25 research outputs found

    Brittle precursors of plastic deformation in a granite: an example from the Mont Blanc massif (Helvetic, western Alps)

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    In the Mont Blanc Helvetic massif, granites record mesoscale Alpine structures, which include joints, veins, cataclastic to mylonitic shear zones and foliated granites. A detailed structural analysis indicates that brittle deformation predates plastic strain. Joints never pass through, and veins are offset by, cataclastic shear zones and mylonites. The mylonites progressively develop by plastic reactivation of cataclastic shear zones during greenschist facies metamorphic conditions. Plastic deformation is first localized in the brittle discontinuities and the fine-grained matrix of cataclasites. Then it involves the granite within brittle shear zones, and this is initially accomplished mainly by flow of reaction-softened aggregates of sericite, widely replacing the strain-supporting magmatic plagioclase. The brittle-to-plastic evolution has resulted in highly localized discontinuous plastic shear zones with high lateral continuity, and these characteristics are derived from reactivation of, and focusing along, pre-existing brittle discontinuities. In addition, mylonites may inherit high angles of intersection, and may contain granite porphyroclasts. These features may allow the inference of a precursor brittle deformation where the plastic overprint has completely erased the initial brittle fabrics

    The mylonites of the Austroalpine Dent Blanche nappe along the northwestern side of the Valpelline Valley (Italian Western Alps)

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    Alpine deformation in the Dent Blanche nsppe (Austroalpine, Western Alps) comprises three main folding phases (D1-D3). Regional schistosity is composite. Development of penetrative mylonitic foliation is associated with both D1 and D2 deformations (S1m, S2m). The northwestern side of the Valpelline Valley has been selected for this study of mylonites. Magmatic (\u201cArolla Serie\u201d Auct.) and Pre-alpine high-T granulite-amphibolite facies metamorphic (\u201cValpelline Serie\u201d Auct.) protoliths were largely converted into fine-grained S-L tectonites. The mylonitic foliation S1m is preserved in areas of D2 low-strain where D2 structures are open to isoclinal folds with axial-plane crenulation cleavage. D2 fold axes are orthogonal to L1 mineral stretching lineation. New mylonitic foliation S2m develops along D2 high-strain zones. Mylonitic lineation L2 is parallel to L1 and trends NW-SE. D3 gives rise to open folding, kinking with flat to steeply-dipping axial planes and subhorizontal axes around NE-SW. D3 does not produce a new penetrative foliation. Alpine evolution includes an early relatively high-P phase (aegirinaugite, garnet, blue amphiboles, phengite, kyanite, zoisite-clinozoisite) followed by white mica-chlorite-actinolite-albite-epidote assemblages typical of Meso-alpine greenschist facies metamorphism. Relatively high-P assemblages are stable on S1. D2 and D3 develop under greenschist facies conditions. Kinematic analysis on microscopic indicators in the mylonites records a top-to-NW sense of tectonic transport.The parallelism between L1 and L2 suggests roughly constant bulk kinematic regime through the Eo-alpine (late Eo-alpine?)/Meso-alpine evolution

    Digoxin bioequivalence study: determination in human plasma by microparticle enzyme immunoassay

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    Objective: In this study a bioanalytical method for digoxin quantification was developed using Abbott AxSYM (R) Digoxin 11 with fluorescence detection to assess the bioequivatence of two digoxin tablet formulations (Digox 0.25 mg tablet from Pharlab Ind. Ltd., Brazil as test formulation and Digoxin (R) 0.25 mg tablet from Laboratorio Glaxo SmithKline, Brazil as reference formulation). Material and methods: 30 healthy volunteers (both sexes) received a single oral dose of digoxin in an open, randomized, two-period crossover study with a seven half-life washout interval of at least (21 days). Plasma samples were obtained over a 288-h interval after each oral administration of digoxin. The present method utilizes microenzyme particle immunoassay technology, in which the digoxin in the sample binds to anti-digoxin-coated microparticles and after separation; digoxin-alkaline phosphatase conjugate binds to the available sites remaining, Digoxin concentrations are calculated from the fluorescent products generated as a result of substrate (4-methylumbelliferyl) passage through the matrix cell. Results: The method was shown to be specific and sensitive with good accuracy and precision. The geometric mean and 90% confidence intervals (CI) for the Digox/Diaoxin (R) ratio were 107.62% (96.71 - 119.80%) for AUCO(0-t), 97.15% (80.54 - 117.19%) for AUC(0-inf), and 91.23% (83.55 - 99.62%) for C-max. Conclusion: Since the 90% CI for the parameters were all within the 80 - 125% interval proposed by the US Food and Drug Administration Agency, the two formulations were considered bioequivalent in terms of rate and extent of absorption.45636637

    Comparative bioavailability study of two phenoxymethylpenicillin potassium tablet formulations in healthy volunteers

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of 2 phenoxymethylpenicillin 500,000 UI tablet formulations in healthy human volunteers. Material and methods: The study was conducted using an open, randomized crossover design with a 7-day washout interval. A single dose of each formulation was administered to 26 healthy volunteers as assessed by clinical and laboratory test evaluations. The plasma samples were obtained over an 8-h interval and phenoxynethylpenicillin concentrations were quantified by a suitable and validated HPLC-UV method with detection at 220 nm. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure and pulse rate measurement were taken pre dose and at intervals up to 8 h. Results: Tolerance of both products was adequate. The mean of Meracilina/Pen-Ve-Oral 500,000 UI% geometric mean was 99.89% for AUC(0-t), 100.86% for AUC(0-infinity). and 101.11% for C-max. The 90% confidence intervals were 94.62 - 105.46%, 95.22 - 106.83% and 98.61 - 103.87%, respectively. The mean recovery of phenoxymethylpenicillin was 94.8%, while the retention time observed for phenoxymethylpenicillin and phenytoin (internal standard) was 4 and 10 min, respectively. The limit of quantification was 0.10 mg/l. Conclusion: Since the 90% CI for AUC(0-t), AUC(0-infinity) and C,a, ratios were all within the 80 - 125% interval proposed by the US FDA and accepted by ANVISA, it was concluded that the Meracilina formulation (manufactured by Ache S.A.) is bioequivalent to Pen-Ve-Oral (manufactured by Eurofarma) for both the rate and the extent of bioavailability.451266967

    Carta Geologica d'Italia alla scala 1:50.000 con note illustrative: Foglio 082 Asiago.

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    Il Foglio n. 082 ASIAGO della Carta Geologica d’Italia, alla scala 1:50.000, è stato realizzato nell’ambito del Progetto CARG (Legge 305/89), con una convenzione tra il Servizio Geologico Nazionale (ora APAT) e la Regione Veneto. La carta è stata realizzata dalla Regione Veneto e dal Dipartimento di Geologia, Paleontologia e Geofisica dell’Università degli Studi di Padova, con la collaborazione del personale delle citate strutture; per la Regione del Veneto (Segreteria all’Ambiente e Territorio, segretario regionale Roberto Casarin; Direzione Geologia e Attività Estrattive, dirigente regionale Andrea Costantini): F. Toffoletto responsabile del progetto, E. Schiavon direttore per la parte applicativa, coadiuvato da F. Mastellone; R. Campana responsabile dell’informatizzazione coadiuvato da V. Perna; per l’Università degli Studi di Padova: G. Barbieri coordinatore scientifico sostituito al suo pensionamento (1.10.2003) da P. Grandesso, già direttore di rilevamento. I rilievi geologici sono stati eseguiti da: G. Barbieri, R. Campana, M. Cucato, P. Gianolla, P. Grandesso, A. Guermani, B. Monopoli, G. Paiero, G. Roghi, A. Schiavo, G.L. Trombetta e D. Zampieri, con contributi di G. Dalla Valle, M. Franceschi, A. Gillarduzzi, M. Scarano, e M. Zannol. I sondaggi geognostici sono stati realizzati a cura del Servizio Forestale Regionale di Belluno (dirigente F. Cristofoletti coadiuvato da C. Gnech). Le Note Illustrative sono state curate da G. Barbieri e P. Grandesso, alla stesura delle quali hanno contribuito A. Zanferrari (basamento cristallino), V. De Zanche, P. Gianolla, G. Roghi (successioni permo-triassiche), M. Cucato (geologia del Quaternario), D. Zampieri (tettonica), W. Del Piero, P. Mietto, E. Schiavon (aspetti applicativi). 8 Il Foglio ricade quasi interamente nella Provincia di Vicenza e comprende territori dei Comuni di Arsiero, Asiago, Bassano del Grappa, Caltrano, Calvene, Campolongo sul Brenta, Cogollo del Cengio, Conco, Enego, Foza, Gallio, Lugo di Vicenza, Lusiana, Pedemonte, Roana, Rotzo, Tonezza del Cimone, Valdastico e Valstagna e parzialmente nella Provincia di Trento, nei Comuni di Borgo Valsugana, Grigno, Lavarone, Levico, Luserna. L’area studiata comprende in tutto o in parte le seguenti tavolette I.G.M., alla scala 1:25.000: “M. Verena”, “Rotzo”, “Arsiero”, “Conco”, “Caltrano”, “M. Lisser”, “Valstagna”, “Asiago”, “Cima Dodici”. Per i rilievi di campagna sono state utilizzate le sezioni della carta tecnica regionale, alla scala 1:10.000: “Cima Manderiolo”, “Cima Portule”, “Spitz Keserle”, “Passo della Forcellona”, “Cascina di Campovecchio”, “Monte Meatta”, “Monte Longara”, “Monte Tonderecar”, “Valdastico”, “Roana”, “Asiago”, “Valstagna”, “Arsiero”, “Cesuna”, “Monte Gusella” e “Conco”. I rilievi geologici sono stati eseguiti negli anni 2000-2003