154 research outputs found

    Numerical simulation of the road bus structure submitted a offset frontal impact against a rigid wall

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    Neste trabalho se apresenta um estudo paramétrico do impacto semifrontal em um ônibus, no qual se avalia independentemente a influência de cada variável envolvida neste tipo acidente. O cenário de impacto semifrontal é sem dúvida um dos mais severos acidentes envolvendo ônibus, pois parte da lateral do ônibus é totalmente danificada, podendo deixar um elevado número de vítimas. A simulação numérica utiliza um modelo de análise explícita formado por elementos de vigas que utiliza uma lei constitutiva elasto‐plástica, a qual leva em conta a influência da taxa de deformação. Com este modelo se realiza um estudo paramétrico das variáveis globais que permitem caracterizar este tipo de cenário. Também são avaliados de forma qualitativa acidentes deste tipo acontecidos nas estradas brasileiras. A discussão dos resultados é finalmente apresentada e serve como um primeiro passo na busca de melhorias a serem introduzidas nas estruturas dos ônibus, objetivando minimizar os danos.This paper presents a parametric study of the offset frontal impact on a bus, in which is assessed independently an influence of each variable involved in this accident type. The scenario of offset frontal impact is surely one of the most severe accidents involving buses, once the same has part of your lateral totally damaged and can leave a large number of victims. The numerical simulation model uses an explicit analysis formed by beams elements which uses elastic‐plastic constitutive law, which takes into account the influence of strain rate. With this model a parametric study of global variables that can characterize this type of scenario is realized. Also are evaluated qualitatively real accidents happened on Brazilian roads. The discussion is finally presented, and serves as a first step in the search for improvements to be made to the structures of the bus, aiming to minimize the damage.Peer Reviewe

    Projected effects of disruptions to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevention services during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic among Black/African American men who have sex with men in an Ending the HIV Epidemic priority jurisdiction

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    BACKGROUND: Disruptions in access to in-person human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) preventive care during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic may have a negative impact on our progress towards the Ending the HIV Epidemic goals in the United States. METHODS: We used an agent-based model to simulate HIV transmission among Black/African American men who have sex with men in Mississippi over 5 years to estimate how different reductions in access affected the number of undiagnosed HIV cases, new pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) starts, and HIV incidence. RESULTS: We found that each additional 25% decrease in HIV testing and PrEP initiation was associated with decrease of 20% in the number of cases diagnosed and 23% in the number of new PrEP starts, leading to a 15% increase in HIV incidence from 2020 to 2022. CONCLUSIONS: Unmet need for HIV testing and PrEP prescriptions during the COVID-19 pandemic may temporarily increase HIV incidence in the years immediately after the disruption period

    Understanding charge transport in lead iodide perovskite thin-film field-effect transistors

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    Fundamental understanding of the charge transport physics of hybrid lead halide perovskite semiconductors is important for advancing their use in high-performance optoelectronics. We use field-effect transistors (FETs) to probe the charge transport mechanism in thin films of methylammonium lead iodide (MAPbI3_{3}). We show that through optimization of thin-film microstructure and source-drain contact modifications, it is possible to significantly minimize instability and hysteresis in FET characteristics and demonstrate an electron field-effect mobility (μFET_{FET}) of 0.5 cm2^{2}/Vs at room temperature. Temperature-dependent transport studies revealed a negative coefficient of mobility with three different temperature regimes. On the basis of electrical and spectroscopic studies, we attribute the three different regimes to transport limited by ion migration due to point defects associated with grain boundaries, polarization disorder of the MA+^{+} cations, and thermal vibrations of the lead halide inorganic cages.S.P.S. acknowledges funding from the Royal Society London for a Newton Fellowship. B.Y. acknowledges support from China Council Scholarship and Cambridge Overseas Trust. A.S. and R.H.F. acknowledge funding and support from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) through the India-U.K. APEX project. P.D. acknowledges support from the European Union through the award of a Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship. X.M. is grateful for the support from the Royal Society. B.N. is grateful for the support from Gates Cambridge and the Winton Program for the Physics of Sustainability. We acknowledge funding from the EPSRC through a program grant (EP/M005143/1). We acknowledge funding from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research under agreement number 01162525/1. This work was performed in part on the SAXS/WAXS beamline of the Australian Synchrotron, Victoria, Australia (55, 56). C.R.M. acknowledges support from the Australian Research Council (DP13012616)

    Numerical Analysis of an Intercity Bus Structure: A Simple Unifilar Model Proposal to Assess Frontal and Semifrontal Crash Scenarios

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    Abstract To improve the safety of the intercity bus structure against impact scenarios and to reduce the injuries and death in traffic accidents it is crucial in a country with continental dimensions like Brazil, where the road transport matrix is fundamental in the traffic of people and goods. In this context in the present article, a numerical model of an intercity bus was built with elastoplastic beam implemented in a commercial software Ls-Dyna. This model was submitted to different frontal and semi frontal impact crash scenarios. With this model were analyzed different accidents which happened in the Brazilian highways, it was also simulated a frontal impact test and the results obtained were compared with the experimental results. Finally two numerical approaches were compared, they are: a simple model made with lumped masses and non-linear springs series connected, and the elastoplastic beam model. The different comparisons carried out let us validate the intercity bus model created using elastoplastic beam elements and propose to use this model as an effective tool to search for more efficient bus structural configurations against impact scenarios

    Estimating the impact of wide scale uptake of screening and medications for opioid use disorder in US prisons and jails

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    Background: Medications for opioid use disorder (OUD) are the most effective treatment for OUD, but uptake of these life-saving medications has been extremely limited in US prisons and jail settings, and limited data are available to guide policy decisions. The objective of this study was to estimate the impact of screening and treatment with medications for OUD in US prisons and jails on post-release opioid-related mortality. Methods: We used data from the National Center for Vital Statistics, the Bureau of Justice Statistics, and relevant literature to construct Monte Carlo simulations of a counterfactual scenario in which wide scale uptake of screening and treatment with medications for OUD occurred in US prisons and jails in 2016. Results: Our model predicted that 1840 (95% Simulation Interval [SI]: -2757 – 4959) lives would have been saved nationally if all persons who were clinically indicated had received medications for OUD while incarcerated. The model also predicted that approximately 4400 (95% SI: 2675 – 5557) lives would have been saved nationally if all persons who were clinically indicated had received medications for OUD while incarcerated and were retained in treatment post-release. These estimates correspond to 668 (95% SI: -1008 – 1812) and 1609 (95% SI: 972 – 2037) lives saved per 10,000 persons incarcerated, respectively. Conclusions: Prison and jail-based programs that comprehensively screen and provide treatment with medications for OUD have the potential to produce substantial reductions in opioid-related overdose deaths in a high-risk population; however, retention on treatment post-release is a key driver of population level impact

    Preparation of Single-Phase Films of CH3NH3Pb(I1-xBrx)3 with Sharp Optical Band Edges.

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    Organometallic lead-halide perovskite-based solar cells now approach 18% efficiency. Introducing a mixture of bromide and iodide in the halide composition allows tuning of the optical bandgap. We prepare mixed bromide-iodide lead perovskite films CH3NH3Pb(I1-xBrx)3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) by spin-coating from solution and obtain films with monotonically varying bandgaps across the full composition range. Photothermal deflection spectroscopy, photoluminescence, and X-ray diffraction show that following suitable fabrication protocols these mixed lead-halide perovskite films form a single phase. The optical absorption edge of the pure triiodide and tribromide perovskites is sharp with Urbach energies of 15 and 23 meV, respectively, and reaches a maximum of 90 meV for CH3NH3PbI1.2Br1.8. We demonstrate a bromide-iodide lead perovskite film (CH3NH3PbI1.2Br1.8) with an optical bandgap of 1.94 eV, which is optimal for tandem cells of these materials with crystalline silicon devices.We acknowledge funding from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and the Winton Programme (Cambridge) for the Physics of Sustainability. THT acknowledges funding from Cambridge Australia Scholarships and the Cambridge Commonwealth Trust. D.C. acknowledges support from St. John's College Cambridge and the Winton Programme (Cambridge) for the Physics of Sustainability.This is the final published version. It's also available at: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jz501332v

    Interplay of cell-cell contacts and RhoA/MRTF-A signaling regulates cardiomyocyte identity.

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    Cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions guide organ development and homeostasis by controlling lineage specification and maintenance, but the underlying molecular principles are largely unknown. Here, we show that in human developing cardiomyocytes cell-cell contacts at the intercalated disk connect to remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton by regulating the RhoA-ROCK signaling to maintain an active MRTF/SRF transcriptional program essential for cardiomyocyte identity. Genetic perturbation of this mechanosensory pathway activates an ectopic fat gene program during cardiomyocyte differentiation, which ultimately primes the cells to switch to the brown/beige adipocyte lineage in response to adipogenesis-inducing signals. We also demonstrate by in vivo fate mapping and clonal analysis of cardiac progenitors that cardiac fat and a subset of cardiac muscle arise from a common precursor expressing Isl1 and Wt1 during heart development, suggesting related mechanisms of determination between the two lineages

    Hepatitis B virus genotypes and evolutionary profiles from blood donors from the northwest region of China

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    Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is prevalent in China and screening of blood donors is mandatory. Up to now, ELISA has been universally used by the China blood bank. However, this strategy has sometimes failed due to the high frequency of nucleoside acid mutations. Understanding HBV evolution and strain diversity could help devise a better screening system for blood donors. However, this kind of information in China, especially in the northwest region, is lacking. In the present study, serological markers and the HBV DNA load of 11 samples from blood donor candidates from northwest China were determined. The HBV strains were most clustered into B and C genotypes and could not be clustered into similar types from reference sequences. Subsequent testing showed liver function impairment and increasing virus load in the positive donors. This HBV evolutionary data for China will allow for better ELISA and NAT screening efficiency in the blood bank of China, especially in the northwest region

    Hydrophobic polymers, tethered to the water surface

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