1,830 research outputs found

    Factors affecting compliance with pap smear screening

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scopus; Scielo.Pap smear coverage in Chile has gradually decreased in the last years, from 67% to 59%, making it necessary to determine the causes of this decline. Aim: To analyze the relationship between the characteristics of the cervical cancer screening target population in the public health care system and the percentage of PAP coverage. Material and Methods: This study was carried out in women aged between 25 and 64 years, belonging to a public health care system and registered in any of the eight primary healthcare centers of a Metropolitan Santiago low income community. The analysis considered information from the recruitment database (n = 6,058) and interviewed women database (n = 1,042). Results: In 52% of cases there were difficulties in recruiting women, mainly due to wrong addresses. Among contacted women, 4.1% had a hysterectomy or had cervical cancer and 1.4% were dead. When analyzing the variable “adherence to cervical cancer screening” in the interviewed women, 76.8% reported to comply with the ministerial guidelines. From that group, 20.5% reported to attend screening at the private health care system. Seventy seven percent of women who had timely screening visits, reported attending screening periodically every 3 years or less. Conclusions: Pap smear coverage must be analyzed considering the different factors that affect it. Among the latter, the exclusion of some women from the target population and performing the screening in private clinics stand out.http://ref.scielo.org/hhrvh

    From Terrorists to Outlaws: Transnational and Peripheral Articulations in the Making of Nation and Empire

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    This paper traces some of the peripheral and transnational articulations that form an essential part of our exile journey from the South. In our approach we emphasize the connections that link the North to the South and the complicity of the North in the construction of peripheral/marginal bodies.Cet article retrace les articulations peripheriques et transnationales qui forment une partie essentielle de notre exil du Sud. Dans notre approche nous mettons l'accent sur les liens qui relient le Nord, au Sud et la complicite du Nord dans les constructions d'organismes peripheriques et marginaux

    Lineamiento estategico para la formulacion de un plan de desarrollo turistico para la comuna de Curepto, Region del Maule

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    184 p.El propósito de esta investigación es diseñar lineamientos estratégicos para la formulación de un Plan de Desarrollo Turístico, para permitir a la comunidad mostrar todos sus atributos turísticos (Atractivos, Actividades, Planta, Infraestructura, entre otros) a nivel comunal, regional y nacional, a fin de aumentar el flujo de turistas que recibe la comuna cada año, logrando impactos positivos tanto a nivel económico como sociocultural. Para lograr este propósito, la información se recabó tanto de fuentes primarias como secundarias. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica sobre todos los temas relacionados con un Plan de Desarrollo Turístico, de Curepto, y con el tema turismo en general. Esta revisión bibliográfica ayudó a determinar el público objetivo, identificando la demanda potencial en términos cualitativos, obteniendo conclusiones importantes sobre todo de los distintos gustos y preferencias que tienen las personas de los distintos estratos socioeconómicos al momento de vacacionar. En tanto las fuentes primarias fueron compuestas por las siguientes actividades: grupos foco, entrevistas en profundidad, entrevistas con informantes claves, observación directa y encuestas. La información que se obtuvo permitió conocer lo que piensan los cureptanos sobre el pueblo y cuales son sus proyecciones en el tema del turismo. Se entrevistaron actores como las autoridades locales, microempresarios de la comuna y a residentes, además de una entrevista con la encargada del Departamento de Planificación de la oficina de Sernatur de la Región del Maule, y con el Director Regional de Sernatur. Así se estableció la realidad que vive Curepto en el tema Turismo, sus principales falencias, limitaciones, fortalezas y oportunidades. Las principales conclusiones sobre el estudio, apuntan a que Curepto posee un potencial turístico que está en desarrollo en el turismo. Pero existe un gran déficit en la planta turística, por lo que se deben hacer muchos esfuerzos para introducir y mejorar el servicio y ofrecer lugares atractivos para el visitante, más cómodos, acogedores y con sólida infraestructura vial. Dado lo anterior se formula un lineamiento estratégico de Pladetur que servirá de gran apoyo para el municipio y la comunidad en general. Finalmente, y como resultado de todos los estudios realizados, se concluye que el turismo forma parte importante y fundamental de una futura gran actividad económica para la comuna de Curepto

    The Brine Shrimp Artemia: Adapted to Critical Life Conditions

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    The brine shrimp Artemia is a micro-crustacean, well adapted to the harsh conditions that severely hypersaline environments impose on survival and reproduction. Adaptation to these conditions has taken place at different functional levels or domains, from the individual (molecular-cellular-physiological) to the population level. Such conditions are experienced by very few equivalent macro-planktonic organisms; thus, Artemia can be considered a model animal extremophile offering a unique suite of adaptations that are the focus of this review. The most obvious is a highly efficient osmoregulation system to withstand up to 10 times the salt concentration of ordinary seawater. Under extremely critical environmental conditions, for example when seasonal lakes dry-out, Artemia takes refuge by producing a highly resistant encysted gastrula embryo (cyst) capable of severe dehydration enabling an escape from population extinction. Cysts can be viewed as gene banks that store a genetic memory of historical population conditions. Their occurrence is due to the evolved ability of females to “perceive” forthcoming unstable environmental conditions expressed by their ability to switch reproductive mode, producing either cysts (oviparity) when environmental conditions become deleterious or free-swimming nauplii (ovoviviparity) that are able to maintain the population under suitable conditions. At the population level the trend is for conspecific populations to be fragmented into locally adapted populations, whereas species are restricted to salty lakes in particular regions (regional endemism). The Artemia model depicts adaptation as a complex response to critical life conditions, integrating and refining past and present experiences at all levels of organization. Although we consider an invertebrate restricted to a unique environment, the processes to be discussed are of general biological interest. Finally, we highlight the benefits of understanding the stress response of Artemia for the well-being of human populations

    Paleomicrobiological Study in Dental Calculus: Streptococcus mutans

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    Morphological types of bacterial remains preserved in ancient tartar of teeth from extinct human groups, which included some communities of coastal gatherers, fishermen, hunters, and farmers, and those practicing a mixed economy, were analyzed. Previous studies have shown the presence of bacteria in ancient tartar. The aim of this work was to determine whether Streptococcus mutans was present in ancient populations (500-12,000 years old). Teeth samples were from ancient skulls obtained from different anthropological collections: the north and south of Chile (before the Spanish conquest), Palencia, Spain, and an eastern Mediterranean region (Levant). Optical microscopy showed Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria. Scanning electron microscopy identified morphological types of bacteria. Transmission electron microscopy enabled categorization of bacterial structures. Fluorescence microscopy helped label and identify S. mutans, using polyclonal antibodies. Bacterial morphotypes were related to different subsistence patterns. Hunters, fishermen, and gatherers had a less diverse flora with bacillary and coccal morphotypes. Agricultural groups showed greater diversity with additional filamentous and spiral morphotypes. The best preserved ultrastructural feature was the cell wall. The existence and colonization capacity of the mutans-like streptococci preserved in tartar was established for the ancient populations studied, with the exception of Cerro Sotta (south of Chile). Hence, their occurrence could not be related to diet or subsistence pattern

    Inland hypersaline lakes and the brine shrimp Artemia as simple models for biodiversity analysis at the population level

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    Biodiversity can be measured at different hierarchical levels, from genetic diversity within species to diversity of ecosystems, though policy-makers tend to use species richness. The 2010 goal of reducing biodiversity loss, agreed by the subscribers to the Convention on Biological Diversity, requires simple and reliable protocols to evaluate biodiversity at any level in a given ecosystem. Stakeholders, particularly policy makers, need to understand how ecosystem components interact to produce social and economic benefits on the long run, whilst scientists are expected to fulfil this demand by testing and modelling ideally simple (low diversity) ecosystems, and by monitoring key species. This work emphasizes the unique opportunity offered by inland, isolated salt lakes and the brine shrimp Artemia, an example of biodiversity contained at the intra-specific level, as simple models to understand and monitor biodiversity, as well as to assess its predicted positive association with ecosystem stability. In addition to having well identified species and strains and even clones, that allow to test reproductive effects (sexual versus asexual), Artemia benefits from the possibility to set up experimental testing at both laboratory scale and outdoor pond systems, for which a comprehensive cyst bank with sufficient amount of samples from all over the world is available

    A biometric and ecologic comparison between Artemia from Mexico and Chile

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    BACKGROUND: A preliminary biometric and ecologic database for the brine shrimp Artemia from Mexico and Chile is presented. The area abounds in small and seasonal ponds and large inland lakes, the latter mainly located in Mexico, although relatively large and isolated lakes are found in complex hydrological settings in pre-high plateau areas of Chile. This paper summarizes research efforts aimed at the localization, characterization, and evaluation of the aquaculture potential of Artemia populations in Mexico and Chile, which exhibit great habitat diversity (ponds, salterns, coastal lagoons, sea arms, coastal and inland lakes), contrasting weather conditions and different levels of isolation and human intervention. RESULTS: This study covered locations between 29° north latitude (Baja California, Mexico) to 50° south latitude (Puerto Natales, Chile). Biological characteristics considered are species name, reproductive mode, cyst diameter, chorion thickness, and nauplius length, whereas ecological data include pond size, pH, salinity, temperature, and water ionic composition. Artemia franciscana is the only species found in Mexico, it exists together with A. persimilis in Chile, though separated geographically. Ecological differences in habitat exist between both regions but also within countries, a pattern particularly clear with regard to water composition. Surprisingly, a Mexican (Cuatro Ciénegas, A. franciscana) and a Chilean location (Torres del Paine, A. persimilis) share habitat characteristics, at least for the period when data were collected. The discriminat analysis for cyst diameter and nauplius length shows that Artemia from only one location match in cyst diameter with those from San Francisco Bay (SFB) (Point Lobos), and one (Marquez) is far apart from SFB and all the others. The Chilean locations (Pampilla, Cejar, Cahuil, Llamara, Yape) share cyst diameter, but tend to differ from SFB. The remaining Mexican locations (Juchitan, Ohuira, Yavaros) are well separated from all the others. With regard to nauplii length, populations tend to distribute in a relatively random manner, being Marquez the location differing the most in cyst diameter from SFB. CONCLUSION: This database will contribute to the knowledge of radiation centers and serves as a baseline for further biogeographic studies, population characterization, management, and monitoring of Artemia biodiversity. Likewise, the impact of colonization and translocations for aquaculture purposes can be better assessed with a baseline for reference. Mexico and Chile exemplify the need to increase and further integrate regional information to tackle fundamental problems underlying practical utilization of Artemia

    Structure-activity relationships based on 3D-QSAR CoMFA/CoMSIA and design of aryloxypropanol-amine agonists with selectivity for the human β3-adrenergic receptor and anti-obesity and anti-diabetic profiles

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    Indexación: Scopus.Acknowledgments: This work was supported by FONDECYT No. 11130701. We would also like to thank fDoTr CthLeafbr efeora vthaeil afrbeilei tayvoafiltahbeilsitoyf towfa trheer seoqfutwireadret orecqaulciureladt etothcealAcuDla(thet ttph:e/ A/dDt c(lhatbt.pw:/e/dbstc.cloabm.w/seobfst.wcoamre/-stoofotlws aarned-tools and http://teqip.jdvu.ac.in/QSAR_Tools/). SDG. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.The wide tissue distribution of the adrenergic β3 receptor makes it a potential target for the treatment of multiple pathologies such as diabetes, obesity, depression, overactive bladder (OAB), and cancer. Currently, there is only one drug on the market, mirabegron, approved for the treatment of OAB. In the present study, we have carried out an extensive structure-activity relationship analysis of a series of 41 aryloxypropanolamine compounds based on three-dimensional quantitative structure-activity relationship (3D-QSAR) techniques. This is the first combined comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA) and comparative molecular similarity index analysis (CoMSIA) study in a series of selective aryloxypropanolamines displaying anti-diabetes and anti-obesity pharmacological profiles. The best CoMFA and CoMSIA models presented values of r2 ncv = 0.993 and 0.984 and values of r2 test = 0.865 and 0.918, respectively. The results obtained were subjected to extensive external validation (q2, r2, r2 m, etc.) and a final series of compounds was designed and their biological activity was predicted (best pEC50 = 8.561). © 2018 by the authors.https://www.mdpi.com/1420-3049/23/5/119