4 research outputs found

    Factores de riesgo y supervivencia libre de tumor en pacientes con trasplante renal de cadáver

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    [Background] There is an agreement in the fact that cancer incidence in transplant recipients increases at a rate disproportionately greater than in the general population. Several clinical studies have identified cancer risk factors, such as age, male gender, tobacco, UV radiation, viral infections, previous malignancies, intensity and duration of immunosuppressive therapies, HLA matches and time in waiting list.

    Risk factors for graft loss and mortality after renal transplantation according to recipient age: a prospective multicentre study

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    Producción CientíficaBackground. To describe the causes of graft loss, patient death and survival figures in kidney transplant patients in Spain based on the recipient’s age. Methods. The results at 5 years of post-transplant cardiovascular disease (CVD) patients, taken from a database on CVD, were prospectively analysed, i.e. a total of 2600 transplanted patients during 2000–2002 in 14 Spanish renal transplant units, most of them receiving their organ from cadaver donors. Patients were grouped according to the recipient’s age: Group A: 60 years. The most frequent immunosuppressive regimen included tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil and steroids. Results. Patients were distributed as follows: 25.85% in Group A (>40 years), 50.9% in Group B (40–60 years) and 23.19% in Group C (>60). The 5-year survival for the different age groups was 97.4, 90.8 and 77.7%, respectively. Death-censored graft survival was 88, 84.2 and 79.1%, respectively, and non death-censored graft survival was 82.1, 80.3 and 64.7%, respectively. Across all age groups, CVD and infections were the most frequent cause of death. The main causes of graft loss were chronic allograft dysfunction in patients 1 g at 6 months post-transplantation were statistically significant in the three age groups. The patient survival multivariate analysis did not achieve a statistically significant common factor in the three age groups. Conclusions. Five-year results show an excellent recipient survival and graft survival, especially in the youngest age group. Death with functioning graft is the leading cause of graft loss in patients >40 years. Early improvement of renal function and proteinuria together with strict control of cardiovascular risk factors are mandatory

    Factores de riesgo y supervivencia libre de tumor en pacientes con trasplante renal de cadáver

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    Background There is an agreement in the fact that cancer incidence in transplant recipients increases at a rate disproportionately greater than in the general population. Several clinical studies have identified cancer risk factors, such as age, male gender, tobacco, UV radiation, viral infections, previous malignancies, intensity and duration of immunosuppressive therapies, HLA matches and time in waiting list. Aims of the study: General aim: To analyze risk factors associated to cancers in transplant recipients and to define putative preventive strategies. Specific aims:To evaluate tumor incidence and its relationship with the time from grafting.To analyze its relationship with changes in risk factors along the post-transplantation period.To identify clinical and statistically significant cancer risk factors.To link the free-tumor-period with patient survival time, in different kind of cancers. To set up a statistic model to study the different risk factors Patients and Methods Retrospective analysis of a cohort from 1,979 renal transplant patients, fulfilling the criteria of developing cancer in the post-transplant period. Analyzing clinical and oncology parameters and performing a new and specific statistic tool

    Factores de riesgo y supervivencia libre de tumor en pacientes con trasplante renal de cadáver

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    [Background] There is an agreement in the fact that cancer incidence in transplant recipients increases at a rate disproportionately greater than in the general population. Several clinical studies have identified cancer risk factors, such as age, male gender, tobacco, UV radiation, viral infections, previous malignancies, intensity and duration of immunosuppressive therapies, HLA matches and time in waiting list.[Aims of the study][General aim] To analyze risk factors associated to "de novo" cancers in transplant recipients and to define putative preventive strategies.[Specific aims] To evaluate tumor incidence and its relationship with the time from grafting. To analyze its relationship with changes in risk factors along the post-transplantation period. To identify clinical and statistically significant cancer risk factors. To link the free-tumor-period with patient survival time, in different kind of cancers. To set up a statistic model to study the different risk factors.[Patients and Methods] Retrospective analysis of a cohort from 1,979 renal transplant patients, fulfilling the criteria of developing "de novo" cancer in the post-transplant period. Analyzing clinical and oncology parameters and performing a new and specific statistic tool.JV y JO desean agradecer la financiación mediante el proyecto BEC2003-02028 del MICyT y de los grupos de investigación UPV-038.321-13631/2001 y UPV-038.321-13503/2001