123 research outputs found

    The Municip@ Project

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    El presente artículo analiza el Proyecto Municip@, la última iniciativa de cooperación interadministrativa impulsada por la Comunidad de Madrid (CAM) con la finalidad de promover y desarrollar la eAdministración en los municipios de menos de 20.000 habitantes de su ámbito territorial. En particular, se exponen los aspectos definitorios de Municip@, los antecedentes y el plan de actuación previsto para su puesta en práctica (fases, actividades, periodos de ejecución y actores participantes). Todo ello, con el objeto de conocer no sólo los puntos claves del proyecto, sino también el grado de ajuste o desajuste que se detecta en la implantación de su dimensión externa (la prestación de servicios públicos electrónicos a los ciudadanos mediante la página web municipal) durante el primer año de funcionamiento de esta medida innovadora (2006-2007).Since the nineties of the last century Spanish Public Administrations are embedded in a process of transformation that affected not only their internal structures but also their forms of action through the citizens. In this context of change, information and communication technologies (ICT) have emerged as fundamental references to design administrative modernization policies. This article analyzes the Municip@ Project, the latest multilevel cooperation initiative enhanced by the Community of Madrid (CAM) in order to promote and develop eGovernment in municipalities fewer than 20,000 inhabitants. In particular, we will expose the different aspects of Municip@, the background and the implementation (phases, activities, implementation period and actors involved). Final aims are the detection of the key elements of the project, its degree of implementation in the different municipalities and the mismatch in its external dimension (the provision of electronic public services to citizens through the municipal websites) in the first year of operation of this innovative measure (2006-2007).Depto. de Ciencia Política y de la AdministraciónFac. de Ciencias Políticas y SociologíaTRUEpu

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    Depto. de Ciencia Política y de la AdministraciónFac. de Ciencias Políticas y SociologíaTRUEUnión Europeapu

    Autologous adipose-derived stem cells for the treatment of complex cryptoglandular perianal fistula: A randomized clinical trial with long-term follow-up

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    The aim of this clinical trial (ID Number NCT01803347) was to determine the safety and efficacy of autologous adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) for treatment of cryptoglandular fistula. This research was conducted following an analysis of the mistakes of a same previous phase III clinical trial. We designed a multicenter, randomized, single-blind clinical trial, recruiting 57 patients. Forty-four patients were categorized as belonging to the intent-to-treat group. Of these, 23 patients received 100 million ASCs plus intralesional fibrin glue (group A) and 21 received intralesional fibrin glue (group B), both after a deeper curettage of tracks and closure of internal openings. Fistula healing was defined as complete re-epithelialization of external openings. Those patients in whom the fistula had not healed after 16 weeks were eligible for retreatment. Patients were evaluated at 1, 4, 16, 36, and 52 weeks and 2 years after treatment. Results were assessed by an evaluator blinded to the type of treatment. After 16 weeks, the healing rate was 30.4% in group A and 42.8% in group B, rising to 55.0% and 63.1%, respectively, at 52 weeks. At the end of the study (2 years after treatment), the healing rate remained at 50.0% in group A and had reduced to 26.3% in group B. The safety of the cellular treatment was confirmed and no impact on fecal continence was detected. The main conclusion was that autologous ASCs for the treatment of cryptoglandular perianal fistula is safe and can favor long-term and sustained fistula healing.RETIC Program of ISCIII-FEDER, Grant/Award Numbers: RD16/0011/0005, RD16/0011/0013, RD16/0011/0015; Spanish Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs, Grant/Award Numbers: EC11/074, EC11/394, EC11/26

    Microbiome in paired root apices and periapical lesions and its association with clinical signs in persistent apical periodontitis using next-generation sequencing

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    The study was partly funded by the FEDER/Junta de Andalucía- Consejería de Economía y Conocimiento (Project ref: A1- CTS-174-UGR18) and the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain co-financed with European Regional Development Funds (Project ref: PID2020-120481RB-I00) and University of Almería (Project Ref: PPUENTE2021-006). Pérez-Carrasco V was supported by a fellowship from the Ministry of Universities, Spain (FPU20/03952).Aim To assess and compare the microbiome of paired root apices and periapical lesions from cases with failed endodontic treatment and to associate the microbiome and bacterial metabolic pathways in both sites with asymptomatic apical periodontitis (AAP) and symptomatic apical periodontitis (SAP), using next-generation sequencing (NGS). Methodology Matched root apices and periapical lesions of patients with failed root canal treatments were surgically extracted. Specimens were cryopulverized, bacterial DNA was extracted and the V3–V4 hypervariable regions of the 16 S rRNA gene were amplified and sequenced using the Illumina Miseq platform. Diversity and community composition were studied in the paired samples, as well as in AAP and SAP cases. Diversity indices were compared in each case by means of the Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed rank and Mann–Whitney U tests. Differences in the community composition were explored with multivariate statistical analysis and Linear discriminant analysis Effect Size (LEfSe). Bacterial functional study was performed through the Phylogenetic Investigation of Communities by Reconstruction of Unobserved States (PICRUSt) analysis. Results Twenty-one paired apices and lesions were successfully sequenced and analysed, identifying a total of 21 phyla and 600 genera. A higher alpha-diversity was observed in the periapical lesions, although no global differences in the community composition between the two sites were found (p = .87), the most prevalent genera being Fusobacterium, Porphyromonas and Streptococcus. Prevotella, Clostridiales_vadinBB60_group, Bosea, Phreatobacter, Afipia and Xanthobacteriaceae_unclassified were enriched in SAP samples, while Pseudopropionibacterium, Campylobacter and Peptoniphilus were significantly more abundant in AAP cases (p < .05). Metabolic pathways involved in the amino acid metabolism or degradation and flagellum assembly were more abundant in SAP samples, whereas glucose metabolism-related pathways were associated with AAP. Conclusions The bacterial community composition was similar in the apices and periapical lesions. The microbiome was different in AAP and SAP samples, gram-negative bacteria showing higher relative abundances in SAP cases. An association was observed between amino acid degradation and flagellum assembly pathways, and the development of tenderness to percussion or palpation.FEDER/Junta de Andalucía- Consejería de Economía y Conocimiento A1- CTS-174-UGR18Ministry of Science and Innovation of SpainEuropean Regional Development Funds PID2020-120481RB-I00University of Almería PPUENTE2021-006Ministry of Universities, Spain FPU20/0395

    Utensilio para ensayos de corrosión bajo tensión.

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    Utensilio para ensayos de corrosión bajo tensión caracterizado por estar adaptado a probetas de tenacidad a fractura y probetas de ensayos mecánicos, sumergidas horizontalmente en un ambiente agresivo y por estar acoplado a una máquina universal de ensayos en disposición vertical. El utensilio resuelve el problema técnico de realizar ensayos de corrosión bajo tensión con probetas en disposición horizontal cuando sólo se dispone de máquinas universales de ensayos en disposición vertical. El utensilio se caracteriza por los siguientes elementos: acople a la máquina de ensayos, eje superior, dos brazos dispuestos de modo similar a los de un compás, dos ejes inferiores, dos barras en forma de C, cuatro rodamientos, dos guías que contienen carriles para los rodamientos y barras roscadas apropiadas para la unión con las clavijas necesarias en los ensayos de tenacidad a fractura en condiciones de corrosión bajo tensión.Solicitud: 200602554 (09.10.2006)Nº Pub. de Solicitud: ES2322416A1 (19.06.2009)Nº de Patente: ES2322416B1 (05.07.2010

    Analyzing Latent Burnout Profiles in a Sample of Spanish Nursing and Psychology Undergraduates

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    There is abundant literature suggesting that university students in helping professions experience high levels of stress, leading to an increased risk of developing burnout. The objective of this study was to identify burnout profiles in a sample of 1162 Spanish nursing and psychology undergraduates using latent profile analysis, a person-oriented statistical method that can identify hidden homogenous subgroups within a heterogeneous population. We expected to replicate in university students the five-profile structure (burnout, overextended, disengaged, ineffective, and engagement) proposed by Leiter and Maslach using the burnout dimensions (emotional exhaustion, cynicism, and inefficacy) as indicators. The results showed that burnout, overextended, and engagement profiles were adequately replicated. Given that levels of inefficacy and cynicism were medium to low, the ineffective and disengaged profiles somewhat deviated from those identified by Leiter and Maslach. We found differences between the five latent profiles in several psychological variables, such as depression and anxiety. These results suggest that psychosocial factors (e.g., workload) are significant among students and may adversely impact their health, leading to psychosomatic and emotional disorders. Hence, designing effective interventions to prevent health problems associated with burnout seems advisable, considering the specific burnout profile that a student exhibits

    Burnout and Professional Engagement during the COVID-19 Pandemic among Nursing Students without Clinical Experience: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Burnout affects many healthcare professionals, especially nurses, causing serious health problems and disrupting the work environment. Academic burnout may also be experienced, leading students to feel unable to cope with their education. As a result, they may lose interest and even consider abandoning their studies. Hence, burnout syndrome can affect both the mental health and the professional future of those affected. To evaluate academic burnout in nursing students who had no clinical experience before starting their practical training, a cross-sectional study involving 212 third-year nursing students at the University of Granada was conducted. Data were collected using the Granada Burnout Questionnaire, the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, the NEO Five-Factor Inventory, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, and the Fear of CoronaVirus-19 Scale. High levels of burnout were present in 37.8% of the students. Moreover, 21.5% and 8.7% had borderline cases of anxiety or depression, respectively. Another 30.8% and 9.2%, respectively, were considered likely to present these conditions. According to the predictive models of burnout dimensions obtained, neuroticism is a predictor of all three burnout dimensions. Furthermore, anxiety, depression, extraversion, responsibility and engagement are predictors of some dimensions of the syndrome. Many nursing students present high levels of burnout, which is related to certain personality variables and to the presence of anxiety and/or depression. The level of professional engagement is inversely associated with the impact of burnout. The participants in this study have normalised their return to the pre-pandemic study routine (in-person classes), and fear of COVID-19 was not a significant predictor of any dimension of burnout.FEDER/Consejeria de Universidad, Investigacion e Innovacion de la Junta de Andalucia P20-0062