54 research outputs found

    Structural change in industrial clusters : scenarios and policy implications

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    Exploring regional innovation policies and regional industrial transformation from a coevolutionary perspective : the case of Małopolska, Poland

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    This article aims to explain the role of regional innovation policies in regional industrial transformation (RIT) from a coevolutionary perspective. The empirical basis is the case study of Małopolska, a Polish region undergoing an industrial transformation in parallel with the launch and development of its innovation policies after the EU accession in 2004. To accomplish its purpose, our research extends the common coevolutionary theoretical framework with interaction mechanisms (IMs), that is, the outcome-oriented processes underlying policy-industry mutual influences, and thus explaining their coevolution. IMs allow us to better understand the reciprocal roles of policy and industry, and the major paths in industrial development and policy approach. The role of innovation policy in the Małopolska RIT can be described as predominantly accommodating and complementing industrial change with some level of proactive promotion of new industrial opportunities. Moreover, we observe reciprocal relationships with regional industry, rather than the unidirectional influence of this policy. This dynamic interaction enabled the evolution of policy to balance the exploitative and explorative approaches to industrial development

    SME roles in modular value chains : perspectives for growth and innovativeness

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    Objective: The aim of the paper is to present modular value chains (MVCs) as a technological and organisational phenomenon that affects industrial organisation and innovation, and to identify the characteristics and types of SME positions (roles) in modular value chains that are associated with innovation development and growth. Research Design & Methods: The study employs two methods, which are literature review and a multiple-case study approach based on two SMEs in the IT industry of which one acts as an independent innovator generating proprietary solutions and the other one is a supplier of production capacity in the area of lower to medium value-adding solutions. Findings: SME roles in modular value chains range from lowest-tire subcontractors in captive or market-based governance to major roles typical of large players in modular governance, e.g., quasi-lead firms and quasi-contract manufacturers. The latter two roles are associated with innovation and high growth. Implications & Recommendations: The recommendations as to the role of public policy and geographical context are provided regarding how to facilitate SMEs' integration into MVCs with a focus on innovativeness and expansion. The question for further research is whether the roles identified in the case studies can be treated as SME-specific models of participation in modular value chains, or are they only development stages of growth SMEs towards the roles of large firms - leader firms and contract manufacturers (system integrators). Contribution & Value Added: The paper contributes by identifying the roles that SMEs can play in modular value chains and by identifying governance arrangements that SMEs apply to accomplish innovation and high growth

    The fintech transformation of banking : governance dynamics and socio-economic outcomes in spatial contexts

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    Objective: The objective of the article is to identify and systemize the governance dynamics and related socioeconomic consequences of the fintech transformation in banking, while acknowledging spatial contexts. Research Design & Methods: The research framework comprised Global Production Networks (GPN), Global Value Chain (GVC), and co-evolutionary approaches to guide a systematic literature review in the Scopus, Web of Science, and Taylor & Francis databases for 2016-2021. The final sample comprised 76 sources that became the basis for selective coding and the synthesis of the results. Findings: Fintech impacted banking governance by creating a dual and interrelated system of global financial networks and a ‘mosaic’ of territorial financial ecologies and ecosystems, where incumbent banks held an important but not exclusive position. The fintech-enhanced governance transformations had both positive socioeconomic effects (improved efficiency, expanded range of services, and inclusion of unbanked or under-served customers) and negative effects (over-indebtedness, surveillance, and exclusion of some customers). Wider socio-economic consequences refered to sustainable development and changes in economic and social behaviour. Implications & Recommendations: A research framework and agenda for future studies related to the dynamics of fintech-driven governance in banking have been elaborated. The article derives the immediate and wider economic and social consequences of fintech-driven transformations. The results can also be applied in public policies oriented towards sustainable socio-economic development. Contribution & Value Added: The study provides theoretical and policy-relevant contributions. Firstly, it broadens the research on the transformation of banking governance in the spatial context. Secondly, it contributes theoretically by proposing a research framework of GVC and GPN governance augmented by a co-evolutionary perspective. Thirdly, the article informs policy that seeks financial inclusion for cohesive and sustainable development

    The performance of high-growers and regional entrepreneurial ecosystems : a research framework

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    Objective: The objective of this research is to elaborate a framework that explores the relationships between the performance of high-growth enterprises and the characteristics of regional entrepreneurial ecosystems (EEs). Research Design & Methods: This conceptual article adopts a multidimensional and profiling approach to the characteristics of EEs. The methodology is based on the combined narrative and systematic literature reviews. Findings: Five propositions as to the relationship between growth and performance of firms in the regional context, as well as to the impact of various regional profiles on the growth and profitability of firms were elaborated. The final outcome of this synthesis is a research framework. Implications & Recommendations: The implication of the proposed framework includes the development of testable hypotheses for further empirical investigation. The recommendation is to adopt a profiling method of assessing the effect of EEs. Contribution & Value Added: The research contributes by setting out a direction for empirical studies that would test the impact of EE profiles and result in their quantitative taxonomies. The value added consists in reflecting the heterogeneity of EEs and their output evaluation rather than input characteristics

    Strategia rozwoju sieci innowacyjnej przedsiębiorstwa ZET Transport

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    Celem projektu jest opracowanie strategii rozwoju sieci innowacyjnej przedsiębiorstwa ZET Transport. Sieć innowacyjna to zorganizowana kooperacja podmiotów, zorientowana na generowanie innowacji. Oczekuje się, że realizacja projektowanej strategii przyniesie w dłuższym okresie wzrost aktywności innowacyjnej przedsiębiorstwa, mierzonej innowacjami w obrębie cech usługi, procesu jej dostarczania, organizacji i marketingu. W okresie krótkim i średnim, zakłada się rozszerzenie składu podmiotowego sieci, rozwój wiedzy i umiejętności pracowników na temat sposobów pozyskiwania i kodowania informacji i wiedzy pochodzących od partnerów (bazy danych, raportowanie) oraz ograniczenie kosztów transakcyjnych, poprzez wprowadzenie odpowiednich metod nadzoru i motywowania do efektywności.The aim of the project is to elaborate „Strategy for developing innovation network of ZET Transport company”. Innovation network is an organized cooperation of entities, oriented towards generating innovations. It is expected that in the long-term perspective, the implementation of the strategy will result in the increase of the company innovative activity, as measured by service, process, organization and marketing innovations. In the short and medium perspectives, it is supposed to foster extending of the network composition, developing of employees’ knowledge and skills in the area of collecting and coding information and knowledge from the network partners (databases, reporting) as well as to economize on transaction costs by proper governance mechanisms and efficiency incentives

    Value and transaction costs in explaining entrepreneurial growth

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    Objectives: The paper aims to explain the process of entrepreneurial growth in terms of its motives, rationale, mechanisms and modes, based on the integration of the resource-based view (RBV) and transaction cost theory (TCT). Prior work: The paper subscribes to the emerging stream of research in firm growth, namely the one focused on the process of growth. This stream intends to explain how growth is achieved, and it complements the earlier streams of studies on growth measures and determinants and on managing the company, which increased its size. Theoretical and research frameworks of the paper are based on the RBV and TCT as alternative perspectives on firm scope and size. Approach: The research is comparative in nature and it applies a multi-case study method of 19 Polish growth companies, demonstrating size, age, technological and industrial variety. The process of growth is an explorative theme, which justifies case study method. At the same time, the RBV and TCT are established theoretical approaches, which enables the use of a specific form of case study, i.e. prospective case study for deductive testing of these two theories as to growth process. Mixed approach to the development of case studies was adopted, including structured interviews with entrepreneurs, participant observation and secondary data analysis. Analytical methods included qualitative comparative analysis (QCA), as a general method, as well as content analysis and Kendall’s coefficient of concordance as specific methods. Results: According to cross-case study analysis, trust is a major entrepreneurial motivation in the process of firm growth with moderating effects from the perceived opportunism of the exchange partners. Development of capabilities and increasing value is a major economic rationale in the process of growth. The mechanism of growth is based on aligning transaction characteristics and capability characteristics with the governance - internal, acquisitive or hybrid modes of expansion. Based on within-case study analysis and QCA, three patterns of growth process were identified. Implications: The results can guide entrepreneurial decisions as to motives, rationale, mechanisms and modes of growth. They are based on falsification test typical of case study method, therefore they should further be tested in quantitative studies. Value: The paper contributes by 1) formulating conclusions as to entrepreneurial decisional rules and choices in the process of expansion, 2) proposing theoretical and empirical research frameworks for studying firm expansion with the use of the integrated RBV-TCT approach, 3) extending the integrative RBV-TCT studies by the inclusion of growth phenomenon as a specific type of firm’s boundary problem

    Research streams in cluster upgrading : a literature review

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    This paper aims to identify and systemize the research streams in regional cluster upgrading. Cluster upgrading belongs to broader research in the dynamics of industrial agglomerations, currently, the major topic in studies on clusters. Within this literature, the upgrading concept differentiates by the focus on structural change in response to the insertion of regional clusters into global value chains (GVCs). Based on the narrative literature review, we identify and discuss two major research streams and classify them as the positive and the normative. Moreover, we elaborate a framework for studying the antecedents of cluster upgrading to conclude with research questions that may serve further systematic reviews and empirical investigations. This paper provides two contributions to the cluster dynamics literature with a focus on the upgrading of industrial agglomerations. First, it offers a comprehensive approach to the cluster upgrading theory by integrating the fragmented research in this area. Second, it proposes a theoretical framework to set up further research directions

    New challenges in economic policy, business, and management

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