443 research outputs found

    Topological Black Holes in Quantum Gravity

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    We derive the black hole solutions with horizons of non-trivial topology and investigate their properties in the framework of an approach to quantum gravity being an extension of Bohm's formulation of quantum mechanics. The solutions we found tend asymptotically (for large rr) to topological black holes. We also analyze the thermodynamics of these space-times.Comment: 4pages, no figures, plain LaTe

    Causal sets and conservation laws in tests of Lorentz symmetry

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    Many of the most important astrophysical tests of Lorentz symmetry also assume that energy-momentum of the observed particles is exactly conserved. In the causal set approach to quantum gravity a particular kind of Lorentz symmetry holds but energy-momentum conservation may be violated. We show that incorrectly assuming exact conservation can give rise to a spurious signal of Lorentz symmetry violation for a causal set. However, the size of this spurious signal is much smaller than can be currently detected and hence astrophysical Lorentz symmetry tests as currently performed are safe from causal set induced violations of energy-momentum conservation.Comment: 8 pages, matches version published in PR

    Moderate-Luminosity Growing Black Holes From 1.25 < z < 2.7: Varied Accretion In Disk-Dominated Hosts

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    We compute black hole masses and bolometric luminosities for 57 active galactic nuclei (AGN) in the redshift range 1.25 < z < 2.67, selected from the GOODS-South deep multi-wavelength survey field via their X-ray emission. We determine host galaxy morphological parameters by separating the galaxies from their central point sources in deep HST images, and host stellar masses and colors by multi-wavelength SED fitting. 90% of GOODS AGN at these redshifts have detected rest-frame optical nuclear point sources; bolometric luminosities range from 2e43 - 2e46 erg/s. The black holes are growing at a range of accretion rates, with at least 50% of the sample having L/L_Edd < 0.1. 70% of host galaxies have stellar masses M* > 1e10 M_sun, with a range of colors suggesting a complex star formation history. We find no evolution of AGN bolometric luminosity within the sample, and no correlation between AGN bolometric luminosity and host stellar mass, color or morphology. Fully half the sample of host galaxies is disk-dominated, with another 25% having strong disk components. Fewer than 15% of the systems appear to be at some stage of a major merger. These moderate-luminosity AGN hosts are therefore inconsistent with a dynamical history dominated by mergers strong enough to destroy disks, indicating minor mergers or secular processes dominate the co-evolution of galaxies and their central black holes at z ~ 2.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, accepted to ApJ. Sersic indices, AGN/galaxy luminosity ratios, stellar masses etc. provided in Table

    Kappa - Poincare dispersion relations and the black hole radiation

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    Following the methods developed by Corley and Jacobson, we consider qualitatively the issue of Hawking radiation in the case when the dispersion relation is dictated by quantum kappa-Poincare algebra. This relation corresponds to field equations that are non-local in time, and, depending on the sign of the parameter kappa, to sub- or superluminal signal propagation. We also derive the conserved inner product, that can be used to count modes, and therefore to obtain the spectrum of black hole radiation in this case.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Discovery of a Probable Physical Triple Quasar

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    We report the discovery of the first known probable case of a physical triple quasar (not a gravitational lens). A previously known double system, QQ 1429-008 at z = 2.076, is shown to contain a third, fainter QSO component at the same redshift within the measurement errors. Deep optical and IR imaging at the Keck and VLT telescopes has failed to reveal a plausible lensing galaxy group or a cluster, and moreover, we are unable to construct any viable lensing model which could lead to the observed distribution of source positions and relative intensities of the three QSO image components. Furthermore, there are hints of differences in broad-band spectral energy distributions of different components, which are more naturally understood if they are physically distinct AGN. Therefore, we conclude that this system is most likely a physical triple quasar, the first such close QSO grouping known at any redshift. The projected component separations in the restframe are ~ 30 - 50 kpc for the standard concordance cosmology, typical of interacting galaxy systems. The existence of this highly unusual system supports the standard picture in which galaxy interactions lead to the onset of QSO activity.Comment: Submitted to ApJL, LaTeX, 13 pages, 4 eps figures, all include

    The FIRST-2MASS Red Quasar Survey

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    Combining radio observations with optical and infrared color selection -- demonstrated in our pilot study to be an efficient selection algorithm for finding red quasars -- we have obtained optical and infrared spectroscopy for 120 objects in a complete sample of 156 candidates from a sky area of 2716 square degrees. Consistent with our initial results, we find our selection criteria -- J-K>1.7, R-K>4.0 -- yield a ~50% success rate for discovering quasars substantially redder than those found in optical surveys. Comparison with UVX- and optical color-selected samples shows that >~ 10% of the quasars are missed in a magnitude-limited survey. Simultaneous two-frequency radio observations for part of the sample indicate that a synchrotron continuum component is ruled out as a significant contributor to reddening the quasars' spectra. We go on to estimate extinctions for our objects assuming their red colors are caused by dust. Continuum fits and Balmer decrements suggest E(B-V) values ranging from near zero to 2.5 magnitudes. Correcting the K-band magnitudes for these extinctions, we find that for K <= 14.0, red quasars make up between 25% and 60% of the underlying quasar population; owing to the incompleteness of the 2MASS survey at fainter K-band magnitudes, we can only set a lower limit to the radio-detected red quasar population of >20-30%.Comment: 80 pages (single-column, preprint format) 20 figures, Accepted for publicated in Ap

    Doubly Special Relativity and de Sitter space

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    In this paper we recall the construction of Doubly Special Relativity (DSR) as a theory with energy-momentum space being the four dimensional de Sitter space. Then the bases of the DSR theory can be understood as different coordinate systems on this space. We investigate the emerging geometrical picture of Doubly Special Relativity by presenting the basis independent features of DSR that include the non-commutative structure of space-time and the phase space algebra. Next we investigate the relation between our geometric formulation and the one based on quantum Îş\kappa-deformations of the Poincar\'e algebra. Finally we re-derive the five-dimensional differential calculus using the geometric method, and use it to write down the deformed Klein-Gordon equation and to analyze its plane wave solutions.Comment: 26 pages, one formula (67) corrected; some remarks adde

    The Free Particle in Deformed Special Relativity

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    The phase space of a classical particle in DSR contains de Sitter space as the space of momenta. We start from the standard relativistic particle in five dimensions with an extra constraint and reduce it to four dimensional DSR by imposing appropriate gauge fixing. We analyze some physical properties of the resulting theories like the equations of motion, the form of Lorentz transformations and the issue of velocity. We also address the problem of the origin and interpretation of different bases in DSR.Comment: 15 page

    Quantum Potential Approach to Class of Cosmological Models

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    In this paper we discuss the quantum potential approach of Bohm in the context of quantum cosmological model. This approach makes it possible to convert the wavefunction of the universe to a set of equations describing the time evolution of the universe. Following Ashtekar et.\ al., we make use of quantum canonical transformation to cast a class of quantum cosmological models to a simple form in which they can be solved explicitly, and then we use the solutions do recover the time evolution.Comment: The corrected version of gr-qc/9506081, 18 pages LaTeX, to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit
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