38 research outputs found

    Know Your Enemy, Know Yourself

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    Etiske lesninger i fiksjonens frirom

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    Ethical Readings in the Unbiassed Sphere of Fiction:This article defends an ethical criticism of fiction film. Drawing on the so-called »ethical turn« in philosophy and literary criticism, as well as perspectives from new tendencies in cognitive film theory, Gjelsvik argues that an ethical criticism is not just possible, but unavoidable.Using contemporary American fiction film and the depiction of violence as her main case-study, she aims to show that there is no such thing as a separate fictional realm beyond the scope of ethical evaluations. A central example in her discussion is Quentin Tarantino’s Kill Bill, a movie which was regarded by the Norwegian film reviewers as a fairy-tale and »just for fun«; accordingly the movie’s depiction of violence was not subject to an ethical criticism. Gjelsvik points to several reasons why this position (close to »aestheticism« in art theory) is inadequate, and she proposes a moderate version of ethical criticism instead. She discusses the moderate position as formulated by Berys Gaut and Noël Carroll, both philosophers who also have worked extensively on film art, trying to transfer their perspectives on art onto popular culture.She argues that such an approach also needs to take into consideration the emotions evoked by the movie and by violent depictions in particular. Whereas cognitive film theorists have foregrounded the similarities between the viewers’ emotional response to film and their real-life emotions, Gjelsvik makes a case for the importance of considering the distinctive features of fiction and cinematic depictions.The overall argument is that, as the relation between moral and aesthetic values is complex, ethical criticism should not aim for categorical evaluation. On the contrary, the position should take into consideration the heterogeneousness of fiction film, for instance in the differences between different movies’ depiction of violence, and acknowledge the value of ambivalent reactions towards fiction as well

    New developments in topological fluid mechanics

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    In this paper we present and discuss ideas and new results in three different research areas of topological fluid mechanics. First, we propose a conjectured experiment to produce and observe, for the first time, vortex knotting in real fluids. Next we provide a new ropelength bound for tight, magnetic knots in ideal magnetohydrodynamics. Finally, we present a novel interpretation of eigenvalue analysis of tensor fields in terms of integral geometry by using the information on form factors provided by structural complexity analysis

    Clinimetric properties of a translated and culturally adapted Norwegian version of the Patient and Observer Scar Assessment Scale for use in clinical practice and research

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    Purpose To translate and culturally adapt the Patient and Observer Scar Assessment Scale, POSAS, to Norwegian and explore its test-retest, intra- and inter-tester reliability. Methods POSAS was translated into Norwegian following international guidelines in collaboration with an international translation bureau. Twenty-six adults and 24 children were recruited from a burns outpatient clinic. Three observer-categories: doctor, nurse and physiotherapist, assessed the patients’ scars and scored the Observer scale for estimating inter-tester reliability. Photos of the scars were taken and used to score the Observer scale a second time for examining intra-tester reliability. The patients or parents/next of kin rated their scar on the Patient scale at the clinic and after two days at home for examining test-retest reliability. Intraclass correlation (ICC) and Kappa were used for statistical analysis. Results A Norwegian version of POSAS (POSAS-NV) was developed. Inter-tester ICC of the Observer parameters varied between 0.203 and 0.728, and for the total sum score, ICC = 0.528 (0.280–0.708). Intra-tester ICC of the Observer scale ranged between 0.575 and 0.858. The Patient scale demonstrated high test–retest reliability. Conclusions Intra-tester reliability of the Observer scale and test–retest reliability of the Patient scale of POSAS-NV were found satisfactory, but not inter-tester reliability of the Observer scale.publishedVersio

    Variation between general practitioners in type 2 diabetes processes of care

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    Aims To explore variation in general practitioners’ (GPs’) performance of six recommended procedures in type 2 diabetes patients <75 years without cardiovascular disease. Methods Cross-sectional study of quality of diabetes care in Norway based on electronic health records from 2014. GPs (clustered in practices) were divided in quintiles based on a composite measure of performance of six processes of care. We fitted a multilevel partial ordinal regression model to identify GP factors associated with being in quintiles with better performance. Results We identified 6015 type 2 diabetes patients from 275 GPs in 77 practices. The GPs performed on average 63.4% of the procedures; on average 46% in the poorest quintile to 81% in the best quintile with a larger range in individual GPs. After adjustments, use of a structured follow-up form was associated with GPs being in upper three quintiles (OR 12.4 (95% CI 2.37–65.1). Routines for reminders were associated with being in a better quintile (OR 2.6 (1.37–4.92). GPs’ age >60 years and heavier workload were associated with poorer performance. Conclusion We found large variations in GPs’ performance of processes of care. Factors reflecting structure and workload were strongly associated with performance.publishedVersio

    Forskningsbragder anno 2012

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    Outsiders and bystanders in Erik Skjoldbjærg's The Pyromaniac (2016)

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    This article discusses the Norwegian film The Pyromaniac (Erik Skjoldbjærg 2016) as an artistic attempt to come to terms with terrorism, and as a cinematic treatment of the Norwegian terror attacks of 22nd of July 2011. The film is discussed in relation with several written accounts on 22nd of July and focus is on the role of the individual, the family and the society when it comes to guilt and shame following incomprehensible events

    Kjære fotografi

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    Ekfrase og Journal of Scandinavian Cinema

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    «Ingen vanlig kinoopplevelse». Om å se Utøya 22. juli på kino

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    Denne artikkelen diskuterer Erik Poppes film Utøya (2018) som en filmatisk hendelse. Diskusjonen baseres på en kvalitativ publikumsstudie hvor tilskuere er spurt om sin opplevelse av filmen. Diskusjonen av filmen forankres i 22. juli forskningens fokus på minneprosesser, samt nyere teori om kino-opplevelser. Artikkelen argumenterer for at filmen har potensial til å endre det norske publikummets forståelse av hva 22. juli var