54 research outputs found

    Clinical evaluation of two different materials for retrograde root filling

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    BACKGROUND:Retrograde root filling is indicated when periapical inflammation cannot be resolved by conventional endodontic therapy. A retrograde filling should prevent flow of microorganisms and bacterial endotoxins from the root canal into periapical tissues. The aim was to evaluate the clinical and radiographic treatment outcome of two different materials for retrograde root filling (dentin-bonded resin nano composite and glass ionomer cement) using special preparation performance of resection surface. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Apicectomies of incisors and canines of 20 patients with indication of retrograde root filling were made. The entire resection surface was slightly concavely prepared. A total of 20 slightly concave root sections were divided into two groups of 10 individuals and filled with either root filling materials. This preparation technique prevents marginal contraction gaps during polymerization and makes a sealing of the entire resection surface possible. Controls were made after one, three, six and 12 months. RESULTS: The last control made after 12 months shows that the proportion of successful cases was significantly higher in the first group with dentin-bonded resin nano composite group (64%)than in the second glass ionomer group (42%, p<0.001). The reason for failure in the second group was loosening of the retrograde filling. CONCLUSIONS: Due to insufficient bonding strength to the concave resection surface, retrograde root filling with glass ionomer results in an unacceptably high failure rate. Dentin-bonded resin nano composite applied onto the entire, slightly concave resection surface is a feature apical filling material characterized by a high success rate

    Health of first permanent molars in 12 - yeras old school children in Prilep community

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    ABSTRACT: Introduction: Fissure sealing in the children is a method of decreasing the caries incidence of population, because occlusal fissure is much vulnerable site of the tooth. Government of FYR Macedonia before 8 years are accepting Dental preventive program: Fissure sealing of first permanent molars in 6-year-old school children. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the success of that caries preventive program. Materials and methods: For improving that aim, in September and October 2015, we obtaining 345 school children of Prilep community, born 2003 y., 177 males, and 168 females. First permanent molars in all the examined children were occlusally sealed before 6 years (2009) with GC Fuji Triage. Results and discussion: From 01 January 2008, started implementation of the National strategy for prevention of oral diseases in the children in FYR Macedonia: Fissure sealing of first permanent molars in 6-year-old school children. On 12-year-old school children - 2015 y, DMF index especially for first permanent molars was 34,4%: decayed - 13,5%, missing - 2%, and filled - 18,9%. Males: DMF index specially for first permanent molars was 32,1%: decayed - 13%, missing 2% and filled 17,1%. In females DMF index specially for first permanent molars was 36,9%; decayed - 14,1%, missing - 2,1%; and filled - 20,7%. Conclusion: Insufficient oral hygiene, inappropriate diet, lack of fluoride, need to urgent implementation of other included component of National Oral Strateg

    Clinical evaluation of two different materials for retrograde root filling

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    BACKGROUND:Retrograde root filling is indicated when periapical inflammation cannot be resolved by conventional endodontic therapy. A retrograde filling should prevent flow of microorganisms and bacterial endotoxins from the root canal into periapical tissues. The aim was to evaluate the clinical and radiographic treatment outcome of two different materials for retrograde root filling (dentin-bonded resin nano composite and glass ionomer cement) using special preparation performance of resection surface. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Apicectomies of incisors and canines of 20 patients with indication of retrograde root filling were made. The entire resection surface was slightly concavely prepared. A total of 20 slightly concave root sections were divided into two groups of 10 individuals and filled with either root filling materials. This preparation technique prevents marginal contraction gaps during polymerization and makes a sealing of the entire resection surface possible. Controls were made after one, three, six and 12 months. RESULTS: The last control made after 12 months shows that the proportion of successful cases was significantly higher in the first group with dentin-bonded resin nano composite group (64%)than in the second glass ionomer group (42%, p<0.001). The reason for failure in the second group was loosening of the retrograde filling. CONCLUSIONS: Due to insufficient bonding strength to the concave resection surface, retrograde root filling with glass ionomer results in an unacceptably high failure rate. Dentin-bonded resin nano composite applied onto the entire, slightly concave resection surface is a feature apical filling material characterized by a high success rate

    Oral health status among dental medicine students at the University of “Goce Delcev”-Stip

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    Aim: The main aim of this study was to make evaluation and correlation of the DMF (Decayed, Missing, and Filled) index, Ramfjord index and s-OHI index among the students from fourth and fifth year of Dental medicine. Material and Methods: All 71 students from fourth and fifth year of Dental medicine were included in this study. In the first phase each of the students have received and filled a questionnaire for their own oral hygiene. All subjects were clinicаlly examined in the second phase and DMF, OHI and Ramfjord index data were noted. Obtained values were statistically evolved. Results: According to clinical examination and as well the data from questionnaire survey, DMF index and Ramfjord Index were on satisfactory level in correlation with oral hygiene. The expected results are due to the level of education of the examinees, which are at the final years of their studies. Conclusion: Oral hygiene is the very important factor that affects DMF index and Ramfjord index especially because dental plaque is main etiological factors for caries and periodontal diseases appearance. Dental medicine students are intensively paying attention for their oral health according with their higher level of education. This is influencing on their oral health. Key words: oral hygiene, oral health, students, DMF index, Ramfjord inde

    Efficacy of fluoride varnishes in preventing enamel demineralization

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    Demineralization is a process in which the inorganic content of the enamel structure is lost leading to occurrence of white spot lesions. The purpose of this study was to examine fluoride varnish effect on enamel. The study involved 20 premolars extracted for orthodontic reasons. Before the extractions, brackets were bonded with one type of adhesive according to manufacturers ‘bonding instructions. After bracket bonding, ten left premolars (the test group) were kept dried by careful tooth isolation and the enamel received a topical application of fluoride varnish (Duraphat®, Germany). Ten right premolars (the control group) did not receive any varnish application and brackets were fixed using identical procedures. After two months, the premolars were extracted and prepared for SEM analysis. Samples treated with fluoride varnish showed a nearly smooth surface, with complete obtrusion of interrod spaces in some fields. The rods appeared as they were fused together with some globules deposited on the surface, relatively no evidence of porosities or irregularities. Within control group demineralization started on enamel surface, but still with adequate and genuine prisms together within interprismatic space. Micro-morphological surface observation of the enamel surfaces showed demineralized surface as rough and uneven tooth enamel (shrinking of prisms, due to the widening of the prismatic spaces). Fluoride varnish application on enamel surface prevents demineralization processes. Fluoride application could act as a 'barrier' against the demineralization processes on enamel

    ND: YAG Laser in the therapy of hypersensitivity teeth clinical evaluation

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    Introduction: Various methods and materials are used in the treatment of dentin hypersensitivity. Sealing of open dentinal tubules is one of the methods to reach insensibility. Laser as a source of coherent radiation is used to melt layers of dentine surface. Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical effectiveness of Nd: YAG laser in the therapy of hypersensitive teeth. Study design: 43 patients of both sex at the age 26 - 54 were included in the study for clinical evaluation. Hypersensitivity was detected on 58 teeth. In 48 teeth hypersensitivity was located on the tooth’s neck. In 10 teeth the hypersensitivity was located on the ocllussal plain. Nd:YAG laser irradiation was realized in 3 visits depending on the subjective simptomatollogy. We applied laser irradiation on the teeth’s gingival third with the fiber – optic hand piece. Results: The results of this clinical evaluation showed that Nd: YAG laser has a significant and rapid clinical effect in reducing the dentine hypersensitivity. Only in three cases were needed to be repeated with the laser irradiation three times. We have noted 100% success after the first session with the patients that were treated for hypersensitivity on the ocllussal plains. Most of the patients came for a second sesion because they had an appointment and not because they needed therapy. Conclusions: The Nd: YAG laser is a suitable tool for immediate successful reduction of dentinal hypersensitivity and has better patient satisfaction, shorter treatment time, and lower rates of pain. Positive clinical effects recommended this new technology in the clinical practice

    Clinical evaluation of laser irradiation in the hypersensitive teeth

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    Introduction: The phenomenon of sensitive - hypersensitive teeth is a common clinical manifestation, present in the dental office. Aim: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical effectiveness of Nd: YAG laser in the therapy of hypersensitive teeth. Study designe: Objectiv: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical effectiveness of Nd: YAG laser in the therapy of hypersensitive teeth. Study design: 30 patients with 38 hypersensitivities teeth were selected for this clinical examination. The sensitive surface was lased with Nd: YAG laser according to the treatment protocol three times after five days. Results: The results showed that, there is decrease in dentine hypersensitivity in 90% of treated by Nd: YAG laser teeth. Only in two cases were needed to repeated the laser irradiation three times. Conclusions: The Nd: YAG laser is a suitable tool for the immediate successful reduction of dentinal hypersensitivity and has better patient satisfaction, shorter treatment time, and lower rates of pain. Positive clinical effects recommended this new technology in the clinical practice

    Matrix metalloproteinase activity in deciduous dental pulp

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    The aim of the present study was to examine the COLLAGENASE activity of the deciduous dental pulp in the normal conditions, and conditions of physiological resorption of the tooth. Decuduous dental pulp was obtained from healthy deciduous teeth, extracted for orthodontic reason. The tooth pulp was excavated completely, washed with sterile 0,08 mol/L NaCl, weighed and frizzed to -18° C. The pulp tissue was transferred to a medium (phosphate buffer, pH = 7,4; 0,08 mol/L NaCl), and homogenized in a Potter-Elvehjem homogenizer. After 10 minutes centrifugation with 3000 rpm and decantation, the enzyme activity was determined in supernatant, Totals pulp enzymatic activity of the deciduous teeth decreases with the beginning of the resorption. Enzymes, which actively participate in metabolism (lactate-dehydrogenase), as well as in synthesis (alcal-phosphatase), can increase the specific activity in conditions of progressive physiological root resorption, because of its discontinuity, in the periods when the reparatory component dominates. Enzymes responsible for tissue destructive changes (acid-phosphatase and collagenase), by initiation and progression of physiological resorption increase significantly

    Research Methods of Deciduous Dental Pulp

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    Aim: The aim of our study was to evaluate the condition, particular structure and properties of the pulpal tissue by using various methods. Material and methods: The pulps used for this research had originated from intact teeth of healthy children, (five deciduous teeth without, and five deciduous teeth with physiological resorption).Immediately after the extraction (performed due to orthodontic reasons, under local anaesthesia), each tooth was cut perpendicularly to its long axis with a rotating carborundum disc under a water jet. The separated halves were dissected with plastic instrument, and the tooth pulp was excavated completely. Results and discussion: The extracellular matrix is the major constituent of the connective tissue. This is composed of ground substance and fibrillar proteins. The main cells of the connective tissue are the fibroblasts. The pulp also contains odontoblasts (the highest differentiated cells), undifferentiated mesenchymal cells, and immunocompetent cells (lymphocytes, macrophages, leucocytes). Adequate pulp preparation has always been a challenge, because artefacts resulting from inadequate fixation often are described as evidence of pathosis. Methods with dropping a tooth in a jar of formalin, even if done immediately after extraction, are inadequate to permit subsequent critical examination of the dental pulp. Other methods are with section the apical 2–3 mm of the root with a fissure bur, and an opening was made into the pulp chamber with a round bur and fixed with 10% buffered formalin. Conclusion: The developments of models are needed for better investigation of deciduous dental pulp, but also for better her preservation

    Rootcanal treatment and radical therapy of dog’s teeth: Case report

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    Introduction: The scientific and the technological advancements made in the dentistry in the last decade its being used in the veterinary medicine for therapeutical aspect in order to improve dental health of animals. Aim: In this case report we present our dental therapeutic intervention on a dog, which is an only specimen of its race in our coutry i.e. the Japaneese race Akita Inu or a Samurai dog. Study design: After the examination of the dog’s oral cavity we found a fracture of the corona of the maxillary canine i.e. tooth 24 . There was also a visible damage of the gums, fistulous formation and hiperemia. We realised endodontic treatment on the damaged tooth and it was succesfull for a period of three months. After that period there was a remision of the simptoms. The operative therapy that followed confirmed a presence of a vertical fracture of tooth 24 after which the tooth was extracted. Conclusion: Eighteen months later, the four-legged patient is in great shape and with perfect oral health, even though it’s missing one of its canines