13 research outputs found

    Control of Drosophila imaginal disc development by rotund and roughened eye: differentially expressed transcripts of the same gene encoding functionally distinct zinc finger proteins

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    The Drosophila rotund gene is required in the wings, antenna, haltere, proboscis and legs. A member of the Rac family of GTPases, denoted the rotund racGAP gene, was previously identified in the rotund region. However, previous studies indicated that rotund racGAP was not responsible for the rotund phenotypes and that the rotund gene had yet to be identified. We have isolated the rotund gene and show that it is a member of the Kruppel family of zinc finger genes. The adjacent roughened eye locus specifically affects the eye and is genetically separable from rotund. However, roughened eye and rotund are tightly linked, and we have therefore also isolated the roughened eye transcript. Intriguingly, we show that roughened eye is part of the rotund gene but is represented by a different transcript. The rotund and roughened eye transcripts result from the utilization of two different promoters that direct expression in non-overlapping domains in the larval imaginal discs. The predicted Rotund and Roughened Eye proteins share the same C-terminal region, including the zinc finger domain, but differ in their N-terminal regions. Each cDNA can rescue only the corresponding mutation and show negative effects when expressed in each others domain of expression. These results indicate that in addition to the differential expression of rotund and roughened eye, their proteins have distinct activities. rotund and roughened eye act downstream of early patterning genes such as dachshund and appear to be involved in Notch signaling by regulating Delta, scabrous and Serrate

    Wage inequality, segregation by skill and the price of capital in an assignment model

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    Some pieces of empirical evidence suggest that in the U.S., over the last few decades, (i) wage inequality between-plants has risen much more than wage inequality within-plants and (ii) there has been an increase in the segregation of workers by skill into separate plants. This paper presents a frictionless assignment model in which these two features can be explained simultaneously as the result of the decline in the relative price of capital. Additional implications of the model regarding the skill premium and the dispersion in labor productivity across plants are also consistent with the empirical evidence. [resumen de autor

    Proximal-distal leg development in Drosophila requires the apterous gene and the lim 1 homogue dlim1

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    Proximal-distal leg development in Drosophila involves a battery of genes expressed and required in specific proximal-distal (PD) domains of the appendage. Here we report the characterisation of a new gene of this type, dlim 1, a member of the Lhx family of genes whose proteins contain two Lim domains and a homeodomain. We show that the Lhx gene apterous (ap) is also required for PD leg development, and we study the functional interactions between ap, dlim1 and other PD genes during leg development. Our results show that a regulatory network formed by ap and dlim1 plus the homeobox genes aristaless and Bar specifies distal leg cell fates in Drosophila

    Control of Drosophila imaginal disc development by rotund and roughened eye: differentially expressed transcripts of the same gene encoding distinct zinc finger proteins

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    The Drosophila rotund gene is required in the wings, antenna, haltere, proboscis and legs. A member of the Rac family of GTPases, denoted the rotund racGAP gene, was previously identified in the rotund region. However, previous studies indicated that rotund racGAP was not responsible for the rotund phenotypes and that the rotund gene had yet to be identified. We have isolated the rotund gene and show that it is a member of the Krppel family of zinc finger genes. The adjacent roughened eye locus specifically affects the eye and is genetically separable from rotund. However, roughened eye and rotund are tightly linked, and we have therefore also isolated the roughened eye transcript. Intriguingly, we show that roughened eye is part of the rotund gene but is represented by a different transcript. The rotund and roughened eye transcripts result from the utilization of two different promoters that direct expression in non-overlapping domains in the larval imaginal discs. The predicted Rotund and Roughened Eye proteins share the same C-terminal region, including the zinc finger domain, but differ in their N-terminal regions. Each cDNA can rescue only the corresponding mutation and show negative effects when expressed in each others domain of expression. These results indicate that in addition to the differential expression of rotund and roughened eye, their proteins have distinct activities. rotund and roughened eye act downstream of early patterning genes such as dachshund and appear to be involved in Notch signaling by regulating Delta, scabrous and Serrate

    House Prices, Rents, and Interest Rates under Collateral Constraints

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    Business Demography in Spain: Determinants of Firm Survival

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    The Interaction between House Prices and Loans for House Purchase: The Spanish Case

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