8 research outputs found

    Measurement of Residual Stresses Hole Drilling Method

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    Import 05/08/2014Diplomová práce se zabývá vyšetřováním zbytkových napětí po tloušťce zkušebního vzorku odvrtávací metodou. Z naměřených uvolněných deformací, které byly zjištěny experimentem, se dopočítaly výsledná zbytková napětí a to postupem uvedeným v americké normě ASTM E837-13a jak pro předpoklad homogenního rozložení po tloušťce, tak pro nehomogenní rozložení napětí po tloušťce. Poté byl sestrojen numerický model metodou konečných prvků, s kterým se experiment srovnával. Poslední část této práce porovnává výsledky zbytkových napětí vypočítaných dle kalibračních koeficientů uvedených v normě ASTM s napětími získanými pomocí nových koeficientů zjištěných z MKP modelu.This thesis deals with investigation of residual stress on the thickness of the test sample by hole drilling method. From the measured relaxed strains, which were found by experiment, we calculated resulting residual stress with procedure describe in ASTM E837-13a standard for linear and nonlinear stress distribution along the depth. After that was construct numerical model with final element method, which was used for comparison with experiment. Last part of this thesis compares the results of residual stress calculated according to the calibration coefficients listed in ASTM standard with stress obtained from new coefficients identified from the FEM model.339 - Katedra pružnosti a pevnostivýborn

    Implementation of Controlled Pacemaker

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    Import 05/08/2014Diplomová práce se zabývá realizaci kardiostimulátoru řízeného P vlnou s využitím prostředků National Instruments. Konkrétně za pomoci hardwarového zařízení NI Elvis II+ a kompatibilního programu LabView. Skládá se z teoretické a praktické části. Teoretická část je zaměřena na elektrofyziologii srdce, možné poruchy přenosu akčního potenciálu srdcem a způsoby technické kompenzace těchto poruch. Dále se zabývá důvody použití kardiostimulátorů, jejich dělení a principy fungování se zaměřením na konkrétní kardiostimulátor řízený P vlnou. Praktická část obsahuje způsob realizace kardiostimulátoru. Jsou zde představeny principy fungování hardwarového zařízení i programového kódu. Výsledkem celé praktické části je simulace naprogramovaného stimulátoru.The thesis deals with realization of a pacemaker driven by P wave using resources of National Instruments. Specifically, with help of a hardware device NI Elvis II+ and compatible program LabView. There is a theoretical and a practical part of the thesis. The theoretical part is focused on cardiac electrophysiology, the possible failures of transmission of the action potential by heart and ways of technical compensation for those failures. It also deals with reasons for use of pacemakers, their types and principles of operation focused on the specific pacemaker driven by P wave. The practical part describes a method of realization of the pacemaker. Here are introduced principles of operation of the hardware device and of the program code. The result of the practical part is a simulation of the programmed stimulator.450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvívýborn

    Additional file 7: Table S6. of Response of turkey muscle satellite cells to thermal challenge. I. transcriptome effects in proliferating cells

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    Summary of PANTHER Overrepresentation Test of differentially expressed genes in p. major satellite cell cultures after 72 h of proliferation at 33 °C versus 38 °C. DE turkey genes were matched to the chicken gene reference list for analysis in PANTHER. For each annotated Gene Ontology category, the number of genes in the reference list and those differentially expressed in the turkey are given. Fold enrichment is the number of DE genes divided by Expected. P-values are as determined by the binomial statistic. (DOCX 16 kb

    Additional file 10: Table S9. of Response of turkey muscle satellite cells to thermal challenge. I. transcriptome effects in proliferating cells

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    Significant DE genes among comparisons between genetic lines. Genes in each category correspond to the numbers presented in the Venn diagram of Fig. 5. At each temperature the p-val and fold change are given. Genes highlighted in red were up regulated in the F line compared to the RBC2 in all significant comparisons, whereas those highlighted in green were down regulated. Genes highlighted in blue were upregulated in the F-line at one temperature and down regulated at another. (XLSX 15 kb

    Additional file 3: Table S2. of Response of turkey muscle satellite cells to thermal challenge. I. transcriptome effects in proliferating cells

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    Normalized mean RNAseq read counts observed in p. major satellite cells from RBC2 and F line turkeys after 72 h proliferation when cultured at 38 °C. Genes are sorted in descending order by average number of reads. (XLSX 1448 kb

    Additional file 9: Table S8. of Response of turkey muscle satellite cells to thermal challenge. I. transcriptome effects in proliferating cells

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    10 most significant canonical pathways identified in IPA comparison analysis of DE genes. Included for each temperature comparison are the p-value, ratio and z-score for the RBC2 and F-line comparisons. (XLS 34 kb

    Additional file 6: Table S5. of Response of turkey muscle satellite cells to thermal challenge. I. transcriptome effects in proliferating cells

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    50 genes showing the greatest differential expression in each pairwise comparison of treatment groups. Genes highlighted red are up-regulated in the comparison whereas genes highlighted in green are down-regulated. (XLSX 34 kb

    Additional file 4: Table S3. of Response of turkey muscle satellite cells to thermal challenge. I. transcriptome effects in proliferating cells

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    20 most significant canonical pathways expressed in satellite cell cultures from each line after 72 h of proliferation at 38 °C. (DOCX 15 kb