1,156 research outputs found

    Exploring Oculus Rift: A Historical Analysis of the ‘Virtual Reality’ Paradigm

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    This paper will first provide background information about Virtual Reality in order to better analyze its development throughout history and into the future. Next, this essay begins an in-depth historical analysis of how virtual reality has developed prior to 1970, a pivotal year in Virtual Reality history, followed by an exploration of how this development paradigm shifted between the 1970\u27s and the turn of the century. The historical analysis of virtual reality is concluded by covering the modern period from 2000-present. Finally, this paper examines the layout of the virtual reality field in respect to he history and innovations presented

    Estimating the Returns to Mangrove Conversion: Sustainable Management or Short Term Gain?

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    The purpose of this project is to estimate the total economic value of a mangrove ecosystem in part of the Gulf of Fonseca, El Salvador, and to develop a cost-benefit framework to compare the sustainable management of the forest with alternative use scenarios. The current management strategy is compared to its sustainable counterpart, and to the partial conversion of the mangrove ecosystem to semi-intensive aquaculture and salt ponds. A variety of different valuation techniques are used to assess the contribution of different products and services of the mangrove ecosystem. Among these techniques, a pseudo production function approach is used to calculate dose-response estimates of the impact of mangrove loss on the productivity of marine and estuarine fisheries. The valuation exercise yields the result that the sustainable management strategy enables more timber and fisheries benefits to be captured over a horizon of 56 years than do the other management options. This supports the view that the allocation of usufruct rights and the sanctioned conversion of mangrove forest to artificial shrimp ponds reduces the net benefits available to society, and that such policy failures accelerate the loss of biodiversity and compound existing market failures. The research was highly participatory and involved the community in the measurement and articulation of the value of the mangroves. As such, it is one of the first valuation exercises to incorporate a community definition of sustainable management one which reflects the revealed preference valuations of the community and which is in harmony with their management concerns.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    A Service-Learning Project in General Chemistry

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    Interaction of gases with lunar materials

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    The surface properties of lunar fines were investigated. Results indicate that, for the most part, these properties are independent of the chemical composition and location of the samples on the lunar surface. The leaching of channels and pores by adsorbed water vapor is a distinguishing feature of their surface chemistry. The elements of air, if adsorbed in conjunction with water vapor or liquid water, severely impedes the leaching process. In the absence of air, liquid water is more effective than water vapor in attacking the grains. The characteristics of Apollo 17 orange fines were evaluated and compared with those of other samples. The interconnecting channels produced by water vapor adsorption were found to be wider than usual for other types of fines. Damage tracks caused by heavy cosmic ray nuclei and an unusually high halogen content might provide for stronger etching conditions upon exposure to water vapor


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    When Europeans arrived in Australia, galahs were typically inland birds, quite sparsely distributed. Now they range from coast to coast, and are common. Why did this change occur? Why didn’t it occur earlier? Galahs feed on the ground. They found Australia’s dominant inland grasses too tall to get at the seed, so relied on an agency to shorten them: Aboriginal grain cropping before contact, introduced stock after it

    Relationships Between Education Track, Adverse Childhood Experience, and Recidivism Among Juveniles

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    A high recidivism level, despite attempts by regulatory agencies and various institutions to decrease it, is currently a disturbing problem of the juvenile justice system. Adjudicated youth released from residential treatment centers are often reincarcerated within 3 years after their release. Residential treatment centers provide mandated educational and treatment services for all incarcerated youth. The educational programs offered by residential treatment centers should include academic and career technology programs which support community reintegration. The opportunity for students to receive a high school diploma and industry certifications for career readiness is an important way to decrease recidivism for juveniles. This study sought to establish if there were obvious associations between recidivism, educational tracks, adverse childhood experiences, hometown, and a checklist criterion termed IVALIDATE for students enrolled in a Mid-Atlantic region residential treatment center. A total of 200 randomly sampled treatment center records were analyzed in the study. The research findings confirm that students in vocational education had lower recidivism compared to students in general academics, but only if their adverse childhood experiences scores were low. IVALIDATE completers also showed lower recidivism than noncompleters if their childhood experiences scores were low. If the score was high, students from Baltimore showed higher recidivism than students from other hometowns. These results warrant further study by policymakers and criminal specialists who must improve and execute programs to help juveniles develop into positive, independent contributors to the labor force and civilization

    Freedom Now!: The Function of Jazz in the Civil Rights Movement

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    Senior Project submitted to The Division of Multidisciplinary Studies of Bard Colleg

    Design and model verification of flat-sided polymer composite propane gas pressure vessels.

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    Clean air legislation has fueled the development of alternatively fueled automobiles. As a result, automotive companies have looked for ways to increase the performance of these vehicles while attempting to bring down the price of this technology. In many cases, the fuel storage method plays a significant role in the achievement of these goals. The development of a flat sided pressure vessel would allow for better use of the available fuel storage space on the automobile. Construction of the pressurized fuel tank out of lightweight and economical materials will further increase the performance levels and bring down the cost of the fuel system. This thesis investigates the potential for the development of a flat sided, polymer composite pressure vessel. As part of the design approach, finite element analysis models, incorporating internal ribs for reinforcement against the bending of the flat walls, were constructed, analyzed and refined. Two final potential designs were constructed from fiberglass and pressure tested to validate the finite element analysis models. Analysis of pressure testing data and sectioning of a prototype tank, revealed potential problems with the construction approach utilized. In comparing the experimental data with the predicted finite element analysis values, conclusive correlation could not be drawn. Indications, however, lead to the belief that direct water contact with the composite walls and manual filament winding of the tanks led to the poor results. Finally, the results and information gained in this research have advanced the possibility of future successful development of a flat sided, polymer composite pressure vessel.Dept. of Mechanical, Automotive, and Materials Engineering. Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis1999 .G36. Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 43-05, page: 1796. Adviser: D. F. Watt. Thesis (M.A.Sc.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 1999