41 research outputs found

    Direct laser writing of periodic structures in a Cu-doped near-surface layer on z-cut LiNbO3 crystals

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    This work is funded by Volkswagen Foundation/Trilateral Project “Investigation of the domain wall conductivity in uniaxial ferroelectrics"

    Investigation of the properties of quantum-dimensional semiconductor particles A3B5 by scanning probe microscopy, obtained by liquid chemical etching

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    The study was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research in the framework of scientific projects 17-07-00407-а and 17-07-00139


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    Aim. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the influence of treatment of partial adentia by means of the dental implantation over the changes in antioxidant-prooxidant balance of oral liquid.Materials and methods. The study was performed on 40 testees divided into 2 groups: the control group (conditionally healthy people) and the test group (patients with adentia of 1-4 teeth). During the initial examination all the testees underwent the sampling of oral liquid. The oral liquid of patients was sampled at three stages of treatment: at the suture release after the dental implantation, at the installation of the healing abutment and at the installation of orthopedic constructions. The concentration of the products of oxidative modifications of biomolecules was determined in oral liquid as well as the state of the system of antioxidant protection.Results. As a result of a study, it was revealed that the antioxidant activity decreased by 20,7% against the background of the increase in intensity of oxidative processes in oral liquid of patients with partial adentia by 1,8 times. During the treatment it was revealed that the tendency of the gradual increase in general antioxidant potential to the control indices and the decrease in oxidative stress in oral liquid took place. The activity of superoxide dismutase and catalase in oral liquid of patients of the 2nd group sampled at the initial examination was higher than the control indices by 71,6% and 53,4% respectively. At the second stage of the treatment the activity of superoxide dismutase remained increased by 59,1% while the catalase activity decreased by 2,4 times up to the indices 1,6 times lower than the control indices. At this stage it may be noted that the catalase insufficiency is relative which can lead to the increased concentration of hydrogen peroxide against the background of the increased activity of superoxide dismutase. At the 3rd and the 4th stages of the treatment the catalase activity increased by 25,9% in comparison with the indices of the previous stage of the study while the activity of superoxide dismutase decreased to the control indices. The correlation of changes in enzymatic activity of antioxidant protection was close to one.Conclusion. The imbalance of antioxidant-prooxidant system at early stages of treatment may provoke the complications development that’s why the attention must be paid to the perspectives of possible antioxidant correction. In general, the results of the study proved the absence of negative influence of the material used in the dental implant on metabolic systems of oral liquid

    Applications of Nanostructural NiTi Alloys for Medical Devices

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    New nanostructural shape memory alloy (55.91 wt% of Ni and 44.03 wt% of Ti) for the production of minimally invasive implantation medical devices (stents) was tested for corrosion resistance under static conditions by dipping it into solutions with various acidities (pH from 1.68 to 9.18) for 2 years, for static mechanical properties and for biocompatibility. The material for investigations was 280‐μm wires before and after thermal treatment at 450°C for 15 min in air and surface mechanical treatment. The characteristic image and size of grains were determined using the transmission electron microscope (TEM), and the phase composition; surface morphology; and the layer‐by‐layer composition were investigated using an X‐ray diffractometer; a scanning electron microscope (SEM); and an Auger spectrometer. The nickel release from the investigated nanostructural nitinol is less in comparison with data for microstructural nitinol in a solution of any acidity. Dissolution in the alkali medium is absent. A significant retardation of the nickel ion release (and insignificant concentration as a whole) and the absence of titanium ion release in the weakly acidic and neutral solutions with polished samples are observed. A simultaneous 7–11% increase in strength and plasticity in comparison with microstructural nitinol was attained. Toxicity of samples has not been revealed

    Using of Magnetron Sputtering for Biocompatible Composites Creating

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    Biocompatible composites obtained using the magnetron sputtering for the production of minimally invasive implantation medical devices (stents) were investigated. Nano- and microdimensional surface layers of Ta, Ti, Ag, and Cu on flat and wire NiTi, Cu, Ti, and SiO2 substrates were created. The phase composition, surface morphology, and the layer-by-layer composition were investigated on an X-ray diffractometer, SEM, and Auger spectrometer. It was shown that the thickness and the structure of surface layers were affected by the sputtering distance, time, power, and the bias voltage at the substrate. The presence of the transition layer that contains both substrate and target elements and provides high adhesion of the surface layer to the substrate has been demonstrated. The material was tested for corrosion resistance under static conditions by dipping into solutions with various acidities (pH from 1.68 to 9.18) for 2 years, static mechanical properties, and biocompatibility in vitro and in vivo. A slight corrosive dissolution was observed only in a medium with a pH of 1.56. Dissolution in the other media is absent. An increase in strength and plasticity in comparison with substrate was attained depending on the nature of the sputtered substance and substrate. Toxicity of samples has not been revealed

    Subsurface disorder and electro-optical properties of proton-exchanged LiNbO3 waveguides produced by different techniques

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    It has been established, that proton-exchanged LiNbO3 waveguides have a marked subsurface layer with structural disorder inducing degradation of electro-optical properties of these waveguides. At the same time, such a subsurface disorder is found to be less pronounced in soft proton-exchanged (SPE) waveguides in comparison with annealed proton-exchanged (APE) ones. The experimental samples of phase modulators fabricated by SPE technique exhibit a better electro-optical efficiency compared to the LiNbO3 modulators produced by the standard and improved APE techniques

    The classical R-matrix of AdS/CFT and its Lie dialgebra structure

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    The classical integrable structure of Z_4-graded supercoset sigma-models, arising in the AdS/CFT correspondence, is formulated within the R-matrix approach. The central object in this construction is the standard R-matrix of the Z_4-twisted loop algebra. However, in order to correctly describe the Lax matrix within this formalism, the standard inner product on this twisted loop algebra requires a further twist induced by the Zhukovsky map, which also plays a key role in the AdS/CFT correspondence. The non-ultralocality of the sigma-model can be understood as stemming from this latter twist since it leads to a non skew-symmetric R-matrix.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figure