162 research outputs found

    Epifisiolisis de cadera

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    a epifisiolisis de cadera, aún no siendo una enfermedad muy frecuente, sigue siendo una de las afecciones de la cadera del adolescente que más contribuye al desencadenamiento de la degeneración artrósica. La etiopatogenia es desconocida. Sólo en algunos casos existen alteraciones endocrinas que pudieran alterar la resistencia de la fisis ante fuerzas de carga, la gran mayoría únicamente parecen evidentes factores puramente mecánicos y los recientes estudios anatomopatológicos así lo demuestran. El diagnóstico clínico, en su etapa inicial, sigue siendo la pieza clave para obtener un buen resultado. Por ello se insiste en la aparición de signos radiológicos precoces y que deben confirmarse mediante una adecuada exploración radiográfica. El tratamiento consiste en detener el posible desplazamiento epifisario, lo cual se consigue mediante la fijación de la epífisis, es reservando las osteotomías intra-articulares para los casos con desplazamiento grave. La mejoría en la técnica quirúrgica e indicaciones más precisas, han hecho bajar el porcentaje de complicaciones, en lo que se refiere a la condrolisis y necrosis. Hace falta más investigación para averiguar su etiopatogenia y llegar a conseguir la detección precoz de la enfermedad.Slipped capital femoral epiphysis is a relative infrequent entity but it is responsible for early degenerative arthritis. The aetiology still remains unknown. Only in a few cases, endocrine factors decreasing the resistance of the physis to shear strength can be detected. In most patients, mechanical factors seem to be implicated, and recent pathological studies have confirmed this hypothesis. At early stages, the clinical diagnosis continues to be essential in order to obtain a good outcome. The detection of radiological findings has been said to be crucial in the first stage of the disease, and therefore an adequate examination should be performed. The goal of treatment is to stop slipping of the femoral epiphysis which can be achieved by internal fixation with techniques. Intraarticular osteotomies should be reserved for cases with great displacement. The improvement of surgical techniques and a more precise indications have contributed to a lower rate of complications such as condrolysis and femoral head necrosis. Understanding of the aetiology and signs for early detection of the disease are demanding further research

    Manifestaciones esqueléticas en la homocistinuria: a propósito de un caso

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    Se presenta el caso de una niña de 13 años con homocistinuria en la que se describen las alteraciones esqueléticas, haciendo especial énfasis en las encontradas en el raquis, donde además de osteoporosis, ensanchamientos discales no uniformes y las alteraciones morfológicas de los somas vertebrales, existe una disminución de la distancia interpedicular en el raquis lumbar bajo. Se señalan los síntomas y signos radiológicos que son importantes para el diagnóstico diferencial con la enfermedad de Marfan.The skeletal alterations of a 13-year-old girl with homocystinuria are described emphasizing those found at the spine. Osteoporosis, non-uniform widening of the intervertebral discs, morphological changes in the vertebral bodies and decrease in the distance between both pedicles in the lumbar spine were the most significant findings. A rationale of symptoms and radiological signs for differential diagnosis with Marfan syndrome is presented and discussed

    Comparison of gliding box and box-counting methods in river network analysis

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    International audienceWe use multifractal analysis to estimate the Rényi dimensions of river basins by two different partition methods. These methods differ in the way that the Euclidian plane support of the measure is covered, partitioning it by using mutually exclusive boxes or by gliding a box over the plane. Images of two different drainage basins, for the Ebro and Tajo rivers, located in Spain, were digitalized with a resolution of 0.5 km, giving image sizes of 617×1059 pixels and 515×1059, respectively. Box sizes were chosen as powers of 2, ranging from 2×4 pixels to 512×1024 pixels located within the image, with the purpose of covering the entire network. The resulting measures were plotted versus the logarithmic value of the box area instead of the box size length. Multifractal Analysis (MFA) using a box counting algorithm was carried out according to the method of moments ranging from ?

    Tratamiento de lesiones pélvicas conminutas inestables en niños, con fijadores externos: a propósito de un caso

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    A propósito de un caso de una fractura pélvica conminuta inestable en una ni- ña de 6 años, se señalan las características peculiares de este tipo de lesiones y se recuerda que pueden presentar las mismas complicaciones potenciales que en los adultos. Nuestra actitud terapéutica en este caso fue la misma que se preconiza para los adultos en cuanto a la estabilización inicial mediante fijación externa.A case of conminute unstable fracture of the pelvis in a 6-year-old girl is presented. The particularities of this type of lesions, including the potential complications like in adults, are commented. This case was treated following the same criteria preconized for adults regarding the initial stabilization using an external device

    Utilización de fijadores externos circulares para la corrección de pies gravemente deformados

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    Se presentan 4 casos de deformidades graves de pie de diferente etiología y diferente combinación de deformidades tratados mediante el fijador externo circular de Ilizarov. Se procedió a la corrección progresiva y simultánea de las deformidades en los 3 planos espaciales. En 2 casos se realizó simultáneamente y con el mismo montaje un alargamiento tibial y en 1 un alargamiento del pie. En todos los casos se lograron pies plantígrados que no necesitaron el uso de ortcsis de contención posteriormente.Four cases with severe deformities of the foot caused by different etiology and treated by using Ilizarov's circular fixators are presented. The deformities were progressively corrected in a triplanar approach. Tibial lengthening was simultaneously performed in two cases using the same device. In one case forefoot lengthening was associated. In all case, the final result achieved was a plantigrade foot. Patients did not need any orthesis after correction

    Assessment of soil properties by organic matter and em-microorganism incorporation.

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    Summary: Properties of a claim loam soil, collected in Aranjuez (Madrid) and enriched with organic matter and microorganisms, were evaluated under controlled temperature and moisture conditions, over a period of three months. The following treatments were carried out: soil (control); soil + 50 t ha-1 of animal manure (E50); soil + 50 t ha-1 of animal manure + 30 L ha-1 of effective microorganisms (E50EM); soil + 30 t ha-1 of the combination of various green crop residues and weeds (RC30) and soil + 30 t ha-1 of the combination of various green crop residues and weeds + 30 L ha-1 of effective microorganisms (RC30EM). Soil samples were taken before and after incubation and their physical, chemical, and microbiological parameters analyzed. Significant increase was observed in the production of exopolysaccharides and basic phosphatase and esterase enzyme activities in the treatments E50EM and RC30EM, in correlation with the humification of organic matter, water retention at field capacity, and the cationic exchange capacity (CEC) of the same treatments. The conclusion was drawn that the incorporation of a mixture of effective microorganisms (EM) intensified the biological soil activity and improved physical and chemical soil properties, contributing to a quick humification of fresh organic matter. These findings were illustrated by the microbiological activities of exopolysaccharides and by alkaline phosphatase and esterase enzymes, which can be used as early and integrated soil health indicators. Resumo: As propriedades do solo foram avaliadas sob condições de temperatura e umidade controladas, após a incorporação da matéria orgânica e de microrganismos eficazes (EM), em um solo franco argiloso coletado sob cultivos protegidos em Aranjuéz (Madrid). Os seguintes tratamentos foram empregados: solo (controle); solo + 50 t ha-1 de esterco de animal (E50); E50 + 30 L ha-1 EM (E50EM); solo + 30 t ha-1 de restos de cultivos + plantas invasoras (RC30); RC30 + 30 L ha-1 EM (RC30EM). Amostras de solo foram retiradas após os tratamentos, antes e após a incubação e analisadas usando parâmetros físicos, químicos e microbiológicos. Os resultados mostraram um aumento significativo na produção de exopolissacarídeos, nas atividades enzimáticas de esterases e fosfatases alcalina principalmente, nos tratamentos E50EM e RC30EM, sendo diretamente correlacionadas com a humificação da matéria orgânica, com a capacidade de campo e com a capacidade de troca catiônica desses mesmos tratamentos. A partir desses resultados, pode se concluir que a qualidade do solo com a incorporação de EM potencializou a atividade biológica, contribuindo para uma mais rápida humificação da matéria orgânica fresca e melhorando a estrutura e fertilidade do solo, conforme análise das propriedades físicas e químicas, destacando-se os parâmetros microbiológicos como indicadores precoces de recuperação da qualidade do solo

    Quiste óseo esencial: Resultados del tratamiento mediante punción intracavitaria con corticoides

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    Se presenta n los resultado s de l tratamient o de treint a quiste s óseo s esenciales mediante punción intracavitaria con acetato de metil-prednisolona. Se ha obtenido una respuesta favorable en el 93% de los casos con curación completa en el 77% de los casos. Estos resultados apoyan que debe ser el tratamiento inicial de elección en este tipo de lesiones.The results of 30 unicameral bone cyst treated by intracavitary injection of methylprednisolone acetate wer e reviewed. Satisfactory respons e was found in 93% of the cases. Complete restoration of bone architecture was observed in 77% of the cases. These results strongly support the local injection of steroids as the primary elective treatment for unicameral bone cyst

    Biomass-derived activated carbon as catalyst in the leaching of metals from a copper sulfide concentrate

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    Chalcopyrite is the resource with the highest amount of Cu content representing around 70–80% of the known reserves in the world. However, chalcopyrite like other copper sulfides, is usually found in deposits with grades around 0.4–0.5% copper. The exploitation of these reserves using traditional flotation methods followed by pyrometallurgical treatment of copper concentrate is at the limit of economic viability. Hydrometallurgical route would be more suitable for treating of these low-graded sulfide ores. However, chalcopyrite is refractory in ferric/sulfuric acid media and shows slow dissolution rates. For this a number of researches were carried out to accelerate the kinetics of leaching by adding pyrite, iron powder, nanosized silica, coal and activated carbon. The main objective of the present work was to study the use of one biomass-derived activated carbon as catalysts in the leaching of copper from chalcopyrite. Sulfuric acid solution of pH 1 with 5 g L-1 of Fe3+ was used as leaching agent. Experiments were performed at 90 °C and 250 rpm, during 48 and 96 h. Concentration of Cu, Zn, As, Sb and Co in the liquid phase was determined in order to evaluate their extraction degree, whereas solid residues were characterized by SEM-EDS and XRD. The presence of biomass-derived activated carbon significantly increased the extraction of copper, decreasing the leaching of arsenic. Furthermore, the use of biomass-derived activated carbon led to lower amounts of crystalline sulfur in the final residue