5 research outputs found

    Exploring the right to be forgotten in a digital world

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    The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe regulates erasure obligations. This grew out of the test case that derives from the case Google Spain SL, Google Inc v Agencia Española de Protección de Datos, Mario Costeja González (2014). This codified the right to erasure obligations. Personal data must be erased immediately where the data is no longer required for their original purpose, or where consent has been withdrawn. This includes where the data subject has objected and there are no legitimate grounds for the processing. The data subject moves from a passive role in the past to now being an active subject. Their will has a strong impact on the processing of his/her data. It is especially important, when it comes to the fundamental rights of data subjects that rights are clearly defined by the Regulations. The main reason for pursuing these provisions is to protect data subjects in a society where information technology has become a huge part of everyday life. This article seeks to explain the rights of the individual citizen and the responsibilities of organisations. The article also explains the difficulties in applying these principle

    Povezanost interesa pojedinaca i pravo na brisanje osobnih podataka

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    The subject of this article is an aspect of personal data protection, the data subject’s right of erasure, or respectively the „right to be forgotten“. The rights of the data subjects concerning the protection of personal data have been more clearly defned. One of the most important of those rights is the right of erasure, resulting in reafrmation and strengthening of the active role of the subject in all phases of personal data processing. Besides outlining and commenting on the conditions required in order to consume this right, the article explains the delicate relationship between the interests of the individuals and the right of erasure of personal data of the subject with the public or individuals’ right of access to information together with possible conflicts as a result. There is also a comparison between the right to erasure and the right to rehabilitation from the perspective of penology.Tema je ovoga članka pogled na zaštitu osobnih podataka, pravo na brisanje osobnih podataka pojedinca, to jest ,,pravo na zaborav’’. Jasnije su određena prava pojedinaca na zaštitu osobnih podataka. Pravo na brisanje jedno je od najvažnijih prava vezanih uz zaštitu podataka. To pravo dovodi do ponovnog potvrđivanja i jačanja aktivne uloge pojedinca u svim fazama obrade osobnih podataka. Osim pregleda i tumačenja uvjeta koji su potrebni kako bi se koristilo to pravo - ovaj članak govori i o osjetljivoj povezanosti interesa pojedinaca i prava na brisanje osobnih podataka pojedinca u javnosti; kao i o pravima pojedinaca na pristup informacijama iz kojeg može doći do mogućih sukoba. Članak sadrži i usporedbu prava na brisanje i prava na obnovu podataka iz perspektive penologije. Tema je ovoga članka pogled na zaštitu osobnih podataka, pravo na brisanje osobnih podataka pojedinca, to jest ,,pravo na zaborav’’. Jasnije su određena prava pojedinaca na zaštitu osobnih podataka. Pravo na brisanje jedno je od najvažnijih prava vezanih uz zaštitu podataka. To pravo dovodi do ponovnog potvrđivanja i jačanja aktivne uloge pojedinca u svim fazama obrade osobnih podataka. Osim pregleda i tumačenja uvjeta koji su potrebni kako bi se koristilo to pravo - ovaj članak govori i o osjetljivoj povezanosti interesa pojedinaca i prava na brisanje osobnih podataka pojedinca u javnosti; kao i o pravima pojedinaca na pristup informacijama iz kojeg može doći do mogućih sukoba. Članak sadrži i usporedbu prava na brisanje i prava na obnovu podataka iz perspektive penologije

    Exploring the right to be forgotten in a digital world

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    The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe regulates erasure obligations. This grew out of the test case that derives from the case Google Spain SL, Google Inc v Agencia Española de Protección de Datos, Mario Costeja González (2014). This codified the right to erasure obligations. Personal data must be erased immediately where the data is no longer required for their original purpose, or where consent has been withdrawn. This includes where the data subject has objected and there are no legitimate grounds for the processing. The data subject moves from a passive role in the past to now being an active subject. Their will has a strong impact on the processing of his/her data. It is especially important, when it comes to the fundamental rights of data subjects that rights are clearly defined by the Regulations. The main reason for pursuing these provisions is to protect data subjects in a society where information technology has become a huge part of everyday life. This article seeks to explain the rights of the individual citizen and the responsibilities of organisations. The article also explains the difficulties in applying these principle

    Intake of Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Probiotics in Pregnant and Lactating Women and Their Role in the Successful Completion of Pregnancy and Postpartum Depression

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    Prehrana trudnica bi trebala biti prilagođena specifičnom tromjesečju kako bi se osigurale specifične potrebe rastućeg ploda. Nutritivni deficiti mogu imati niz negativnih posljedica kako na majku tako i na dijete. Danas, dodaci prehrani predstavljaju dobar način kako se nedostaci u prehrani mogu premostiti i samim time utjecati na brojne zdravstvene ishode. Omega-3 masne kiseline imaju važnu ulogu u razvoju mozga i kognitivnom razvoju djeteta u kasnijim fazama života dok je potencijal probiotika iznimno velik, od smanjenja rizika za pretilost i cijelog niza kroničnih bolesti koje se mogu javiti u odrasloj dobi. Cilj ovog opažajnog istraživanja bio je ispitati unos omega-3 masnih kiselina i probiotika prehranom i iz dodataka prehrani tijekom trudnoće te analirati utjecaj na njezine ishode. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo ukupno 104 ispitanice, prosječne dobi 30,0 ± 5,1 godinu (18 do 45), 66,4 % prvorotkinja. Preegzistirajuće zdravstvene probleme ima 17,3 % ispitanica, a od komplikacija u trudnoći 8,7 % ima gestacijski dijabetes. Od početka trudnoće dodatke prehrani koristi njih 84,6 %, a tijekom cijele trudnoće 78,9 %. Probiotik i omega-3 masne kiseline u obliku dodatka prehrani koristi 41,4 % odnosno 39,4 % ispitanica. Većina ispitanica navodi kako svoju prehranu nije posebno mijenjala u trudnoći (26 %) dok ih 24 % navodi kako su samo uključile suplementaciju. Od hrane bogate probioticima, ispitanice navode mlijeko i mliječne proizvode a značajno manje ukiseljeno povrće. S druge strane, od hrane bogate omega-3 masnim kiselinama najzastupljeniji su orašasti plodovi i sjemenke te riba i morski plodovi.Diet of pregnant women should be adapted to a specific trimester to ensure specific needs of the foetus. Nutritional deficiencies can have a number of negative consequences on both mother and child. Today, supplements represent a good way to overcome nutritional deficiencies and affect a number of health outcomes. Omega-3 fatty acids play important role in brain and cognitive development of a child. The potential of probiotics is immense, from lowering obesity risk to a number of chronic conditions which can emerge later in life. The aim of this observational study was to analyse intake of omega-3 fatty acids and probiotics from foods and supplements during pregnancy and analyse their effect on pregnancy outcomes. A total of 104 women participated in the study, average age 30.0 ± 5.1 (18 to 45), 66.4 % nulliparous. Pre-existing health problem have 17.3 % of women, and 8.7 % developed gestational diabetes. At the beginning of pregnancy, 84.6 % used supplements, and throughout pregnancy 78.9 %. Probiotics and omega-3 fatty acids as a supplement are used by 41.4 % and 39.4 % of women, respectively. The majority of women say they did not change their diet during pregnancy (26 %) while 24 % say they only included supplementation. Probiotics from diet come mainly from milk and dairy, less from pickled vegetables. On the other hand, the main dietary sources of omega-3 fatty acids are nuts and seeds, and fish

    Intake of Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Probiotics in Pregnant and Lactating Women and Their Role in the Successful Completion of Pregnancy and Postpartum Depression

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    Prehrana trudnica bi trebala biti prilagođena specifičnom tromjesečju kako bi se osigurale specifične potrebe rastućeg ploda. Nutritivni deficiti mogu imati niz negativnih posljedica kako na majku tako i na dijete. Danas, dodaci prehrani predstavljaju dobar način kako se nedostaci u prehrani mogu premostiti i samim time utjecati na brojne zdravstvene ishode. Omega-3 masne kiseline imaju važnu ulogu u razvoju mozga i kognitivnom razvoju djeteta u kasnijim fazama života dok je potencijal probiotika iznimno velik, od smanjenja rizika za pretilost i cijelog niza kroničnih bolesti koje se mogu javiti u odrasloj dobi. Cilj ovog opažajnog istraživanja bio je ispitati unos omega-3 masnih kiselina i probiotika prehranom i iz dodataka prehrani tijekom trudnoće te analirati utjecaj na njezine ishode. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo ukupno 104 ispitanice, prosječne dobi 30,0 ± 5,1 godinu (18 do 45), 66,4 % prvorotkinja. Preegzistirajuće zdravstvene probleme ima 17,3 % ispitanica, a od komplikacija u trudnoći 8,7 % ima gestacijski dijabetes. Od početka trudnoće dodatke prehrani koristi njih 84,6 %, a tijekom cijele trudnoće 78,9 %. Probiotik i omega-3 masne kiseline u obliku dodatka prehrani koristi 41,4 % odnosno 39,4 % ispitanica. Većina ispitanica navodi kako svoju prehranu nije posebno mijenjala u trudnoći (26 %) dok ih 24 % navodi kako su samo uključile suplementaciju. Od hrane bogate probioticima, ispitanice navode mlijeko i mliječne proizvode a značajno manje ukiseljeno povrće. S druge strane, od hrane bogate omega-3 masnim kiselinama najzastupljeniji su orašasti plodovi i sjemenke te riba i morski plodovi.Diet of pregnant women should be adapted to a specific trimester to ensure specific needs of the foetus. Nutritional deficiencies can have a number of negative consequences on both mother and child. Today, supplements represent a good way to overcome nutritional deficiencies and affect a number of health outcomes. Omega-3 fatty acids play important role in brain and cognitive development of a child. The potential of probiotics is immense, from lowering obesity risk to a number of chronic conditions which can emerge later in life. The aim of this observational study was to analyse intake of omega-3 fatty acids and probiotics from foods and supplements during pregnancy and analyse their effect on pregnancy outcomes. A total of 104 women participated in the study, average age 30.0 ± 5.1 (18 to 45), 66.4 % nulliparous. Pre-existing health problem have 17.3 % of women, and 8.7 % developed gestational diabetes. At the beginning of pregnancy, 84.6 % used supplements, and throughout pregnancy 78.9 %. Probiotics and omega-3 fatty acids as a supplement are used by 41.4 % and 39.4 % of women, respectively. The majority of women say they did not change their diet during pregnancy (26 %) while 24 % say they only included supplementation. Probiotics from diet come mainly from milk and dairy, less from pickled vegetables. On the other hand, the main dietary sources of omega-3 fatty acids are nuts and seeds, and fish