8 research outputs found

    The Role of Gender in L2 Interaction. Socialization via L2 Materials

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    Given the importance placed on student-student interaction in today's second language (L2) classroom, this article seeks to examine target language interaction models presented to L2 students. Specifically, this investigation reviews how male and female interaction styles are\ud presented to L2 leamers in target language scripts such as textbook and workbook dialogues and audio segments in order to determine whether or not pedagogical materials reinforce stereotypical gender-typed interaction styles.Etant donné l'importance de l'interaction órale dans les cours de langue étrangére de nos \ud jours, cet article veut examiner les modeles d'interaction presentes aux eleves dans les texts, \ud surtout les dialogues homme-femme et le style employé par et entre les deux sexes

    Focusing on the Future of Grammar Instruction. Focusin on Form

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    This paper reviews the implicit/explicit división that has dominated the ianguage-teaching profession's treatment of second language (L2) grammar for over a century. Following an examination of the two extreme positions, an overview of focus-on-form (FonF) theory and techniques is presented as an intermediary position.Les pages suivantes examinent la división qui existe entre les deux póles traditionnels du traitement de la grammaire pédagogique dans les cours de langue étrangére : implicite et explicite. Aprés un examen de chaqué póle, une discussion des techniques dites « FonF » (Focus-on-Form) est offerte comme compromis

    Reflective Teaching Diaries for First-Year Faculty

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    Many practitioners believe that classroom experience alone does not provide instructors with sufficient opportunities for professional growth

    Reflective Teaching Diaries for First-Year Faculty

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    Many practitioners believe that classroom experience alone does not provide instructors with sufficient opportunities for professional growth

    Co-producing research with young people online: Insights from a participatory sexual health project

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    Initial insights from a series of online peer-led workshops that were carried out with young people as part of CONUNDRUM Action