87 research outputs found

    The influence of socio-demographic and clinical factors on the process of acceptance of the disease among patients with ulcerative colitis

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    Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a kind of inflammatory bowel disease involving rectal mucosa, or the rectum with colon, resulting in ulcerations in some cases. It is incurable and varies with periods of exacerbation and remission. The disease affects mainly population of highly-developed European or North American nations. It can relatively rarely be observed in South America, Asia and Africa. It is estimated that morbidity and incidence in those regions is about 10 times lower than in Europe and North America [1,2]. The incidence of UC in Europe is approximately 10 new cases per 100,000 people annually [3]. In Poland, epidemiology assessment is difficult due to a lack of reliable statistics. In Lower Silesia, 840 hospitalizations for UC on average are registered annually [4,5]. In UC pathogenesis, genetic, environmental and immunologic factors play an important role. UC can occur at any age, however, the peak incidence is observed between ages 20 and 40 and over 65 [6]. UC is incurable and accompanies the patient through the rest of his/her life. It varies with periods of exacerbation and remission, which impair everyday activities and lower patient’s quality of life. As a consequence, the patient generally feels bad, which is not only caused by gastrointestinal symptoms but also by emotional and psychological issues [7]. Nowadays, a clear tendency can be observed in medicine to include health and disease-related issues in biopsychosocial context, including social and psychological factors affecting the course of the disease. The assessment of such factors brings up a broader perspective on patient’s health problems [8]. Adjustment to the disease is important in many chronic diseases, which demand a change of the patient’s attitude and taking aspects such as acceptance of one’s disease into consideration [9]. The term ‘acceptance’ denotes adopting an opinion, judgment, belief, behavior, favorable attitude or to give a consent [10]. Accepting one’s disease means adjusting to limitations posed by it and accepting the associated disability. The consequences include accepting the limitations, not being self-sufficient, dependence on others and low self-esteem [11]. In a chronic and difficult therapeutic process, medical staff play the key role, in addition to other patient’s support. Bonding with other patients is an important regulating factor in the emotional sphere, while psychological counseling can turn out beneficial in accepting one’s new difficult life situation. The aim of the study was to evaluate the acceptance of the disease in patients with ulcerative colitis with respect to selected socio-demographic and clinical variables

    Analysis of factors affecting the quality of life of those suffering from Crohn's disease

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    Introduction. Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease of unknown etiology. Its chronic nature, as well as symptoms of intestinal and overall significantly impedes the daily functioning of patients. Alternately occurring periods of exacerbation and remission are the cause of reduced quality of life of patients. Understanding the factors that caused the decrease in the quality of life, it allows us to understand the behavior and the situation of the patient and the ability to cope with stress caused by the disease. Aim of the study. The aim of the study was to analyze the factors affecting the quality of life of people with Crohn’s disease. Material and methods. The study group consisted of 50 people diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. Respondents were treated at the Department of General Surgery and Colorectal Medical University of Lodz and Gastroenterological Clinic at the University Clinical Hospital No. 1 in Lodz. Quality of Life Survey was carried out by a diagnostic survey using a research tool SF-36v2 and surveys of its own design. Results. Analysis of the results demonstrated that the quality of life of patients with Crohn’s disease was reduced, especially during exacerbations. Evaluation of the quality of life of respondents in physical terms was slightly higher than in the mental aspect. Higher education subjects and the lack of need for surgical treatment significantly improves the quality of life. Conclusions. The occurrence of chronic disease reduces the quality of life of respondents. Elderly patients are better able to adapt to the difficult situation caused by the disease. The quality of life of women and men is at a similar level and patients in remission of the disease have a better quality of life of patients during exacerbations

    Factors influencing the strategies of coping with chronic pain in patients with limb ischemia

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    Osoby z chorobą niedokrwienną kończyn dolnych stanowią około 3-10% populacji światowej. Schorzenia przewlekłe, którym towarzyszy występowanie bólu, prowadzą do wyczerpania rezerw mechanizmów obronnych człowieka. Występująca choroba przewlekła wymaga od chorego elastyczności oraz adaptacji. Analiza wpływu jakości życia oraz charakteru dolegliwości bólowych na podejmowane strategie radzenia sobie z bólem przewlekłym u chorych z niedokrwieniem kończyn dolnych. Badanie przeprowadzono wśród chorych hospitalizowanych na Oddziale Chirurgii Naczyniowej oraz w Poradni Chirurgii Naczyń Szpitala Uniwersyteckiego w Krakowie w 2015 r. Objęto nim grupę 105 chorych, którzy odczuwali ból przewlekły. W badaniu zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego, technikę ankietowania, w której wykorzystano narzędzia: kwestionariusz ankiety własnej konstrukcji, kwestionariusz WHOQOL-BREF, skalę bólu VAS oraz Kwestionariusz Strategii Radzenia Sobie z Bólem (CSQ), skalę Fontaine'a. Badania wskazały na występowanie zależności pomiędzy natężeniem bólu, czasem trwania dolegliwości, jakością życia i okolicznościami występowania bólu, a obieranymi przez badanych strategiami radzenia sobie z bólem. Ból przewlekły jest zjawiskiem dynamicznym. Na podejmowane przez chorych strategie w radzeniu sobie z bólem wpływ mają czynniki związane z klinicznym charakterem odczuwanego bólu. Zachodzi konieczność opracowania wytycznych do pracy z chorymi cierpiącymi na ból w przebiegu choroby niedokrwiennej kończyn dolnych.People with ischemic disease of lower limbs constitute a 3-10% of the population. Disorders of a chronic nature, which are accompanied by pain, lead to decreasing body's defense mechanisms. Occurring of chronic disease demands from the patient flexibility and adaptability. Literature describes different models of strategies to cope with chronic pain. Analysis of the impact of quality of life and the nature of pain taken on strategies for coping with chronic pain in patients with limb ischemia. The study was conducted among patients hospitalized in the Department of Vascular Surgery and Vascular Surgery Clinic of the University Hospital in Krakow on 2015. This included a group of 105 patients who experienced chronic pain. The study used the method of diagnostic survey, polling technique, questionnaire survey of own design, questionnaire WHOQOL-BREF, VAS pain scale and questionnaire Strategy for Coping with Pain (CSQ) and Fontaine's scale. The study pointed to presence of the relationship between pain intensity, duration of symptoms, quality of life and the circumstances of pain and strategies chosen by the patents for coping with pain. Based on the results of the analysis it could be concluded that chronic pain is a dynamic phenomenon. Strategies chosen by the patients to cope with pain are influenced by both socio-demographic factors and factors related to the clinical nature of pain. The results show the need to embrace a holistic and multidisciplinary patient care, outlining the right direction therapy and facilitate patient adaptation and select appropriate strategies to cope with chronic pain

    Oral disease prevention awareness among runners

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    Bieganie jest obecnie jednym z najpopularniejszych sportów. Celem pracy jest określenie świadomości biegaczy w zakresie profilaktyki chorób jamy ustnej oraz wpływu tego sportu na problemy stomatologiczne. Materiał i metody. Badaniem ankietowym objęto 191 osób (96 kobiet i 95 mężczyzn) uprawiających biegi na różnych dystansach i o różnej częstości. Średnia wieku badanych wynosiła 32 lata. Autorski kwestionariusz składał się z 26 pytań, dotyczących intensywności treningów , diety, stosowanej profilaktyki oraz obecności zmian patologicznych w zakresie jamy ustnej. Uzyskane wyniki poddano analizie statystycznej z zastosowaniem programu R, przyjmując za punkt istotności statystycznej p<0,05. Projekt posiada zgodę Komisji Bioetycznej UJ. Wyniki. Biegacze wykazali się niskim poziomem świadomości w zakresie zdrowia jamy ustnej. Niespełna 30% ankietowanych uważa, że bieganie ma wpływ na stan zdrowia jamy ustnej, a 2% deklaruje zmianę nawyków higienicznych po rozpoczęciu treningów. ów. 40% ankietowanych odbywa wizyty u lekarza stomatologa raz na rok, a 17% rzadziej. Co 3-ci ankietowany do dbania o higienę jamy ustnej używa wyłącznie szczoteczki. Dodatkowe przybory higienizacyjne stosowały głów nie osoby trenujące częściej niż 4 razy w tygodniu: 47% osób trenujących więcej niż 4 razy w tygodniu używała nić dentystyczną, 37% korzystała z płukanek. Osoby, u których wystąpiły po biegu zmiany w jamie ustnej spożywały głów nie produkty białkowe. Ankieta wykazała, że u osób trenujących czterokrotnie w tygodniu występowały: ból zębów w trakcie przyjmowania pokarmów u 11 % badanych, kolejno u 8% samoistny ból zębów , 5% rozchwianie zębów , 5% wzrost próchnicy i 5% zmiany w obrębie dziąseł. Częstość występowania bólu samoistnego zależała od intensywności treningów oraz szczotkowania zębów - pośród osób szczotkujących zęby raz dziennie dolegliwości wystąpiły u 12% sportowców , natomiast w grupie szczotkujących dwa razy dziennie u 2%. Wnioski. Wskazane jest podniesienie poziomu świadomości w zakresie zdrowia jamy ustnej u biegaczy poprzez zalecenie częstszych okresowych badań stomatologicznych oraz stworzenie programu profilaktycznego dedykowanego tej grupie.Introduction and objective of study: Running is currently one of the most popular sports practised today. The objective of this study was to determine dental caries prevention awareness in runners and the impact of this sport on dental problems. Material and methods: The study population comprised a total of 191 persons (96 women and 95 men) running different distances and with varying frequency. The average age was 32 years. The author’s own questionnaire comprised 26 questions focusing on the intensity of the respondents’ training, diet, the methods of caries prevention they used as well as the presence of pathological changes in the oral cavity. The results obtained in the study were subjected to statistical analysis using R software, with a p value of <0.05 deemed statistically significant. The project was approved by Bioethical Committee of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. w. Results: The runners presented limited awareness of oral health issues. Less than 30% of the respondents reckoned that running has an impact on their oral health, while only 2% declared that that they had changed their hygiene habits since they had begun training. Forty percent of the respondents visit a dentist once a year, and 17% even less frequently. One in every three respondents used a toothbrush alone to take care of their oral hygiene needs. Additional hygiene tools were used mainly by those who trained more frequently than 4 times a w w eek: 47% of the respondents who ran more than 4 times a w w eek applied dental floss, while 37% used a dental mouthwash. Respondents who experienced changes in the oral cavity after running mainly consumed protein products. The survey revealed the following problems in those training four times a w w eek: 11% experienced toothache when eating food, 8% experienced idiopathic tooth ache, 5% - mobile teeth, 5% - increased caries, and 5% - gingival lesions. The frequency of idiopathic pain depended on the intensity of the respondents’ training as well as tooth brushing - 12% of those athletes who brushed their teeth once a day experienced problems compared with 2% of those who brushed their teeth twice a day. Conclusions: Runners should be made more aware of oral health issues by recommending to them more frequent periodic dental check- ups and creating a dental caries prevention program targeted at this specific group

    Assessment of the level of knowledge of women the risk factors osteoporosis and its application in practice

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    Osteoporoza charakteryzuje się postępującym ubytkiem masy kostnej, co w konsekwencji prowadzi do częstych złamań kości. Schorzenie stanowi jeden z głównych problemów zdrowotnych w Polsce. Do rozwoju choroby przyczynia się wiele czynników, między innymi wiek, płeć, nieodpowiednia dieta, mała aktywność fizyczna, palenie papierosów, ale również brak profilaktyki oraz edukacji zdrowotnej. Celem badań było poznanie poziomu wiedzy kobiet w zakresie czynników ryzyka osteoporozy oraz podejmowanych zachowań zdrowotnych. Badaniem objęto 105 kobiet w wieku 40-76 lat. Wykorzystano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego i technikę ankietowania, w której posługiwano się następującymi narzędziami: autorski kwestionariusz ankiety oraz Inwentarz Zachowań Zdrowotnych (IZZ). Na podstawie wyników uzyskanych w autorskim kwestionariuszu ankiety ustalono, że mniej niż połowa kobiet wykazała bardzo dobry poziom wiedzy w zakresie czynników ryzyka osteoporozy, natomiast ponad połowa ankietowanych wykazała się przeciętnym ogólnym wskaźnikiem nasilenia zachowań zdrowotnych. Osoby starsze wykazały niższą wiedzę ogólną, natomiast zaobserwowano w tej grupie wyższe nasilenie zachowań zdrowotnych. Badania pokazały, że kobiety mieszkające w większych miejscowościach mają wyższy poziom wiedzy, z kolei kobiety z wyższym wykształceniem charakteryzują się wyższym poziomem wiedzy ogólnej, ale niższym nasileniem zachowań zdrowotnych, a więc im wyższa wiedza tym niższe nasilenie zachowań zdrowotnych. Analiza wyników badań pozwoliła na stwierdzenie, że wiedza w zakresie czynników ryzyka osteoporozy oraz podejmowanych zachowań zdrowotnych jest niewystarczająca. Wyniki wskazują na konieczność prowadzenia edukacji zdrowotnej dotyczącej zasad profilaktyki osteoporozy oraz promocji zachowań zdrowotnych zarówno osób zdrowych, jak i chorych, w celu zapobiegania wystąpienia schorzenia oraz eliminowania czynników sprzyjających chorobie.Osteoporosis is characterized by loss in bone weight, which leads to often fractures. The disease is one of the main health problems in Poland. The progression of the disease is contributed by many factors, like age, sex, inappropriate diet, low physical activity, smoking and lack of health prevention and education. The purpose of thesis: The purpose of the research was to check the level of women's knowlege on the osteoporosis risk factors and health actions taken. The research was carried out on 105 women at the age of 40-76. The method used was diagnostic survey, with the following tools: author's questionnaire of survey and Inventory of Health Behaviours. Less than 50% of women shown very good level of knowledge, basing on author’s questionnaire of survey, and over 50% of women characterized with the average level of health behaviours. The harmful results of smoking are mostly noticed by women who quit smoking, and in the least by those who smoke more than one packet per day. The analysis of the results of the research leads to the statement, that the knowlege on osteoporosis risk factors is insuficient. The results show the need for running education on osteoporosis prevention and for promotion of health behaviors both of health and sick people, to prevent the sickness and to eliminate the factors that enhance the sickness

    Bacterial Communities Associated with Poa annua Roots in Central European (Poland) and Antarctic Settings (King George Island)

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    Abstract: Poa annua (annual bluegrass) is one of the most ubiquitous grass species in the world. In isolated regions of maritime Antarctica, it has become an invasive organism threatening native tundra communities. In this study, we have explored and compared the rhizosphere and rootendosphere dwelling microbial community of P. annua specimens of maritime Antarctic and Central European origin in terms of bacterial phylogenetic diversity and microbial metabolic activity with a geochemical soil background. Our results show that the rhizospheric bacterial community was unique for each sampling site, yet the endosphere communities were similar to each other. However, key plant-associated bacterial taxa such as the Rhizobiaceae family were poorly represented in Antarctic samples, probably due to high salinity and heavy metal concentrations in the soil. Metabolic activity in the Antarctic material was considerably lower than in Central European samples. Antarctic root endosphere showed unusually high numbers of certain opportunistic bacterial groups, which proliferated due to low competition conditions. Thirteen bacterial families were recognized in this study to form a core microbiome of the P. annua root endosphere. The most numerous were the Flavobacteriaceae, suspected to be major contributors to the ecological success of annual bluegrass, especially in harsh, Antarctic conditions

    Plasmids of Psychrotolerant Polaromonas spp. Isolated From Arctic and Antarctic Glaciers – Diversity and Role in Adaptation to Polar Environments

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    Cold-active bacteria of the genus Polaromonas (class Betaproteobacteria) are important components of glacial microbiomes. In this study, extrachromosomal replicons of 26 psychrotolerant Polaromonas strains, isolated from Arctic and Antarctic glaciers, were identified, sequenced, and characterized. The plasmidome of these strains consists of 13 replicons, ranging in size from 3,378 to 101,077 bp. In silico sequence analyses identified the conserved backbones of these plasmids, composed of genes required for plasmid replication, stable maintenance, and conjugal transfer. Host range analysis revealed that all of the identified plasmids are narrow-host-range replicons, only able to replicate in bacteria of closely related genera (Polaromonas and Variovorax) of the Comamonadaceae family. Special attention was paid to the identification of plasmid auxiliary genetic information, which may contribute to the adaptation of bacteria to environmental conditions occurring in glaciers. Detailed analysis revealed the presence of genes encoding proteins potentially involved in (i) protection against reactive oxygen species, ultraviolet radiation, and low temperatures; (ii) transport and metabolism of organic compounds; (iii) transport of metal ions; and (iv) resistance to heavy metals. Some of the plasmids also carry genes required for the molecular assembly of iron–sulfur [Fe-S] clusters. Functional analysis of the predicted heavy metal resistance determinants demonstrated that their activity varies, depending on the host strain. This study provides the first molecular insight into the mobile DNA of Polaromonas spp. inhabiting polar glaciers. It has generated valuable data on the structure and properties of a pool of plasmids and highlighted their role in the biology of psychrotolerant Polaromonas strains and their adaptation to the environmental conditions of Arctic and Antarctic glaciers

    Comparative genomics and functional analysis of a highly adhesive dairy Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei IBB3423 strain

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    arious Lactobacillus paracasei strains are found in diverse environments, including dairy and plant materials and the intestinal tract of humans and animals, and are also used in the food industry or as probiotics. In this study, we have isolated a new strain L. paracasei subsp. paracasei IBB3423 from samples of raw cow milk collected in a citizen science project. IBB3423 showed some desired probiotic features such as high adhesion capacity and ability to metabolize inulin. Its complete genome sequence comprising the chromosome of 3,183,386 bp and two plasmids of 5986 bp and 51,211 bp was determined. In silico analysis revealed numerous genes encoding proteins involved in carbohydrate metabolism and of extracellular localization likely supporting interaction with host tissues. In vitro tests confirmed the high adhesion capacity of IBB3423 and showed that it even exceeds that of the highly adhesive L. rhamnosus GG. Curing of the larger plasmid indicated that the adhesive properties depend on the plasmid and thus could be determined by its pilus-encoding spaCBA genes