56 research outputs found

    Sistemas de información de marketing en las entidades financieras

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    El estudio de la economía de empresa se fundamenta en un cuerpo doctrinal multidisciplinar cuyos elementos, y sus relaciones, no están exentos de ser tratados desde la óptica de la información. Los distintos niveles jerárquicos de la organización -estratégico, táctico y operativo- se encuentran unidos entre si mediante flujos de autoridad, de material de trabajo, de información y de procesos de decisión. El propósito de esta tesis, es encontrar el entronque entre estos dos últimos flujos de unión de la organización; demostrar como el uso de sistemas de información y de sistemas de apoyo a la decisión en el ámbito del marketing puede acrecentar el flujo de información con un fuerte valor añadido hacia los directivos y ejecutivos, y, en consecuencia, mejorar sus procesos de toma de decisiones. El campo de contrastación seleccionado ha sido la entidad financiera, dado que no hay institución mas genuina de una sociedad de la información que un banco

    Why consumers purchase organic products? The role of environment, health and age

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    El mercado de productos ecológicos está aumentando en todo el mundo, especialmente en la categoría de los alimentos, en particular de productos orgánicos. El objetivo de este estudio es entender mejor porque los consumidores compran productos orgánicos, profundizando en su preocupación ambiental, conciencia de salud y edad. La evidencia empírica se basa en una encuesta online, utilizando una muestra de 279 compradores habituales de productos orgánicos en España y Portugal. Los resultados muestran que existe una relación positiva entre preocupación ambiental, conciencia de salud y comportamiento de compra verde. La preocupación ambiental es más fuerte que la salud para explicar esta relación. También la edad es un predictor de la compra y los consumidores mayores de 35 años compran más productos orgánicos que los más jóvenes. Para los profesionales de marketing, el estudio permite desarrollar mejores estrategias de marketing para atraer y retener a estos consumidores.The market of green products is increasing all over the world, especially in food category that shows a great demand for biologic and organics. The aim of this study is to better understand the why consumers buy organic products, more specifically environmental concern, health consciousness and age The empirical evidence is based on an online survey, using a sample of 279, regular shoppers of organic products in Portugal and Spain. The results show there is a positive relation between environmental concern, health consciousness and green purchase behavior. Environmental concern is stronger than health to explain this relation. Also age is a predictor of green purchase behavior and older consumers with more than 35 years purchase more organics than younger consumers. For managers and marketers, the study enables to develop better marketing strategies to address these consumers and to enhance environmental concern, health and age to foster organics consumption

    Why consumers purchase organic products? The role of environment, health and age

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    The market of green products is increasing all over the world, especially in food category that shows a great demand for biologic and organics. The aim of this study is to better understand the why consumers buy organic products, more specifically environmental concern, health consciousness and age The empirical evidence is based on an online survey, using a sample of 279, regular shoppers of organic products in Portugal and Spain. The results show there is a positive relation between environmental concern, health consciousness and green purchase behavior. Environmental concern is stronger than health to explain this relation. Also age is a predictor of green purchase behavior and older consumers with more than 35 years purchase more organics than younger consumers. For managers and marketers, the study enables to develop better marketing strategies to address these consumers and to enhance environmental concern, health and age to foster organics consumption.El mercado de productos ecológicos está aumentando en todo el mundo, especialmente en la categoría de los alimentos, en particular de productos orgánicos. El objetivo de este estudio es entender mejor porque los consumidores compran productos orgánicos, profundizando en su preocupación ambiental, conciencia de salud y edad. La evidencia empírica se basa en una encuesta online, utilizando una muestra de 279 compradores habituales de productos orgánicos en España y Portugal. Los resultados muestran que existe una relación positiva entre preocupación ambiental, conciencia de salud y comportamiento de compra verde. La preocupación ambiental es más fuerte que la salud para explicar esta relación. También la edad es un predictor de la compra y los consumidores mayores de 35 años compran más productos orgánicos que los más jóvenes. Para los profesionales de marketing, el estudio permite desarrollar mejores estrategias de marketing para atraer y retener a estos consumidores.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Influence of Opinion Leaders’ eWOM on Online Consumer Decisions: A Study on Social Influence

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    Opinion leaders and eWOM are becoming two of the most effective ways to launch a brand on social media by creating viral marketing. However, how much influence does an opinion leader’s eWOM (OL eWOM) have on consumer purchasing decisions? This research looks at the role of OL eWOM as well as the effect of its valence and product type on the decision to buy or not buy from a realistic experimental online store design. In total, 300 undergraduate students were randomly assigned to one of five scenarios in a 22 experimental arrangement. Results show that OL eWOM influences consumer online decisions when purchasing experience-type goods and the valence of eWOM is positive. However, if we compare the OL eWOM with a control group, then OL eWOM does not have a significant influence. This research provides novel empirical evidence for the limited influence of OL in modeling shopping behaviors in e-commerce contexts

    Corporate social responsibility, customer satisfaction, corporate reputation, and firms’ market value: Evidence from the automobile industry

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    How does corporate social responsibility (CSR) impact on firms’ market value? Academy had found it difficult to give a suitable answer to this question, considered as the ‘‘Holy Grail’’ of CSR. In contrast to previous research that stressed subjective measures to rate CSR performance, was multi-sector focused and encompassed short periods, we propose a different insight. Using an objective CSR performance rating (Ethical Portfolio Management [EPM] owned by EIRIS), taking a single industry -the automobile industry-, and spanning 8 years, in this paper, we try to make a difference. Our results suggest that certain CSR issues -those related to corporate core business and critical stakeholders-may lead to companies’ better financial performance

    Methionine adenosyltransferase 1a antisense oligonucleotides activate the liver-brown adipose tissue axis preventing obesity and associated hepatosteatosis

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    Altered methionine metabolism is associated with weight gain in obesity. The methionine adenosyltransferase (MAT), catalyzing the first reaction of the methionine cycle, plays an important role regulating lipid metabolism. However, its role in obesity, when a plethora of metabolic diseases occurs, is still unknown. By using antisense oligonucleotides (ASO) and genetic depletion of Mat1a, here, we demonstrate that Mat1a deficiency in diet-induce obese or genetically obese mice prevented and reversed obesity and obesity-associated insulin resistance and hepatosteatosis by increasing energy expenditure in a hepatocyte FGF21 dependent fashion. The increased NRF2-mediated FGF21 secretion induced by targeting Mat1a, mobilized plasma lipids towards the BAT to be catabolized, induced thermogenesis and reduced body weight, inhibiting hepatic de novo lipogenesis. The beneficial effects of Mat1a ASO were abolished following FGF21 depletion in hepatocytes. Thus, targeting Mat1a activates the liver-BAT axis by increasing NRF2-mediated FGF21 secretion, which prevents obesity, insulin resistance and hepatosteatosis. High methionine and S-adenosylmethionine serum levels are related with obesity. Here the authors show that knockdown of methionine adenosyltransferase by using antisense oligonucleotides provides beneficial effects in obesity and comorbidities.This work was supported by Ayudas para apoyar grupos de investigacion del sistema Universitario Vasco (IT971-16) and MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE (RTI2018-095134-B-100) (to P.A.), (RTI2018-099413-B-I00 and RED2018-102379-T) (to R.N.), PID2020119486RB-100 (to M.V.R.) and (RTI2018-096759-A-100) (to T.C.D). EFSD/Lilly European Diabetes Research Program, MICIU (PID2019-104399RB-I00), Fundacion AECC PROYE19047SABI, and Comunidad de Madrid IMMUNOTHERCAN-CM B2017/BMD-3733 (to G.S.). La CAIXA Foundation LCF/PR/HP17/52190004, MINECO-FEDER SAF2017-87301-R, AYUDAS FUNDACION BBVA A EQUIPOS DE INVESTIGACION CIENTIFICA UMBRELLA 2018 and AECC Scientific Foundation, grant name: Rare Cancers 2017 (to M.L.M.-C.). AECC Scientific Foundation (to T.C.D.). Xunta de Galicia 2020-PG015 (to R.N.) Gilead Sciences International Research Scholars Program in Liver Disease (to M.V.R.). Personal fellows: E.P.F. was awarded with Juan de la Cierva-Formacion, FJC2018-035449-I. C.F. was awarded with Sara Borrell (CD19/00078). CIC bioGUNE thanks MCIU for the Severo Ochoa Excellence Accreditation (SEV-2016-0644). The authors thank Dr. Manuel Lafitas laboratory (Getxo, Bizkaia, Spain) for his valuable help in the analysis of biochemical parameters