14 research outputs found

    Online reservation systems in e-Business: Analyzing decision making in e-Tourism

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    Tourism is one of the fastest growing industries worldwide and in general, the Internet continues to gain importance in the tourism sector. The study focuses on exploration of knowledge of online booking systems and on the views of local students-users concerning the booking rate based on these online systems. Another perspective of this project is to investigate the decision-making process (emotion-focused) that they follow in order to choose a tourist destination via online booking systems. For the purposes of this study, three scales were administered E-WOM and Accommodation Scale, Emotion-Based Decision-Making Scale and Trait Emotional Intelligence Scale. Then, survey data were collected, preprocessed and analyzed based on Data Mining techniques evaluating the results. More specifically, classification and association algorithms were utilized to manage to describe hidden patterns. E-Tourism will continue to be oriented towards the consumers and the technology that surrounds them, providing dynamic communication in electronic business

    Online reservation systems in e-Business: analyzing decision making in e-Tourism

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    Tourism is one of the fastest growing industries worldwide and in general, the Internet continues to gain importance in the tourism sector. The study focuses on exploration of knowledge of online booking systems and on the views of local students-users concerning the booking rate based on these online systems. Another perspective of this project is to investigate the decision-making process (emotion-focused) that they follow in order to choose a tourist destination via online booking systems. For the purposes of this study, three scales were administered E-WOM and Accommodation Scale, Emotion-Based Decision-Making Scale and Trait Emotional Intelligence Scale. Then, survey data were collected, preprocessed and analyzed based on Data Mining techniques evaluating the results. More specifically, classification and association algorithms were utilized to manage to describe hidden patterns. E-Tourism will continue to be oriented towards the consumers and the technology that surrounds them, providing dynamic communication in electronic business

    Making neuroscience a priority in Initial teacher education curricula: a call for bridging the gap between research and future practices in the classroom

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    Constant global advancements and expanding evidence in the neuroscience of learning have provided compelling support for the inclusion of neuroscience as a crucial content priority in initial teacher education. Existing research confirms the efficacy of neurocognitive interventions for atypical and typical school-aged learners in a variety of key subject areas. Despite advances in the neuroscience of learning, the adoption of contemporary approaches and strategies that support and enhance neurocognitive development by education practitioners is yet to be the norm. Incorporating neuroscience education content, research, and practical application into initial teacher education curricula will enhance teacher preparation, leading to evidence-based education.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Neurocognitive deficits and elements of general psychopathology in first - degree relatives of patients with psychotic symptomatology: association with guality of life and functionality

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    The aim of the present thesis was to study the psychotic spectrum disorders in terms of understanding the mechanisms of their etiology and their manifestation in high risk groups, such the first-degree relatives of patients. Neuropsychological parameters-clinical markers (endophenotypes) were examined in unaffected relatives of patients with psychotic symptomatology. More specifically, cognitive functions, such as memory, attention and processing speed, and traits of psychopathology, quality of life and functionality were studied in unaffected relatives of schizophrenia and psychotic bipolar disorder patients.Comparisons between the group of unaffected relatives and the control group revealed that the control group a) had superior visual memory, verbal fluency, response inhibition, processing speed, working memory, cognitive flexibility and reasoning, b) had superior social functioning and tended to have higher quality of life and c) had lower score in depression and also tended to have lower somatization and anxiety, When the group of relatives was split into two sub-groups according to thediagnosis of their affected relative, it was found that a) unaffected relatives of schizophrenia patients had higher depression and somatization compared with the control group while the unaffected realtives of psychotic bipolar disorder patients had higher anxiety compared with the control group, b) unaffected relatives of psychotic bipolar disorder patients had poorer social functioning compared with the control group, c) both groups of relatives had poorer visual memory, control inhibition, working memory, cognitive flexibility and reasining, d) unaffected relatives of schizophrenia patients had poorer verbal fluency compared with the control group, e) unaffected relatives had poorer processing speed compared with both the control group and the unaffected relatives of psychotic bipolar disorder patients.Discriminant analysis including scores in all neuropsychological tasks, psychopathology dimensions and functionality revealed two significant functions: the first function (including positive correlations with visual memory, reasoning, control inhibition, working memory, cognitive flexibility and verbal fluency) discriminated the control group from the relatives and the second function (including positive correlations with processing speed and social functioning and a negative correlation with anxiety) disciriminated between the two groups of relatives.[14]In support to the psychosis continuum, we found that certain cognitive functions, which are mediated by a fronto-parietal network, show linear impairments in unaffected first-degree relatives of schizophrenia and psychotic bipolar disorder patients. Processing speed and verbal fluency impairments were evident only in schizophrenia relatives. Self-perceived symptoms of depression, somatization and anxiety as well as social functioning also differ between the two disorders; the pattern of scores in depression and somatization is also in accordance with the psychosis continuum view.Μέσω της παρούσας διατριβής, έγινε προσπάθεια μελέτης των διαταραχών του ψυχωσικού φάσματος αναφορικά με την κατανόηση των μηχανισμών αιτιοπαθογένειας και εκδήλωσής τους σε ομάδες υψηλού κινδύνου όπως είναι η ομάδα των πρώτου βαθμού συγγενών. Έγινε εξέταση νευροψυχολογικών παραμέτρων-κλινικών δεικτών (ενδοφαινότυποι) σε υγιείς μη νοσούντες συγγενείς ασθενών με ψυχωσική συμπτωματολογία. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, μελετήθηκαν γνωστικές λειτουργιές, όπως είναι η μνήμη, η προσοχή και η ταχύτητα επεξεργασίας και παραμέτρων όπως είναι η ψυχοπαθολογία, η ποιότητα ζωής και η λειτουργικότητα σε ομάδες μη-νοσούντων πρώτου βαθμού συγγενών ασθενών με σχιζοφρένεια και με ψυχωτική διπολική διαταραχή.Συγκριτικές αξιολογήσεις μεταξύ της ομάδας των συγγενών και της ομάδας ελέγχου από το γενικό πληθυσμό, κατέδειξαν ότι η ομάδα ελέγχου α) είχε καλύτερη οπτική μνήμη, λεκτική ευφράδεια, αναστολή απόκρισης, ταχύτητα επεξεργασίας, μνήμη εργασίας, γνωστική ευελιξία και αφαιρετική σκέψη, β) είχε καλύτερη κοινωνική προσαρμογή και έτεινε να έχει υψηλότερη ποιότητα ζωής και γ) είχε χαμηλότερη βαθμολογία στην κατάθλιψη και έτεινε να έχει χαμηλότερη σωματοποίηση και άγχος. Όταν η ομάδα των συγγενών χωρίστηκε σε δύο ομάδες με βάση τη διάγνωση των ασθενών βρέθηκε ότι α) η ομάδα των μη-νοσούντων συγγενών ασθενών με σχιζοφρένεια είχε υψηλότερη κατάθλιψη και σωματοποίηση σε σχέση με την ομάδα ελέγχου ενώ η ομάδα των μη-νοσούντων συγγενών ασθενών με ψυχωσική διπολική διαταραχή είχε υψηλότερο άγχος σε σύγκριση με την ομάδα ελέγχου, β) η ομάδα των μη-νοσούντων συγγενών ασθενών με ψυχωτική διπολική διαταραχή είχε χαμηλότερη βαθμολογία από την ομάδα ελέγχου στην κοινωνική λειτουργικότητα, γ) και οι δύο ομάδες συγγενών είχαν φτωχότερη επίδοση συγκριτικά με την ομάδα ελέγχου στην οπτική μνήμη, την αναστολή ελέγχου, τη μνήμη εργασίας, τη γνωστική ευελιξία και την στην αφαιρετική σκέψη, δ) η ομάδα των μη-νοσούντων συγγενών ασθενών με σχιζοφρένεια να εμφανίζει χαμηλότερη βαθμολογία από την ομάδα ελέγχου στη λεκτική ευφράδεια, ε) η ομάδα των μη-νοσούντων συγγενών ασθενών με σχιζοφρένεια είχε εξίσου χαμηλή επίδοση συγκριτικά τόσο με την ομάδα ελέγχου όσο και την ομάδα των μη-νοσούντων συγγενών ασθενών με ψυχωσική διπολική διαταραχή στην ταχύτητα επεξεργασίας. Η διακριτική ανάλυση στην οποία συμπεριελήφθησαν οι επιδόσεις στις γνωστικές λειτουργίες, οι βαθμολογίες στα στοιχεία ψυχοπαθολογίας[12]και στη λειτουργικότητα ανέδειξε δύο σημαντικές λειτουργίες: η πρώτη λειτουργία (περιελάμβανε θετικές σχέσεις με την οπτική μνήμη, την αφαιρετική σκέψη, την αναστολή ελέγχου, τη μνήμη εργασίας, τη γνωστική ευελιξία και τη λεκτική ευφράδεια) έκανε διάκριση μεταξύ της ομάδας ελέγχου και των ομάδων των συγγενών και η δεύτερη λειτουργία (περιελάμβανε θετικές σχέσεις με την ταχύτητα επεξεργασίας και την κοινωνική προσαρμογή και αρνητική σχέση με το άγχος) έκανε διάκριση μεταξύ των ομάδων των μη-νοσούντων συγγενών.Προς υποστήριξη του συνεχούς της ψύχωσης, τα ευρήματα της συγκεκριμένης μελέτης έδειξαν ότι συγκεκριμένες γνωστικές λειτουργίες που διαμεσολαβούνται από ένα μετωπιαίο-βρεγματικό δίκτυο έχουν μία «γραμμική» μείωση σε μη-νοσούντες πρώυ βαθμού συγγεννείς ασθενών με σχιζοφρένεια και ψυχωσική διπολική διαταραχή. Αντίθετα, τα ελλείμματα σε άλλες λειτουργίες, όπως η ταχύτητα επεξεργασίας πληροφοριών και η λεκτική ευφράδεια, φάνηκαν «πιο ειδικά» για τους συγγενείς ασθενών με σχιζοφρένεια. Τα αυτό-αναφερόμενα συμπτώματα αναφορικά με την κατάθλιψη, τη σωματοποίηση και το άγχος καθώς και η κοινωνική λειτουργικότητα, επίσης διέφεραν μεταξύ των δύο ομάδων συγγενών. Μάλιστα, οι διαφορές στην κατάθλιψη και τη σωματοποίηση ήταν σύμφωνες με την εικόνα που υπάρχει στο φάσμα της ψύχωσης

    Neurocognitive Profile of Creativity in Improving Academic Performance—A Scoping Review

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    The present study provides an in-depth review of the neurocognitive aspects of creativity and its association with academic achievement in children. The outcomes of this study indicate a considerable positive relationship between creativity and academic ability, namely in reading, comprehension, and written tasks. Neurocognitive processes, including associative thinking, divergent thinking, executive functions, and predictive representations, play a significant role in shaping the characteristics associated with creativity. Although creativity may lead to potential adverse outcomes, extensive study has firmly established its significance in academic accomplishment. This systematic review includes studies conducted between the years 2016 and 2022. The primary selection criteria employed for the inclusion of articles in the research encompassed the following aspects: articles written in the English language, articles directly relevant to the subject matter of the study, articles featuring a sample population comprising students, displaying regular and typical developmental patterns, articles adopting a descriptive, exploratory, or longitudinal study design. The research promotes the cultivation of creativity within educational settings, emphasizing the utilization of cultural resources, the alignment of teachers’ attitudes with the promotion of creativity, and the comprehension of neurocognitive factors influencing creative processes. There is a significant focus on the necessity for more investigation into the correlation between creativity and academic achievement. Further research is needed to gain a comprehensive understanding of how creativity is incorporated within educational settings to achieve academic performance

    Integrating Clinical Neuropsychology and Psychotic Spectrum Disorders: A Systematic Analysis of Cognitive Dynamics, Interventions, and Underlying Mechanisms

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    Background and Objectives: The study aims to provide a comprehensive neuropsychological analysis of psychotic spectrum disorders, including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and depression. It focuses on the critical aspects of cognitive impairments, diagnostic tools, intervention efficacy, and the roles of genetic and environmental factors in these disorders. The paper emphasizes the diagnostic significance of neuropsychological tests in identifying cognitive deficiencies and their predictive value in the early management of psychosis. Materials and Methods: The study involved a systematic literature review following the PRISMA guidelines. The search was conducted in significant databases like Scopus, PsycINFO, PubMed, and Web of Science using keywords relevant to clinical neuropsychology and psychotic spectrum disorders. The inclusion criteria required articles to be in English, published between 2018 and 2023, and pertinent to clinical neuropsychology’s application in these disorders. A total of 153 articles were identified, with 44 ultimately included for detailed analysis based on relevance and publication status after screening. Results: The review highlights several key findings, including the diagnostic and prognostic significance of mismatch negativity, neuroprogressive trajectories, cortical thinning in familial high-risk individuals, and distinct illness trajectories within psychosis subgroups. The studies evaluated underline the role of neuropsychological tests in diagnosing psychiatric disorders and emphasize early detection and the effectiveness of intervention strategies based on cognitive and neurobiological markers. Conclusions: The systematic review underscores the importance of investigating the neuropsychological components of psychotic spectrum disorders. It identifies significant cognitive impairments in attention, memory, and executive function, correlating with structural and functional brain abnormalities. The paper stresses the need for precise diagnoses and personalized treatment modalities, highlighting the complex interplay between genetic, environmental, and psychosocial factors. It calls for a deeper understanding of these neuropsychological processes to enhance diagnostic accuracy and therapeutic outcomes

    Online reservation systems in e- Business: Analyzing decision making in e-Tourism

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    International audienceTourism is one of the fastest growing industries worldwide and in general, the Internet continues to gain importance in the tourism sector. The study focuses on exploration of knowledge of online booking systems and on the views of local students-users concerning the booking rate based on these online systems. Another perspective of this project is to investigate the decision-making process (emotion-focused) that they follow in order to choose a tourist destination via online booking systems. For the purposes of this study, three scales were administered E-WOM and Accommodation Scale, Emotion-Based Decision-Making Scale and Trait Emotional Intelligence Scale. Then, survey data were collected, preprocessed and analyzed based on Data Mining techniques evaluating the results. More specifically, classification and association algorithms were utilized to manage to describe hidden patterns. E-Tourism will continue to be oriented towards the consumers and the technology that surrounds them, providing dynamic communication in electronic business

    Promoting Physical and Mental Health among Children and Adolescents via Gamification—A Conceptual Systematic Review

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    The rapid growth in digital technology usage among children and adolescents has highlighted the need for novel approaches to promote their physical and mental health. This paper investigates the viability of gamification—the application of game mechanics to non-gaming contexts—as a potent instrument for health promotion and mental health support. This conceptual systematic review seeks to examine the various published articles promoting children and adolescents’ physical and mental health through gamified techniques. These interventions can provide an interactive and engaging platform for encouraging physical activity, promoting healthy nutrition, enhancing emotional regulation, and promoting mental health. The significance of this topic stems from the pervasive use of electronic games, beginning at a young age, which makes them popular educational tools. For the review to be systematic and reproducible, the PsycINFO, Scopus, PubMed, and Elsevier databases were searched and the PRISMA method was utilized for the analysis. After analyzing the research data, empirical studies assessing the use of gamification in promoting adolescents’ physical and mental health are discussed. In conclusion, gamification has demonstrated promise for promoting children’s and adolescents’ physical and mental health. It improves motivation, commitment, and adherence to healthy behaviors. However, additional research is required to evaluate gamification interventions’ long-term effectiveness and sustainability in promoting health behaviors among this population