54 research outputs found


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    The article deals with the problems of climate change and global warming, extreme climate phenomena, which present risk factors for the national economy, including construction. The causes that lead to the occurrence of the construction degradation phenomena are diverse and may be specific to improper exploitation, but also as a consequence of extraordinary natural phenomena or results from the humanity’s interrelationship with the environment. The degradation of the constructions is manifested by the gradual loss of the physical and functional qualities that characterize the aptitude for their exploitation, the degradation process manifesting itself starting from the contact surfaces of the constructions with the environment. Urban planning and the design of adequate infrastructure play an important role in minimizing the impact of climate change and reducing the risk to the human environment. The undertaking's measures, which will consider the potential impact of climate change on buildings, will provide opportunities for new markets for climate change-resistant technologies, machinery, materials, and products

    Some challenging (macro)economic aspects of FDI in Romania

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    The research intends to analyse a series of FDI effects on Romania from the viewpoint of structure, volume and dynamics by types, sectors and branches, development regions and origin countries, as well as the impact on the expatriated and reinvested earnings, trade balance, and profitability of economic agents with FDI, transfer prices, and competitiveness of exports.The outcome of the research highlights the overall negative trade balance of enterprises with FDI between the years 2007-2010, the relation between reinvested and expatriated profit, and the unfavourable impact of some energy traders on competitiveness. The importance of foreign investments in industry is highlighted, especially in the manufacturing industry and the unsatisfactory structure of FDI, which in Romania aims at the medium- and low-tech level branches.FDI; repatriated earnings; trade balance; state-owned transnational corporations, transfer prices

    Finite Element Analysis of Heating-Cooling Systems Used for Laminating Tools

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    The paper presents the selection process of an optimal heating-cooling system for laminating tools used in the production of automobile parts covered with leather. Four different configurations of heating-cooling systems are considered. In this research, the following activities are done: design of heating-cooling systems, studying of these designs using the method of finite element analysis from a thermal perspective to obtain the differences between them, estimation of the efficiency of the systems by computing results of thermal loading, and analysis of the results in terms of deformations and tensions. After the selection of the optimal heating-cooling system, deformations and tensions are determined for different values of temperatures using the finite element analysis and are modelled to obtain mathematical relations


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    This paper presents the possibilities and benefits of using drones in agriculture, especially in precision agriculture. In the first part of the paper, basic notions regarding drones in the agricultural context, legislative and flight safety aspects are presented, defined and clarified. In the second part of the paper, the most used sensors in agriculture are introduced, the benefits and the main stages of using drones in agriculture are presented, related to the life span of a crop and the duration of the agricultural year. This paper encourages and justifies the use of drones both in current agricultural operations and by applying photogrammetric methods and generating digital products such as orthophoto plans, thematic maps and digital terrain models

    Заболеваемость учащихся средних школ г. Кишинева

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    Catedra Igiena generală, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu, Laboratorul ştiinţific socio-igienic, Centrul Naţional de Sănătate PublicăActuality. Computer activity of children has resulted in beneficial outcomes such as accumulation of knowledge and increased personal performances, but it has also negative effects on children’s health. Negative consequences could affect the eyes, especially by „Computer Vision Syndrome”, upper limb with the development of „Carpal Tunnel Syndrome”, as well as the psycho-emotional tension, static effort, hyperkinesis are expressed, and the positive energy balance can lead to increased prevalence of obesity and cardiovascular risk factors. Material and methods. The prevalence and incidence of five classes of specific diseases at pupils were calculated and their trends were analyzed. The period of the analysis is 13 years (2000-2012). Results. For 13 years the study recorded the lowest increase in the prevalence of eye diseases and their appendages, which amounted to 0,3 ‰, while the incidence of this disease registers the highest increase – 2,7 ‰. During these years, the prevalence of nervous system diseases has recorded the highest growth, constituting 17,4‰, but the incidence has increased by 1,9‰. Diseases of the osteoarticular system in 2012 has shown an increase in prevalence at 8,6 ‰, and morbidity at 1,2 ‰ as compared to 2000. Prevalence of endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases has increased by 5,0‰, and the lowest increase is in incidence – 0,7‰. Prevalence of diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue has increased by 1,7‰, but the incidence – by 1,1‰. Conclusions. During 2000-2012 in Chisinau from five nosologic forms that may depend on the activity with a computer, the highest prevalence and incidence were recorded for the diseases of the eye and their appendages and diseases of the nervous system.Актуальность. Деятельность детей на компьютере сопровождается положительными результатами, такими как накопление знаний и рост личных успехов, но также может оказывать и негативное воздействие на здоровье детей. Отрицательные последствия сказываются на органе зрения в виде «синдрома компьютерного зрения», на верхних конечностях – «кистевой туннельный синдром»; кроме того, становятся выраженными психоэмоциональное напряжение, статическое напряжение, гипокинезия, положительный баланс энергии, который может привести к увеличению распространенности ожирения и сердечно-сосудистых факторов риска. Материал и методы. Были рассчитаны распространенность и заболеваемость учащихся по пяти классам специфических заболеваний и проанализированы их тенденции. Расчеты проведены за 13 лет (2000-2012 гг.). Результаты. В течение 13 лет исследования зарегистрировано самое низкое увеличение распространенности болезней глаза и их придатков, которое составило 0,3‰, в то время как заболеваемость этими болезнями регистрирует наибольшее увеличение – 2,7‰. За эти годы отмечен самый высокий рост распространенности заболеваниями нервной системы, что составило 17,4‰, а заболеваемость выросла на 1,9‰. Болезни костно-суставной системы в 2012 году показали увеличение распространенности на 8,6‰, а заболеваемости на 1,2‰ по сравнению с 2000 г. Распространенность эндокринных заболеваний увеличилась на 5,0‰, в то время как заболеваемость имеет самый низкий уровень – 0,7‰. Распространенность заболеваний кожи и подкожной клетчатки увеличилась на 1,7‰, а заболеваемость – на 1,1 ‰. Выводы. В 2000-2012 гг. в г. Кишиневе из пяти нозологическим форм, которые могут зависеть от работы учащихся на компьютере, самая высокая распространенность и заболеваемость зарегистрирована для болезней глаза и их придатков, а также болезней нервной системы

    Corrosion of Bronze Art Objects and Methods of Restoration

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    The paper presents a study of the corrosive state of sculptures and art objects made from copper and bronze, the equipment used to detect and study defects and the methods and solutions for restoring the art object surfaces attacked by corrosion

    Parametrii mediului de instruire la computer

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    Computerizarea procesului de instruire a înaintat faţă de igienişti probleme noi, importante în ocrotirea sănătăţii şi în păstrarea capacităţii de muncă a elevilor, deoarece lucrul la computer este însoţit de influenţa unui număr mare de factori, care acţionând timp îndelungat, pot infl uenţa nefavorabil starea de sănătate şi funcţională a organismului. Studiul curent a prevăzut cercetarea concentraţiei bioxidului de carbon, nivelului zgomotului şi iluminatului în cabinetele de informatică şi tehnică de calcul din 5 şcoli ale mun. Chişinău. Mediul de activitate al elevilor în cabinetele de informatică şi tehnică de calcul poate fi calificat ca mediu relativ neconfortabil, deoarece valorile unor factori depăşesc în anumită măsură limite maximal admisibile. Concentraţia CO2 a depăşit valoarea normativă în 66,3%, nivelul zgomotului – în 31,7%, iar nivelul iluminatului – în 68,4% măsurări

    Study On Some Copper - Molybdenum Based Composite Materials Condensed from the Vapour Phase

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    Design features of equipment are given for realizing high-speed process of electron beam evaporation and condensation. Peculiarities of phase composition and structure of a crystallized pool (melt) on copper base are studied. Assumption was made about interrelation of structure-phase state of the melt and rate of evaporation-condensation. Specifics of surface structure and volume of condensate in different sections (before and after etching) are investigated. Technological defects, their influence on strength and ductility of the condensate at tensile test are considered. Interrelation of temperature dependence of energy of deformation activation, specifics of condensate fracture and technological defects of structure, different by origin, are studied

    Риск развития изменений физиологических показателей и преморбидных состояний у учеников, использующих компьютер

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    The assessment of the role of physiological changes occurred initially during the work with computer, of environmental factors in rooms equipped with computer, duration of activity on the computer in the onset and development of certain premorbid conditions, highlighting the share of these determinants, the infl uence degree, allows us to focus on the elaboration of measures to reduce their negative impact. Were examined the 7th grade students from the Chisinau town. Finally, the factors were classifi ed according to the degree of risk and determined the share of the prophylaxis measures in order to prevent side effects on health.Оценка роли физиологических сдвигов, возникших в начале работы на компьютере, изменений факторов окружающей среды в помещениях, оснащенных компьютерами, продолжительности деятельности на компьютере в развитии определенных преморбидных состояний подчеркивает роль этих детерминирующих факторов, устанавливает степень их влияния и указывает на необходимость разработки мер по снижению их негативного влияния. Были обследованы ученики 7-го класса города Кишинэу. В итоге, были классифицированы факторы в соответствии со степенью риска и профилактические меры по предотвращению отрицательных эффектов на здоровье

    Physiological, pathophysiological and clinical aspects in COVID-19

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    Catedra de boli infecţioase, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaRezumat Introducere. Sindromul respirator acut sever (SARS) determinat de SARS-CoV-2 continuă evoluţia sa pandemică în ascensiune, necătând la tot efortul global depus în aceste 10 luni de la debutul infecţiei. Material şi metode. Sinteză narativă în baza la 60 de articole relevante, selectate în urma rezultatelor date de motoarele de căutare din baza de date Pub Med. Rezultate. În articolul prezentat este arătat spectrul schimbărilor în organismul uman determinat de SARS-Cov-2, sunt elucidate mecanismele fiziologice, patofiziologice şi imulogocice care stau la baza apariţiei diverselor manifestări clinice, de laborator şi imagistice. Cunoaşterea în ansamblu ale acestor perturbări vor permite o aprofundare în înţelegerea mecanismelor patoimune, complexitatea în abordarea fiecărui caz, aplicarea terapiei personalizate.Introduction. Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) caused by SARS-CoV-2 continues its rising pandemic evolution, notwithstanding all the global effort made in these 10 months since the onset of the infection. Material and methods. Narrative synthesis based on 60 relevant articles, selected from the results given by the search engines from the Pub Med database. Results. The presented article shows the spectrum of changes in the human body caused by SARS-CoV-2, elucidates the physiological, pathophysiological and immunological mechanisms that underlie the occurrence of various clinical, laboratory and imaging manifestations. Overall knowledge of these disorders will allow a deepening in understanding the pathological mechanisms, the complexity in approaching each case, the application of personalized therapy