1,923 research outputs found

    Semi-automatic aircraft control system

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    A flight control type system which provides a tactile readout to the hand of a pilot for directing elevator control during both approach to flare-out and departure maneuvers. For altitudes above flare-out, the system sums the instantaneous coefficient of lift signals of a lift transducer with a generated signal representing ideal coefficient of lift for approach to flare-out, i.e., a value of about 30% below stall. Error signals resulting from the summation are read out by the noted tactile device. Below flare altitude, an altitude responsive variation is summed with the signal representing ideal coefficient of lift to provide error signal readout

    Methods for electronic directionality of deep-brain stimulation

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    Deep Brain Simulation (DBS) is a well-accepted technique for ameolerating symptoms for a range of neurological diseases and disorders. Today\u27s circular electrode contacts on the implanted leads creates an electronic current flow outwards in a circular from the cathode ring to an adjacent anode ring on the same lead. If the lead is misplaced outside the target site then stimulation is highly inefficient and potentially fraught with side effects because only part of the current flow hits the target and most of the flow goes elsewhere in the brain. A novel approach disclosed herein is to electronically draw current flow in the desired direction the target area.Benefits include improved symptom control for existing DBS patents without the need for additional brain surgery

    User type certification for advanced flight control systems

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    Advanced avionics through flight management systems (FMS) coupled with autopilots can now precisely control aircraft from takeoff to landing. Clearly, this has been the most important improvement in aircraft since the jet engine. Regardless of the eventual capabilities of this technology, it is doubtful that society will soon accept pilotless airliners with the same aplomb they accept driverless passenger trains. Flight crews are still needed to deal with inputing clearances, taxiing, in-flight rerouting, unexpected weather decisions, and emergencies; yet it is well known that the contribution of human errors far exceed those of current hardware or software systems. Thus human errors remain, and are even increasing in percentage as the largest contributor to total system error. Currently, the flight crew is regulated by a layered system of certification: by operation, e.g., airline transport pilot versus private pilot; by category, e.g., airplane versus helicopter; by class, e.g., single engine land versus multi-engine land; and by type (for larger aircraft and jet powered aircraft), e.g., Boeing 767 or Airbus A320. Nothing in the certification process now requires an in-depth proficiency with specific types of avionics systems despite their prominent role in aircraft control and guidance

    Performance Evaluation of a Kinesthetic-Tactual Display

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    Simulator studies demonstrated the feasibility of using kinesthetic-tactual (KT) displays for providing collective and cyclic command information, and suggested that KT displays may increase pilot workload capability. A dual-axis laboratory tracking task suggested that beyond reduction in visual scanning, there may be additional sensory or cognitive benefits to the use of multiple sensory modalities. Single-axis laboratory tracking tasks revealed performance with a quickened KT display to be equivalent to performance with a quickened visual display for a low frequency sum-of-sinewaves input. In contrast, an unquickened KT display was inferior to an unquickened visual display. Full scale simulator studies and/or inflight testing are recommended to determine the generality of these results

    Anxiety And Avoidance: The Mediating Effects Of Computer Self-Efficacy On Computer Anxiety And Intention To Use Computers

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    Computer anxiety effect on intention to use computers is discussed. Computer self-efficacy, based on social cognitive theory is suggested as a way to influence avoidance behavior.  The mediating effect of computer self-efficacy on individual computer anxiety and intention to use computers is tested.  Results indicate that the effects of computer anxiety on intention to use computers are fully mediated by an individual’s computer self-efficacy beliefs

    Driver Fatigue: Is Something Missing?

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    Drowsiness and fatigue are serious problems in all transportation systems. One persistent issue is the lack of an agreed definition of these respective energetic states. Here we review the theoretical approaches (cognitive versus physiological) framing the driver fatigue problem. Known contributing factors to drowsiness include sleep debt, circadian rhythm, and shift work. However, we also suggest that certain inherent physiological reactions engaged in responses to motion itself represent a previously unrecognized but significant source of fatigue. We confirm the impact of this factor through comparisons of studies that either have or have not included prolonged motion

    Licenced doses of approved COVID-19 vaccines may not be optimal: A review of the early-phase, dose-finding trials

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    Although over 13 billion COVID-19 vaccine doses have been administered globally, the issue of whether the optimal doses are being used has received little attention. To address this question we reviewed the reports of early-phase dose-finding trials of the nine COVID-19 vaccines approved by World Health Organization, extracting information on study design and findings on reactogenicity and early humoral immune response. The number of different doses evaluated for each vaccine varied widely (range 1-7), as did the number of subjects studied per dose (range 15-190). As expected, the frequency and severity of adverse reactions generally increased at higher doses, although most were clinically tolerable. Higher doses also tended to elicit better immune responses, but differences between the highest dose and the second-highest dose evaluated were small, typically less than 1.6-fold for both binding antibody concentration and neutralising antibody titre. All of the trials had at least one important design limitation - few doses evaluated, large gaps between adjacent doses, or an inadequate sample size - although this is not a criticism of the study investigators, who were working under intense time pressures at the start of the epidemic. It is therefore open to question whether the single dose taken into clinical efficacy trials, and subsequently authorised by regulatory agencies, was optimal. In particular, our analysis indicates that the recommended doses for some vaccines appear to be unnecessarily high. Although reduced dosing for booster injections is an active area of research, the priming dose also merits study. We conclude by suggesting improvements in the design of future vaccine trials, for both next-generation COVID-19 vaccines and for vaccines against other pathogens

    A systematic review of the screening accuracy of the HIV Dementia Scale and International HIV Dementia Scale.

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    BACKGROUND: The HIV Dementia Scale (HDS) and International HIV Dementia Scale (IHDS) are brief tools that have been developed to screen for and aid diagnosis of HIV-associated dementia (HAD). They are increasingly being used in clinical practice for minor neurocognitive disorder (MND) as well as HAD, despite uncertainty about their accuracy. METHODS AND FINDINGS: A systematic review of the accuracy of the HDS and IHDS was conducted. Studies were assessed on Standards for Reporting Diagnostic Accuracy criteria. Pooled sensitivity, specificity, likelihood ratios (LR) and diagnostic odds ratios (DOR) were calculated for each scale as a test for HAD or MND. We retrieved 15 studies of the HDS, 10 of the IHDS, and 1 of both scales. Thirteen studies of the HDS were conducted in North America, and 7 of the IHDS studies were conducted in sub-Saharan Africa. Estimates of accuracy were highly heterogeneous between studies for the HDS but less so for the IHDS. Pooled DOR for the HDS was 7.52 (95% confidence interval 3.75-15.11), sensitivity and specificity for HAD were estimated at 68.1% and 77.9%, and sensitivity and specificity for MND were estimated at 42.0% and 91.2%. Pooled DOR for the IHDS was 3.49 (2.12-5.73), sensitivity and specificity for HAD were 74.3% and 54.7%, and sensitivity and specificity for MND were 64.3% and 66.0%. CONCLUSION: Both scales were low in accuracy. The literature is limited by the lack of a gold standard, and variation in estimates of accuracy is likely to be due to differences in reference standard. There is a lack of studies comparing both scales, and they have been studied in different populations, but the IHDS may be less specific than the HDS. These rapid tests are not recommended for diagnostic use, and further research is required to inform their use in asymptomatic screening

    halving angels: technology's poem

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    This article uses half/angel's art and performance practice to analyse the ways in which digital technologies have altered processes of making work. It suggests that technology's impact might be in the poetic transformation of imagination. the article focuses in particular on half/angel's 2004 work 'Spinstren.

    Flight simulator with spaced visuals

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    A flight simulator arrangement wherein a conventional, movable base flight trainer is combined with a visual cue display surface spaced a predetermined distance from an eye position within the trainer. Thus, three degrees of motive freedom (roll, pitch and crab) are provided for a visual proprioceptive, and vestibular cue system by the trainer while the remaining geometric visual cue image alterations are developed by a video system. A geometric approach to computing runway image eliminates a need to electronically compute trigonometric functions, while utilization of a line generator and designated vanishing point at the video system raster permits facile development of the images of the longitudinal edges of the runway
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