2,656 research outputs found

    The Galaxy and its stellar halo: insights on their formation from a hybrid cosmological approach

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    We use a series of high-resolution simulations of a `Milky-Way' halo coupled to semi-analytic methods to study the formation of our own Galaxy and of its stellar halo. The physical properties of our model Milky Way, as well as the age and metallicity distribution of stars in the different components, are in relatively good agreement with observational measurements. Assuming that the stellar halo builds up from the cores of the satellite galaxies that merged with the Milky Way over its life-time, we are able to study the physical and structural properties of this component. In agreement with previous work, we find that the largest contribution to the stellar halo should come from a few relatively massive (10^8 - 10^10 Msun) satellites, accreted at early times. Our "stellar halo" does not exhibit any clear metallicity gradient, but higher metallicity stars are more centrally concentrated than stars of lower abundance. This indicates that the probability of observing low-metallicity halo stars increases with distance from the Galactic centre. We find that the proposed "dual" nature of the Galactic stellar halo can be explained in our model as a result of a mass-metallicity relation imprinted in the building blocks of this component.Comment: 20 pages, 14 figures. Minor revisions to match version accepted to MNRAS. Version with high-resolution figures available at: http://www.mpa-garching.mpg.de/~lucia/astro-ph/mw_delucia_rev.pd

    The evolution of the colour-magnitude relation and of the star formation activity in galaxy clusters since z~0.8

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    We present recent results on the evolution of the colour-magnitude relation and of the star formation activity in galaxy clusters since z~0.8. Results are based on the ESO Distant Cluster Survey (EDisCS) - an ESO large programme aimed at the study of cluster structure and cluster galaxy evolution over a significant fraction of cosmic time - and are discussed in the framework of the current standard paradigm of structure formation.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure, to appear in ASP Conference Series (Proceedings of the 1st Subaru International Conference "Panoramic Views of Galaxy Formation and Evolution", held in Japan, 10-15 December 2007

    Nature versus nurture: what regulates star formation in satellite galaxies?

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    We use our state-of-the-art Galaxy Evolution and Assembly (GAEA) semi-analytic model to study how and on which time-scales star formation is suppressed in satellite galaxies. Our fiducial stellar feedback model, implementing strong stellar driven outflows, reproduces relatively well the variations of passive fractions as a function of galaxy stellar mass and halo mass measured in the local Universe, as well as the `quenching' time-scales inferred from the data. We show that the same level of agreement can be obtained by using an alternative stellar feedback scheme featuring lower ejection rates at high redshift, and modifying the treatment for hot gas stripping. This scheme over-predicts the number densities of low to intermediate mass galaxies. In addition, a good agreement with the observed passive fractions can be obtained only by assuming that cooling can continue on satellites, at the rate predicted considering halo properties at infall, even after their parent dark matter substructure is stripped below the resolution of the simulation. For our fiducial model, the better agreement with the observed passive fractions can be ascribed to: (i) a larger cold gas fraction of satellites at the time of accretion, and (ii) a lower rate of gas reheating by supernovae explosions and stellar winds with respect to previous versions of our model. Our results suggest that the abundance of passive galaxies with stellar mass larger than ~10^10 Msun is primarily determined by the self-regulation between star formation and stellar feedback, with environmental processes playing a more marginal role.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, 1 appendix. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    What Regulates Galaxy Evolution? Open Questions in Our Understanding of Galaxy Formation and Evolution

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    In April 2013, a workshop entitled "What Regulates Galaxy Evolution" was held at the Lorentz Center. The aim of the workshop was to bring together the observational and theoretical community working on galaxy evolution, and to discuss in depth of the current problems in the subject, as well as to review the most recent observational constraints. A total of 42 astrophysicists attended the workshop. A significant fraction of the time was devoted to identifying the most interesting "open questions" in the field, and to discuss how progress can be made. This review discusses the four questions (one for each day of the workshop) that, in our opinion, were the focus of the most intense debate. We present each question in its context, and close with a discussion of what future directions should be pursued in order to make progress on these problems.Comment: 36 pages, 6 Figures, submitted to New Astronomy Review

    Galaxy assembly, stellar feedback and metal enrichment: the view from the GAEA model

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    One major problem of current theoretical models of galaxy formation is given by their inability to reproduce the apparently `anti-hierarchical' evolution of galaxy assembly: massive galaxies appear to be in place since z3z\sim 3, while a significant increase of the number densities of low mass galaxies is measured with decreasing redshift. In this work, we perform a systematic analysis of the influence of different stellar feedback schemes, carried out in the framework of GAEA, a new semi-analytic model of galaxy formation. It includes a self-consistent treatment for the timings of gas, metal and energy recycling, and for the chemical yields. We show this to be crucial to use observational measurements of the metallicity as independent and powerful constraints for the adopted feedback schemes. The observed trends can be reproduced in the framework of either a strong ejective or preventive feedback model. In the former case, the gas ejection rate must decrease significantly with cosmic time (as suggested by parametrizations of the cosmological `FIRE' simulations). Irrespective of the feedback scheme used, our successful models always imply that up to 60-70 per cent of the baryons reside in an `ejected' reservoir and are unavailable for cooling at high redshift. The same schemes predict physical properties of model galaxies (e.g. gas content, colour, age, and metallicity) that are in much better agreement with observational data than our fiducial model. The overall fraction of passive galaxies is found to be primarily determined by internal physical processes, with environment playing a secondary role.Comment: 30 pages, 19 figures, accepted for publication by MNRAS; note that corresponding new galaxy catalogues (FIRE model) will soon be made publicly available at http://gavo.mpa-garching.mpg.de/Millennium

    Strong stellar-driven outflows shape the evolution of galaxies at cosmic dawn

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    We study galaxy mass assembly and cosmic star formation rate (SFR) at high-redshift (z>\gt4), by comparing data from multiwavelength surveys with predictions from the GAlaxy Evolution and Assembly (GAEA) model. GAEA implements a stellar feedback scheme partially based on cosmological hydrodynamical simulations, that features strong stellar driven outflows and mass-dependent timescale for the re-accretion of ejected gas. In previous work, we have shown that this scheme is able to correctly reproduce the evolution of the galaxy stellar mass function (GSMF) up to z3z\sim3. We contrast model predictions with both rest-frame Ultra-Violet (UV) and optical luminosity functions (LF), which are mostly sensible to the SFR and stellar mass, respectively. We show that GAEA is able to reproduce the shape and redshift evolution of both sets of LFs. We study the impact of dust on the predicted LFs and we find that the required level of dust attenuation is in qualitative agreement with recent estimates based on the UV continuum slope. The consistency between data and model predictions holds for the redshift evolution of the physical quantities well beyond the redshift range considered for the calibration of the original model. In particular, we show that GAEA is able to recover the evolution of the GSMF up to z\sim7 and the cosmic SFR density up to z\sim10.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, accepted on ApJ Letter

    How `heredity' and `environment' shape galaxy properties

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    In this review, I give a brief summary of galaxy evolution processes in hierarchical cosmologies and of their relative importance at different masses, times, and environments. I remind the reader of the processes that are commonly included in modern semi-analytic models of galaxy formation, and I comment on recent results and open issues.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure, to appear in ASP Conference Series (Proceedings of the "Cosmic Frontiers" conference held in Durham, 31st July - 4th August 2006

    On the scatter in the relation between stellar mass and halo mass: random or halo formation time dependent?

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    The empirical HOD model of Wang et al. 2006 fits, by construction, both the stellar mass function and correlation function of galaxies in the local Universe. In contrast, the semi-analytical models of De Lucia & Blazoit 2007 (DLB07) and Guo et al. 2011 (Guo11), built on the same dark matter halo merger trees than the empirical model, still have difficulties in reproducing these observational data simultaneously. We compare the relations between the stellar mass of galaxies and their host halo mass in the three models, and find that they are different. When the relations are rescaled to have the same median values and the same scatter as in Wang et al., the rescaled DLB07 model can fit both the measured galaxy stellar mass function and the correlation function measured in different galaxy stellar mass bins. In contrast, the rescaled Guo11 model still over-predicts the clustering of low-mass galaxies. This indicates that the detail of how galaxies populate the scatter in the stellar mass -- halo mass relation does play an important role in determining the correlation functions of galaxies. While the stellar mass of galaxies in the Wang et al. model depends only on halo mass and is randomly distributed within the scatter, galaxy stellar mass depends also on the halo formation time in semi-analytical models. At fixed value of infall mass, galaxies that lie above the median stellar mass -- halo mass relation reside in haloes that formed earlier, while galaxies that lie below the median relation reside in haloes that formed later. This effect is much stronger in Guo11 than in DLB07, which explains the over-clustering of low mass galaxies in Guo11. Our results illustrate that the assumption of random scatter in the relation between stellar and halo mass as employed by current HOD and abundance matching models may be problematic in case a significant assembly bias exists in the real Universe.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, published in MNRA