17 research outputs found

    Anodic microbial community analysis of microbial fuel cells based on enriched inoculum from freshwater sediment.

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    Abstract: The characterization of anodic microbial communities is of great importance in the study of microbial fuel cells (MFCs). These kinds of devices mainly require a high abundance of anode respiring bacteria (ARB) in the anode chamber for optimal performance. This study evaluated the effect of different enrichments of environmental freshwater sediment samples used as inocula on microbial community structures in MFCs. Two enrichment media were compared: ferric citrate (FeC) enrichment, with the purpose of increasing the ARB percentage, and general enrichment (Gen). The microbial community dynamics were evaluated by polymerase chain reaction followed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) and real time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). The enrichment effect was visible on the microbial community composition both during precultures and in anode MFCs. Both enrichment approaches affected microbial communities. Shannon diversity as well as β-Proteobacteria and γ-Proteobacteria percentages decreased during the enrichment steps, especially for FeC (p < 0.01). Our data suggest that FeC enrichment excessively reduced the diversity of the anode community, rather than promoting the proliferation of ARB, causing a condition that did not produce advantages in terms of system performance. Graphical abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.]

    Ecosystem Service Evaluation for Landscape Design: The Project of a Rural Peri-Urban Park as a Node of the Local Green Infrastructure

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    Green Infrastructure (GI) multifunctionality – namely the capacity to deliver a wide range of Ecosystem Services (ES) – is one of the main GI planning principles. It is for this reason that the integration between GI and ES concepts and approaches is increasingly tested. This paper presents the outcomes of an applied research that took up the challenge of implementing GI at the local level through the landscape design of a peri-urban rural park (Chieri, Italy) conceived as a GI node. The park’s project was based on the evaluation of ES, that allowed to highlight the ES performance of alternative design choices and to support the GI design towards multifunctionality. Eventually, Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) schemes were defined in order to foster the implementation of the park’s project. The research, thus: (i) puts in action a multiscalar approach, translating at the local level, through landscape design, GI planning indications; (ii) promotes GI multifunctionality based on a “place-based” vision, that is through the assessment of local features, highlighting the actual area’s potential to provide ES and the existing ES trade-offs; (iii) identifies PES as a tool for increasing the effectiveness of GI implementation

    Presenza di Bonamia ostreae in ostriche piatte (Ostrea edulis)del Nord Adriatico.

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    Nella presente ricerca si espongono i risultati conclusivi di un monitoraggio, finalizzato all’accertamento della presenza di patogeni dell’ostrica piatta da evidenziarsi mediante esame istopatologico, condotto nel periodo compreso tra il 1997 ed il 2000 su ostriche piatte (Ostrea edulis) presenti in una stazione di ingrasso e mantenimento posta al largo della laguna di Chioggia-Venezia.Le ostriche esaminate, provenienti in origine da banchi naturali del Nord Adriatico, sono state in tutto 600 suddivise in quattro campionamenti costituiti ciascuno da 150 soggetti prelevati durante il 1997 (due campionamenti), 1998 e 2000.Mentre nei due campionamenti del 1998 e 2000 non si sono rilevati segni evidenti di patologie, in 8 soggetti, relativi ai due campionamenti del 1997, è stata riscontrata la presenza di elementi rotondi, nucleati, sia intraemocitari che liberi negli spazi intracellulari, dalle dimensioni di 2-3 m.L’esame ultrastrutturale confermava la presenza, sia liberi che all’interno del citoplasma degli emociti, di cellule parassitarie: tali cellule, nella maggior parte con citoplasma denso ed in taluni casi con citoplasma più chiaro, mostravano aplosporosomi, e grandi mitocondri.Era inoltre presente una forma binucleata.Le caratteristiche succitate fanno riferire gli elementi parassitari a Bonamia ostreae, protozoo diffuso in ambito europeo in grado di causare elevate mortalità in Ostrea edulis: il suo riscontro nel Nord Adriatico, zona ad elevata vocazione conchiglicola, rende necessarie ulteriori ricerche finalizzate a definirne la diffusione e pericolosità per le ostriche piatte mediterranee. [...

    Reducing GHG emissions through efficient tire consumption in open pit mines

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    The waste management practices currently applied by the mining industry have been widely questioned regarding safety and efficiency. It is not by chance that the mining industry is considered one of the sectors with less integration in circular value chains. The present work is aimed at identifying the specific blend of lithologies applicable to haul road wearing coarse materials with the objective of increasing tire efficiency and reducing of waste tire rubber generation. The methodology includes the physical characterization of waste lithologies as the first stage to evaluate applications for environmental and economic performance improvement. Simulation models generated through multiple linear regression can identify the impact of waste rock application on tire performance. In addition, methods and practical applications that consider the use of wastes as a construction material for haul roads to reduce tire wearing is a novelty. Regarding a 5-year mine scheduling context, the combination of the simulation model applied to tire wear management and the new haul road maintenance method reached a reduction of 30.2 kt per year of waste tire rubber in an open pit mine. Considering the burning of these tires in cement kilns, this result also implies a reduction of 86.1 t of CO2 emissions per year. These practices are aligned with sustainable mining concepts and can contribute to the maintenance of social licenses of the mining industry.Micromin

    Strengthening EU policies in support of ICT for development: Results from a survey of ICT experts

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    Background: There is scarce and fragmented evidence of the European Union's policies and strategies being employed in the area of ICT in support of development in LMICs. Methods: An online survey was conducted to collect feedback from experts evaluating past EU initiatives in ICT for development, and the type of approach EU institutions should pursue in ICT for LMICs in the future. Structured interviews were also carried out with ten of the respondents. Results: One hundred and twenty-one experts responded to the survey. About 30% of the respondents believe that the EU institutions' support to ICT for development has improved in the last decade. However, a similar percentage indicated that the EU's support has not improved or has even worsened. The evaluation of the EU's cooperation with international organisations was considered good or sufficient by nearly 31% of respondents. Regarding priorities to be pursued by EU policies towards the use of ICT for development, the EU should focus on reducing health inequalities and the digital divide. Concerning the approaches to promote ICT within EU development cooperation, the EU should carry out a mix of top-down and bottom-up approaches. Almost 70% believe that it is better to support an approach that integrates ICT into different areas of action, rather than having ICT as a specific priority area. Health and education were indicated as priority sectors where the EU should increase the use of ICT. Conclusions: The results of this survey can support decision-makers and ICT managers to better plan and implement ICT deployment in LMICs, making a better use of European human and financial resources in this field