12 research outputs found
Ba al dago kongruentziarik paziente paliatiboak hil nahi duen lekuaren eta hil egiten den lekuaren artean? Europako egoeraren analisia
Paziente paliatiboak, heriotzera hurbilduz doazen heinean, hainbat erabaki hartzera behartuta ikusten dute euren burua. Horrekin erlazionatuta, kalitatezko adierazle bezala, hiltzeko lekuaren aukeraketa aurkituko litzateke. Hau, urteekin eraldatuz joan da, aukera gehiago zabalduz gaixoari.
Helburuak: paziente paliatiboak, Europa mailan, hiltzeko aukeratuko luketen lekuaren eta azkenean hil egiten diren lekuaren arteko bat etortze mailaren analisia. Horrez gain, kongruentziarik ematen ez den kasuetan, zeintzuk faktore esku hartzen duten aztertu da.
Diseinua: bibliografiaren berrikuspena.
Metodoak: bilaketa bibliografiko bat burutu da datu base ezberdinetan (Pubmed, IME, Cuiden). Barne hartze eta baztertze irizpideak erabili ondoren, 24 artikuluren analisia egin da.
Emaitzak: gaixo paliatiboen artean, etxean hil nahi duten eta bertan hiltzen direnak %48a dira. Bestetik, ospitalean hiltzen direnen artetik soilik %30ak hil nahi du bertan. Beste aukera posibleak, erresidentzia eta ospitale paliatiboa izango lirateke, eta bertan hil nahi duten eta bertan hiltzea lortzen duten pazienteen ehunekoa %75 eta %26.5ekoa izango litzateke hurrenez-hurren.Ondorioak: paziente paliatiaboak hil nahi duen lekuaren eta errealitatean hil egiten den lekuaren artean bat etortze adierazgarririk ematen ez dela ikusi egin da. Nahia eta gertatutakoaren arteko ezadostasun maila, hainbat faktorerekin lotura dauka, batez ere, faktore biopsikosozialekin. Hala ere, estatuen artean desberdintasunak ematen dira, kongruentzia mailarik onena Erresuma Batuak lortzen duela ikustaraziz. Beraz, oraindik ere, programa eta politika ezberdinen sustapena beharrezkoa izango da, bizi bukaeran horrenbesteko pisua hartzen duen erabaki honetan
Chondroid Tumors: Review of Salient Imaging Features and Update on the WHO Classification
Chondrogenic tumors are typically well recognized on radiographs, but differentiation between benign and malignant cartilaginous lesions can be difficult both for the radiologist and for the pathologist. Diagnosis is based on a combination of clinical, radiological and histological findings. While treatment of benign lesions does not require surgery, the only curative treatment for chondrosarcoma is resection. This article (1) emphasizes the update of the WHO classification and its diagnostic and clinical effects; (2) describes the imaging features of the various types of cartilaginous tumors, highlighting findings that can help differentiate benign from malignant lesions; (3) presents differential diagnoses; and (4) provides pathologic correlation. We attempt to offer valuable clues in the approach to this vast entit
Incidencia y pronóstico del ictus minor y ataque isquémico transitorio de alto riesgo en Nordictus: estudio IMMINENT
[Abstract] Background. Our primary aim was to investigate the incidence of non-cardioembolic minor acute ischemic stroke (AIS) and high-risk transient ischemic attack (TIA) and to identify predictors of stroke recurrence/death and severe bleeding. We also evaluated the rates of TIA, major vascular events, therapeutic management and predictors of poor functional outcome at 3 months in these patients.
Methods. We retrospectively reviewed data from all stroke patients evaluated at the emergency department of 19 hospitals belonging to the NORDICTUS stroke network between July and December 2019. Consecutive patients with non-cardioembolic minor AIS (NIHSS ≤5) and high-risk TIA (ABCD2 ≥6 or ipsilateral stenosis ≥50%) were included. We recorded clinical, neuroimaging and therapeutic variables. Follow-up was performed at 30 and 90 days. Functional prognosis was assessed with the modified Rankin scale score (mRS).
Results. Of 8275 patients, 1679 (20%) fulfilled IMMINENT criteria (1524 AIS/155 TIA), resulting in a global incidence of 48/100,000 inhabitants per-year. Recurrent stroke/death occurred in 73 (4.3%) patients. Extracranial ipsilateral stenosis (>50%): HR 1.999 (95% CI: 1.115–3.585, p = 0.020) and lack of hyperacute cerebral arterial assessment: HR 1.631 (95% CI: 1.009–2.636, p = 0.046) were associated with recurrent stroke/death at 90 days. Intracranial stenosis was associated with poor prognosis (p = 0.044). Reperfusion therapy was given to 147 (9%) and urgent double antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) to 320 (21%) patients.
Conclusion. Twenty percent of our stroke patients presented as non-cardioembolic high-risk TIA or minor AIS. Extracranial ipsilateral stenosis and lack of hyperacute cerebral arterial assessment were predictors of stroke recurrence/death; intracranial stenosis was associated with poor outcome. Despite current recommendations there was a low penetrance of DAPT.[Resumen] Introducción. Nuestro objetivo principal fue investigar la incidencia de ictus minor no cardioembólico y ataque isquémico transitorio (AIT) de alto riesgo, además de identificar predictores de recurrencia de ictus/muerte y sangrado grave. Evaluamos los porcentajes de AIT, eventos vasculares mayores, manejo terapéutico y predictores de mal pronóstico funcional.
Métodos. Estudio retrospectivo de todos los pacientes con ictus evaluados en urgencias de 19 hospitales de la RED NORDICTUS entre julio-diciembre de 2019. Se incluyeron pacientes consecutivos con ictus minor no cardioembólico (National Institute of Health Stroke Scale [NIHSS] ≤ 5) y AIT de alto riesgo (ABCD2 ≥ 6 o estenosis ipsilateral ≥ 50%). Registramos variables clínicas, de neuroimagen y terapéuticas. Se realizó seguimiento a los 30 y 90 días. El pronóstico funcional se determinó mediante la escala de Rankin modificada (mRS).
Resultados. De 8.275 pacientes, 1.679 (20%) cumplieron criterios del estudio IMMINENT (1.524 ictus/155 AIT), la incidencia global fue 48/100.000 h habitantes-año. Hubo recurrencias de ictus/muerte en 73 (4,3%) pacientes. La estenosis extracraneal ipsilateral (>50%): HR 1.999 (IC 95%: 1.115-3.585); p = 0,020 y la ausencia de estudio cerebrovascular hiperagudo: HR 1.631 (IC 95%: 1.009-2.636); p = 0.046, fueron predictores de ictus/muerte a 90 días. La estenosis intracraneal se asoció a mal pronóstico (p = 0,044). Se administró terapia de reperfusión a 147 (9%) y doble antiagregación a 320 (21%) pacientes.
Conclusión. Un 20% de los pacientes se presentó como ictus minor o AIT de alto riesgo. La estenosis extracraneal ipsilateral y la ausencia de estudio neurovascular hiperagudo fueron predictores de ictus/muerte; la estenosis intracraneal se asoció con mal pronóstico. A pesar de las recomendaciones actuales hay baja penetrancia de doble antiagregación.This study was sponsored by AstraZeneca, funder had no involvement in the analysis or interpretation of the data, or the writing of the manuscript. MER-A was funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) JR19/00020, co-funded by ERDF/ESF, “A way to make Europe”/“Investing in your future”). Investigators of this study belong to the RETICS-RICORS ICTUS financed by ISCIII (RD21/0006/0005-RD21/0006/0016-RD21/0006/0017-RD21/0006/0020-RD21/0006/0022).Instituto de Salud Carlos III; JR19/0002
Ba al dago kongruentziarik paziente paliatiboak hil nahi duen lekuaren eta hil egiten den lekuaren artean? Europako egoeraren analisia
Paziente paliatiboak, heriotzera hurbilduz doazen heinean, hainbat erabaki hartzera behartuta ikusten dute euren burua. Horrekin erlazionatuta, kalitatezko adierazle bezala, hiltzeko lekuaren aukeraketa aurkituko litzateke. Hau, urteekin eraldatuz joan da, aukera gehiago zabalduz gaixoari.
Helburuak: paziente paliatiboak, Europa mailan, hiltzeko aukeratuko luketen lekuaren eta azkenean hil egiten diren lekuaren arteko bat etortze mailaren analisia. Horrez gain, kongruentziarik ematen ez den kasuetan, zeintzuk faktore esku hartzen duten aztertu da.
Diseinua: bibliografiaren berrikuspena.
Metodoak: bilaketa bibliografiko bat burutu da datu base ezberdinetan (Pubmed, IME, Cuiden). Barne hartze eta baztertze irizpideak erabili ondoren, 24 artikuluren analisia egin da.
Emaitzak: gaixo paliatiboen artean, etxean hil nahi duten eta bertan hiltzen direnak %48a dira. Bestetik, ospitalean hiltzen direnen artetik soilik %30ak hil nahi du bertan. Beste aukera posibleak, erresidentzia eta ospitale paliatiboa izango lirateke, eta bertan hil nahi duten eta bertan hiltzea lortzen duten pazienteen ehunekoa %75 eta %26.5ekoa izango litzateke hurrenez-hurren.Ondorioak: paziente paliatiaboak hil nahi duen lekuaren eta errealitatean hil egiten den lekuaren artean bat etortze adierazgarririk ematen ez dela ikusi egin da. Nahia eta gertatutakoaren arteko ezadostasun maila, hainbat faktorerekin lotura dauka, batez ere, faktore biopsikosozialekin. Hala ere, estatuen artean desberdintasunak ematen dira, kongruentzia mailarik onena Erresuma Batuak lortzen duela ikustaraziz. Beraz, oraindik ere, programa eta politika ezberdinen sustapena beharrezkoa izango da, bizi bukaeran horrenbesteko pisua hartzen duen erabaki honetan
Clinical practice guidelines for transsexual, transgender and gender diverse minors.
Some people, including minors, have a gender identity that does not correspond to the sex assigned at birth. They are known as trans* people, which is an umbrella term that encompasses transgender, transsexual, and other identities not conforming to the assigned gender. Healthcare units for trans* minors require multidisciplinary working, undertaken by personnel expert in gender identity, enabling, when requested, interventions for the minor and their social-familial environment, in an individualized and flexible way during the gender affirmation path. This service model also includes hormonal treatments tailored as much as possible to the individual's needs, beyond the dichotomic goals of a traditional binary model. This guide addresses the general aspects of professional care of trans* minors and presents the current evidence-based protocol of hormonal treatments for trans* and non-binary adolescents. In addition, it details key aspects related to expected body changes and their possible side effects, as well as prior counselling about fertility preservation
ERK2, but not ERK1, mediates acquired and "de novo" resistance to imatinib mesylate: implication for CML therapy.
Resistance to Imatinib Mesylate (IM) is a major problem in Chronic Myelogenous Leukaemia management. Most of the studies about resistance have focused on point mutations on BCR/ABL. However, other types of resistance that do not imply mutations in BCR/ABL have been also described. In the present report we aim to study the role of several MAPK in IM resistance not associate to BCR/ABL mutations. Therefore we used an experimental system of resistant cell lines generated by co-culturing with IM (K562, Lama 84) as well as primary material from resistant and responder patient without BCR/ABL mutations. Here we demonstrate that Erk5 and p38MAPK signaling pathways are not implicated in the acquired resistance phenotype. However, Erk2, but not Erk1, is critical for the acquired resistance to IM. In fact, Bcr/Abl activates preferentially Erk2 in transient transfection in a dose dependent fashion through the c-Abl part of the chimeric protein. Finally, we present evidences demonstrating how constitutive activation of Erk2 is a de novo mechanism of resistance to IM. In summary our data support the use of therapeutic approaches based on Erk2 inhibition, which could be added to the therapeutic armamentarium to fight CML, especially when IM resistance develops secondary to Erk2 activation
Emergencies related to recreational drug abuse in Spain compared to emergencies attended in 3 European areas.
To analyze epidemiologic, clinical, and care characteristics in cases in which patients came to 2 Spanish emergency departments (EDs) with symptoms caused by recreational drug abuse. To compare the characteristics with those reported for other areas of Europe.
Secondary analysis of the registry of the European Drug Emergencies Network (Euro-DEN Plus), which collects cases in 14 European countries and 20 EDs. The registry included all patients attending EDs with symptoms of recreational drug abuse (excepting cases involving alcohol alone) over a period of 39 consecutive months (October 2013 to December 2016). We compared the cases from the 2 Spanish EDs (in Barcelona and Palma de Mallorca) to those from the 5 EDs in Ireland and the UK, 6 in northern Europe, and 7 in central Europe.
A total of 17 104 patients' cases were included: Spain, 1186; UK and Ireland, 6653; northern Europe, 6097; and central Europe, 3168. Spain saw more emergencies related to cocaine (48.4%) and fewer related to opioids (12.4%) than the other areas. The Spanish patients were younger (32.2 years) on average than those in northern Europe and older than those in the UK and Ireland and central Europe. Fewer patients were women in Spain (21.9%) than in northern or central Europe. Fewer arrived in ambulances in Spain (70.0%) than in the UK and Ireland or northern Europe. The Spanish EDs recorded the temperature and respiratory frequency of fewer patients (29.8% and 30.3%, respectively). Clinical signs differed between geographical areas attributable to differences in drug-use patterns. In Spain, naloxone was used by fewer patients (9.6%) than in the UK and Ireland and northern Europe, and flumazenil was used by more patients (5.6%) than in other areas. Spain saw lower percentages of admissions (4.6%) and patients who left without an ED discharge (6.2%) in comparison with other areas. Mortality rates in the Spanish EDs (0.4%) and after discharge from them (0.7%) were higher than in northern Europe.
The characteristics of emergencies related to recreational drug abuse registered by the Spanish EDs were differed from those registered in other parts of Europe due to different patterns of drug use. We also detected differences between the Spanish and other European EDs with respect to examinations or tests performed, treatment given, and discharge disposition