39 research outputs found

    The stress distribution in a past-restored tooth using the 3-dimensional finite element methods asociated with dental erosion

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    SUMMARY In this study the authors was analised the stress distribution in a postrestored tooth using the three dimensional finite element method and a multi factorial analysis of factors associated with dental erosion. The three dimensional finite element method is a new method which analised the stress, temperature and thermal stress to canine in mounth

    The studies of dental focal infection to appearancing and aggravating the sistemic diseases

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    Rezumat Teoria infecţiei focale a fost o sursă de frustrare şi inspiraţie de‑a lungul timpului, atât în practica dentară cat şi în cercetare. Infecţia focală a fost implicată în diseminarea patogenilor în întreg organismul. În acest studiu am examinat pacienţii afectaţi de diferite boli generale, care au prezentat bacteriemii apărute în cursul tratamentelor endodontice. La aceşti pacienţi am găsit o legătura strânsă între procesele patogene din afecţiunile parodontale marginale și periapicale. La pacienţii cu endocardite infecţioase, reumatism articular acut sau diabet trebuie instituit și un tratament antibiotic in corelaţie cu cel stomatologic.Summary The focal infecion theory has been a source of both frustation and inspiration in dental practice and research. Focal infection originally implied dissemination of pathogens from the focus to remote part of the body, where secondary disease arose. In this study the patients which we examinated had a general health compromised and their teeth had a bacteremias during endodontic treatment. At these patients is the great similarity between the pathogenic process in marginal and apical periodontitis. A history of infective endocarditis, rheumatic heart fever or diabetic disease, may necessitate the implementation of antibiotic regimen in conjunction with the endodontic procedures to these patients

    Clinical studies and paraclinical examinations on patients with focal infection

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    Rezumat Studiul nostu a fost efectuat pe pacienţi afectaţi de diverse boli cu evoluţie la distanţă de cavitatea orală sau de boli sistemice, cu scopul de a depista existenţa unor focare de infecţie şi implicarea lor în apariţia bolii de focar. Material şi metodă: La aceşti pacienţi li s–au efectuat examene clinice odonto‑parodontale pe baza foilor de observaţie existente în Clinica de Odontologie şi Parodontologie, examene de laborator ce au constat în analize sanguine ale principalilor factori implicaţi în boala de focar. Rezultate: La cazurile clinice prezentate s‑a constatat că focarele de infecţie odonto‑parodontale pe care le prezentau au produs modificări ale constantelor biologice sanguine, cu posibilitatea apariţiei bolii de focar. Concluzii: 1) La pacienţii cu multiple leziuni odonto‑parodontale netratate şi boli generale, poate evolua boala de focar, dacă medicul dentist nu instituie un protocol terapeutic preventiv. 2) Analizele de laborator efectuate pe sânge, ne pot ajuta în depistarea precoce a unei posibile infecţii de focar existente în organism.Summary The theory of focal infection states that dissemination of microorganisms or toxic products from infected teeth, teeth roots, gum tissues can cause or aggravate systemic diseases and can produce alterations of some blood biological parameters. Objectives. Our study focused on patients affected by oral pathology associated with systemic diseases. The study aimed to detect dental and periodontal infections and to establish their implications in focal infection. Material and methods. We conducted a series of clinical oral exams and paraclinical examinations based on blood tests on patients from Restorative Dentistry Department. Results. Some patients from our study presented dental and periodontal infections that altered blood biological parameters. These cases were included in a category of patients with a high probability of focal. Conclusions. Patients with numerous untreated dental and periodontal lesions associated with systemic diseases, present a high risk of focal infection, if the dentist delays initiation of specific oral treatment. The laboratory blood tests can be useful for early detection of the focal infection


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    We aimed to analyse parameters defining carious disease in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and to evaluate potential correlations with inflammatory systemic parameters related to RA. Materials and method. We performed a complex clinical oral exam (DMFT, PI, RFR, RFS, CT) and inflammatory tests (ESR, C-reactive protein) and ASLO in seven patients known with RA. The results were statistically analyzed by SPSS 16 programs and Spearman`s correlation. The results showed a positive correlation between ASLO and DMFT, PI, CT, ESR and DMFT, PI, CT, C-reactive protein and variable: CT, PI; negative correlations were reported between ASLO and RFR, RFS, while C-reactive protein also associated with DMFT, RFR, RFS. Conclusions RA can influence the patient's cariogenic risk

    Study on teeth resistance affected by fluorosis as a response to dental caries

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    Rezumat. Scopul studiului a fost determinarea rezistenţa la atacul carios a smalţu‑ lui şi dentinei dinţilor afectaţi de fluoroză dentară cu severităţi diferite. S‑au utilizat 40 dinţi fluorotici împărţiţi în 4 grupuri corespunzător gradului de afectare conform clasificării Thylstup‑Fejerskov. S‑a determinat rugozitatea de suprafaţă a smalţului şi dentinei prin examinare AFM. Rezultatele au fost exprimate ca variaţie relativă a rugozităţii. S‑a înregistrat o tendinţă de creş‑ tere a indicelui de rugozitate relativă la nivelul smalţului şi dentinei odată cu creşterea severităţii fluorozei dentare. S‑au obţinut rezultate semnificative statistic atunci când s‑au comparat valorile indicilor de rugozitate al nivelul smalţului în cazul dinţilor afectaţi cu fluoroză cu gradele 2, 3 şi 4 compara‑ tiv cu dinţii sănătoşi şi cu cei având gradul 1. La nivel deninar s‑au obţinut rezultate semnificative din punct de vedere statistic atunci când s‑au com‑ parat toate loturile de studiu între ele. Smalţul dinţilor afectaţi de fluoroză de gradul 1 s‑a dovedit a fi rezistent la atacul acid comparativ cu smalţul dinţilor afectaţi de fluoroză cu grade superioare. Dentina dinţilor afectaţi de fluoroză dentară s‑a dovedit cu atât mai suscetibilă la atacul carios cu cât gradul severităţii fluorozei este mai mare.Abstract. The aim of the study was to assess the susceptibility of fluorotic emanel and dentine to acid challenge. 40 fluorotic teeth having different degree of dental fluorosis according to Thylstup‑Fejerskov classification were split in 4 groups. The surface roughness of the enamel and dentine before and af‑ ter the demineralisation was calculated using AFM evaluation. The values were expressed by relative variation of roughness. The relative roughness indices for enamel and dentine increased with the increase of dental fluo‑ rosis severity. The results were analised using ANOVA and post‑hoc Bon‑ ferroni statistical tests. Significant statistical results were obtained when comparing the enamel roughness indices of the teeth having TF2, 3 and 4 and the teeth having TF0 and 1 and when comparing the dentine rough‑ ness indices for all the study groups. The enamel of healthy and TF1 teeth was significantly more resistent to acid challenge when compared with the enamel of the teeth having superior severity of dental fluorosis.The sus‑ ceptibility of the dentine to acid challenge incresed with the increase of fluorosis severity

    The estimate a caries risk through cariogram

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    Deep remineralization method used in initial caries lesions treatment

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    Summary In the clinical study were evaluated 30 pacientes having 72 initial caries lesions who were splited in 3 groups (first group included pacientes with lesions treated using deep remineralization method, the second group pacientes having lesions treated using clasical fluorization and the third group pacientes who did not received any treatment for the caries lesions). The results have demonstrated higher efficiency of deep fluorization method when compare with the clasical fluorization. Good effects of this therapy were obtained both in depth and in width of the caries lesions. An important advantage of this method consisted in a long time remineralization and a deep remineralization of the caries defect.Rezumat Cercetările clinice realizate pe 30 pacienţi, respectiv 86 leziuni carioase incipiente repartizate pe 3 loturi (lot 1 tratament prin remineralizare profundă, lot 2 tratament prin fluorizare clasică, lot 3-Martor, care nu a fost supus nici unui tratament de fluorizare, decât că au fost aplicate măsuri de îndepărtare a factorilor etiologici). S-a demonstrat eficacitatea net superioară a metodei de remineralizare profundă instituită în leziunile carioase incipiente, obţinându-se astfel un efect terapeutic mai bun atât în profunzime cât şi în suprafaţa acestuia. Un alt avantaj major este obţinerea unui efect remineralizant de mai lungă durată şi o remineralizare a focarului până în profunzimea defectului

    Evaluation Of the Salivary Flow in Patients with Schizophrenia. A Literature Review

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    Schizophrenia is a chronic psychiatric disease that affects approximately 1% of the global population. Schizophrenia is characterised by positive, negative and cognitive symptoms. The etiological factors of this psychiatric illness are not fully deciphered, but the most incriminated are genetic factors and environmental risk factors.The treatment of schizophrenia has the role of reduction the duration and intensity of episodes and consists in the administration of typical or atypical antipsychotic drugs, antiparkinsonian, anxiolytic, sedatives or antidepressants. Of these, some of the drugs may have side effects that modify patients' salivary flow rates.Xerostomy is a subjective sign characterized by a dry mouth sensation and is caused by hypofunction of the salivary glands. According to a series of studies, xerostomia can be an adverse effect of typical antipsychotic medication as well as antiparkinsonian medication. Sialorrhea is caused by hyperfunction of the salivary glands and is characterized by an increased secretion of saliva. This side effect is especially noticeable during the night sleep. Alteration of salivary function creates increased discomfort to the schizophrenic patient, which causes him to give up regular medication.The aim of this study is to review the literature on the link between schizophrenia, the treatment of schizophrenia and impaired salivary function.</em

    The assessment of bacterial film cariogenic potential changes following the action of remineralisation agents

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    Rezumat. Unul dintre factorii etiologici chee, care joaca un rol important în dezvoltarea cariei dentare şi a afecţiunilor parodontale este microflora biofilmului bacterian. Scopul acestui studiu este de a evalua acţiunea unor preparate de remineralizare asupra cariogenităţii biofilmului bacterian. Material si metodă: s-a utilizat in evaluarea cariogenitatii biofilmului bacterian testul Hardwick J.L., Manly E.B. înainte şi după aplicarea preparatelor de remineralizare pe bază de calciu, fosfat şi fluor. Rezultate. Se constată o îmbunătăţire a situaţiei cariogene din cavitatea orală sub acţiunea acestor preparate. Deşi nu este o diferenţă semnificativă d.p.d.v. statistic, un efect mai favorabil îl au preparatele ce conţin calciu, fosfat şi fluor, comparativ cu cele ce conţin doar calciu şi fosfat.Summary. The bacterial film is a key ethiological factor with a major role in dental caries and periodontal diseases development and evolution. Aim. The aim of this study is to assess the action of some remineralisation products over the cariogenic action of bacterial biofilm. Materials and method. The cariogenical potential bacterial biofilm test Hardwick J.L.&Manly E.B. was performed before and after the application of remineralisation products with calcium, phosphat and fluor. Results. The results show an improvement of cariogenic situation after the action of remineralisation agents. The products that contain calcium, phosphat and fluor have a more efficient action comparing with products based only on calcium and phosphat

    Clinical study to evaluate the factors involved in the evolution of the halitosis in a group of students

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    Halitoza este o problemă medico-socială universală, în toate comunităţile şi se referă la mirosul neplăcut care se emană din cavitatea orală. Obiectivele acestui studiu sunt: de a investiga prevalenţa halitozei evaluându-se prin mijloace clinice, paraclinice şi printr-un screening tip anchetă a prezenţei halitozei, a factorilor cauzali implicaţi: patologia cavităţii orale asociate, cum ar fi cariile dentare şi boala parodontală, practicile de igienă orală, şi bolile generale implicate, în rândul unui eşantion de studenţi de la Facultatea de Medicină Dentară UMF Gr.T. Popa. Analiza rezultatelor obţinute cu stabilitatea corespondenţei dintre percepţia propriei halitoze şi a măsurilor de igienă orală efectuate de participanţii la studiu. Caracteristicile şi etiologia respiraţiei urât mirositoare s-au analizat pe un grup de 176 de studenţi, anul III-IV de la facultatea de Medicină Dentară, care au fost supuşi unei evaluări: printr-un chestionar standard şi un examen clinic odonto-parodontal complet, inclusiv a unui examen paraclinic cu un dispozitiv portabil (Detector de halenă ), stabilindu-se punctajele organoleptice măsurate.Halitosis is a universal medical and social problem in all communities and refers to the bad odor that emanates from the oral cavity. The objectives of this study are: to investigate the prevalence of the Halitosis by clinical and laboratory methods, to determine the causal factors involved: oral cavity associated pathology such as dental caries and periodontal disease, oral hygiene practices, and general diseases involved among a sample of students from the Faculty of Dental Gr. T. Popa. Stability analysis results obtained with the correspondence between their perception of halitosis and oral hygiene measures by survey participants. Characteristics and etiology of bad breath were analyzed in a group of 176 students. They were subjected to an assessment: through a standard questionnaire and a clinical examination including a paraclinical examination with a portable device (Halitosis Detector)