7 research outputs found


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    La diabetes es una enfermedad metabólica producida por la elevación anormal de azúcar en la sangre. Una persona es diabética cuando sus valores basales de glucosa en sangre son superiores a 126 mg/dl en dos análisis consecutivos o cuando presentan un valor de hemoglobina unida a glucosa (hemoglobina glucosilada) por encima del 6,5%A diabetes é unha enfermidade metabólica producida pola elevación anormal de azucre no sangue. Unha persoa é diabética cando os seus valores basales de glicosa en sangue son superiores a 126 mg/dl en dúas análise consecutiva ou cando presentan un valor de hemoglobina unida a glicosa (hemoglobina glucosilada) por encima do 6,5

    Cost Analysis of FreeStyle Libre ® 2 System in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Population

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    FreeStyle Libre ® 2 system is a sensor-based flash-monitoring system that measures interstitial fluid glucose. The study aimed to compare cost of FreeStyle Libre 2 system and self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) in the type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) population from the Spanish Health System perspective. On the basis of data collected from a literature review, the cost of glucose monitoring was modelled for patients with T2DM on a basal-bolus insulin regimen. The cost estimate included annual consumption for glucose monitoring (strips, lancets and sensors) and severe hypoglycaemic events (SHE) management. A published rate of SHE (2.5 episodes/patient-year) was considered. A reduction of SHE (− 48.8%) associated with FreeStyle Libre 2 system, derived from the REPLACE trial, was applied. Hospital attendance for 20.5% of SHEs (with subsequent hospitalization in 16.0%) was applied. Consumption of strips and lancets was set at 6/day for SMBG (derived from national monitoring recommendations), and 0.2/day for FreeStyle Libre 2 system users, with 26 FreeStyle Libre 2 sensors/year. Unitary costs (€, year 2020 excluding VAT) were derived from literature (€0.28/strip; €0.09/lancet; €3.09/daily FM sensor; €3804/hospitalized SHE; €1794/hospital-attended non-admitted SHE; €389/community-attended SHE). Costs were €2700 and €2120/year/patient using SMBG or FreeStyle Libre 2 system, respectively. For 1000 patients with T2DM using basal-bolus insulin, 1220 SHEs/year (with 48 hospitalizations) could be prevented and FreeSytle Libre 2 system could generate cost savings of up to €580,953/year versus SMBG (− 21.5%). FreeStyle Libre 2 system is a potential cost-saving strategy in patients with T2DM in Spain on a basal-bolus insulin regimen