5,555 research outputs found

    A savings based method for real-life vehicle routing problems

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    This paper describes a Savings Based algorithm for the Extended Vehicle Routing Problem. This algorithm is compared with a Sequential Insertion algorithm on real-life data. Besides the traditional quality measures such as total distance traveled and total workload, we compare the routing plans of both algorithms according to non-standard quality measures that help to evaluate the "visual attractiveness" of the plan. Computational results show that, in general, the Savings Based algorithm not only performs better with respect to these non-standard quality measures, but also with respect to the traditional measures.distribution;vehicle routing;road transport

    Ready-to-use post-Newtonian gravitational waveforms for binary black holes with non-precessing spins: An update

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    For black-hole binaries whose spins are (anti-) aligned with respect to the orbital angular momentum of the binary, we compute the frequency domain phasing coefficients including the quadratic-in-spin terms up to the third post-Newtonian (3PN) order, the cubic-in-spin terms at the leading order, 3.5PN, and the spin-orbit effects up to the 4PN order. In addition, we obtain the 2PN spin contributions to the amplitude of the frequency-domain gravitational waveforms for non-precessing binaries, using recently derived expressions for the time-domain polarization amplitudes of binaries with generic spins, complete at that accuracy level. These two results are updates to Arun et al. (2009) [1] for amplitude and Wade et al. (2013) [2] for phasing. They should be useful to construct banks of templates that model accurately non-precessing inspiraling binaries, for parameter estimation studies, and or constructing analytical template families that accounts for the inspiral-merger-ringdown phases of the binary.Comment: 8 pages, an additional file (readable in MATHEMATICA) containing all the key results included in the sourc

    Gravitational-wave phasing for low-eccentricity inspiralling compact binaries to 3PN order

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    [abridged] Although gravitational radiation causes inspiralling compact binaries to circularize, a variety of astrophysical scenarios suggest that binaries might have small but nonnegligible orbital eccentricities when they enter the low-frequency bands of ground and space-based gravitational-wave detectors. If not accounted for, even a small orbital eccentricity can cause a potentially significant systematic error in the mass parameters of an inspiralling binary. Gravitational-wave search templates typically rely on the quasi-circular approximation, which provides relatively simple expressions for the gravitational-wave phase to 3.5 post-Newtonian (PN) order. The quasi-Keplerian formalism provides an elegant but complex description of the post-Newtonian corrections to the orbits and waveforms of inspiralling binaries with any eccentricity. Here we specialize the quasi-Keplerian formalism to binaries with low eccentricity. In this limit the non-periodic contribution to the gravitational-wave phasing can be expressed explicitly as simple functions of frequency or time, with little additional complexity beyond the well-known formulas for circular binaries. These eccentric phase corrections are computed to 3PN order and to leading order in the eccentricity for the standard PN approximants. For a variety of systems these eccentricity corrections cause significant corrections to the number of gravitational wave cycles that sweep through a detector's frequency band. This is evaluated using several measures, including a modification of the useful cycles. We also evaluate the role of periodic terms that enter the phasing and discuss how they can be incorporated into some of the PN approximants. While the eccentric extension of the PN approximants is our main objective, this work collects a variety of results that may be of interest to others modeling eccentric relativistic binaries.Comment: 49 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. D. Supplementary materials available at http://link.aps.org/supplemental/10.1103/PhysRevD.93.124061. V2: minor updates to match published versio

    From an axiological standpoint

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    I maintain that intrinsic value is the fundamental concept of axiology. Many contemporary philosophers disagree; they say the proper object of value theory is final value. I examine three accounts of the nature of final value: the first claims that final value is non‐instrumental value; the second claims that final value is the value a thing has as an end; the third claims that final value is ultimate or non‐derivative value. In each case, I argue that the concept of final value described is either identical with the classical notion of intrinsic value or is not a plausible candidate for the primary concept of axiology

    Broadband dielectric response of CaCu3Ti4O12: From dc to the electronic transition regime

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    We report on phonon properties and electronic transitions in CaCu3Ti4O12, a material which reveals a colossal dielectric constant at room temperature without any ferroelectric transition. The results of far- and mid-infrared measurements are compared to those obtained by broadband dielectric and millimeter-wave spectroscopy on the same single crystal. The unusual temperature dependence of phonon eigenfrequencies, dampings and ionic plasma frequencies of low lying phonon modes are analyzed and discussed in detail. Electronic excitations below 4 eV are identified as transitions between full and empty hybridized oxygen-copper bands and between oxygen-copper and unoccupied Ti 3d bands. The unusually small band gap determined from the dc-conductivity (~200 meV) compares well with the optical results.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    Classroom assessment and education: challenging the assumptions of socialisation and instrumentality

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    The opportunity offered by the Umea Symposium to probe the intersection of quality and assessment immediately brings into focus a wider issue – that of the quality of education which assessment aspires to support. Prompted by recent research into formative assessment in Scottish primary school contexts, the paper explores how formative assessment has become associated with an overly benign understanding of learning which misrecognises the possibility of undesirable learning and does not seem to address the inherently political nature of education. Having illuminated the potential inequities of formative assessment practices, the paper then asks what role formative assessment might play to support an understanding of education that is not simply about the transmission of traditional social norms, but also aspires to illuminate their social construction and their political nature