36 research outputs found

    Occurrence of eggs of Stolephorus bataviensis In the fishing grounds off Madras

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    The pelagic egg of Stolephorus bataviensis is described. The egg is elliptical in shape, with a knob at one end

    On the occurrence of the oriental bonito, Sarda orientalis (Temminck and Schlegel) along the Madras Coast

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    A few specimens of the Oriental Bonito, Sarda orientalis were obtained on 28-7-1966 during one of my routine visits to the fish landing place at Ayodhyakuppam in Madras city. This species continued to occur for nearly a week in small quantities in the gill net landings which also brought good catches of the Indian Mackerel, Rastrelliger kmagurta. It is quite likely that the Oriental Bonito constitutes a sporadic fishery along the east coast of India also during June to September which is the season for its fishery along the West coast

    Osteology of the Indian mackerel,Rastrelliger kanagurta (Cuvier)

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    Rastrelliger kanagurta (the Indian Mackerel) is a fish of great commercial importance and of wide geographical distribution in the Indo-Pacific region.The study of the biology of the mackerel has been receiving considerable attention in this region during recent years. One of the important aspects of such work is the study on raciation. While the skeletal characters are of importance in such investigations, no standard description of the skeletal system of R. kanagurta or of any allied Indian species has been available so far for reference. It was therefore necessary to undertake a detailed study of the skeletal system of R. kanqgurta as a preliminary to studies on raciation in this species. The present paper deals with the osteology of the Indian mackerel. It is proposed to publish a detailed comparative study of the osteology of the different genera and species of the family Scombridae. The descriptions of the various bones are dealt with in such a way that they may be of value as a guide, or comparison with the skeleton of other genera or species of mackerel

    On the occurrence of Rastrelliger faughni Matsui In the Indian waters

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    This is the first record of the mackerel, Rastrelliger faughni from the Indian ocean. The characters that clearly distinguish this species from others of Rastrelliger are the few and short gill rakers, more slender body, shorter head, maxillary and mandible

    Marine fish calendar. VII. Madras

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    The Marine fish landing details during the period 1981-1985 for Madras is presented in this article. Kasimode centre, the only base where the mechanised boats as well as country crafts were in use was used for preparing the fish calandar. Catch details of other miscellaneous groups like catfish, Polynemus, Chirocentrus and crustaceans and cephalopods are not incorporated in this calendar. The monthwise pooled CPUE of trawlers, mechanised gill nets and indigenous gears and the monthwise species composition of fish groups are illustrated

    Large scale movements of Caranx sexfasciatus Quoy & Gaimard into the inshore areas of Madras

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    During the routine observations on the fishery along the Madras coast the authors visited the Mullikuppam landing centre in Madras City and observed the shore seine catches landed on 12th December, 1968. In Madras shore seines are operated within a distance of 1 km. from the shore at a depth of 4 to 8 metres during the anchovy fishery season, extending from November to May, While the catches in most of the nets on that day were anchovies, a huge quantity of Caranx sexfasciatus was observed in a haul which consisted of 925 fish weighing a total of nearly 3 tons. Enquiries with an elderly fisherman on the spot revealed that although the fish occur in large quantities in shore seine during this season in certain years no such huge catches were witnessed anytime in the past

    On a mackerel larva (Rastrelliger sp.) from the inshore waters of Madras

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    The authors collected a mackerel larva measureing 2.98 mm in total length in a surface plankton tow at 05.30 hours on 22.3.197

    Some preliminary observations on the Rastrelliger faughni Matsui occurring in the Madras Coastal waters

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    A preliminary account on the biological observations on the Rastrelliger faughni Matsui occurring along the Madras coast is given. Unlike the Indian mackerel Rastrelliger kanagurta this species seems to appear in loose concenrations. The species contributes, though in a very minor way, to the fisheries during February-March, when adults above 220 mm in total length are mainly caught. Juveniles measuring 35-159 mm form a notable portion of whatever mackerel contribution to the shore seine fishery in March and April

    On the emergence of Oil sardine fishery along Madras coast

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    Oil sardine Sardinella longkeps, though forms one of the major pelagic fishery resources in India, has never formed a sizeable fishery along the Madras coast earlier and the present report deals with the emerging fishery along this coast since May to September, 198

    Unusual landings of young oil sardine off Madras coast

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    The occurrence of young oil sardines Sardine/la longiceps noticed in good quantities from 10-24 November, 1988 in indigenous boat seine (Thuri valai) catches is reported here. The catches were obtained in the very early hours of the day at 3 to 5 metres depth just about a kilometre away from the landing centre at Kasimedu. It is not uncommon to find young oil sardine along the west coast of India from July to October. The present observation is the first on record showing that young oil sardine occurs in fairly good quantities during November along the Madras coast