7 research outputs found

    Distribution of pairing functions in superconducting spin valve SF1F2

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    The distribution of the spin-singlet component, the short-range spin-triplet component with zero projection, and the long-range spin-triplet component with projection ±1 of the superconducting pairing function has been obtained for different regimes of switching of a spin valve with a three-layer heterostructure (superconductor/ferromagnet/ferromagnet). The distribution of the components is discussed as the main reason for the behavior of the superconducting transition temperature as a function of the angle between the magnetic moments of the ferromagnetic layers in these regimes


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    The structure of chemical intoxication in children from the city of Tomsk in the last five years has been analyzed. The average age was 7.4 ± 0.34 years old. The increased frequency of cases was associated with the following ages: 1 to 3 years old and 7 to 16 years old. There were more boys as compared to girls: 58.4 and 41.6 %, respectively. The average time of poison exposure was 4.8 ± 0.6 hours. Enteral intoxication predominated over inhalation (10.7 %), nasal (2.7 %) and parenteral (1.7 %) intoxication. The medicinal agents (49.6 %) associated with negligent storage and failure to comply with the dosage regimen occupied the leading role in the intoxication structure.Проанализирована структура химических отравлений у детей города Томска за последние 5 лет. Средний возраст составил 7,4 ± 0,34 года, возрастание частоты случаев приходились на возрастные периоды: с 1 года до 3 лет и с 7 до 16 лет. Мальчики преобладали над девочками – 58,4 и 41,6 % соответственно. Среднее время экспозиции яда составило 4,8 ± 0,6 часа. Преобладал энтеральный (84,9 %) путь поступления яда над ингаляционным (10,7 %), назальным (2,7 %) и парентеральным (1,7 %). В структуре отравлений ведущее место заняли лекарственные препараты (49,6 %) из-за халатного хранения лекарственных средств и несоблюдения режима дозирования

    Distribution of pairing functions in superconducting spin-valve switching modes

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    We investigated the critical temperature Tc of SF1F2 trilayers (S is a singlet superconductor, F1 and F2 are ferromagnetic metals), where the long-range triplet superconducting pairing is generated at canted magnetizations of the F layers. We examined the spin-singlet and spin-triplet pairing distributions and their amplitudes as a function of the layers thicknesses under different values of the angle a in the SF1F2 structure to clarify which one of the pairing distributions and how may affect the superconducting Tc

    Proximity effects in superconducting triplet spin-valve F2/F1/S

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    We investigate the critical temperature Tc of F2/F1/S trilayers (Fi is a ferromagnetic metal and S is a singlet superconductor), where the long-range triplet superconducting component is generated at noncollinear magnetizations of the F layers. In this paper we demonstrate a possibility of the spin-valve effect mode selection (standard switching effect, the triplet spin-valve effect or reentrant Tc(α) dependence) by the variation of the F2/F1 interface transparency

    Role of Interface Transparency and Exchange Field in the Superconducting Triplet Spin-Valve Effect

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    We study the superconducting transition temperature Tc of F2/F1/S trilayers (Fi is a metallic ferromagnet, S is a s-superconductor), where the long-range triplet superconducting component is generated at canted magnetizations of the F layers. In this paper we show that it is possible to realize different spin-valve effect modes - the standard switching effect, the triplet spin-valve effect, reentrant Tc(α) dependence or reentrant Tc(α) dependence with the inverse switching effect - by variation of the F2/F1 interface transparency or the exchange splitting energy. In addition, we show that positionof the Tc minimum can be changed by joint variation of the F2/F1 interface transparency and the layerthicknesses