32,093 research outputs found

    Reusable rocket engine turbopump health monitoring system, part 3

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    Degradation mechanisms and sensor identification/selection resulted in a list of degradation modes and a list of sensors that are utilized in the diagnosis of these degradation modes. The sensor list is divided into primary and secondary indicators of the corresponding degradation modes. The signal conditioning requirements are discussed, describing the methods of producing the Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME) post-hot-fire test data to be utilized by the Health Monitoring System. Development of the diagnostic logic and algorithms is also presented. The knowledge engineering approach, as utilized, includes the knowledge acquisition effort, characterization of the expert's problem solving strategy, conceptually defining the form of the applicable knowledge base, and rule base, and identifying an appropriate inferencing mechanism for the problem domain. The resulting logic flow graphs detail the diagnosis/prognosis procedure as followed by the experts. The nature and content of required support data and databases is also presented. The distinction between deep and shallow types of knowledge is identified. Computer coding of the Health Monitoring System is shown to follow the logical inferencing of the logic flow graphs/algorithms

    Zero gravity apparatus Patent

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    Zero gravity apparatus utilizing pneumatic decelerating means to create payload subjected to zero gravity conditions by dropping its heigh

    Quarkonia in Hamiltonian Light-Front QCD

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    A constituent parton picture of hadrons with logarithmic confinement naturally arises in weak coupling light-front QCD. Confinement provides a mass gap that allows the constituent picture to emerge. The effective renormalized Hamiltonian is computed to O(g2){\cal O}(g^2), and used to study charmonium and bottomonium. Radial and angular excitations can be used to fix the coupling α\alpha, the quark mass MM, and the cutoff Λ\Lambda. The resultant hyperfine structure is very close to experiment.Comment: 9 pages, 1 latex figure included in the text. Published version (much more reader-friendly); corrected error in self-energ

    Probing the gravitational geon

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    The Brill-Hartle gravitational geon construct as a spherical shell of small amplitude, high frequency gravitational waves is reviewed and critically analyzed. The Regge-Wheeler formalism is used to represent gravitational wave perturbations of the spherical background as a superposition of tensor spherical harmonics and an attempt is made to build a non-singular solution to meet the requirements of a gravitational geon. High-frequency waves are seen to be a necessary condition for the geon and the field equations are decomposed accordingly. It is shown that this leads to the impossibility of forming a spherical gravitational geon. The attempted constructs of gravitational and electromagnetic geons are contrasted. The spherical shell in the proposed Brill-Hartle geon does not meet the regularity conditions required for a non-singular source and hence cannot be regarded as an adequate geon construct. Since it is the high frequency attribute which is the essential cause of the geon non-viability, it is argued that a geon with less symmetry is an unlikely prospect. The broader implications of the result are discussed with particular reference to the problem of gravitational energy.Comment: Replaced with revised version (substantial changes and additions, conclusions unchanged), 36 pages, LaTex, 3 figures available from the author

    Farmer response to rationed and uncertain irrigation supplies

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    Water resource management / Water use efficiency / Evapotranspiration / Agricultural production / Irrigated farming / Irrigation scheduling / Water allocation / Water supply / Water scarcity / Water delivery / Reservoirs / Uncertainty / Yield

    Bulk/Boundary Thermodynamic Equivalence, and the Bekenstein and Cosmic-Censorship Bounds for Rotating Charged AdS Black Holes

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    We show that one may pass from bulk to boundary thermodynamic quantities for rotating AdS black holes in arbitrary dimensions so that if the bulk quantities satisfy the first law of thermodynamics then so do the boundary CFT quantities. This corrects recent claims that boundary CFT quantities satisfying the first law may only be obtained using bulk quantities measured with respect to a certain frame rotating at infinity, and which therefore do not satisfy the first law. We show that the bulk black hole thermodynamic variables, or equivalently therefore the boundary CFT variables, do not always satisfy a Cardy-Verlinde type formula, but they do always satisfy an AdS-Bekenstein bound. The universal validity of the Bekenstein bound is a consequence of the more fundamental cosmic censorship bound, which we find to hold in all cases examined. We also find that at fixed entropy, the temperature of a rotating black hole is bounded above by that of a non-rotating black hole, in four and five dimensions, but not in six or more dimensions. We find evidence for universal upper bounds for the area of cosmological event horizons and black-hole horizons in rotating black-hole spacetimes with a positive cosmological constant.Comment: Latex, 42 page

    Initial bound state studies in light-front QCD

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    We present the first numerical QCD bound state calculation based on a renormalization group-improved light-front Hamiltonian formalism. The QCD Hamiltonian is determined to second order in the coupling, and it includes two-body confining interactions. We make a momentum expansion, obtaining an equal-time-like Schrodinger equation. This is solved for quark-antiquark constituent states, and we obtain a set of self-consistent parameters by fitting B meson spectra.Comment: 38 pages, latex, 5 latex figures include
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