9 research outputs found

    Fundamental aspects of and failure modes in high-temperature composites

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    Fundamental aspects of and attendant failure mechanisms for high temperature composites are summarized. These include: (1) in-situ matrix behavior; (2) load transfer; (3) limits on matrix ductility to survive a given number of cyclic loadings; (4) fundamental parameters which govern thermal stresses; (5) vibration stresses; and (6) impact resistance. The resulting guidelines are presented in terms of simple equations which are suitable for the preliminary assessment of the merits of a particular high temperature composite in a specific application

    Composite space antenna structures: Properties and environmental effects

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    The thermal behavior of composite spacecraft antenna reflectors has been investigated with the integrated Composites Analyzer (ICAN) computer code. Parametric studies have been conducted on the face sheets and honeycomb core which constitute the sandwich-type structures. Selected thermal and mechanical properties of the composite faces and sandwich structures are presented graphically as functions of varying fiber volume ratio, temperature, and moisture content. The coefficients of thermal expansion are discussed in detail since these are the critical design parameters. In addition, existing experimental data are presented and compared to the ICAN predictions

    Second Generation Integrated Composite Analyzer (ICAN) Computer Code

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    This manual updates the original 1986 NASA TP-2515, Integrated Composite Analyzer (ICAN) Users and Programmers Manual. The various enhancements and newly added features are described to enable the user to prepare the appropriate input data to run this updated version of the ICAN code. For reference, the micromechanics equations are provided in an appendix and should be compared to those in the original manual for modifications. A complete output for a sample case is also provided in a separate appendix. The input to the code includes constituent material properties, factors reflecting the fabrication process, and laminate configuration. The code performs micromechanics, macromechanics, and laminate analyses, including the hygrothermal response of polymer-matrix-based fiber composites. The output includes the various ply and composite properties, the composite structural response, and the composite stress analysis results with details on failure. The code is written in FORTRAN 77 and can be used efficiently as a self-contained package (or as a module) in complex structural analysis programs. The input-output format has changed considerably from the original version of ICAN and is described extensively through the use of a sample problem

    Hygrothermomechanical fiber composite fatigue: Computational simulation

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    The technology of advanced composites has matured to the point where these composites are prime contenders for various structural applications. One of the major design considerations for prolonged service of these composites is fatigue due to cyclical hygral (moisture), thermal, and mechanical (hygrothermomechanical) loading conditions. Recent research activities at the NASA Lewis Research Center have led to the development of formal procedures for predicting, using computational simulation, fatigue in fiber composites due to cyclic hygrothermomechanical loading conditions. These formal procedures have subsequently been programmed into a computer module and embedded into the Integrated Composites Analyzer (ICAN) computer code. The objective of this paper is to present and describe results obtained using the augmented ICAN computer code

    Fiber composite structural durability and damage tolerance: Simplified predictive methods

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    Simplified predictive methods and models (theory) to evaluate fiber/polymer-matrix composite material for determining structural durability and damage tolerance are presented and described. This theory includes equations for (1) fatigue and fracture of composites without and with defects, (2) impact resistance and residual strength after impact, (3) thermal fatigue, and (4) combined stress fatigue. Several examples are included to illustrate applications of the theory and to identify significant parameters and sensitivities. Comparisons with limited experimental data are made

    Cryogenic Propellant Storage and Transfer (CPST) Technology Maturation: Establishing a Foundation for a Technology Demonstration Mission (TDM)

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    As part of U.S. National Space Policy, NASA is seeking an innovative path for human space exploration, which strengthens the capability to extend human and robotic presence throughout the solar system. NASA is laying the groundwork to enable humans to safely reach multiple potential destinations, including asteroids, Lagrange points, the Moon and Mars. In support of this, NASA is embarking on the Technology Demonstration Mission Cryogenic Propellant Storage and Transfer (TDM CPST) Project to test and validate key cryogenic capabilities and technologies required for future exploration elements, opening up the architecture for large cryogenic propulsion stages (CPS) and propellant depots. The TDM CPST project will provide an on-orbit demonstration of the capability to store, transfer, and measure cryogenic propellants for a duration which is relevant to enable long term human space exploration missions beyond low Earth orbit (LEO). Recognizing that key cryogenic fluid management technologies anticipated for on-orbit (flight) demonstration needed to be matured to a readiness level appropriate for infusion into the design of the flight demonstration, the NASA Headquarters Space Technology Mission Directorate authorized funding for a one-year (FY12) ground based technology maturation program. The strategy, proposed by the CPST Project Manager, focused on maturation through modeling, studies, and ground tests of the storage and fluid transfer Cryogenic Fluid Management (CFM) technology sub-elements and components that were not already at a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of 5. A technology maturation plan (TMP) was subsequently approved which described: the CFM technologies selected for maturation, the ground testing approach to be used, quantified success criteria of the technologies, hardware and data deliverables, and a deliverable to provide an assessment of the technology readiness after completion of the test, study or modeling activity. This paper will present the testing, studies, and modeling that occurred in FY12 to mature cryogenic fluid management technologies for propellant storage, transfer, and supply, to examine extensibility to full scale, long duration missions, and to develop and validate analytical models. Finally, the paper will briefly describe an upcoming test to demonstrate Liquid Oxygen (LO2) Zero Boil-Off (ZBO)

    Cryogenic Propellant Storage and Transfer Technology Demonstration: Advancing Technologies for Future Mission Architectures Beyond Low Earth Orbit

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    As part of U.S. National Space Policy, NASA is seeking an innovative path for human space exploration, which strengthens the capability to extend human and robotic presence throughout the solar system. NASA is laying the groundwork to enable humans to safely reach multiple potential destinations, including the Moon, asteroids, Lagrange points, and Mars and its environs. In support of this, NASA is embarking on the Technology Demonstration Mission Cryogenic Propellant Storage and Transfer (TDM CPST) Project to test and validate key cryogenic capabilities and technologies required for future exploration elements, opening up the architecture for large cryogenic propulsion stages and propellant depots. The TDM CPST will provide an on-orbit demonstration of the capability to store, transfer, and measure cryogenic propellants for a duration that enables long term human space exploration missions beyond low Earth orbit. This paper will present a summary of the cryogenic fluid management technology maturation effort, infusion of those technologies into flight hardware development, and a summary of the CPST preliminary design

    The Cryogenic Propellant Storage and Transfer Technology Demonstration Mission:

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    This presentation provides an overview of the Cryogenic Propellant Storage and Transfer (CPST) Mission from formulation through Systems Requirements Review and into preparation for Preliminary Design Review. Accomplishments of the technology maturation phase of the project are included. The presentation then summarizes the transition, due to Agency budget constraints, of CPST from a flight project into a ground project titled evolvable Cryogenics (eCryo)