1,518 research outputs found

    Loop Quantum Cosmology corrections on gravity waves produced during primordial inflation

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    Loop Quantum Gravity (L.Q.G.) is one of the two most promising tentative theory for a quantum description of gravity. When applied to the entire universe, the so-called Loop Quantum Cosmology (L.Q.C.) framework offers microscopical models of the very early stages of the cosmological history, potentially solving the initial singularity problem via bouncing solutions or setting the universe in the appropriate initial conditions for inflation to start, via a phase of super-inflation. More interestingly, L.Q.C. could leave a footprint on cosmological observables such as the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anisotropies. Focusing on the modified dispersion relation when holonomy and inverse-volume corrections arising from the L.Q.C. framework are considered, it is shown that primordial gravity waves generated during inflation are affected by quantum corrections. Depending on the type of corrections, the primordial tensor power spectrum is either suppressed or boosted at large length scales, and strongly departs from the power-law behavior expected in the standard scenario.Comment: to be published in the AIP Proceedings of the 'Invisible Universe International Conference', UNESCO-Paris, June 29-July 3, 2009; 9 pp., 4 Fig

    The perturbed universe in the deformed algebra approach of Loop Quantum Cosmology

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    Loop quantum cosmology is a tentative approach to model the universe down to the Planck era where quantum gravity settings are needed. The quantization of the universe as a dynamical space-time is inspired by Loop Quantum Gravity ideas. In addition, loop quantum cosmology could bridge contact with astronomical observations, and thus potentially investigate quantum cosmology modellings in the light of observations. To do so however, modelling both the background evolution and its perturbations is needed. The latter describe cosmic inhomogeneities that are the main cosmological observables. In this context, we present the so-called deformed algebra approach implementing the quantum corrections to the perturbed universe at an effective level by taking great care of gauge issues. We particularly highlight that in this framework, the algebra of hypersurface deformation receives quantum corrections, and we discuss their meaning. The primordial power spectra of scalar and tensor inhomogeneities are then presented, assuming initial conditions are set in the contracting phase preceding the quantum bounce and the well-known expanding phase of the cosmic history. These spectra are subsequently propagated to angular power spectra of the anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background. It is then shown that regardless of the choice for the initial conditions inside the effective approach for the background evolution (except that they are set in the contracting phase), the predicted angular power spectra of the polarized B-modes exceed the upper bound currently set by observations. The exclusion of this specific version of loop quantum cosmology establishes the falsifiability of the approach, though one shall not conclude here that either loop quantum cosmology or loop quantum gravity is excluded.Comment: Invited paper for a special issue of IJMPD on Loop Quantum Cosmolog

    Holonomy corrections to the cosmological primordial tensor power spectrum

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    Loop quantum gravity is one of the leading candidate theory to non-perturbatively quantize gravity. In this framework, holonomy corrections to the equation of propagation of gravitons in a FLRW background have been derived. We investigate the consequences of those corrections on the tensor power spectrum in de-Sitter and slow-roll inflations, for n=-1/2. Depending on the value of the Barbero-Immirzi parameter, several observational features could be expected.Comment: 5 pages, Proc. of the 43rd Rencontres de Moriond "Cosmology 2008

    Cosmology without time: What to do with a possible signature change from quantum gravitational origin?

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    Within some approaches to loop quantum cosmology, the existence of an Euclidean phase at high density has been suggested. In this article, we try to explain clearly what are the observable consequences of this possible disappearance of time. Depending on whether it is a real fundamental effect or just an instability in the equation of motion, we show that very different conclusions should be drawn. We finally mention some possible consequences of this phenomenon in the black hole sector.Comment: Invited contribution for CQ

    Detecting chiral gravity with the pure pseudospectrum reconstruction of the cosmic microwave background polarized anisotropies

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    We consider the possible detection of parity violation at the linear level in gravity using polarized anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background. Since such a parity violation would lead to non-zero TB and EB correlations, this makes those odd-parity angular power spectra a potential probe of parity violation in the gravitational sector. These spectra are modeled incorporating the impact of lensing and we explore their possible detection in the context of small-scale (balloon-borne or ground-based) experiments and a future satellite mission dedicated to B-mode detection. We assess the statistical uncertainties on their reconstruction using mode-counting and a (more realistic) pure pseudospectrum estimator approach. Those uncertainties are then translated into constraints on the level of parity asymmetry. We found that detecting chiral gravity is impossible for ongoing small-scale experiments. However, for a satellite-like mission, a parity asymmetry of at least 50% could be detected at 68% of confidence level, and a parity asymmetry of 100% is measurable with at least a confidence level of 95%. We also assess the impact of a possible miscalibration of the orientation of the polarized detectors, leading to spurious TB and EB cross-correlations. We show that in the context of pseudospectrum estimation of the angular power spectra, self-calibration of this angle could significantly reduce the statistical significance of the measured level of parity asymmetry (by e.g. a factor ~2.4 for a miscalibration angle of 1 degree). For chiral gravity and assuming a satellite mission dedicated to primordial B-mode, a non detection of the TB and EB correlation would translate into an upper bound on parity violation of 39% at 95% confidence level for a tensor-to-scalar ratio of 0.2, excluding values of the (imaginary) Barbero-Immirzi parameter comprised between 0.2 and 4.9 at 95% CL.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D (typos and references corrected

    Phenomenology of black hole evaporation with a cosmological constant

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    In this brief note, we investigate some possible experimental consequences of the de-Sitter or Anti-de-Sitter background spacetime structure for d-dimensional evaporating black holes. Possible observational signatures in Large Hadron Collider (LHC) events are considered in the framework of the Arkani-Hamed-Dimopoulos-Dvali (ADD) braneworld model. Lower bounds on the value of the bulk cosmological constant required to produce visible effects are derived thanks to a dynamical Monte-Carlo simulation. This preliminary study has to be refined by the accurate computation of the greybody factors. It opens a new way to investigate the structure of non-asymptotically flat higher-dimensional spacetimes.Comment: Proceedings of the HEP2005 conference. Related greybody factors for evaporating black holes available at : http://lpsc.in2p3.fr/ams/greybody

    Transgénicos : ¿20 años alimentando o engañando al mundo?

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    Persisten los mitos y crecen las mentiras, vivamente alimentadas por la industria, sobre los supuestos beneficios de los cultivos transgénicos. Estos engaños se pueden resumir en cinco: que alimentarán al mundo, que producen más, que eliminarán el uso de los agroquímicos, que coexisten armoniosamente con otros cultivos y que son absolutamente seguros para el medio ambiente y la salud. Desmontar el engaño es sencillo, sólo se trata de echar una mirada, desapasionada y objetiva, a lo que de verdad está pasando en el campo, con datos de la propia industria. La conclusión, después de veinte años de siembra transgénica comercial, es clara: ninguna de las promesas se está cumpliendo, más bien todo lo contrario. Veamos los cinco puntos uno por uno