178 research outputs found

    Micromobility Users' Behaviour and Perceived Risk During Meeting Manoeuvres

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    [EN] Mobility patterns and lifestyles have changed in recent years in cities worldwide, thanks to the strong rise in modes of travel commonly referred to as micromobility. In this context, e-scooters have experienced a great rise globally which has led to an increase of crashes involving this type of micromobility vehicle in urban areas. Thus, there is a need to study e-scooter users¿ behaviour and their interaction with cyclists. This research aimed at characterizing the meeting manoeuvre between micromobility users along diverse typologies of two-way bicycle track by using an in-strumented e-scooter. As a result, bicycle tracks having concrete or vegetated curb presented lower clearance distance (¿0.8 m) than those without edge elements (>1 m), with no statistically signif-icant differences found between the interaction with bicycles and e-scooters. Additionally, an online questionnaire was proposed to assess users¿ perceived risk during the meeting manoeuvre, concluding that micromobility users feel safer and more comfortable riding on pavements away from parked or moving motorized traffic, and on protected bicycle tracks.FundingThis research is part of the research project PID2019-111744RB-I00, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033.Fonseca-Cabrera, AS.; Llopis-Castelló, D.; Pérez Zuriaga, AM.; Alonso-Troyano, C.; García García, A. (2021). Micromobility Users' Behaviour and Perceived Risk During Meeting Manoeuvres. International Journal of Environmental research and Public Health (Online). 18(23):1-15. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph182312465S115182

    Implementation of a Low-Cost Data Acquisition System on an E-Scooter for Micromobility Research

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    [EN] In recent years, cities are experiencing changes in the ways of moving around, increasing the use of micromobility vehicles. Bicycles are the most widespread transport mode and, therefore, cyclists¿ behaviour, safety, and comfort have been widely studied. However, the use of other personal mobility vehicles is increasing, especially e-scooters, and related studies are scarce. This paper proposes a low-cost open-source data acquisition system to be installed on an e-scooter. This system is based on Raspberry Pi and allows collecting speed, acceleration, and position of the e-scooter, the lateral clearance during meeting and overtaking manoeuvres, and the vibrations experienced by the micromobility users when riding on a bike lane. The system has been evaluated and tested on a bike lane segment to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the collected data. As a result, the use of the proposed system allows highway engineers and urban mobility planners to analyse the behaviour, safety, and comfort of the users of e-scooters. Additionally, the system can be easily adapted to another micromobility vehicle and used to assess pavement condition and micromobility users¿ riding comfort on a cycling network when the budget is limited.This research was funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, grant number PID2019-111744RB-I00.Pérez Zuriaga, AM.; Llopis-Castelló, D.; Just-Martínez, V.; Fonseca-Cabrera, AS.; Alonso-Troyano, C.; García García, A. (2022). Implementation of a Low-Cost Data Acquisition System on an E-Scooter for Micromobility Research. Sensors. 22(21):1-18. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22218215118222

    Influence of high‐pressure processing on nutritional composition and bioactive compounds of Phaseolus coccineus L

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    The influence of high-pressure processing (HPP) prior to cooking on nutritional composition and bioactive compounds content of four varieties of Phaseolus coccineus L. was studied. Cooking and HPP+C increased the protein content. However, minerals, total carbohydrates, ciceritol and α-galactosides were reduced. Fat was not affected by cooking but decreased after HPP+C. For dietary fiber, the behavior observed was different depending on the sample and the treatment applied. HPP+C could be considered a good processing technology to retain the advantageous lower myo-inositol phosphates isoforms and supply prebiotic oligosaccharides. The trypsin inhibitors activity was lower in the cooked and HPP+C samples; however, there were no significant differences between both thermal treatments. Thus, HPP+C reduced cooking time and preserving or improving the nutritional composition of the beans and their bioactive compounds content

    Nutritional composition of green asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.), edible part and by-products, and assessment of their effect on the growth of human gut-associated bacteria

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    Asparagus is considered a healthy food with a high content of bioactive compounds. In this study, the proximate and mineral composition, non-digestible carbohydrates and bioactive compounds of edible spear, spear by-product and root have been evaluated. Their activity on the growth of human gut-associated bacteria has been studied. The results support the high nutritional and functional value of the asparagus, including its by-products, highlighting the potential of the non-edible parts to be used as prebiotics. A remarkable content in xylose, inulin, flavonoids and saponins has been found. It has been shown that the spear by-product can be selectively used to promote the growth of commensal or probiotic lactobacilli and bifidobacteria strains. It has been confirmed that any part of the asparagus has a potential future as a healthy food or as health-promoting ingredients, however more work is required to identify the compounds able to modulate the human gut microbiot

    Characterization of the DNAM-1, TIGIT and TACTILE Axis on Circulating NK, NKT-Like and T Cell Subsets in Patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia

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    Background: Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) remains a major clinical challenge due to poor overall survival, which is even more dramatic in elderly patients. TIGIT, an inhibitory receptor that interacts with CD155 and CD112 molecules, is considered as a checkpoint in T and NK cell activation. This receptor shares ligands with the co-stimulatory receptor DNAM-1 and with TACTILE. The aim of this work was to analyze the expression of DNAM-1, TIGIT and TACTILE in NK cells and T cell subsets in AML patients. Methods: We have studied 36 patients at the time of diagnosis of AML and 20 healthy volunteers. The expression of DNAM-1, TIGIT and TACTILE in NK cells and T cells, according to the expression of CD3 and CD56, was performed by flow cytometry. Results: NK cells, CD56− T cells and CD56+ T (NKT-like) cells from AML patients presented a reduced expression of DNAM-1 compared with healthy volunteers. An increased expression of TIGIT was observed in mainstream CD56− T cells. No differences were observed in the expression of TACTILE. Simplified presentation of incredibly complex evaluations (SPICE) analysis of the co-expression of DNAM-1, TIGIT and TACTILE showed an increase in NK and T cells lacking DNAM-1 and co-expressing TIGIT and TACTILE. Low percentages of DNAM-1−TIGIT+TACTILE+ NK cells and DNAM-1− TIGIT+TACTILE+ CD56− T cells were associated with a better survival of AML patients. Conclusions: The expression of DNAM-1 is reduced in NK cells and in CD4+ and CD8+ T cells from AML patients compared with those from healthy volunteers. An increased percentage of NK and T cells lacking DNAM-1 and co-expressing TIGIT and TACTILE is associated with patient survival, supporting the role of TIGIT as a novel candidate for checkpoint blockade

    "Escape Seminar": Escápate del seminario

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    Las "escape room" son juegos de equipo para "escapar" de una sala o una sala virtual. Esta sala está llena de desafíos que se deben superar para ganar (escapar) dentro de un límite de tiempo determinado. Debido a que la enseñanza tradicional está causando problemas en torno a la motivación y el compromiso, y muchos estudiantes la perciben como ineficaz y aburrida, el uso de juegos educativos es muy prometedor porque son una herramienta de enseñanza para mejorar las habilidades no cognitivas, como la resolución de problemas y la colaboración. y comunicación. Los juegos tienen un notable poder motivador debido al uso de una serie de mecanismos que alientan a las personas a participar en ellos, a menudo sin ninguna recompensa, solo por la satisfacción de jugar y la posibilidad de ganar. En el curso 2019-2020, hemos desarrollado actividades basadas en el concepto de la "escape room" en las asignaturas: "Ciencia y Análisis de agua y bebidas" del Grado en Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos, "Química Analítica I" y "Físico-Química Farmacéutica" del Grado de Farmacia y “Química” del Grado en Óptica y Optometría de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Para el desarrollo del proyecto, todas las características y el progreso de las diferentes fases del seminario de la "escape room" se informaron en el primer día de clase y a través de la plataforma del Campus Virtual. Los estudiantes se agruparon (5-7 personas / grupo) y nombraron un portavoz que fue responsable de responder los retos de la actividad. Al final de esta acción, los estudiantes respondieron voluntariamente a las encuestas Likert para evaluar sus implicaciones y su percepción sobre su aprendizaje, trabajo en equipo y si les gustó la actividad propuesta

    Physical therapy in unilateral and bilateral vestibular hypofunction

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    [ES] Introducción: La rehabilitación vestibular (RV) basada en la terapia física, tiene el objetivo, en el caso de patología vestibular, de inducir la compensación del sistema nervioso central (SNC) a nivel de núcleos vestibulares y de otros niveles del SNC. Incluye ejercicios de habituación, adaptación y sustitución vestibular, ejercicios para mejorar el equilibrio y el control postural dinámico y ejercicios para el acondicionamiento general. En este capítulo discutimos los recientes avances sobre el adiestramiento del equilibrio y de la marcha, la estabilidad de la mirada y la habituación, en el contexto de los trastornos vestibulares uni y bilaterales. Método: Revisión narrativa. Resultados: Los ejercicios se prescriben para mejorar la función; fortaleciendo, y favoreciendo la flexibilidad y la resistencia, a través de la adaptación del RVO, la habituación, la sustitución sensorial, la marcha y el equilibrio postural. Son más eficaces los programas personalizados que los genéricos. El cumplimiento mejora con la personalización y las visitas de seguimiento a un fisioterapeuta. Discusión/Conclusiones: La RV permite mejorar el déficit funcional y los síntomas subjetivos derivados de la hipofunción vestibular periférica uni y bilateral, así como las alteraciones del equilibrio de origen central. Los objetivos de la RV consisten en reducir los síntomas para mejorar la estabilidad postural y de la mirada (particularmente durante los movimientos de la cabeza) y devolver al individuo a sus actividades normales, incluyendo la actividad física, la conducción y el trabajo habitual. Los médicos deben ofrecer la RV a quienes muestren limitaciones funcionales relacionadas con un déficit vestibular, pues actualmente se considera el tratamiento estándar en la disfunción vestibular periférica