytokines like interleukin-6 (IL-6), which contributes to pathogenesis of OLP. Also IL-6 has been associated with multidrug resistance protein (MRP) expression by keratinocytes. Correspondingly, upregulation of MRP was found in OLP. We conducted this study to evaluate the effects of various drugs on serum IL-6 in OLP; and correlation of these effects with the nature of clinical response and resistance pattern seen in OLP lesions with various therapeutic modalities. Thus we evaluated the role of serum IL-6 in deciding therapy for multidrug resistant OLP. Material and Methods: Serum IL-6 was evaluated in 42 erosive OLP (EOLP) patients and 10 normal mucosa and 10 oral squamous cell carcinoma cases using ELISA technique. OLP patients were randomly divided into 3 groups of 14 patients each and were subjected to Pimecrolimus local application, oral Mycophenolate Mofetil (MMF) and Methotrexate (MTX) alongwith Pimecrolimus local application. IL-6 levels were evaluated before and after treatment. Results: Serum IL-6 levels were raised above 3pg/ml in 26.19% erosive OLP (EOLP) cases (mean- 3.72±8.14). EOLP (5%) cases with IL-6 levels above 5pg/ml were resistant in MTX group. However significant decrease in serum IL-6 corresponding with the clinical resolution was seen in MMF group. Conclusions: Significantly raised IL-6 levels in EOLP reflect the chronic inflammatory nature of the disease. As serum IL-6 levels significantly decreased in MMF group, correspondingly no resistance to treatment was noted. However with MTX there was no significant decrease in IL-6 and resistance to treatment was noted in some, especially plaque type lesions. Thus IL-6 can be a possible biomarker in deciding the best possible therapy for treatment resistant OLP

    Umbilical cord cyst: a diagnostic dilemma

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    Umbilical cord cyst refers to any cystic lesion associated with the umbilical cord. Cord cysts can be defined as true or false cysts and may occur in any location along the cord. They are irregular in shape and are located between the cord vessels. Authors are reporting the case of an infant with an umbilical cord tumor which had twice been misdiagnosed previously as a hemangioma, based on ultrasound image of its cystic and solid component with good vascular supply. The ultrasound image most likely suggestive of a hemangioma as a differential diagnosis led to caesarean section in our patient (based on large size of the lesion and fear of rupture of same during process of labour). The definitive diagnosis was made only after birth of the baby. Final diagnosis of true umbilical cord cyst was made after histopathological examination. Thus, there can be confusion in the diagnosis between umbilical cord hemangiomas and umbilical cord cysts based on ultrasound

    Maternal and perinatal outcome in a pregnancy with nephrotic syndrome

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    The influence of pregnancy on the subsequent course of pre-existing nephrotic syndrome is controversial as also the effect of membranous glomerulonephritis on maternal and perinatal outcome. We describe a case of successful pregnancy outcome in Hepatitis B reactive patient with pre-existing nephrotic syndrome (renal biopsy proven case of Membrano-proliferative Glomerulonephritis). She had regular nephrology consultation and her renal disease was well compensated. After sonographic confirmation of live intrauterine pregnancy at 9th gestational week, patient was given methylprednisolone (5mg once daily). Antihypertensive drugs were also given. At 35 weeks of gestation, patient went in labour and cesarean section was performed in view of previous caesarean section. Feto-maternal outcome was good. The intrapartum and postpartum period was uneventful. Renal functions were well preserved. A vigourous healthy 1.93 kg baby was discharged with mother in a stable condition after receiving hepatitis B immunoglobulin


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