54 research outputs found


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    The study was designed to predict the ground water qualities of different locations of central Agra city, Uttar Pradesh, India. Physico-chemical parameters were investigated pH, TDS (Total Dissolve Solids), TH (Total Hardness), levels of Ca++ (Calcium) and Mg++ (Magnesium), Two Carbonate, Na2CO3 and NaHCO3 (Sodium Carbonate and Sodium bi Carbonate), Six Heavy Metals (Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn, Cd, As) analyses by AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer), fluoride investigation by Spectrophotometer and removal of NOM (Natural Organic Matter) by Fenton's Process.This paper deals with evaluation of pH, TDS, TH, levels of Ca++ and Mg++, Na2CO3 and NaHCO3, Heavy Metals, fluoride value and NOM removal from ground water by Fenton's Process. Correlation matrix shows significant relation between heavy metals and NOM. The high values of these parameters might have health complications and so they need attention. The above studies are helpful to understand the ground water quality and their subsequent fitness or unfitness of ground water for drinking and domestic purpose at various sites under taken. The obtained data was compared by standards

    Huge myxoid leiomyoma of cervix presenting as irreducible prolapse- management by vaginal myomectomy

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    Cervical leiomyoma consists 1-2% of all leiomyoma and myxoid degeneration of cervical fibroid is very rare. We present an old neglected case of huge necrotic cervical leiomyoma presenting with prolapse of mass and pelvic organs in a woman with multiple co-morbidities. Early management was necessary for improving her quality of life and controlling blood sugar. In lack of fitness for anaesthesia we performed her vaginal myomectomy under Intravenous Sedation. Prolapse was reducible and in absence of septic foci blood sugar profile improved. Vaginal myomectomy is a safe and quick procedure with least surgical morbidity and should be considered in cervical fibroids

    Multifunctional activity of graphene oxide-based nanoformulation against the disease vector, Aedes aegypti

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    Aedes aegypti management is a global concern due to the absence of medication and effective vaccines. The pesticide-mediated health hazards and rising insecticide resistance in mosquitoes have aggravated the issues. As graphene Oxide (GO)- based nanoformulations are considered a novel mosquito management strategy; the present investigation evaluated the efficacy of GO-based nanoformulations conjugated with malathion (ML) and endosulphan (EN) against Ae. aegypti. The GO was synthesised by Hummers’ method and was confirmed by UV-visible spectral analysis. The GO-ML and GO-EN binary mixtures (1:1 and 1:2) were assayed for toxic potential against mosquito larvae as per WHO protocol and the dead larvae were scrutinized for morphological deformations/abnormalities. The contact irritancy potential of GO nanoformulations was also evaluated against adult Ae. aegypti. The UV-visible spectrum of GO showed a narrow and high peak at ~300 nm corresponding to an n-π* plasmon peak. The GO-insecticide binary mixtures augmented the ML and EN toxicity by 80.43% and 6.43-fold, respectively. The GO-ML mixture-exposed larvae revealed cuticular deposition of black soot while larvae exposed to GO-EN exhibited disintegrated gut viscera. GO-insecticide combinations increased flights in Ae. aegypti denoting irritant potential. The effectual toxic, abrasive and irritant activity of GO-insecticide nanoformulations recommends developing graphene-based toxicants for mosquito managemen

    One pot chemical co-precipitation preparation of magnetic graphene oxide-deltamethrin nanoformulations for management of Aedes aegypti

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    Aedes-borne diseases are of worldwide concern due to the lack of effective medicine and vaccination. Frequent use of chemical intervention has developed insecticide resistance in mosquitoes and posed health risks to humans and the environment, necessitating an effective and safer intervention. Graphene Oxide (GO) is an efficient material that can absorb pesticide particles and release pesticide macromolecules in a controlled manner. With the proposition that magnetic graphene oxide (MGO)-based nanoformulations can be an eco-safe and effective material for pesticide conjugation, the present study synthesized these nanoformulations conjugated with a pyrethroid, deltamethrin (DL) through chemical co-precipitation method. The formulations were validated using biophysical techniques and investigated for their efficacy against Aedes aegypti. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern of nanocomposites showed six intense diffraction peaks of Fe3O4 particles, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) displayed the C1s, O1s, and Fe2p photoelectron lines in the MGO nanocomposite's spectra, while Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) revealed the small size and uniformity of Fe3O4 nanoparticles on the GO surface. The individual MGO and DL, as well as MGO-DL binary combinations (1:1, 1:2, and 1:3) imparted significant larval toxicity, demonstrating 30%, 50%, and 85% CTC (Co-toxicity coefficient), respectively. High corresponding Synergistic factor (SF) values indicated significant synergism increasing with the rise in deltamethrin proportion. The MGO-DL combinations also increased irritancy and flight response in adults, the notable synergistic effects imparted by the 1:3 combination. The effective actions of MGO-DL nanoformulations against mosquitoes suggest their possible use for mosquito management as a safer and more operative intervention

    Indications for Caesarean Section and its Fetal and Maternal Outcome in a Teaching Hospital, Province Five, Nepal

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    Introduction: Cesarean section (CS) is an operative technique by which a fetus is delivered through an abdominal and uterine incision and is effective in saving maternal and infant lives but caesarean section rates higher than 10% are not associated with reductions in maternal and newborn mortality rates. The objective of the study was to find out the indications for caesarean section and its fetal and maternal outcomes in a Teaching Hospital, Province Five, Nepal. Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted in a teaching hospital, Nepal. A total of 150 purposively selected postnatal mothers after caesarean section were interviewed by face to face technique using a structured interview schedule. Analysis and interpretation of the findings were done with the help of descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: The study showed that the majority (93.3%) of mothers had undergone an emergency caesarean section and the majority (92%) had maternal indications for caesarean section. Among them, one third had previous caesarean section followed by 14.5% obstructed labour. Fetal indications include breach (44.4%), fetal distress (29.6%), big baby (11.1) and twins and triplets (3.7%). Only (10.7%) had an unfavorable fetal outcome which includes the need for Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) (31.2%) followed by neonatal death (25%). Only three mothers (2%) had unfavorable maternal outcome which includes Post-Partum Hemorrhage (PPH); need for blood transfusion and fever respectively. There was no statistically significant association between socio demographic characteristics and type of caesarean section. There was statistically significant association between the previous history of caesarean section and type of caesarean section (P= .005). Conclusions: Previous caesarean section was the most common indication for caesarean section. Unfavorable   outcome after caesarean section was considerably present which need to be addressed

    Innovation in traditional organic nutrient management practices for better soilhealth and higher productivity of brahmi (Bacopa monnieri L.)

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    This study was conducted at Medicinal Plants Research and Development Centre (MRDC) of Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, District Udham Singh Nagar, India, to examine the effect of Jeevamrit (Bioenhancer) on soil health and herbage yield of brahmi crop (var. CIM- Jagriti) and to optimise its rate of application. The experiment was laid out in randomised block design (RBD), replicated trice. The experimental soil was sandy clay loam in texture, neutral in reaction, having pH 6.9, medium in organic carbon (0.64%), low in available nitrogen (180.78 kg ha-1) and medium in both available phosphorus (20.14 kg ha-1) and potassium (200.64 kg ha-1). Jeevamrit enhances soil nutrient content, improve bulk density and biodiversity by increasing beneficial soil microbes which mineralise the nutrients present in soil and increase their availability. Jeevamrit 4000 l ha-1 can be used as a nutrient source in place of chemical fertilisers and expensive bulky organic manures under organic nutrient management

    Experience of Cyberbullying among Nursing Students

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    Background: Personal hygiene includes cleanliness of the body and proper maintenance of personal appearance. This study aimed to identify the existing knowledge and practice of personal hygiene among lower secondary level school-going children in Morang, province one, in Eastern-Nepal. Methods: A quantitative, descriptive study was conducted in selected schools of Morang district, Eastern-Nepal comprising of 400 school children. Data was collected using a self-developed and validated structured questionnaire and observation checklist. Two schools from rural areas and two from urban areas were randomly selected and students from classes 6, 7 and 8 were also randomly selected for the study. Result: The majority of the students were in the age group 10-15 years (55% in urban areas and 50% in rural areas). Proper handwashing technique was reported by 59.5% of the students from the urban areas and 48.5% from rural areas. The majority of the students used toothpaste for brushing teeth in urban (79%) and rural areas (76%) respectively. For hand washing, 52% used soap in the urban areas whereas only 26% used soap in the rural area. Although knowledge and practice of personal hygiene were adequate, a significant gap was noted between them in the urban and rural areas (p<0.05). Conclusion: There was a significant gap between the knowledge and practice regarding the personal hygiene among the respondents both in the rural and in the urban areas. Adequate number of educational interventions has to be encompassed in the schools to increase the awareness among the students regarding this subject

    Structural characterization of a novel KH-domain containing plant chloroplast endonuclease

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    Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is a single celled alga that undergoes apoptosis in response to UV-C irradiation. UVI31+, a novel UV-inducible DNA endonuclease in C. reinhardtii, which normally localizes near cell wall and pyrenoid regions, gets redistributed into punctate foci within the whole chloroplast, away from the pyrenoid, upon UV-stress. Solution NMR structure of the first putative UV inducible endonuclease UVI31+ revealed an alpha(1)-beta(1)-beta(2)-alpha(2)-alpha(3)-beta(3) fold similar to BolA and type II KH-domain ubiquitous protein families. Three alpha-helices of UVI31+ constitute one side of the protein surface, which are packed to the other side, made of three-stranded beta-sheet, with intervening hydrophobic residues. A twenty-three residues long polypeptide stretch (D54-H76) connecting beta(1) and beta(2) strands is found to be highly flexible. Interestingly, UVI31+ recognizes the DNA primarily through its beta-sheet. We propose that the catalytic triad residues involving Ser114, His95 and Thr116 facilitate DNA endonuclease activity of UVI31+. Further, decreased endonuclease activity of the S114A mutant is consistent with the direct participation of Ser114 in the catalysis. This study provides the first structural description of a plant chloroplast endonuclease that is regulated by UV-stress response

    Astrocyte GluN2C NMDA receptors control basal synaptic strengths of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons in the stratum radiatum

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    Experience-dependent plasticity is a key feature of brain synapses for which neuronal N-Methyl-D-Aspartate receptors (NMDARs) play a major role, from developmental circuit refinement to learning and memory. Astrocytes also express NMDARs, although their exact function has remained controversial. Here, we identify in mouse hippocampus, a circuit function for GluN2C NMDAR, a subtype highly expressed in astrocytes, in layer-specific tuning of synaptic strengths in CA1 pyramidal neurons. Interfering with astrocyte NMDAR or GluN2C NMDAR activity reduces the range of presynaptic strength distribution specifically in the stratum radiatum inputs without an appreciable change in the mean presynaptic strength. Mathematical modeling shows that narrowing of the width of presynaptic release probability distribution compromises the expression of long-term synaptic plasticity. Our findings suggest a novel feedback signaling system that uses astrocyte GluN2C NMDARs to adjust basal synaptic weight distribution of Schaffer collateral inputs, which in turn impacts computations performed by the CA1 pyramidal neuron

    Bulk Incorporation with 4‐Methylphenethylammonium Chloride for Efficient and Stable Methylammonium‐Free Perovskite and Perovskite‐Silicon Tandem Solar Cells

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    Methylammonium (MA)-free perovskite solar cells have the potential for better thermal stability than their MA-containing counterparts. However, the efficiency of MA-free perovskite solar cells lags behind due to inferior bulk quality. In this work, 4-methylphenethylammonium chloride (4M-PEACl) is added into a MA-free perovskite precursor, which results in greatly enhanced bulk quality. The perovskite crystal grains are significantly enlarged, and defects are suppressed by a factor of four upon the incorporation of an optimal concentration of 4M-PEACl. Quasi-2D perovskites are formed and passivate defects at the grain boundaries of the perovskite crystals. Furthermore, the perovskite surface chemistry is modified, resulting in surface energies more favorable for hole extraction. This facile approach leads to a steady state efficiency of 23.7% (24.2% in reverse scan, 23.0% in forward scan) for MA-free perovskite solar cells. The devices also show excellent light stability, retaining more than 93% of the initial efficiency after 1000 h of constant illumination in a nitrogen environment. In addition, a four-terminal mechanically stacked perovskite-silicon tandem solar cell with champion efficiency of 30.3% is obtained using this MA-free composition. The encapsulated tandem devices show excellent operational stability, retaining more than 98% of the initial performance after 42 day/night cycles in an ambient atmosphere