12 research outputs found

    Análisis del consumo de sustancias e indicadores de salud física y psicológica en hombres y mujeres jóvenes

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    Health is a biopsychosocial experience related to certain aspects such as lifestyles and well-being. However, this perspective has not always been studied with regard to both gender and physical and mental health indicators. Objective: to analyze the relationship between specific health habits (tobacco, alcohol and substance consumption) and the subjective perception of physical and mental well-being taking into account gender differences. Method: 600 university students (50% men; 50% women) completed an online questionnaireregarding Lifestylesand Health (Giménez-García and Ballester-Arnal, 2017). Results: 13.5% reported poor physical health (14% men and 13% women) and 17.7% poor mental health (18.3% men and 17% women).Regarding theconsumption of toxicsubstances, 14.7% of thesamplesmokes, 47% of thesample has been quite many times drunk and 34.2% of the sample has consumed other substances. More men than women have been drunk many times (X2=10.13; p=.017) and more men than women have ever used other substances (X2=8.08; p= .004). In general, there is no association between the consumption and abuse of tobacco, alcohol and other substances with the perception of mental or physical health by young people. In spite of there should be a certain relationship between lifestyles such as substance use and mental and physical health, many of these results have not been significant. Given that subjective perception of mental and physical health has been evaluated and objective indicators have not, this may be a resault of the low risk perception of young people, which leads them to carry out unhealthy behaviors without being aware of the consequences at the short term. In prevention programs it is essential to consider this lack of risk perception at young people.La salud es una experiencia biopsicosocial que se relaciona con ciertos aspectos como los estilos de vida y el bienestar. Sin embargo, esta perspectiva no siempre se ha estudiado atendiendo tanto al género como a indicadores de salud física y mental. Objetivo: analizar la relación entre hábitos de salud específicos (tabaco, alcohol y consumo de sustancias) y la percepción subjetiva de bienestar físico y mental, teniendo en cuenta las diferencias de género. Método: 600 universitarios (50% hombres; 50% mujeres) completaron un cuestionario online sobre Estilos de Vida y Salud (Giménez-García y Ballester-Arnal, 2017). Resultados: el 13,5% reporta una mala salud física (14% hombres y 13% mujeres) y el 17,7% una mala salud mental (18,3% hombres y 17% mujeres).En cuanto al consumo de sustancias tóxicas, el 14,7% de la muestra fuma, el 47% se ha emborrachado bastantes-muchas veces y el 34,2% ha consumido otras sustancias. Más hombres que mujeres se han emborrachado muchas veces (X2= 10,13; p= .017) y han consumido otras sustancias alguna vez (X2=8,08; p= ,004). En general, no existe una asociación entre el consumo y abuso de tabaco, alcohol y otras sustancias con la percepción de salud mental ni física por parte de los jóvenes. Así, aunque en teoría debería existir cierta relación entre estilos de vida como el consumo de sustancias y la salud mental y física, gran parte de estos resultados no han sido significativos. Dado que se ha evaluado percepción subjetiva de salud mental y física y no indicadores objetivos,  esto puede deberse a la baja percepción de riesgo de los jóvenes, lo que les lleva a la realización de conductas no saludables sin por ello ser conscientes de las consecuencias no fácilmente reconocibles a corto plazo. En los programas de prevención es fundamental considerar esta falta de percepción de riesgo entre los jóvenes

    ¿Influye el afecto sobre la estimación del tiempo? Un estudio experimental

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    Introduction: Disruptions in passage time percepction and its duration estimation had been widely studied, particularly in pathologies where affectivivity plays the lead. It is suggested that mental illnesses characterised by negative affect are related to overestimating of time duration and slower down passage time, while in mental ilnesses characterized by positive affect the opposite is usually the case. Nevertheless, recent research come out with contradictory findings, suggesting that affect is not significant or it depends of another conditions (p.e. exposition to concurrent stimular content). The main purpose of this paper is to analyze if affect has effect on time estimation and the passage time perception. Method: 97 participants (56,7% women), whose age oscillates between 18 and 65 years old completed PANAS questionnaireand they werethesubject ofan experimental task. The experimental taskconsisting in four sets, where different contents (sitcoms, videogames and dcomentary films) were exposed to participants in four timing conditions (videos of 60, 90, 120 and 150 seconds). Following to each exposition, participants tried to estimate the video duration (in seconds) and they valued how fast was the passage time for them.Results: While negative affectivity had not influence on time estimation or percepción of the time passage, participants who report high positive affect present a lower passage time perception in exposition to TV sitcoms (t=2,22; p=0.043). These participants tended to underestimate the duration of each video (especially, sitcoms), despite the fact that this shift was not significative (r=-0,188; p=0,065). Conclusions: Although we have detected some influence of postiive affect on duration’s perception and time passage, this study disputes that affect has some significant paper on these aspects. This finding supports the need of review theories that defens a tactical relationship between affect and disruptions in time estimation and perception.Introducción: Las alteraciones en la percepción del paso del tiempo y en la estimación de su duración han sido ampliamente estudiadas, especialmente en patologías donde la afectividad es protagonista. Se sugiere que, en trastornos marcados por el afecto negativo, se tendería a sobreestimar el tiempo y percibir que pasa más lento, ocurriendo lo contrario en trastornos marcados por el afecto positivo. Sin embargo, estudios recientes presentan hallazgos contradictorios, sugiriendo que el afecto o no es tan significativo o depende de otrascondiciones(p.e., exposición a contenido estimular concurrente). El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar si el afecto influye sobre la precisión en la estimación de la duración del tiempo. Método: 97 participantes (56,7%mujeres) entre 18 y 65 años cumplimentaron el PANAS y se sometieron a una tarea experimental. Ésta consistía en la exposición a diferentes contenidos (series de TV, videojuegos y documentales) en 4 condiciones temporales (60, 90, 120 y 150 segundos). Tras cada exposición, los participantes estimaban su duración (en segundos) y valoraban cómo de rápido se les había pasado el tiempo. Resultados: Mientras que la afectividad negativa no influía sobre la estimación de la duración o el paso del tiempo, los participantes con una elevada afectividad positiva percibían que el tiempo pasaba más lento cuando eran expuestos a series de TV (t=2,22; p= ,043). Estos participantes tendían también infravalorar la duración de cada video (especialmente, las series), si bien esta tendencia no era significativa (r=-0,188; p=0,065). Conclusiones: Si bien identificamos una cierta influencia del afecto positivo sobre la percepción de la duración y el paso del tiempo, este estudio refutaría que el afecto medie significativamente sobre estos aspectos. Esto apoyaría la necesidad de revisar las teorías que defienden una relación táctica entre afecto y alteraciones en la percepción y el paso del tiempo

    Patients receiving a high burden of antibiotics in the community in Spain: a cross-sectional study.

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    Some patients in the community receive a high burden of antibiotics. We aimed at describing the characteristics of these patients, antibiotics used, and conditions for which they received antibiotics. We carried out a cross-sectional study. Setting: Thirty Health Primary Care Areas from 12 regions in Spain, covering 5,960,191 inhabitants. Patients having at least 30 packages of antibacterials for systemic use dispensed in 2017 were considered. Main outcome measures: Prevalence of antibiotic use, conditions for which antibiotics were prescribed, clinical characteristics of patients, comorbidities, concomitant treatments, and microbiological isolates. Patient's average age was 70 years; 52% were men; 60% smokers/ex-smokers; 54% obese. Overall, 93% of patients had, at least, one chronic condition, and four comorbidities on average. Most common comorbidities were cardiovascular and/or hypertension (67%), respiratory diseases (62%), neurological/mental conditions (32%), diabetes (23%), and urological diseases (21%); 29% were immunosuppressed, 10% were dead at the time of data collection. Patients received three antibiotic treatments per year, mainly fluoroquinolones (28%), macrolides (21%), penicillins (19%), or cephalosporins (12%). Most frequently treated conditions were lower respiratory tract (infections or prophylaxis) (48%), urinary (27%), and skin/soft tissue infections (11%). Thirty-five percent have been guided by a microbiological diagnosis, being Pseudomonas aeruginosa (30%) and Escherichia coli (16%) the most frequent isolates. In conclusion, high antibiotic consumers in the community were basically elder, with multimorbidity and polymedication. They frequently received broad-spectrum antibiotics for long periods of time. The approach to infections in high consumers should be differentiated from healthy patients receiving antibiotics occasionally

    Manual de agricultura y técnica agrícola

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    Encuadernado con otros títulos.Copia digital. España : Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 202

    Manual de agricultura

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    A placebo-controlled randomized, double-blind, clinical trial was carried out to assess the safety, reactogenicity, and immunogenicity of the lyophilized vaccine candidate against cholera derived from the live attenuated 638 Vibrio cholerae O1 El Tor Ogawa strain. One hundred and twenty presumably healthy female and male adult volunteers aged between 18 and 50 years were included. They were from Maputo, Mozambique a cholera endemic area, where, in addition, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) seroprevalence is from 20 to 30%. A dose of 2 x 10 9 colony forming units (CFU) was given to 80 subjects and other 40 received only vaccine lyoprotectors as a placebo control. Out-patient follow-up of adverse events was carried out during the following 30 days after vaccination. The immune response was evaluated by the estimation of seroconversion rate and the geometric mean titer (GMT) of vibriocidal antibodies in the sera from volunteers that was collected previously, and at days 14 and 21 after immunization. No serious adverse events were reported. The adverse events found in the vaccine group were similar to those of the placebo groups. They were independent from the detection of antibodies against HIV-1, HIV-2, hepatitis (H) A; HC and hepatitis B surface antigen. The presence of helminthes did not modify the incidence of adverse events. The 638 vaccine strain was isolated in 37 (46.25%) vaccinated volunteer's feces. The peak of the GMT of vibriocidal antibodies in the vaccine group was 9056 versus 39 in the placebo group at 14 days with a total seroconversion of 97.4% at 21 days. The 638 vaccine candidate is safe and immunogenic in a cholera endemic region

    A single dose of live-attenuated 638 Vibrio cholerae oral vaccine is safe and immunogenic in adult volunteers in Mozambique

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    A placebo-controlled randomized, double-blind, clinical trial was carried out to assess the safety, reactogenicity, and immunogenicity of the lyophilized vaccine candidate against cholera derived from the live attenuated 638 Vibrio cholerae O1 El Tor Ogawa strain. One hundred and twenty presumably healthy female and male adult volunteers aged between 18 and 50 years were included. They were from Maputo, Mozambique a cholera endemic area, where, in addition, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) seroprevalence is from 20 to 30%. A dose of 2 x 10 9 colony forming units (CFU) was given to 80 subjects and other 40 received only vaccine lyoprotectors as a placebo control. Out-patient follow-up of adverse events was carried out during the following 30 days after vaccination. The immune response was evaluated by the estimation of seroconversion rate and the geometric mean titer (GMT) of vibriocidal antibodies in the sera from volunteers that was collected previously, and at days 14 and 21 after immunization. No serious adverse events were reported. The adverse events found in the vaccine group were similar to those of the placebo groups. They were independent from the detection of antibodies against HIV-1, HIV-2, hepatitis (H) A; HC and hepatitis B surface antigen. The presence of helminthes did not modify the incidence of adverse events. The 638 vaccine strain was isolated in 37 (46.25%) vaccinated volunteer's feces. The peak of the GMT of vibriocidal antibodies in the vaccine group was 9056 versus 39 in the placebo group at 14 days with a total seroconversion of 97.4% at 21 days. The 638 vaccine candidate is safe and immunogenic in a cholera endemic region