149 research outputs found

    Servo Control of RF cavities under beam loading

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    Die Funktion der vaskulären endothelialen Protein-Tyrosin-Phosphatase VE-PTP bei der Regulierung von interendothelialen Zell-Zellkontakten

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    Endotheliale Adherens Junctions werden von VE-Cadherin Molekülen aufgebaut, die über Bindung an die Catenine mit dem Cytoskelett verankert sind. Die Tyrosin-Phosphorylierung des VE-Cadherin-Catenin Komplexes wird im Zusammenhang mit der Regulierung der Stabilität des Zellkontaktes gesehen. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Relevanz endogener VE-PTP für die VE-Cadherin abhängige Zellkontaktintegrität in Endothelzellen untersucht. Dabei wurde gezeigt, dass die Phosphatase konfluenzabhängig im Zellkontakt lokalisiert ist. Dies korreliert mit der verstärkten Assoziation von VE-PTP und VE-Cadherin sowie der verminderten VE-Cadherin-Phosphorylierung in konfluentem gegenüber weniger dichtem Endothel. Inhibition der VE-PTP Expression in HUVEC durch siRNA führt zu verstärkter Tyrosinphosphorylierung von VE-Cadherin und erhöht die transendotheliale Migration von Neutrophilen. VE-PTP wurde daher erstmalig als wichtiger Faktor für die Stabilisierung des VE-Cadherin vermittelten Zellkontaktes etabliert

    Martin Chuzzlewit 論 : 迷宮としての Mrs. Gamp

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    Evaporative and preequilibrium neutrons emitted from evaporation residues in the reaction Ho + 600 MeV neon are exploited to deduce the thermal excitation energy E* and temperature T of the residues. From these quantities the level density parameter is deduced at a temperature of 4.1 MeV


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    Energy spectra of fragments from the 36Ar +208Pb reaction at 11 MeV/n and 20Ne + 208Pb reaction at 30 MeV/n were measured using a time of flight spectrometer. Structures ranging up to 130 MeV excitation energy are observed in the inelastic spectra. These structures are shown to be due to an excitation of the208Pb target nucleus

    First Observation of Self-Amplified Spontaneous Emission in a Free-Electron Laser at 109 nm Wavelength

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    We present the first observation of Self-Amplified Spontaneous Emission (SASE) in a free-electron laser (FEL) in the Vacuum Ultraviolet regime at 109 nm wavelength (11 eV). The observed free-electron laser gain (approx. 3000) and the radiation characteristics, such as dependency on bunch charge, angular distribution, spectral width and intensity fluctuations all corroborate the existing models for SASE FELs.Comment: 6 pages including 6 figures; e-mail: [email protected]

    Novel SCARB2 mutation in action myoclonus-renal failure syndrome and evaluation of SCARB2 mutations in isolated AMRF features

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    Background: Action myoclonus-renal failure syndrome is a hereditary form of progressive myoclonus epilepsy associated with renal failure. It is considered to be an autosomal-recessive disease related to loss-of-function mutations in SCARB2. We studied a German AMRF family, additionally showing signs of demyelinating polyneuropathy and dilated cardiomyopathy. To test the hypothesis whether isolated appearance of individual AMRF syndrome features could be related to heterozygote SCARB2 mutations, we screened for SCARB2 mutations in unrelated patients showing isolated AMRF features. Methods: In the AMRF family all exons of SCARB2 were analyzed by Sanger sequencing. The mutation screening of unrelated patients with isolated AMRF features affected by either epilepsy (n = 103, progressive myoclonus epilepsy or generalized epilepsy), demyelinating polyneuropathy (n = 103), renal failure (n = 192) or dilated cardiomyopathy (n = 85) was performed as high resolution melting curve analysis of the SCARB2 exons. Results: A novel homozygous 1 bp deletion (c.111delC) in SCARB2 was found by sequencing three affected homozygous siblings of the affected family. A heterozygous sister showed generalized seizures and reduction of nerve conduction velocity in her legs. No mutations were found in the epilepsy, renal failure or dilated cardiomyopathy samples. In the polyneuropathy sample two individuals with demyelinating disease were found to be carriers of a SCARB2 frameshift mutation (c.666delCCTTA). Conclusions: Our findings indicate that demyelinating polyneuropathy and dilated cardiomyopathy are part of the action myoclonus-renal failure syndrome. Moreover, they raise the possibility that in rare cases heterozygous SCARB2 mutations may be associated with PNP features

    The Superconducting TESLA Cavities

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    The conceptional design of the proposed linear electron-positron collider TESLA is based on 9-cell 1.3 GHz superconducting niobium cavities with an accelerating gradient of Eacc >= 25 MV/m at a quality factor Q0 > 5E+9. The design goal for the cavities of the TESLA Test Facility (TTF) linac was set to the more moderate value of Eacc >= 15 MV/m. In a first series of 27 industrially produced TTF cavities the average gradient at Q0 = 5E+9 was measured to be 20.1 +- 6.2 MV/m, excluding a few cavities suffering from serious fabrication or material defects. In the second production of 24 TTF cavities additional quality control measures were introduced, in particular an eddy-current scan to eliminate niobium sheets with foreign material inclusions and stringent prescriptions for carrying out the electron-beam welds. The average gradient of these cavities at Q0 = 5E+9 amounts to 25.0 +- 3.2 MV/m with the exception of one cavity suffering from a weld defect. Hence only a moderate improvement in production and preparation techniques will be needed to meet the ambitious TESLA goal with an adequate safety margin. In this paper we present a detailed description of the design, fabrication and preparation of the TESLA Test Facility cavities and their associated components and report on cavity performance in test cryostats and with electron beam in the TTF linac. The ongoing R&D towards higher gradients is briefly addressed.Comment: 45 pages (Latex), 39 figures (Encapsulated Postscript), 53 Author

    Beam cavity interaction

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    We begin by giving a description of the rf generator-cavity-beam coupled system in terms of basic quantities. Taking beam loading and cavity detuning into account, expressions for the cavity impedance as seen by the generator and as seen by the beam are derived. Subsequently methods of beam-loading compensation by cavity detuning, rf feedback, and feed-forward are described. Examples of digital rf phase and amplitude control for the special case of superconducting cavities are also given. Finally, a dedicated phase loop for damping synchrotron oscillations is discussed