2,030 research outputs found

    Resonant enhancement of second harmonic generation in the mid-infrared using localized surface phonon polaritons in sub-diffractional nanostructures

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    We report on strong enhancement of mid-infrared second harmonic generation (SHG) from SiC nanopillars due to the resonant excitation of localized surface phonon-polaritons within the Reststrahlen band. The magnitude of the SHG peak at the monopole mode experiences a strong dependence on the resonant frequency beyond that described by the field localization degree and the dispersion of linear and nonlinear-optical SiC properties. Comparing the results for the identical nanostructures made of 4H and 6H SiC polytypes, we demonstrate the interplay of localized surface phonon polaritons with zone-folded weak phonon modes of the anisotropic crystal. Tuning the monopole mode in and out of the region where the zone-folded phonon is excited in 6H-SiC, we observe a prominent increase of the already monopole-enhanced SHG output when the two modes are coupled. Envisioning this interplay as one of the showcase features of mid-infrared nonlinear nanophononics, we discuss its prospects for the effective engineering of nonlinear-optical materials with desired properties in the infrared spectral range.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    An Analysis of AERONET Aerosol Absorption Properties and Classifications Representative of Aerosol Source Regions

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    Partitioning of mineral dust, pollution, smoke, and mixtures using remote sensing techniques can help improve accuracy of satellite retrievals and assessments of the aerosol radiative impact on climate. Spectral aerosol optical depth (tau) and single scattering albedo (omega (sub 0) ) from Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) measurements are used to form absorption [i.e., omega (sub 0) and absorption Angstrom exponent (alpha(sub abs))] and size [i.e., extinction Angstrom exponent (alpha(sub ext)) and fine mode fraction of tau] relationships to infer dominant aerosol types. Using the long-term AERONET data set (1999-2010), 19 sites are grouped by aerosol type based on known source regions to: (1) determine the average omega (sub 0) and alpha(sub abs) at each site (expanding upon previous work); (2) perform a sensitivity study on alpha(sub abs) by varying the spectral omega (sub 0); and (3) test the ability of each absorption and size relationship to distinguish aerosol types. The spectral omega (sub 0) averages indicate slightly more aerosol absorption (i.e., a 0.0 < delta omega (sub 0) <= 0.02 decrease) than in previous work and optical mixtures of pollution and smoke with dust show stronger absorption than dust alone. Frequency distributions of alpha(sub abs) show significant overlap among aerosol type categories and at least 10% of the alpha(sub abs) retrievals in each category are below 1.0. Perturbing the spectral omega (sub 0) by +/- 0.03 induces significant alpha(sub abs) changes from the unperturbed value by at least approx. +/- 0.6 for Dust, approx. +/-0.2 for Mixed, and approx. +/-0.1 for Urban/Industrial and Biomass Burning. The omega (sub 0)440nm and alpha(sub ext) 440-870nm relationship shows the best separation among aerosol type clusters, providing a simple technique for determining aerosol type from surface- and future space-based instrumentation

    Connectivity of Soft Random Geometric Graphs Over Annuli

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    Nodes are randomly distributed within an annulus (and then a shell) to form a point pattern of communication terminals which are linked stochastically according to the Rayleigh fading of radio-frequency data signals. We then present analytic formulas for the connection probability of these spatially embedded graphs, describing the connectivity behaviour as a dense-network limit is approached. This extends recent work modelling ad hoc networks in non-convex domains.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure