22 research outputs found

    Psicología escolar en ONGs : retos profesionales y perspectivas contemporáneas de actuación

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    A existência de psicólogos escolares em ONGs educativas é uma realidade recente no Brasil. Esse contexto agrega peculiaridades históricas, políticas e pedagógicas que imprimem características específicas ao trabalho do psicólogo, especialmente por se dedicar à formação das classes populares. Este artigo constitui-se em um ensaio teórico que objetiva discutir aspectos relacionados à atuação do psicólogo escolar em ONGs e apresentar uma proposição de trabalho em Psicologia Escolar ancorado em três grandes eixos de atuação. Na primeira parte do artigo, serão analisadas as perspectivas gerais de atuação da Psicologia Escolar, especialmente vinculadas ao seu compromisso social e político com a educação na atual conjuntura. Dessas considerações, parte-se para uma discussão sobre o contexto histórico das ONGs no país, as contradições desse cenário educativo e as potencialidades para a formação humana, vinculadas ao compromisso com a transformação social na atualidade. Por fim, serão abordados os desafios e as possíveis contribuições do psicólogo escolar em ONGs educativas, delineando uma proposta para a atuação profissional em Psicologia Escolar nesse contexto.The existence of school psychologists in educational NGOs is a recent reality in Brazil. This context adds historical, political and pedagogical peculiarities that give specific characteristics to the psychologist's work, especially for dedicating himself to the formation of the working classes. This article is a theoretical essay that aims to discuss aspects related to the performance of the school psychologist in NGOs and present a proposal of work in School Psychology in three main axes of action. In the first part of the article, the general perspectives of School Psychology will be analyzed, especially related to its social and political commitment to education on the current situation. From these considerations, the first part begins with a discussion about the historical context of the NGOs in the country, the contradictions of this educational scenario and the potentialities for human formation, linked to the commitment to the current social transformation. Finally, the challenges and possible contributions of the school psychologist in educational NGOs will be addressed, outlining a proposal for the professional performance in School Psychology in this context.La existencia de psicólogos escolares en ONGs educativas es una realidad reciente en Brasil. Ese contexto agrega peculiaridades históricas, políticas y pedagógicas que imprimen características específicas a la labor del psicólogo, especialmente por dedicarse a la formación de las clases populares. Este artículo se constituye en un ensayo teórico que tiene por objetivo discutir aspectos relacionados a la actuación del psicólogo escolar en ONGs y presentar una propuesta de labor en Psicología Escolar anclado en tres grandes ejes de actuación. En la primera parte del artículo, se analizan las perspectivas generales de actuación de la Psicología Escolar, especialmente vinculadas a su compromiso social y político con la educación en la actual coyuntura. De esas consideraciones, se parte para una discusión sobre el contexto histórico de las ONGs en el país, las contradicciones de ese escenario educativo y las potencialidades a la formación humana, vinculadas al compromiso con la transformación social en la actualidad. Por fin, se aborda-los retos y las posibles contribuciones del psicólogo escolar en ONGs educativas, delineando una propuesta para la actuación profesional en Psicología Escolar en ese contexto

    Psicologia escolar em organização não governamental : um estudo sobre o perfil profissional

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Psicologia, Programa Pós-Graduação em Processos de Desenvolvimento Humano e Saúde, 2014.Esta pesquisa investigou os indicadores para atuação do psicólogo escolar em ONG educativa. A Psicologia Escolar, como campo de reflexão teórica, produção de conhecimento e intervenção profissional, tem ampliado sua atuação para contextos educativos menos tradicionais. As ONGs se apresentam no recente cenário do terceiro setor como meio de fomento para ações e programas socioeducativos que atuam em benefício das camadas populares da sociedade. O trabalho desenvolvido por essas organizações desencadeia uma preocupação acerca das intenções e estratégias educacionais, que visam formar os sujeitos para o exercício da cidadania, ora se confundindo, ora se aproximando da função sociopolítica da escola. A Psicologia Escolar é convidada a desenvolver o seu trabalho em um espaço que se compromete com a diminuição das desigualdades sociais por meio de ações que investem na ampliação formativa de educandos de baixa renda. Essa pesquisa investigou indicadores para uma atuação do psicólogo escolar em um contexto de ONG. Foram delineados cinco objetivos específicos: (a) mapear as ONGs no Brasil e no Distrito Federal; (b) identificar a existência de psicólogos escolares que trabalham em ONGs no Distrito Federal; (c) conhecer otrabalho desenvolvido por psicólogos escolares em ONGs; (d) analisar as características institucionais e educativas de uma ONG no DF; e (e) levantar, a partir das rotinas e atividades de uma ONG, indicadores para a atuação do psicólogo escolar nesse contexto.Compõe o referencial teórico desse trabalho a literatura da Psicologia Escolar em uma perspectiva crítica, institucional e relacional, articulada à Psicologia Histórico-Cultural do desenvolvimento humano e utilizou-se a abordagem metodológica qualitativa. As informações da pesquisa foram construídas por meio de duas etapas: (1) mapeamento das ONGs com psicólogos escolares no Brasil e no Distrito Federal, e (2) mapeamento institucional de uma ONG educativa do Distrito Federal. Os resultados indicaram que as ONGs são um cenário promissor para a atuação do psicólogo escolar, pela quantidade expressiva de instituições identificadas na área da Educação em todo país (17.664). No âmbito do Distrito Federal, constataram-se 63 psicólogos que atuam nas ONGs, sendo que 14 identificaram-se como psicólogos escolares. As informações sugerem que esses profissionais não possuem uma definição clara acerca do seu perfil e das especificidades para atuar nesses contextos, o que respalda o desenvolvimento de um trabalho predominantemente assistencialista. Pela análise das características institucionais e educativas de uma ONG, levantaram-se indicadores para atuação do psicólogo escolar nesse contexto. Constatou-se que a instituição apresenta uma multiplicidade de espaços para a colaboração em Psicologia Escolar, especialmente voltadas ao desenvolvimento de um trabalho institucional, preventivo e relacional junto à equipe pedagógica. O fortalecimento da cultura de sucesso institucional; a revisão e ampliação das práticas socioeducativas pela ressignificação das concepções de aprendizagem, desenvolvimento e ensino; e a formação continuada do educador social compareceram como os principais alvos de possível intervenção do psicólogo escolar. Espera-se que os resultados derivados dessa pesquisa contribuam para uma prática diferenciada dos psicólogos escolares em ONGs, com vistas à formação de sujeitos críticos, conscientes e empoderados da necessária transformação de suas realidades, com base em uma compreensão de ser humano histórico. Também se espera que esse estudo estimule o desenvolvimento de futuras investigações da Psicologia Escolar voltadas a contextos educacionais pouco explorados, especialmente àqueles comprometidos com a missão de diminuição das desigualdades sociais. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis study investigated the performance indicators for the school psychologist ineducational NGO. The School Psychology, as a field of theoretical reflection, know ledge production and professional intervention, has expanded its operations to less traditional educational settings. NGOs present in the recent scenery of the third sector as a means tofoment actions and social, educational programs that operate for the benefit of the lower classes of society. The work of these organizations raises a concern about the intentionsand educational strategies that aim to train the subjects for the exercise of citizenship,sometimes mingling, sometimes approaching the socio-political function of the school. The School Psychology is invited to develop their work in a space that is committed to the reduction of social inequalities through which invest in the expansion of training lowincomestudents. This study investigated the performance indicators for a school psychologist in a context of educational NGOs. Five specific objectives were outlined: (a)to map the NGOs in Brazil and the Federal District; (b) to identify the existence of school psychologists working in NGOs in the Federal District; (c) to understand the work of psychologists in NGOs; (d) to analyze the institutional and social, educational characteristics of an NGO in DF; and (e) rising from the routines and NGO activities,indicators for the performance of the school psychologist in this context. Makes up thetheoretical framework of this study the literature of School Psychology in a critical,institutional and relational perspective, articulated to the Historic Cultural Psychology ofhuman development and used the qualitative approach. The information in the researchwas constructed by means of two steps: (1) mapping of NGOs with school psychologists inBrazil and the Federal District, and (2) institutional mapping of a educational NGO FederalDistrict. The results indicated that NGOs are a promising scenary for the performance ofthe school psychologist, the significant number of institutions identified in the area ofeducation across the country (17.664). Under the Federal District, there were 63psychologists working in NGOs, and 14 were identified as school psychologists. The datasuggests that these professionals do not have a clear definition about their profile andneither the specificities to act in these contexts, which supports the development of apredominantly welfare work. For the analysis of institutional and educationalcharacteristics of an NGO, there were gathered indicators for performance of the schoolpsychologist in this context. It was found that the institution has a diversity of spaces forcollaboration in School Psychology, specially the development of an institutional,preventive and relational work with the teaching staff. Strengthening the institutionalculture of success; revision and expansion of social practices by reframing concepts oflearning, development and education; and continuing education of social educator attendedas prime targets for possible intervention of the school psychologist. It is expected that theresults derived from this research contribute to a differentiated practice of schoolpsychologists in NGOs, for the formation of critical, conscious and empowered individualsthe necessary transformation of their realities, based on an under standing of human history.It is also hoped that this study will stimulate the development of future investigations of School Psychology focused on under explored educational contexts, especially those committed to the mission of reducing social inequalities

    School Psychology in NGOs: Study on the Profile of Social Educators

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    Educational non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are considered emerging spaces for acting and research in School Psychology in Brazil. The profession of social educator appears in this scenario still with a little defined profile on education directed to the popular layers. This research investigated the profile of 15 social educators, aiming to know the possibilities of mediating the school psychologist to collaborate with the development of skills of this profession. Historical-cultural psychology and the competence-based approach were the central theoretical-methodological basis of the study. Of qualitative character, the study was developed in two stages: (1) institutional mapping, through documentary analysis and observation of institutional meetings; and (2) a memorial of the educational and professional trajectory of the educators. The results revealed that the institution underwent changes in the institutional guidelines, demanding a redefinition of the educators’ profile. However, the interventions made by managers for the expected skills training did not consider psychological aspects related to adult development. The information indicated a fertile context to the contribution of School Psychology in the following directions: conceptions of development about the formation of the popular classes; professional profile linked to an educator role as an agent of human development; and professional training with an emphasis on adult development

    Prácticas emergentes en Psicología Escolar: la mediación en el desarrollo de competencias de los educadores sociales

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    Discutir as possibilidades de atuação da Psicologia Escolar nos contextos de educação não-formal se constitui tema de reflexão atual. As Organizações Não-Governamentais (ONG s) surgem no cenário do Terceiro Setor como nova esfera social que aproxima a sociedade civil das demandas sociais e, no caso, daquelas provenientes do campo educacional. Nesta conjuntura, surgem os educadores sociais com perfil profissional ainda pouco definido e preparado para os desafios cotidianos dos espaços de combate à exclusão social. Esse artigo irá abordar sobre a relevância da formação continuada dos educadores sociais, a partir da mediação do psicólogo escolar, com base nos pressupostos teórico-conceituais da psicologia histórico-cultural. Inicialmente, serão discutidas as primeiras relações da Psicologia e Educação no Brasil; seguidamente, se discorrerá sobre a instauração de ONG s educativas no país, sinalizando para a emergência da profissão educador social; por fim, abordar-se-á sobre a mediação do psicólogo escolar para o desenvolvimento de competências dos educadores sociais.Discussing the possibilities of School Psychology acting in the context of education is still a theme of current reflection. The Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO´s) arise into the scenario of the third sector as a new social sphere that approaches the civil society directly to the social demands and, in this case, to those from the educational area. At this juncture, there are the educators with professional profile yet ill-defined and not prepared for the challenges of everyday spaces to combat social exclusion. This article addresses the relevance of the continuing education of educators from the mediation of the school psychologist, based on theoretical and conceptual basis of historical-cultural psychology. Initially, we offer a brief historical discussion of the first relations between Psychology and Education in Brazil. Then we present some factors that inaugurate the third sector in the country, specifically the contexts of educational NGO´s, signalizing the emergence of the professional social educator. Finally we approach the possibilities for the school psychologist to act favouring the development of abilities of the educators involved in the non-formal context of education.Discutir las posibilidades de actuación de la Psicología Escolar en contextos de educación no-formal se constituye tema de reflexión actual. Las Organizaciones No-Gubernamentales (ONG s) surgen en el escenario del Tercer Sector como nueva esfera social que aproxima la sociedad civil de las demandas sociales y, en este caso, de las provenientes del campo educacional. En esta coyuntura, surgen los educadores sociales con perfil profesional aún poco definido y preparado para los desafíos cotidianos de los espacios de combate a la exclusión social. Este artículo abordará la relevancia de la formación continua de los educadores sociales, a partir da mediación del psicólogo escolar, basadas en las presuposiciones teórico-conceptuales de la psicología histórico-cultural. Inicialmente, se discutirán las primeras relaciones de la Psicología y Educación en Brasil; a continuación se tratará sobre la instauración de ONG s educativas en el país, señalando para la emergencia de la profesión educador social; por fin, se abordará sobre la mediación del psicólogo escolar para el desarrollo de competencias de los educadores sociales

    Consideraciones sobre el fomento de pesquisa en psicología del desarrollo humano en el Brasil : historia y desafíos

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    O presente trabalho objetiva discutir o fomento à pesquisa no Brasil, destacando os papéis da história e das políticas de pesquisa e desenvolvimento científico, assim como das agências de pesquisa e associações relacionadas à área da Psicologia do Desenvolvimento Humano. Inicialmente, foi realizado um resumo da história da ciência brasileira e sua aplicabilidade no desenvolvimento humano. Posteriormente, é discutido como a Ciência do Desenvolvimento é interdisciplinar e a importância do aprofundamento do diálogo da Psicologia com outras áreas de conhecimento para a criação de novas tecnologias. São apresentadas, finalmente, possíveis tendências e mudanças científicas para a implementação de novos campos de conhecimento, considerando a Psicologia do Desenvolvimento Humano como área relevante para essas mudanças. Conclui-se que os recursos, assim como as pesquisas, estão inseridos em contextos históricos, sociais, culturais e econômicos dinâmicos, que devem ser considerados na captação de recursos.This paper aims at discussing furtherance of research in Brazil, highlighting the roles of research history and policies and scientific development, as well as research agencies and associations related to the Psychology of Human Development field. Initially, an overview of the Brazilian sciences history and it applicability in human development was carried out. Later, one discusses how interdisciplinary is the science of development and the importance of deepening the dialogue of Psychology with other areas of knowledge in order to set new techniques. Finally, possible scientific trends and changes to implement new fields of knowledge are presented, considering the Psychology of Human Development as relevant area for those changes. One concludes that resources, as well as researches, are inserted in dynamic historical, social, cultural, and economic contexts that should be considered when fundraising.El presente trabajo objetiva discutir el fomento a la pesquisa en el Brasil, destacando los papeles de la historia y de las políticas de pesquisa y desarrollo científico, así como de las agencias de pesquisa y asociaciones relacionadas al área de la Psicología del Desarrollo Humano. Inicialmente fue realizado un resumen de la historia de la ciencia brasileña y su aplicabilidad en el desarrollo humano. Posteriormente, es discutido cómo la ciencia del desarrollo es interdisciplinaria y la importancia de la profundización del diálogo de la Psicología con otras áreas de conocimiento para la creación de nuevas tecnologías. Son presentadas, finalmente, posibles tendencias y mudanzas científicas para la implementación de nuevos campos de conocimiento, considerando la Psicología del Desarrollo Humano como área relevante para esas mudanzas. Se concluye que los recursos, así como las pesquisas, están inseridos en contextos históricos, sociales, culturales y económicos dinámicos, que deben ser considerados en la captación de recursos


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    Children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) frequently show difficulties in the acquisition of multiple repertoires, including verbal behavior. One type of verbal operant behavior is the intraverbal. It involves the emission of a verbal response under the control of a verbal discriminative stimulus, without point-to-point correspondence between them, and the response is maintained by a generalized conditioned reinforcer. This study focused on narrative retelling, which is a skill that comprises intraverbal chains. It is also discussed in the literature that the teaching of this repertoire may improve gains in text comprehension, which also involves the emission of intraverbals, that is, answering questions. Regarding this skill, previous research investigated procedures that may produce the emergence of answering comprehension questions referred as complex ABC intraverbals (related to the stimulus equivalence paradigm) in typically developing children. In general, they were exposed to cycles in which they first read short texts/sentences relating information on three different stimuli (A, B, and C), Thereafter, the children answered several questions representing all possible complex intraverbal relations among the three stimuli from the sentences. Some learners demonstrated the emergence of all complex relations, and further investigations were carried out with the teaching of simpler intraverbal relations of the type of exemplars and categories before the cycles of reading sentences – probing complex ABC intraverbals. Data indicated that more learners showed the emergence of all, or nearly all, complex relations. The present study comprised two systematic replication experiments, with the inclusion of a child with ASD as participant. Both also involved the teaching of sentence reading and retelling through script fading, to analyze the effects of narrative production on the possible emergence of complex intraverbals. In Experiment 1, cycles of teaching sentence reading and retelling – probing ABC intraverbals were administered. As a result, all possible complex relations emerged.  Experiment 2 involved the teaching of simpler intraverbal relations of the type of exemplars and categories before the cycles of teaching sentence reading and retelling – probing ABC intraverbals. All possible complex intraverbal relations also emerged. Data were discussed in the sense that, although positive, it is not clear whether the teaching of sentence retelling and simpler intraverbal relations facilitated the establishment of the complex intraverbals. It is possible that reading the sentences was sufficient. The limitations of the research were presented and discussed, as well as recommendations for future investigations that may more clearly isolate the effects of each manipulated independent variable. Anyway, the current study extended previous investigations by showing that complex intraverbal relations of the ABC type may also be established in a learner diagnosed with ASD.  Article visualizations

    Immunohistochemical expression of matrilysins (MMP-7 and MMP-26) in ameloblastomas and adenomatoid odontogenic tumors

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim was to evaluate the expression of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) 7 and 26 in ameloblastomas and adenomatoid odontogenic tumors (AOTs). STUDY DESIGN: Twenty intraosseous solid ameloblastomas and 10 intraosseous AOTs were evaluated regarding immunohistochemical expression of MMP-7 and -26 in the epithelium and stroma. RESULTS: There was no statistically significant difference in MMP-7 and -26 expression between the epithelium of ameloblastomas (P = .50) and AOTs (P = .90). Stromal staining for MMP-7 was evident in all cases. For MMP-26, stromal staining was observed in 65% of ameloblastomas and 50% of AOTs, and this difference was not statistically significant (P = .69). CONCLUSION: The marked expression of these matrilysins suggests their role in the process of tissue remodeling and growth in the studied tumors, but it does not relate to the their distinct patterns of aggressiveness

    Unusual epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma in palate: case report and immunohistochemical study

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    Ephitelial-myoepithelial carcinoma (EMC) is a neoplasm of salivary gland extremely rare and low-grade malig- nant, exhibiting predilection for major salivary gland, especially parotid gland. This paper described a case of EMC localized in soft palate. The initial clinical diagnosis were mucoepidermoid and adenoid cystic carcinoma. A incisional biopsy was performed, and the histological diagnosis was adenocarcinoma not otherwise specified. The patient underwent excisional biopsy, where was realized immunohistochemical analysis, staining the duct-like structures, where the inner layer of epithelial cells positively for CK 14, whereas outer layer of myoepithelial cells stained positively for smooth muscle actin (SMA) and vimentin antibodies. Based on these findings, the final histological diagnosis was EMC. The patient was submitted 30 sessions of radiotherapy, and she is being follow-up about 2 years without evidence recurrences

    Cannabis abuse and dependency : differences between men and women and readiness to behavior change among users seeking treatment

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    OBJETIVOS: Descrever o perfil sócio demográfico de usuários de maconha que iniciam tratamento e comparar os sexos dos indivíduos em relação aos estágios de prontidão para mudança e uso associado de outras drogas. MÉTODO: Estudo transversal descritivo, com amostra não probabilística de indivíduos que ligaram para um tele atendimento especializado em dependência química. RESULTADOS: A amostra se constituiu de 72% de indivíduos do sexo masculino na faixa etária de 12 a 25 anos. Um percentual de 85,5% fazia uso associado de outras drogas. O estágio motivacional predominante foi de ação (56%), sem diferenças entre sexos (p = 0,4). Os homens mais frequentemente procuraram auxílio para o tratamento do uso de maconha. CONCLUSÕES: Com base nesses dados, foi possível delinear o perfil dos usuários de maconha para auxiliar no direcionamento de informações e atendimento adequado. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTOBJECTIVES: To describe the social and demographic profile of cannabis users seeking treatment and to compare differences between sex in relation to readiness to behavior change and in relation to associated use of marijuana and other drugs. METHOD: A cross-sectional, descriptive study including a nonprobability sample of individuals who called a chemical dependency hotline. RESULTS: The sample comprised 72% male individuals aged between 12 and 25 years. The sample was composed by 85.5% used other drugs in association with cannabis. The action stage was the most frequent stage of readiness to behavior change observed, in 56% of the callers, with no differences between sex (p = 0.4). Men more frequently sought treatment for the use of cannabis. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings allowed delineating a profile of cannabis users, so as to better guide the provision of adequate information and treatment services

    Effects of Access to a Naturally Reinforcing Activity on the Acquisition of Repertoires in Autistic Learner

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    Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) to Autism Spectrum Disorder is concerned in arranging reinforcing contingencies, which favor the learning of important repertoires. In the literature, the use of preferred arbitrary reinforcers is emphasized to shape and strengthen impaired targets. This may increase the likelihood that learners will cooperate with demands. Once a child is more exposed to learning contingencies, and becomes more fluent in certain repertoires, access to arbitrary reinforcers should be made more intermittently. It is possible, this way, that engaging in a given activity be now maintained by a natural or automatic reinforcing effect, depending solely on the learner. This research had the purpose of assessing if, by allowing access to a task, which previously became motivating for a child with ASD (pairing colored blocks), other non-verbal skills could be shaped (visually pairing similar pictures; motor imitation with toys; pairing pictures to their corresponding dictated names). The study was conducted in a laboratory from a private University in Brazil. A multiple probe design, across different target repertoires, was used to ensure experimental control by the task of pairing similar colored blocks. As a result, it was demonstrated that all target repertoires were learned, suggesting that access to the previously mastered task, possibly maintained by natural reinforcement, solely established three different repertoires. When the child's parents were interviewed to give their perception on the use of pairing blocks as reinforcer, they were more satisfied than in the case that other reinforcers, such as videos and edibles, are used. Keywords: autism spectrum disorder, arbitrary reinforce, natural reinforcer DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/10-22-06 Publication date: November 30th 202