900 research outputs found

    RAYGO: Reserve As You GO

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    The capability to predict the precise resource requirements of a microservice-based application is a very important problem for cloud services. In fact, the allocation of abundant resources guarantees an excellent quality of experience (QoE) for the hosted services, but it can translate into unnecessary costs for the cloud customer due to the reserved (but unused) resources. On the other side, poor resource provisioning may turn out in scarce performance when experiencing an unexpected peak of demand. This paper proposes RAYGO, a novel approach for dynamic resource provisioning to microservices in Kubernetes that (i) reliefs the customers from the definition of appropriate execution boundaries, (ii) ensures the right amount of resources at any time, according to the past and the predicted usage, and (iii) operates at the application level, acknowledging the dependency between multiple correlated microservices

    Analisi ed ottimizzazione tecnico-economica dei servizi di raccolta dei rifiuti solidi urbani: caso applicativo del Comune di Marzabotto

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    Ottimizzazione tecnico-economica del servizio di raccolta dei rifiuti urbani nel Comune di Marzabotto. In seguito alla pubblicazione di normative nazionali e internazionali per l'introduzione nel nostro territorio di accorgimenti in linea con i principi dell'economia circolare, il Gruppo Hera si impegna nella riprogettazione del servizio di raccolta dei rifiuti offerto. L'elaborato analizza il processo di miglioramento applicato a un Comune di presidio dell'azienda, il Comune di Marzabotto, al fine di ottenere uno scenario in cui i cittadini siano incentivati ad optare per la raccolta differenziata. Viene inoltre eseguita una analisi economica, tecnica e ambientale del progetto effettuato

    Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Pada Petugas Lembaga Pembinaan Khusus Anak Kelas I Kutoarjo

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    Wali is the official coaching institutions given additional duties as a surrogate parent for the students forged in the target institutions, while also accompanying all activities undertaken by the students and to help students when experiencing a problem. The purpose of this study is to understand the problem solving and the factors that influence the problem solving capabilities given by officers specialized coaching institutions grader I Kutoarjo. Researchers used a qualitative approach with four key informants and informant support 4. Key informants are personnel coaching institutions which became the guardian role as surrogate parent and mentor for guidance in institutions, while supporting informants are students who are in the target within the target institution. In this study, researchers used interview as a data collector.The results of this study indicate that each trustee has a way of melaukan troubleshooting. Wali having problems in guidance in the form of their leisure between the guardian with his protégé relationship trustee with the family, economic problems and in coaching, caregivers feel less have information or insights related to the field of psychology that is thought to help carers in a number of activities that involve students eg counseling when students are having problems. There are factors that support problem solving, namely higher education, work experience over 10 years and being a guardian over 3 years, the method of approach with students. In addition, there are factors inhibiting the provision of solutions that lower education, work experience under 10 years and a trustee under 3 years, the method of approach. These factors if done can influence problem solving capabilities will be provided

    New Jersey municipalities\u27 methods for building non-emergency community relations

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    The objective of conducting this study was to record the various methods of community relations held in New Jersey municipalities between January 1 and December 31, 1999. A literature search was conducted; an original mail survey distributed to 210 mayors statewide; data was analyzed and presented in a quantitative format. The following major conclusions were drawn: A. If given an unlimited amount of funding, direct mail is conceived as the most effective way to publicize events and projects. B. Newspapers were reported as the most effective, measurable publicity tool to get exposure for events and projects. C. Mayors play a major role in the implementation and a substantial role in the execution of events and projects. D. Municipally appointed special events committees are primarily responsible for executing events and projects. E. Word of mouth is recorded as the most popular, non-measurable method to create awareness for events and projects. F. The most popular event and project co-sponsored by municipalities and other organizations are annual parades. G. Printed brochures were the most popular event and project conducted by municipalities between January 1 and December 31, 1999

    Sociologia e politica del coronavirus. Tra opinioni e paure

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    L’irruzione della pandemia da coronavirus nelle nostre vite ha rivoluzionato non soltanto la quotidianità di ciascuno di noi ma anche il funzionamento dei nostri sistemi sociali. Ci ha posto di fronte all’evidenza che la prevenzione nei confronti dei pericoli (“naturali”) e dei rischi (indotti da noi) non è più soltanto un’opzione ragionevole: è un’urgenza senza alternative. In questo senso il valore aggiunto della sociologia consiste nella comprensione dei processi sociali e culturali attraverso cui gli attori definiscono il danno incombente, la gravità del suo impatto e le misure per affrontarlo. In breve, la costruzione sociale di un fenomeno estremo come la pandemia. Gli interrogativi cui rispondere riguardano il perché per interpretare un virus e un contagio del tutto inediti noi ricorriamo a immagini delle pestilenze del passato, perché la guerra diventa la metafora per rappresentare il morbo, perché vacillano i tradizionali modelli di governance, perché, soprattutto, di fronte al danno incombente i governi centrali e locali stentano ad intraprendere azioni tempestive, coordinate ed efficaci. La risposta viene cercata mettendo a confronto l’esperienza della Covid-19 con quella della Sars nel 2003, due epidemie che, pur nella radicale diversità dei loro esiti, presentano impressionanti analogie. L’analisi non si focalizza unicamente sulla “realtà” dell’emergenza, cioè sui contagi e sui decessi, sui tassi di rischio, sulle decisioni e sulle misure adottate, ma anche sul modo in cui i soggetti sociali – dal basso (“la gente”) e soprattutto dall’alto (politici, media, scienziati) – interpretano la situazione e costruiscono la cornice di senso entro la quale l’emergenza è stata definita, valutata e affrontata. Modificando significativamente la realtà stessa nella quale ci troviamo a vivere

    An Edge-based Architecture for Phasor Measurements in Smart Grids

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    This paper investigates the application of Kubernetes and Edge computing technologies to operate IT services in the context of power systems and smart grids. Traditional services for grid monitoring such as Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) and Phasor Data Concentrators (PDCs) require a centralized architecture and a rigid networking infrastructure in order to properly function, which today is only achieved at the High Voltage (HV) transmission level. Furthermore, manual intervention is often the only option for PMUs/PDCs maintenance. In this work, the traditional PMU/PDC services were deployed as docker-containers in a decentralized Kubernetes cluster, which can represent any kind of geographically dispersed TCP/IP network. By leveraging remote orchestration, several key benefits are achieved: (1) no manual reconfiguration of the PMU-PDC communications upon network reconfiguration, (2) automatic PMU traffic redirection in case of PDC service redeployment in a different location, and (3) reduced data-loss upon PDC failure and enhanced overall system resiliency due to minimized ICT services down-time

    Integrating and Assessing Essential Learning Outcomes: Fostering Faculty Development and Student Engagement

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    This paper proposes a model for implementing a college wide initiative designed to promote student competence with essential learning outcomes. This mixed-methods study combined descriptive and qualitative approaches to explore experiences of students and faculty as they engaged in a project that focused on the integration of essential learning outcomes (ELOs), The researchers relied on the use of descriptive statistics and interpretive phenomenological analysis to explore the phenomena that emerged while the faculty participants in this study engaged in a collaborative study group designed to support instructional pedagogy with the integration of ELOs and students’ experienced competence. Six themes emerged from the focus on ELO integration, including connection, awareness, utility, reflection, intention and facilitation. Additionally, using a student survey of self-perceived ELO competence from the beginning to the end of the semester, researchers found a difference in student ratings of 0.25, (p ≤ 0.05), suggesting an increase in student ELO competence. The findings support the importance of the themes identified and propose a model for successful ELO integration