10 research outputs found

    OSTINATO: Cross-host Attack Correlation Through Attack Activity Similarity Detection

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    Modern attacks against enterprises often have multiple targets inside the enterprise network. Due to the large size of these networks and increasingly stealthy attacks, attacker activities spanning multiple hosts are extremely difficult to correlate during a threat-hunting effort. In this paper, we present a method for an efficient cross-host attack correlation across multiple hosts. Unlike previous works, our approach does not require lateral movement detection techniques or host-level modifications. Instead, our approach relies on an observation that attackers have a few strategic mission objectives on every host that they infiltrate, and there exist only a handful of techniques for achieving those objectives. The central idea behind our approach involves comparing (OS agnostic) activities on different hosts and correlating the hosts that display the use of similar tactics, techniques, and procedures. We implement our approach in a tool called Ostinato and successfully evaluate it in threat hunting scenarios involving DARPA-led red team engagements spanning 500 hosts and in another multi-host attack scenario. Ostinato successfully detected 21 additional compromised hosts, which the underlying host-based detection system overlooked in activities spanning multiple days of the attack campaign. Additionally, Ostinato successfully reduced alarms generated from the underlying detection system by more than 90%, thus helping to mitigate the threat alert fatigue problemComment: 21 pages, 5 figure

    Understanding indicators of compromise against cyber-attacks in industrial control systems: a security perspective

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    Numerous sophisticated and nation-state attacks on Industrial Control Systems (ICSs) have increased in recent years, exemplified by Stuxnet and Ukrainian Power Grid. Measures to be taken post-incident are crucial to reduce damage, restore control, and identify attack actors involved. By monitoring Indicators of Compromise (IOCs), the incident responder can detect malicious activity triggers and respond quickly to a similar intrusion at an earlier stage. However, in order to implement IOCs in critical infrastructures, we need to understand their contexts and requirements. Unfortunately, there is no survey paper in the literature on IOC in the ICS environment and only limited information is provided in research articles. In this paper, we describe different standards for IOC representation and discuss the associated challenges that restrict security investigators from developing IOCs in the industrial sectors. We also discuss the potential IOCs against cyber-attacks in ICS systems. Furthermore, we conduct a critical analysis of existing works and available tools in this space. We evaluate the effectiveness of identified IOCs’ by mapping these indicators to the most frequently targeted attacks in the ICS environment. Finally we highlight the lessons to be learnt from the literature and the future problems in the domain along with the approaches that might be taken

    Leveraging Static Analysis Tools for Improving Usability of Memory Error Sanitization Compilers

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    Memory errors such as buffer overruns are notorious security vulnerabilities. There has been considerable interest in having a compiler to ensure the safety of compiled code either through static verification or through instrumented runtime checks. While certifying compilation has shown much promise, it has not been practical, leaving code instrumentation as the next best strategy for compilation. We term such compilers Memory Error Sanitization Compilers (MESCs). MESCs are available as part of GCC, LLVM and MSVC suites. Due to practical limitations, MESCs typically apply instrumentation indiscriminately to every memory access, and are consequently prohibitively expensive and practical to only small code bases. This work proposes a methodology that applies state-of-the-art static analysis techniques to eliminate unnecessary runtime checks, resulting in more efficient and scalable defenses. The methodology was implemented on LLVM\u27s Safecode, Integer Overflow, and Address Sanitizer passes, using static analysis of Frama-C and Codesurfer. The benchmarks demonstrate an improvement in runtime performance that makes incorporation of runtime checks a viable option for defenses

    An Interoperation Framework for Context-aware Access Control

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    An access control system can be defined as a set of policies, models and enforcement mechanisms that are used to restrict access to data and resources of an organization. This dissertation presents an approach for modeling and enforcing a context-aware access control model based on Role Based Access Control (RBAC) and Description Logic. In this approach, languages from the Semantic Web and ontologies are used to represent access control policies and Description Logic reasoners are used to enforce those policies. To improve reasoning efficiency, a technique for ontology modularization is also presented. In addition, this dissertation presents two models for integration of policies belonging to different organizations in collaborative environments. The first model uses a Global as View approach to integrate local RBAC policies, which are treated as local data sources to be integrated. These policies are integrated in a repository, which provides a global view over them and serves as a mediator for queries regarding availability of resources and services in the local systems. We present a practical use for this model in the context of Grid Systems and the Globus toolkit. The second model deals with data represented in XML format when access to these data is specified using the Mandatory Access Control model (MAC). As the XML schemas are integrated into a common repository, the MAC policies associated with those data are also integrated in that common repository