657 research outputs found

    Extending FuzAtAnalyzer to approach the management of classical negation

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    FuzAtAnalyzer was conceived as a Java framework which goes beyond of classical tools in formal concept analysis. Specifically, it successfully incorporated the management of uncertainty by means of methods and tools from the area of fuzzy formal concept analysis. One limitation of formal concept analysis is that they only consider the presence of properties in the objects (positive attributes) as much in fuzzy as in crisp case. In this paper, a first step in the incorporation of negations is presented. Our aim is the treatment of the absence of properties (negative attributes). Specifically, we extend the framework by including specific tools for mining knowledge combining crisp positive and negative attributes.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Los sulfuros masivos volcanogénicos de la Cuenca Lancones (Piura-Perú)

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    The Lancones basin is located on the north west coastal belt area of Peru, in the Department of Piura. It isbordered to the west by the Palaeozoic Amotapes coastal massif and to the east by the Western Andespre-mountain range region. This basin extends to Ecuador, where it is called Celica basin.The Lancones basin contains arc-related felsic and mafic volcanic rocks, which make it an excellent targetfor exploration for volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) deposits in Peru. Actually the Lancones basinhosts the Tambogrande VMS group of deposits, which constitute the most advanced VMS project in Peru.This group consists of three world-class massive sulphide deposits TG1, TG3 and B5.The Lancones basin is part of a first-order extensive rift, in which tholeiitic oceanic-arc crust was generated.This extensional basin developed between the late Jurassic and the early Cretaceous period. The breakupof Laurasia and Gondwana, which began in the middle Jurassic, resulted in the north-west movement ofwhat is presently the South American continent. The rift formed along a subduction zone on the westernside of this continent.The stratigraphy of the submarine volcanic sequences is composed of a basal formation, the Basal VolcanicGroup or GBV, which is disconformably overlain by a volcano-sedimentary formation, the VolcanicSedimentary Group or GVS. These two formations contain two distinct metallogenic suites within theLancones basin. Each is distinguished by specific lithogeochemical, petrographic and mineral attributes,age determinations and VMS deposit types.The pre-Albian mafic bimodal GBV contains high grade, large tonnage Cu-Zn type VMS deposits(Tambogrande type) associated to dacitic domes formed in second – or third-order extensional basins. Themiddle to upper Albian GVS contains low tonnage Zn-Pb-Cu type VMS mineralizations (Kuroko type).These are associated with felsic sequences of rhyolitic to dacitic composition, associated with a felsicdominatedarc setting. The rocks of the GBV, which contain the polymetallic Tambogrande deposits, aretholeiitic. The rocks of GVS are mainly transitional between calc-alkaline and tholeiitic

    Diamond forms during low pressure serpentinisation of oceanic lithosphere

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    Diamond is commonly regarded as an indicator of ultra-high pressure conditions in Earth System Science. This canonical view is challenged by recent data and interpretations that suggest metastable growth of diamond in low pressure environments. One such environment is serpentinisation of oceanic lithosphere, which produces highly reduced CH4-bearing fluids after olivine alteration by reaction with infiltrating fluids. Here we report the first ever observed in situ diamond within olivine-hosted, CH4-rich fluid inclusions from low pressure oceanic gabbro and chromitite samples from the Moa-Baracoa ophiolitic massif, eastern Cuba. Diamond is encapsulated in voids below the polished mineral surface forming a typical serpentinisation array, with methane, serpentine and magnetite, providing definitive evidence for its metastable growth upon low temperature and low pressure alteration of oceanic lithosphere and super-reduction of infiltrated fluids. Thermodynamic modelling of the observed solid and fluid assemblage at a reference P-T point appropriate for serpentinisation (350 °C and 100 MPa) is consistent with extreme reduction of the fluid to logfO2 (MPa) = −45.3 (ΔlogfO2[Iron-Magnetite] = −6.5). These findings imply that the formation of metastable diamond at low pressure in serpentinised olivine is a widespread process in modern and ancient oceanic lithosphere, questioning a generalised ultra-high pressure origin for ophiolitic diamond.European Union (EU)Spanish Projects CGL2015-65824 RTI2018-099157-A-I00 PID2019-105625RB-C21 A.RNM.186.UGR18Spanish Government RYC-2015-17596Mexican research program CONACYT-Ciencia Basica A1-S-14574Mexican research program UNAM-PAPIIT IA-10141

    Materials Supply System Analysis Under Simulation Scenarios in a Lean Manufacturing Environment

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    AbstractIdentifying the most efficient supply system for a company working under Lean Manufacturing practices was possible with the support of this work. Promodel software was used to develop simulation model depicting a constant velocity joints (CVJ) production system, where two different supply methods were assessed. According to results herein obtained, better performance is achieved under random supply method in comparison with a clustering supply method. The company’s goal is to keep 1% losses due to lack of material. In the actual process, this essential parameter was reduced from 2.73% to 1.177%, if random supply method is properly implemented

    Drag reduction on a blunt body by self-adaption of rear flexibly hinged flaps

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    We study the aerodynamics of a blunt-based body with rear flexibly-hinged rigid flaps, subject to a turbulent flow of Reynolds number Re = 12000, under aligned and cross flow conditions with yaw angle β = 0◦ and β = 4◦. To that aim, different values of the equivalent torsional stiffness are considered, to cover the range of reduced velocity U∗ = (0, 3.48] in water tank experiments. The effect of the angular deflection of plates on the drag and near wake flow is analyzed, experimentally and numerically. The results show that, in the range of U∗ herein considered, the plates undergo an inwards quasi-static, self-adaptive deflection, which is symmetric for yaw angles β = 0◦ and asymmetric for β = 4◦. In particular, the plates feature small mean deformation angles for values of U∗ < 1, whereas a sharp and monotonic increase of such deflection occurs for U∗ > 1, i.e. for lower values of the hinge’s stiffness, with an asymptotic trend towards the larger values of U∗. A critical value of reduced velocity of U∗ ≃ 0.96 is obtained as the instability threshold above which plates depart from their initial equilibrium position. The progressive streamlining of the trailing edge translates into significant reductions of the associated mean drag coefficients. Thus, reductions close to 19% with respect to reference static plates configurations are obtained for the most flexible case of U∗ = 3.48 for both β = 0◦ and β = 4◦. A close inspection of the near wake reveals that the inwards progressive mean displacement of the plates yields a reduction in the recirculation bubble size. A symmetric evolution of the recirculating bubble is observed for β = 0◦, whereas the bubble becomes asymmetric for β = 4◦, with a larger leeward clockwise vortex. In both cases, the drag coefficient is shown to vary linearly with the global aspect ratio of the recirculating bubble. The analysis of the numerical results shows that the reduced extension of the recirculating bubble significantly alters the formation length and intensity of the eddies size and associated pressure. It is observed that despite the local pressure decrease in the vortices shed from the trailing edges, the plates self adaption reduces their size and prevents the eddies from entering the cavity, thus, creating a dead flow region with a consequent pressure increase at the body base.Junta de Andalucia FEDER-UJA 1262764Universidad de JaenEuropean CommissionSpanish MCIN/AEI PDC2021-121288-I00European Union Next Generation EU/PRT

    ¿Estamos de acuerdo con la calidad técnica de nuestras radiografías de tórax? Un radiólogo, un técnico especialista en radiodiagnóstico y un médico de familia intentan corroborarlo

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    ObjetivoValorar el grado de concordancia en la interpretación de la calidad técnica de las radiografías de tórax de un centro de salud entre el técnico especialista en radiodiagnóstico (TER), el médico de familia y el radiólogo.DiseñoEstudio transversal.EmplazamientoAtención primaria. Centro de Salud de Cartuja en Granada.ParticipantesPacientes del Centro de Salud de Cartuja con estudio radiológico simple de tórax durante 2002. Mediante muestreo aleatorio simple se seleccionaron 150 estudios. Se rechazaron 2 por tratarse de exploraciones repetidas del mismo paciente y 7 porque no presentaban una calidad mínima. La muestra final fue de 141 exploraciones.Mediciones principalesLos observadores cumplimentaron independientemente, para cada exploración, un protocolo de 11 ítems sobre calidad técnica de la imagen. Para cada ítem se calculó el índice kappa entre parejas de observadores, así como el índice kappa global.ResultadosEl 96% de las exploraciones fuerealizado con placas radiográficas de gran tamaño (35×43). Sólo en 2 preguntas hubo una concordancia aceptable o buena entre los 3 observadores (kappa=0,559-0,858). En 5 preguntas, la concordancia fue homogéneamente baja (kappa=0,034-0,375). En algunas preguntas se apreció una fuerte discrepancia entre la valoración del TER y la realizada por los otros 2 observadores.ConclusionesLa concordancia general puede considerarse baja, aunque algo mayor entre el radiólogo y el médico de familia que entre cada uno de éstos y el TER. Esto plantea la necesidad de mejorar la formación de los profesionales en cuanto a la valoración de la calidad técnica de las imágenes. Además, se detecta un gasto innecesario de placas radiográficas de gran tamaño.ObjectiveTo appraise the degree of concordance in the interpretation of the technical quality of chest x-rays at a health centre between an expert in x-ray diagnosis, a family doctor, and a radiologist.DesignTransversal study.SettingPrimary care. Cartuja Health Centre, Granada, Spain.ParticipantsPatients at the Cartuja Health Centre who had a simple chest x-ray in 2002. 150 studies were chosen by simple randomised sampling.Two were rejected because they dealt with a repeat examination of the same patient and seven because they did not reach minimum quality. The final sample was 141 x-rays.Main measurementsThe observers filled in independently, for each examination, an 11- item protocol on the technical quality of the images. The kappa index between pairs of observers was calculated for each item, as was the overall kappa index.Results96% of the examinations were conducted with large x-ray plates (35×43). There was only acceptable or good concordance between the 3 observers in 2 questions (kappa, 0.559-0.858). In 5 questions concordance was homogeneously low (kappa, 0.034-0.375). In some questions there was a strong discrepancy between the appraisal of the expert and that of the 2 other observers.ConclusionsGeneral concordance can be considered low, although it is somewhat greater between the radiologist and the family doctor than between either of these and the expert. This poses the need to improve professional training in evaluation of the technical quality of images. In addition, there was unnecessary expense in large-size x-ray plates

    Correlación existente entre los tipos de fibras musculares, el ph y la capacidad de retención de agua de la carne en el cerdo chato murciano.

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    Mediante análisis de correlación se valora la influencia que los tipos de fibras I, IIA y IIX tienen sobre el pH y la capacidad de retención de agua en el músculo longísimo lumbar del cerdo “Chato Murciano”. Los resultados demuestran que los tipos de fibras no influyen sobre el pH a los 45’, pero sí durante la caída del mismo a las 24 h del sacrificio. Por otra parte, nuestros resultados indican que la capacidad de retención de agua está relacionada negativamente con el tamaño de las fibras tipo IIA

    Deformation of polycrystalline TRIP stainless steel micropillars

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    The deformation mechanisms of the metastable austenite phase of a transformation induced plasticity (TRIP) stainless steel, AISI 301LN, have been investigated by compression of multicrystalline micropillars of different crystallographic orientations, with particular attention on the strain-induced phase transformation from austenite to martensite. Intergranular shearing and twinning were observed to be the primary deformation mechanisms, with a predominant orientation developed in the austenitic phase, combined with limited planar slip within single grains of austenite. The phase transformation from austenite to ¿ and ¿’-martensite was clearly observed adjacent to the sheared regions using TEM-EBSD techniques. The ¿-martensite phase was found to be preferentially located in the regions near the grain boundaries which experienced higher shear stresses during compression.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    La prescripción electrónica asistida: instrumento clave para la disminución de los problemas relacionados con los medicamentos en el hospital

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    Objetivo: Evaluar el efecto de la implantación de la prescripción electrónica asistida (PEA) en una unidad clínica sobre los problemas relacionados con los medicamentos (PRM) y sobre el grado de aceptación de las intervenciones farmacéuticas. Métodos: Estudio prospectivo, casi experimental. Se revisaron las prescripciones farmacológicas de un servicio de medicina interna durante dos periodos secuenciales de 3,5 meses cada uno (antes y después de la implantación de la PEA). Se registraron todos los PRM detectados en ambas fases. Se analizó también la aceptación de la intervención farmacéutica ante cada error. Resultados: Durante los 7 meses del estudio se detectaron un total de 4.023 PRM, 3.785 en la fase de prescripción manual (PM) y 238 en la fase de PEA; la tasa de PRM por paciente ingresado era de 16,9 en PM y de 1,07 en PEA, lo que supone una reducción estadísticamente significativa del 93,67%. Si omitimos los PRM de identificación de la orden médica, se obtiene una reducción del 43,21%. Con la introducción de la PEA, desaparecieron los PRM de identificación de la orden médica y de transcripción en farmacia, disminuyeron los de dosis no adecuada, duración no adecuada e interacciones, y aumentaron los de error en la identificación del medicamento. Conclusiones: La implantación de la PEA ha disminuido de forma significativa la tasa total de PRM y la de PRM de importancia mayor. La proporción de intervenciones farmacéuticas no contestadas por el médico ha disminuido significativamente