641 research outputs found

    Uncertainty Quantification in Remaining Useful Life of Aerospace Components using State Space Models and Inverse FORM

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    This paper investigates the use of the inverse first-order reliability method (inverse- FORM) to quantify the uncertainty in the remaining useful life (RUL) of aerospace components. The prediction of remaining useful life is an integral part of system health prognosis, and directly helps in online health monitoring and decision-making. However, the prediction of remaining useful life is affected by several sources of uncertainty, and therefore it is necessary to quantify the uncertainty in the remaining useful life prediction. While system parameter uncertainty and physical variability can be easily included in inverse-FORM, this paper extends the methodology to include: (1) future loading uncertainty, (2) process noise; and (3) uncertainty in the state estimate. The inverse-FORM method has been used in this paper to (1) quickly obtain probability bounds on the remaining useful life prediction; and (2) calculate the entire probability distribution of remaining useful life prediction, and the results are verified against Monte Carlo sampling. The proposed methodology is illustrated using a numerical example

    Multiple Damage Progression Paths in Model-Based Prognostics

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    Model-based prognostics approaches employ domain knowledge about a system, its components, and how they fail through the use of physics-based models. Component wear is driven by several different degradation phenomena, each resulting in their own damage progression path, overlapping to contribute to the overall degradation of the component. We develop a model-based prognostics methodology using particle filters, in which the problem of characterizing multiple damage progression paths is cast as a joint state-parameter estimation problem. The estimate is represented as a probability distribution, allowing the prediction of end of life and remaining useful life within a probabilistic framework that supports uncertainty management. We also develop a novel variance control mechanism that maintains an uncertainty bound around the hidden parameters to limit the amount of estimation uncertainty and, consequently, reduce prediction uncertainty. We construct a detailed physics-based model of a centrifugal pump, to which we apply our model-based prognostics algorithms. We illustrate the operation of the prognostic solution with a number of simulation-based experiments and demonstrate the performance of the chosen approach when multiple damage mechanisms are activ

    Model-based prognostics for batteries which estimates useful life and uses a probability density function

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    This invention develops a mathematical model to describe battery behavior during individual discharge cycles as well as over its cycle life. The basis for the form of the model has been linked to the internal processes of the battery and validated using experimental data. Effects of temperature and load current have also been incorporated into the model. Subsequently, the model has been used in a Particle Filtering framework to make predictions of remaining useful life for individual discharge cycles as well as for cycle life. The prediction performance was found to be satisfactory as measured by performance metrics customized for prognostics for a sample case. The work presented here provides initial steps towards a comprehensive health management solution for energy storage devices

    Remaining Useful Life Estimation in Prognosis: An Uncertainty Propagation Problem

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    The estimation of remaining useful life is significant in the context of prognostics and health monitoring, and the prediction of remaining useful life is essential for online operations and decision-making. However, it is challenging to accurately predict the remaining useful life in practical aerospace applications due to the presence of various uncertainties that affect prognostic calculations, and in turn, render the remaining useful life prediction uncertain. It is challenging to identify and characterize the various sources of uncertainty in prognosis, understand how each of these sources of uncertainty affect the uncertainty in the remaining useful life prediction, and thereby compute the overall uncertainty in the remaining useful life prediction. In order to achieve these goals, this paper proposes that the task of estimating the remaining useful life must be approached as an uncertainty propagation problem. In this context, uncertainty propagation methods which are available in the literature are reviewed, and their applicability to prognostics and health monitoring are discussed

    Model Adaptation for Prognostics in a Particle Filtering Framework

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    One of the key motivating factors for using particle filters for prognostics is the ability to include model parameters as part of the state vector to be estimated. This performs model adaptation in conjunction with state tracking, and thus, produces a tuned model that can used for long term predictions. This feature of particle filters works in most part due to the fact that they are not subject to the "curse of dimensionality", i.e. the exponential growth of computational complexity with state dimension. However, in practice, this property holds for "well-designed" particle filters only as dimensionality increases. This paper explores the notion of wellness of design in the context of predicting remaining useful life for individual discharge cycles of Li-ion batteries. Prognostic metrics are used to analyze the tradeoff between different model designs and prediction performance. Results demonstrate how sensitivity analysis may be used to arrive at a well-designed prognostic model that can take advantage of the model adaptation properties of a particle filter

    Towards Characterizing the Variability in the Loading Demands of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

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    This paper presents a computational methodology to characterize and quantify the variability in the power demands during the take-off of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). A lithium-ion battery-based power system is used to power the unmanned aerial vehicle, and the capabilities of the unmanned aerial vehicle are driven by the amount of charge in this battery. In order to design the power system, it is necessary to analyze the power and charge requirements of the UAV. This paper focuses on the take-off segment, and aims to quantify the amount of charge that is required for this particular segment. Sparse data is available through different flight tests and this data is used to analyze the flight profile and the charge requirement during take-off. The amount of charge required for take-off depends on several factors that are not only variable but cannot be controlled in reality, and hence, the entire flight profile and the corresponding charge requirement are variable in nature. The information available through flight tests is converted into multi-dimensional sparse data and a new method is developed in this paper for variability characterization using multi-dimensional sparse data. This analysis is useful for prognostics and health management where it is necessary to anticipate future charge requirements in order to compute the end-of-discharge of the battery, and hence, the remaining useful life of the power system

    An Uncertainty Quantification Framework for Prognostics and Condition-Based Monitoring

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    This paper presents a computational framework for uncertainty quantification in prognostics in the context of condition-based monitoring of aerospace systems. The different sources of uncertainty and the various uncertainty quantification activities in condition-based prognostics are outlined in detail, and it is demonstrated that the Bayesian subjective approach is suitable for interpreting uncertainty in online monitoring. A state-space model-based framework for prognostics, that can rigorously account for the various sources of uncertainty, is presented. Prognostics consists of two important steps. First, the state of the system is estimated using Bayesian tracking, and then, the future states of the system are predicted until failure, thereby computing the remaining useful life of the system. The proposed framework is illustrated using the power system of a planetary rover test-bed, which is being developed and studied at NASA Ames Research Center

    Taking advantage of misclassifications to boost classification rate in decision fusion

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    This paper presents methods to boost the classification rate in decision fusion with partially redundant information. This is accomplished by utilizing the information of known mis- classifications of certain classes to systematically modify class output. For example,, if it is known beforehand that tool A mis- classifies class 1 as often as class 2, then it appears to be prudent to integrate that information into the reasoning process if class 1 is indicated by tool B and class 2 is observed by tool A. Particularly this preferred mis-classification information is contained in the asymmetric (cross-correlation) entries of the confusion matrix. An operation we call cross-correlation is performed where this information is explicitly used to modify class output before the first fused estimate is calculated. We investigate several methods for cross-correlation and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each. We then apply the concepts introduced to the diagnostic realm where we aggregate the output of several different diagnostic tools. We show how the proposed approach fits into an information fusion architecture and finally present results motivated from diagnosing on-board faults in aircraft engines

    Communication Optimizations for a Wireless Distributed Prognostic Framework

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    Distributed architecture for prognostics is an essential step in prognostic research in order to enable feasible real-time system health management. Communication overhead is an important design problem for such systems. In this paper we focus on communication issues faced in the distributed implementation of an important class of algorithms for prognostics - particle filters. In spite of being computation and memory intensive, particle filters lend well to distributed implementation except for one significant step - resampling. We propose new resampling scheme called parameterized resampling that attempts to reduce communication between collaborating nodes in a distributed wireless sensor network. Analysis and comparison with relevant resampling schemes is also presented. A battery health management system is used as a target application. A new resampling scheme for distributed implementation of particle filters has been discussed in this paper. Analysis and comparison of this new scheme with existing resampling schemes in the context for minimizing communication overhead have also been discussed. Our proposed new resampling scheme performs significantly better compared to other schemes by attempting to reduce both the communication message length as well as number total communication messages exchanged while not compromising prediction accuracy and precision. Future work will explore the effects of the new resampling scheme in the overall computational performance of the whole system as well as full implementation of the new schemes on the Sun SPOT devices. Exploring different network architectures for efficient communication is an importance future research direction as well

    Improving Computational Efficiency of Prediction in Model-Based Prognostics Using the Unscented Transform

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    Model-based prognostics captures system knowledge in the form of physics-based models of components, and how they fail, in order to obtain accurate predictions of end of life (EOL). EOL is predicted based on the estimated current state distribution of a component and expected profiles of future usage. In general, this requires simulations of the component using the underlying models. In this paper, we develop a simulation-based prediction methodology that achieves computational efficiency by performing only the minimal number of simulations needed in order to accurately approximate the mean and variance of the complete EOL distribution. This is performed through the use of the unscented transform, which predicts the means and covariances of a distribution passed through a nonlinear transformation. In this case, the EOL simulation acts as that nonlinear transformation. In this paper, we review the unscented transform, and describe how this concept is applied to efficient EOL prediction. As a case study, we develop a physics-based model of a solenoid valve, and perform simulation experiments to demonstrate improved computational efficiency without sacrificing prediction accuracy