202 research outputs found

    SLE in the three-state Potts model - a numerical study

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    The scaling limit of the spin cluster boundaries of the Ising model with domain wall boundary conditions is SLE with kappa=3. We hypothesise that the three-state Potts model with appropriate boundary conditions has spin cluster boundaries which are also SLE in the scaling limit, but with kappa=10/3. To test this, we generate samples using the Wolff algorithm and test them against predictions of SLE: we examine the statistics of the Loewner driving function, estimate the fractal dimension and test against Schramm's formula. The results are in support of our hypothesis.Comment: 32 pages, 41 figure

    Twist operator correlation functions in O(n) loop models

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    Using conformal field theoretic methods we calculate correlation functions of geometric observables in the loop representation of the O(n) model at the critical point. We focus on correlation functions containing twist operators, combining these with anchored loops, boundaries with SLE processes and with double SLE processes. We focus further upon n=0, representing self-avoiding loops, which corresponds to a logarithmic conformal field theory (LCFT) with c=0. In this limit the twist operator plays the role of a zero weight indicator operator, which we verify by comparison with known examples. Using the additional conditions imposed by the twist operator null-states, we derive a new explicit result for the probabilities that an SLE_{8/3} wind in various ways about two points in the upper half plane, e.g. that the SLE passes to the left of both points. The collection of c=0 logarithmic CFT operators that we use deriving the winding probabilities is novel, highlighting a potential incompatibility caused by the presence of two distinct logarithmic partners to the stress tensor within the theory. We provide evidence that both partners do appear in the theory, one in the bulk and one on the boundary and that the incompatibility is resolved by restrictive bulk-boundary fusion rules.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure

    Critical exponents of domain walls in the two-dimensional Potts model

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    We address the geometrical critical behavior of the two-dimensional Q-state Potts model in terms of the spin clusters (i.e., connected domains where the spin takes a constant value). These clusters are different from the usual Fortuin-Kasteleyn clusters, and are separated by domain walls that can cross and branch. We develop a transfer matrix technique enabling the formulation and numerical study of spin clusters even when Q is not an integer. We further identify geometrically the crossing events which give rise to conformal correlation functions. This leads to an infinite series of fundamental critical exponents h_{l_1-l_2,2 l_1}, valid for 0 </- Q </- 4, that describe the insertion of l_1 thin and l_2 thick domain walls.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Fluctuation force exerted by a planar self-avoiding polymer

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    Using results from Schramm Loewner evolution (SLE), we give the expression of the fluctuation-induced force exerted by a polymer on a small impenetrable disk, in various 2-dimensional domain geometries. We generalize to two polymers and examine whether the fluctuation force can trap the object into a stable equilibrium. We compute the force exerted on objects at the domain boundary, and the force mediated by the polymer between such objects. The results can straightforwardly be extended to any SLE interface, including Ising, percolation, and loop-erased random walks. Some are relevant for extremal value statistics.Comment: 7 pages, 22 figure

    Spin interfaces in the Ashkin-Teller model and SLE

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    We investigate the scaling properties of the spin interfaces in the Ashkin-Teller model. These interfaces are a very simple instance of lattice curves coexisting with a fluctuating degree of freedom, which renders the analytical determination of their exponents very difficult. One of our main findings is the construction of boundary conditions which ensure that the interface still satisfies the Markov property in this case. Then, using a novel technique based on the transfer matrix, we compute numerically the left-passage probability, and our results confirm that the spin interface is described by an SLE in the scaling limit. Moreover, at a particular point of the critical line, we describe a mapping of Ashkin-Teller model onto an integrable 19-vertex model, which, in turn, relates to an integrable dilute Brauer model.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    SLE in self-dual critical Z(N) spin systems: CFT predictions

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    The Schramm-Loewner evolution (SLE) describes the continuum limit of domain walls at phase transitions in two dimensional statistical systems. We consider here the SLEs in the self-dual Z(N) spin models at the critical point. For N=2 and N=3 these models correspond to the Ising and three-state Potts model. For N>5 the critical self-dual Z(N) spin models are described in the continuum limit by non-minimal conformal field theories with central charge c>=1. By studying the representations of the corresponding chiral algebra, we show that two particular operators satisfy a two level null vector condition which, for N>=4, presents an additional term coming from the extra symmetry currents action. For N=2,3 these operators correspond to the boundary conditions changing operators associated to the SLE_{16/3} (Ising model) and to the SLE_{24/5} and SLE_{10/3} (three-state Potts model). We suggest a definition of the interfaces within the Z(N) lattice models. The scaling limit of these interfaces is expected to be described at the self-dual critical point and for N>=4 by the SLE_{4(N+1)/(N+2)} and SLE_{4(N+2)/(N+1)} processes.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures. v2: Nuclear Physics B Published versio

    General solution of an exact correlation function factorization in conformal field theory

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    We discuss a correlation function factorization, which relates a three-point function to the square root of three two-point functions. This factorization is known to hold for certain scaling operators at the two-dimensional percolation point and in a few other cases. The correlation functions are evaluated in the upper half-plane (or any conformally equivalent region) with operators at two arbitrary points on the real axis, and a third arbitrary point on either the real axis or in the interior. This type of result is of interest because it is both exact and universal, relates higher-order correlation functions to lower-order ones, and has a simple interpretation in terms of cluster or loop probabilities in several statistical models. This motivated us to use the techniques of conformal field theory to determine the general conditions for its validity. Here, we discover a correlation function which factorizes in this way for any central charge c, generalizing previous results. In particular, the factorization holds for either FK (Fortuin-Kasteleyn) or spin clusters in the Q-state Potts models; it also applies to either the dense or dilute phases of the O(n) loop models. Further, only one other non-trivial set of highest-weight operators (in an irreducible Verma module) factorizes in this way. In this case the operators have negative dimension (for c < 1) and do not seem to have a physical realization.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, v2 minor revision

    Boundary conformal field theories and loop models

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    We propose a systematic method to extract conformal loop models for rational conformal field theories (CFT). Method is based on defining an ADE model for boundary primary operators by using the fusion matrices of these operators as adjacency matrices. These loop models respect the conformal boundary conditions. We discuss the loop models that can be extracted by this method for minimal CFTs and then we will give dilute O(n) loop models on the square lattice as examples for these loop models. We give also some proposals for WZW SU(2) models.Comment: 23 Pages, major changes! title change
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